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dirty boy Thong
Goals - 0
MOM - 6
Avg Mark - 6.97
Top Speed - 7mph
Fear Factor - 7/10 when in Thong
Hunk Factor - 10/10 a ladies man that can charm the underwear off them.

i will NOT pass! Alen Bostik
Goals - 2
MOM - 6
Avg Mark - 6.96
Top Speed - 10mph
Fear Factor - 7/10 sticks to his man like he sticks to the ball
Hunk Factor - 8/10 known as the 'Balkan Bollocks'

Goals - 11
MOM - 5
Avg Mark - 7
Top Speed - 25mph to the bar
Fear Factor - 9/10 hairy and scary 10/10 at last orders
Hunk Factor - 2/10 been under the ground for a millennium

rub me down ladies Magnum
Goals - 7
MOM - 8
Avg Mark - 6.96
Top Speed - 4mph with pram and ball and chain
Fear Factor - 9/10 if you're a referee
Hunk Factor - 9/10 just look at that body and tache

give me the bum of a 12yr old Glitter
Goals - 22
MOM - 8
Avg Mark - 6.92
Top Speed - 15mph out of the front door of PC World
Fear Factor - 2/10 for opposition players 10/10 for pre-pubescent boys or girls
Hunk Factor - 8/10 These children cant all be wrong and has a way with his thumb

vermin god Rat
Goals - 24
MOM - 4
Avg Mark - 6.44
Top Speed - 2mph
Fear Factor - 2/10 big girls blouse
Hunk Factor - 9/10 Pure eye candy

i love drugs Zammo
Goals - 3
MOM - 5
Avg Mark - 6.74
Top Speed - 30mph from the Drugs Squad and when late with homework
Fear Factor - 8/10 this drug addled idiot could turn on you at any time
Hunk Factor - 1/10 the ears of an Indian elephant do not go down well with girls

Mr Grimsdale Wisdom
Goals - 1
MOM - 1
Avg Mark - 6.77
Top Speed - 20mph on an out of control hospital bed
Fear Factor - 1/10 cuddly Norman holds no fear, especially on the ground
Hunk Factor - 8/10 the cuteness and lopsided cap send the women wild

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