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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #1
Date: 13/4/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

An Introduction

Animal Magick:
Blackbird and Antelope
The Power of Animals


Pagan Band Review:
Inkubus Sukkubus

Slavic Paganism:
Broken Pysanky

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:

Body and Soul: Holistic Healing


Horoscopes for August

Pagan News:
Wendy Rule

Your Say:
Submit Your Say

Submit Your Own Work

Animal Magick:

The Power of Animals

(c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

Throughout all of history, animals have been held sacred in tribes, clans, civilizations, cultures and religions. Shamans, Medicine Men and Women, and Witch Doctors of the ancient tribal systems knew that each animal held its own great power, and that this power could (and should) be tapped into. There were many ways to do this:

1) Eat a part of the animal
It was believed that if you ate a certain part of an animal (and in some cases a human), you would develop that power. For example, if you ate the eyes of a hawk or eagle, you would be given incredible sight. If you ate the heart of a lion or another large hunter, you would be given courage, determination, and strength. It was also believed that if you ate the genitals of a male bull, you would be given sexual prowess (bull genitals are still sold today in some places as a powerful aphrodisiac).

2) Dress in the skin of the animal
Many Witch Doctors and Shamans would dress in the skins of their power animal/s. By wearing the skins, they were connecting to the spirit of that animal. They would also mimick the actions and sounds of that animal, to further increase the spiritual connection.

3) Shapeshifting
Shapeshifting is where you change your physical, spiritual, mental or emotional state into that of an animals. It is generally believed that you should only do this with an animal you have a strong connection with (like your animal guide, or totem), as it will achieve the best results. Ancient tribes would attempt shapeshifting while dressed in animal skins, and often under the influence of powerful hallicougenic drugs. However, we can shapeshift without the use of drugs (never use mind-altering substances while using magick, the results can and almost certainly will be disastrous) and animal skins.

Of course, in the modern world its almost impossible to do things like eat animal parts and dress in animal skins. But there are many ways that we can connect with animals in deep and spiritual ways.

One of these ways is finding your animal guide, also known as a totem, or power animal. Animal guides are animals in the astral or spiritual realm, who are chosen to watch over us, teach us, and help us. We all have animal guides, whether we believe in them or not.

It is important to find your animal guides (there are many animal guides that surround each person - some are temporary (in your life to teach you a lesson before they move on), some are directional (a Native American belief that there are animals for each of the directions, and these animals change with each person) - but there is usually two main guides, one who rules your feminine side, one who rules your masculine side. Out of these two, one will often be more dominant, this will change depending on who you are, and often change as you change as a person). When you have found your animal guide/s, you need to learn to connect with them (or at least the main one). This is a long and often difficult process, which some people take years to achieve. I do believe that all people can achieve this connection, as long as they are determined to. Connecting with your animal guide will allow you to being to adopt that animal's trait or magickal qualities.

Another way to connect to the animals and their magick is by meditation. Think of what qualities you want to manifest in yourself (trust, cautiousness, cunning, etc), and which animal or animals display those qualities. Enter a quiet state of mind, through your preferred meditation method, and being to think about that animal. Think of the qualities of that animal you wish to have in yourself. You might have to repeat the process a few times, but eventually you will be able to manifest those qualities within you.

Shapeshifting is a great way to connect to the power of animals, and have their qualities become part of you. It takes a lot of practice, and you need good concentration, but it's easy to get the hang on.

First prepare the area. You might want to clear the room of things like tables, chairs, boxes, or anything you might trip over, as you might get the desire to dance and act out the behaviours of your chosen animal. Make sure that you will not be disturbed, and play some quiet background music if you like (if you have a recording of the animal, play that, or a recording of the type of place the animal would live is good too).

You want to have some light in the area, but not too much and not too little. Several candles on the top of flat surfaces which you won't bump into would be good, or just leave the curtains open a little bit.

Enter a quiet, meditative state. If you wish, you could gently beat a drum, or shake some rattles. See the animal you wish to become before you, in your mind's eye. Pay attention to every little detail - the way it's fur/feathers/hair sits, the eyes, the way it moves, what it sounds like. See it come closer and closer to you, until it enters your being - now you and the animal have joined. Get up, and begin to move like that animal - you will probably feel stupid at first, but keep it up, keep the animal fixed firmly in your mind's eye. You might want to make the noises that animal makes - mimick them to the best of your ability. After a short while, sit down, and see the process in reverse - the animal leaves your body, and slowly disappears. Sit for a few minutes to get used to the feeling of your normal body, then open your eyes. Write down everything you experienced while being that animal. You might have to repeat the process over a few days (or weeks) before you start to feel an emotional and mental change when you "become" the animal. Take your time, don't rush - the more you rush it, the longer it will take to happen.

During ritual you can use the power of animals. You must, though, know what animal qualities you want manifested in your ritual, and which animals are best to use. To use their power, simply see them forming next to you, and lending their energy and power to the ritual. You might want to call on your animal guides - I do this alot, and it increases the power of my spells incredibly!

Animals are just like people - they each have their own unique gifts and talents. It's up to you to find them. :)

Blessed Be in Love and Light,
Taliana WolfSpirit
(c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

Email Taliana at:

(c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

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