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Chunky Hall of Shame

Chunky Norwich have had their fair share of off-field traumas during their short history and most of the sensational stories have been splashed across the back pages of the national rags. This section intends to put rumours to rest and tell the truth behind Chunky's shameful episodes.

Zammo 21/09/01

Once Buckley was known as Letchkov for his perverted nature but not anymore. After returning to the classroom he’s got himself into very bad company and can no longer “Just Say No”. One can only hope that the narcotic schoolboy can be helped and we only pray that Warrington Collegiate Institute has someone at the helm with as much balls as McCluskey.

Zammo-no remorse

Thong 29/09/2000

Perhaps more well known for his liking for ladies underwear but this infamy merely overshadows his worst crime which was to fail to catch the Andrex puppy whilst on Alen Bostik’s stag night and spent the night carrying round his own filth. What makes the whole sorry tale worse is that Thong/Bray/Prince Charmin Ultra attempted to remove the offending excreta with his own fingers. He is now forced to wear his goalie gloves on every night out.

Bray in his own filth yesterday

Glitter May 2001 - present day

This is perhaps the most shameful aspect of Chunky Norwich as a club. Not only were Chunky Norwich shamed by the revelation that Glitter was prone to using his largest digit against unsuspecting girls, they were then further disgraced by the uncovering of the fact that the star midfielder was dating a minor. Chunky are now treated with disdain wherever they go as they decided to stand by the dirty bastard rather than let the Rat play in midfield. He wont be taking his computer into PC World for a while.

Birchall with yet another victim

Magnum and Bostik - May 2001

Probably the time Chunky got most in trouble with members of the public unless you count Halestorm’s star and one time Chunky player Ripper’s international incident of sexually harassing an entire American family. Both incidents happened in the same weekend of Chunky skipper Magnum’s stag do. Incidents were expected but perhaps not this shameful. Returning to the hotel after a 14 hour drinking binge, the captain, Alen Bostik and non-Chunky player Adam Nabozny decided to let off fire extinguishers in the hotel on a scale Stan Collymore could only dream about. Both players were fined 50 pints each by the manager which saw him through the weekend nicely.

Larks: Bostik caught on CCTV