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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #1
Date: 13/4/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

An Introduction

Animal Magick:
Blackbird and Antelope
The Power of Animals


Pagan Band Review:
Inkubus Sukkubus

Slavic Paganism:
Broken Pysanky

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:

Body and Soul: Holistic Healing


Horoscopes for August

Pagan News:
Wendy Rule

Your Say:
Submit Your Say

Submit Your Own Work

Monthly Horoscopes:


Aries - (Mar. 21- April 20)
Losses will set you off. Control your temper and refrain from putting the blame on someone else. Romance will unfold if you get involved in worthwhile causes. You need to show your worth. You can make career changes if you present yourself and your ideas in a unique way. Your earning potential is increasing. You need to be moving about. Your thirst for knowledge, coupled with your unusual approach to life, will attract new and exciting friendships. Your interest in educational affairs, teaching, and children is growing. Greater self-confidence is helping you deal with others in a more open and honest way, resulting in better friendships.

Taurus - (Apr. 21- may 21)
Don't travel unless you have no other choice. Talk to relatives who have not been too well and see if there is any way you can assist them. Work on home projects. Organize your day carefully. Someone you care about may be overreacting to situations concerning money. Offer to pay their way if it will help. Keep everyone you live with too busy to complain. Children may pose a problem if they don't like your suggestions. Make sure you pay enough attention to your lover if you don't want to contend with pouting and the "poor me" syndrome.

Gemini - (May 22-June 21)
Pleasure trips or visiting friends will be most enjoyable. Changes due to unpredictable individuals in your home will be sudden and unexpected. Handle all the fine details regarding your personal financial situation. Don't question your boss's decisions. Just follow your instructions carefully. Don't get dragged into secret encounters. You are best to keep your feelings and intentions out in the open so that there will be no mistake or misinterpretation of your plans. You can meet that special person if you attend fund-raising events. Your ability to intellectually dazzle others with your unique and innovative ideas will attract attention.

Cancer - (June 22-July 22)
Travel will be enticing but expensive. Be sure to look into the cheapest way to explore the destinations you wish to reach. Don't exaggerate when dealing with other people's lives. You may hurt someone's feelings unintentionally. You need to get out with your friends. Take your mind off your worries and get a new perspective on the dilemmas that face you. Talk to someone you trust to get an opinion on your situation.

Leo - (July 23-Aug 22)
You can make financial deals as long as you use someone else's money. Sudden trips may take you by surprise. Include your mate and mix business with pleasure. Your emotional swings will get you into big trouble with your mate this month. You will hurt someone's feelings without even knowing it, if you don't think about the continents you're making. Include colleagues in your social activities and you will be sure to pick up some valuable information. Make sure you talk to friends or relatives who may need your assistance.

Virgo - (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
Pleasure trips will lead to love. You can catch up on overdue correspondence. Self-awareness classes will broaden your scope as to what makes others tick. Your thoughts will be on work and ways to make extra cash. You may have a gimmick that will be marketable. Talk to someone with experience in this area. Tempers will get out of hand around mid month. Don't start the argument unless you're prepared to accept irreversible results. Be cautious handling tools, machinery, or dangerous objects.

Libra - (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Travel will not be in your best interest. Try to avoid getting into personal confrontations with in-laws or relatives. There is no way they will see your point of view. You must mend any differences you have with your lover without outside influences. Changes in your home can benefit the whole family, if done properly. Let loved ones in on your plans. Your motives may be questioned if you aren't upfront before you start. Don't make rash decisions that you'll regret later on. Drastic measures will not help to turn things around. Keep a low profile and be observant of others. Don't push your luck. Be careful what you say to your boss. Embellishing a situation will only make you look bad. Concentrate on learning not teaching.

Scorpio - (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out and involved in functions that will help you feel needed. You can meet new friends if you're receptive to their advances. You can get romantically involved. However, be careful that your partner isn't spoken for already. Secret affairs are evident, and precautions must be taken to avoid involvement. New relationships can develop through acquaintances made at group activities. Professional and personal responsibilities may interfere with one another. You'll have to be organized. Don't get emotional just because your partner feels like doing something without you. If you make a fuss, you stand to lose a lot more than you imagine. Do your own thing.

Sagittarius - (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
Your attitudes are fluctuating and you are confusing your mate. Try not to be too judgmental when dealing with emotional issues concerning your lover. You both need time to think. Deception is evident in areas concerning colleagues or employers. Do not believe everything you hear, and keep your eyes and ears peeled for hidden clues. Travel for pleasure will result in valuable new acquaintances. You will be privy to information that could lead to a new business enterprise. Keep in mind that a change is as good as a rest.

Capricorn - (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
You need to get out and mingle with those who can help you get ahead. Your involvement in active groups will allow you to demonstrate your leadership qualities. Partners may be difficult to deal with. Do not sign contracts unless you have gone over them with a fine tooth comb. Others may get the wrong impression if you are too open about your personal concerns. You'll be more relaxed. You should enjoy creative endeavors or physical fitness programs that will help get you into shape for the summer.

Aquarius - (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Problems with older members of the family may be a real burden. Try not to overextend yourself at the bank. Unforeseen bills will cause worry and stress. Romantic relationships should stabilize. Pleasure trips will turn out to be better than anticipated. You can catch up on your correspondence and reading. Look into new and unusual forms of entertainment. Look for that pat on the back. You've done your job well and rewards should follow. If they don't, consider looking for a position with a competitive company. Problems at home are festering. Don't overlook the fact that someone you care about may be hiding something. You must try to communicate if you wish to help.

Pisces - (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Gear up for participating in social events. You will do well at games of strategy. Creative hobbies will allow you to express yourself. Spend time interacting with others. You need a release. Do something that will be relaxing yet enjoyable. Activities that involve children will be satisfying. Your creative talent needs a new outlet. Don't argue with loved ones. Channel your energy into home-improvement projects that will benefit everyone. Your emotions may be hard to control if you are caught in a love triangle.

- The Circle of Light (c) 2001 -
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