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Match Reports

Chunky V Woodlands


Chunky 0 - 1 Woodlands


A disastrous night for Chunky saw them slip to their first defeat since the opening game of last season. It was 15 games and a cup competition since Chunky last lost and that was against Woodlands who were the team that last night snatched a 1-0 victory to seriously dent Chunky's hopes of regaining the title.

Things didn't look good for Chunky from the start, with Thong suspended and sub goalie the Cat on international duty it was up to player manager Rat to fit in between the sticks. This left Chunky badly exposed in the outfield and Glitter was forced to move up front to partner super sub Wisdom whilst Zammo dropped back into midfield to do his trademark donkey work. To add to all this a new look and strong Woodlands side seemed to have brought a team the size of a Pakistani family.

The wind was playing havoc with the game as it got underway, it was blowing right across the pitch giving no advantage to either team but in the first half it seemed as if it was blowing right behind the Woodlands boys. Rat was struggling with his distribution on his goalkeeping debut and was not being helped by a static midfield and attack that seemed content to let the ball blow around for 40 minutes, grab a scoreless draw and wait til next week.

The plan would have been faultless had Woodlands not been up for revenge for their two cup final defeats and intending to get their first points of the season after a disappointing start. Chunky were struggling with control and getting the ball on the deck but Woodlands didn't seem to have so much trouble, picking up the countless loose balls from Chunky and attacking in numbers. In the first ten minutes they were restricted to longe range shots which just whistled past the post on two occasions.

It wasn't long before Woodlands dominance told, a quick corner saw the Rat try and intercept before it reached Woodlands' danger man at the back post who was completely unmarked. The Rat failed but Bostik managed to get there to intercept it, strangely though he didn't clear or pass back to the Rat but stood there waiting to be tackled which he duly was before the ball was struck past the prone vermin.

The Rat was fuming and things didn't get any better. Lack of communication and non-existent pressure on the Woodlands back line in the first half saw them streaming out at will and they nearly bagged another two before half time and Chunky were lucky to go in 1-0 down. The team changed at half time as Zammo and Glitter swapped back to their original roles and this seemed to lift Chunky a little but nowhere near enough.

Chunky had more of the ball but were posing little threat and Woodlands were still breaking dangerously and were unlucky not to add to their total. The only chance of the game for Chunky fell to Zammo, a good ball from Magnum picked him out , his control which had let him and the whole team down all night, was good but his finish was well blocked by the keeper and an undeserved equaliser went begging.

There was still time for a bad challenge on Wisdom as two Woodlands players jumped for the ball and sandwiched him to the ground. Seconds later and Magnum had completed his infamous REVENGE TACKLE and what a beauty it was. He sent the Woodlands player into orbit and with the wind as it was he was lucky to come back to terra firma. Magnum was lucky only to receive a yellow card but after that Chunky finally seemed interested. There was only two minutes to go and time soon petered out to leave Chunky defeated for the first time in a very long time. The last time Chunky were beaten, Michael Jackson was black, Zammo and Glitter had girlfriends, Joe Dolce was number 1 and Wisdom had hair.

"Not happy, not happy at all with that!" said the Rat "I knew we'd have trouble tonight because of missing players and the conditions but we still should have put on a better show than that. I've got players coming off saying they tried hard tonight but blaming the wind. I never saw any trying well not in the first half at least, we got a bit better in the second half but there's a lot of people going through the motions at the moment because we've done the double and the hunger is no longer there. They need a kick up the backside and they're going to get one. We need the passion back, there was me in goals playing like Lev Yashin's more agile, better looking brother and these tits passing to Woodlands all night, i think they forgot we were playing in blue, i'm off to get some free pints from these bastards"

Player Ratings

Rat: Probably playing less out of position than he normally does but didn't do much wrong in net. Distribution was not very good but was never going to be in a Gale that was more annoying and fierce than when Mrs Platt discovered Martin had slept with psycho Irish nanny Carmel. Made two or three good saves but was half to blame for the goal. Still the shitness of everyone else gives him an MOM. 6/10 MOM

Bostik: Did not adjust well to the conditions last night. His mazy runs were called for as at least then the ball would be on the deck, but his inability to make the final pass and turn a good run into a great one means it usually ends with Chunky backtracking and under pressure. Has to sort this out and quickly and was to blame for the goal as yet again he failed to let the ball go from his feet 5/10

Piltdown: Did little wrong last night but didn't get involved as much as he usually does. Was being well pressured on the ball by the Woodlands attackers and this stunted his usual good passing from defence. Made some timely tackles as usual though. 5/10

Magnum (Captain): It was a gamble putting two ball winners in midfield but really thats what Chunky needed last night and it should have paid off. Magnum though was being dragged wide when he was needed in the middle. Got through his usual brilliant amount of work but didn't seem to be communicating with his team as usual, lucky not to be red carded but at least this got Chunky going. 5/10

Zammo: Got through some good work in the first half in difficult conditions but his control was letting him down as indeed it was for everyone. After winning a good ball he'd be losing it again with his first touch. When switched to attack he finally started exerting some pressure on the Woodlands back line which had been missing in the first half. Good control for his one chance but should have scored. Rumours are abound that he has lowered himself in Middlesbrough to sleeping with Grotbags' uglier sister. 5/10

Glitter: One of his worst performances in a Chunky shirt. The manager was hoping his creativity, speed and skill would produce the results up front and maybe in decent conditions it would have done. But with Glitter starved of decent service he struggled up front and he soon became despondent. Worked better when he reverted to midfield and the Rat wont be making that change again unless he has to. 5/10

Wisdom: The wind did Chunky one favour in that it seemed to be keeping Wisdom on his feet all night apart from the time when he was ceremoniously dumped to the ground in a manner not seen since the Rat went flailing to the floor like a big girl against Talos. Tried his best up front but the Rat was playing him as a lone striker and he had his work cut out, when he got help in the second half he got Chunky's forward line moving. 5/10

Chunky V Inter


Chunky 1 - 1 Inter


Chunky let their first goal in for 14 games last night as they drew 1-1 with promoted Inter in a game spoiled by the strong winds. It was never going to be pretty in last night's conditions and Chunky may have found the conditions to their liking against a strong side but last night it was the new boys who were thankful for the leveller.

Chunky had last week's missing players back as Thong and Wisdom made a welcome return to give the rest of the squad a much needed boost after last week's debacle. Chunky changed round at the start of the game to play with the wind but it turned out to be far too strong and more of a hindrance than a help. It did enable Chunky to pin Inter back though even if the wind meant they couldn't create much.

The normal poor control of the front pair was made to look even worse by the hurricane and most attempts at trapping from Zammo and Rat were ending up with sighs from the ball boys. Chunky's only real chance of the first half came after good work from Zammo released the Rat near the area but his shot skimmed over when it should have been put away. The vermin was duly replaced by Wisdom.

The first half soon came to a close with neither team really getting to grips with the conditions and goalmouth action being very limited. The spectators that had braved the elements were not being treated to a festival of football to say the least.

The second half was a different matter though as Chunky ignored the strong wind against them and scored a cracking goal within a minute of the restart. The goal involved almost everyone as Chunky sprayed it across the park, good lay offs from Magnum, Zammo, Wisdom and Glitter bamboozled the defence and the final ball from Magnum fell to Glitter who slotted it home after the keeper managed to get a hand to it. It was a wonderful start to the second half and a wonderful goal that made a mockery of the conditions.

Credit to Inter though they came back strongly and yet again Chunky began to ease off the pedal as soon as they'd gone in front. It wasn't long before they received the ultimate punishment. An innocuous throw in was taken on the left and with the runner not picked up the little ginger shit was able to take the ball and slide it under Thong for the first time in nearly 10 hours of football. It was a sad moment for the Chunky team but they did well not to dwell on it and in the last ten minutes really began to dominate.

A good break from Chunky saw the Rat lay on a ball to Glitter who's shot ended up as a pinpoint pass to Magnum, the skipper had time and seemed to place it well but the keeper did well and parried it to safety. Zammo then had a chance after he had done some good tussling down the left but his snapshot just screwed wide of the post. Seconds later and it was the Rat's turn. A nice ball from Glitter found the Rat and the ball bounced temptingly in front of him, the crowd readied themselves to catch it but the vermin struck it well and the keeper had to make a fine save to tip it onto the post and out for a corner. Then Glitter weaved some magic and took on the entire Inter defence before he shot across goal and just wide, this classy piece of skill was undone by his shot later on which made a Rat effort look good. Glitter's left foot effort brought the game to a close and Chunky had missed out on a deserved three points.

Its early days yet but Chunky do have an easy start to the season and they have to perform better than this if they are to regain their title. It does seem as if Chunky have lost their edge and determination a bit and now they dont have that brilliant goal record to defend their passion could diminish further. 4 points from 6 is a good start for Chunky but their fans will be hoping they get into stride quickly before the big guns come on the horizon.

Player Ratings

Thong: Back in goals and despite the huge disappointment of having his goal breached for the first time for a decade he still put in a great performance. The strength of Thong is that even when he doesn't have many saves to make he has a good game. Covered his defence brilliantly with some tidy interceptions, had a good gameplan of bringing the ball out and clearing it from the deck and also managed a sneaky handball at least 5 metres outside his area. Good stuff. 6/10

Piltdown: Didn't play to his best but then no-one did in last night's version of Gone with The Wind. Defensively he was as sound as ever and he played some good balls out from defence to get the Chunksters moving, joined the attack well in the first half too. Chunky could well be seeing more of this man coming forward for the rest of the season. 6/10

Bostik: Doesn't seem to be back to his best yet but like everyone else he's suffering from the early season jitters that plague Chunky as a whole. Seems to be going on his mazy runs again which would be fantastic if there was ever an end result but alas they almost cost Chunky dear as his inability to pass usually gives the opposition chance to break. Concentration lacking last night as well as Inter nearly broke twice whilst he stood there wondering what was for tea. 6/10

Daddy Magnum (captain/father figure): The world is worried as Ireland junior prepares to join this earth in 7 months time. The man with the lethal seed was on good form last night again. Did his usual running as well as setting up the goal for Glitter and nearly bagging one himself after Glitter's pinpoint pass. Chunky will never roll over whilst this man is on the pitch. 6/10


'Call yourself a midwife you're a F***ING disgrace' - 11/10

'It wasn't me' - 2/1

'Does Uncle Dom want a pint?' - 4/1

'Take me to surgery i want these ears pinned back' - 7/1

'Daddy, Uncle Mark is scaring me! Why has he got a plastic nob in the midwife's ear?' - 8/1

'What do you mean red card?' - 10/1

'Daddy why am i black and why have you gone very red' - 16/1

Glitter: Good performance going forward from the skilful one last night. played the game smartly and kept the ball low apart from his ridiculous shot. Took a well taken goal after being involved in the move from start to finish, also nearly won the game for Chunky with the goal of the season but it just went wide. Went awol defensively for much of the game but when he's making his usual inroads up front you cant criticise. 7/10 MOM

Zammo: A good battling performance again for a man who was struggling on his own for most of the night. Conditions weren't beneficial to his usual game of taking down the high balls or chasing on to through balls. It was a nightmare to control anything all night and Zammo did his best and his tussling almost resulted in a goal for himself and one for the Rat. Played like Genghis Khan. 6/10

Rat: Had a pretty poor first half where he failed to control anything and missed a good chance to put Chunky in the lead. Had a new lease of life in his second spell though as he began to get his foot on the ball and spread around some nice passes. Could have won the game for Chunky with a nice shot in the dying minutes but it wasn't to be. 6/10

Wisdom: Did very well indeed in the second half as his ball winning gave Chunky some good chances, also tracked back well to help out but in doing so made the mistake that lead to the goal. Was his only mistake all night though as he got stuck in and laid off some nice balls to keep the attacks coming, nearly score himself after a good solo run too. 6/10

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