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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #1
Date: 13/4/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

An Introduction

Animal Magick:
Blackbird and Antelope
The Power of Animals


Pagan Band Review:
Inkubus Sukkubus

Slavic Paganism:
Broken Pysanky

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:

Body and Soul: Holistic Healing


Horoscopes for August

Pagan News:
Wendy Rule

Your Say:
Submit Your Say

Submit Your Own Work



Some of the following information has been extracted or paraphrased from: Yogiraj Shri Shri Lahiri Mahashay by J.C. Bhattacharya (1997) reprinted by the Amrita Foundation, Inc., Dallas Texas, P.O. Box 190978, 75219-0978. The book is also available on line on Yoga Niketan's website at:

According to Bhattacharya, Yoga is the union of the individual soul with the Infinite Consciousness or Paramatman. The goal of all spiritual practices is the attainment of the same Infinite or Super Consciousness, by whichever name one may describe it. In this wider sense all spiritual masters are Yogis. There is, however, a particular variety of spiritual practices (Sadhana) which are called Yoga in a narrower sense, and it is usually in this sense that the word Yoga is used. This Sadhana consists mainly in controlling the Prana-vitalizing breath with Pranayama and other processes. The Yogi starts with the postulate that the microcosm contains everything that is in the macrocosm.

There is a Bengali proverb which states that what is absent in our body is also non-existent in the universe. The Yogi therefore considers his own body as the temple for worshipping the Supreme Self (Paramatma).

Kriya Yoga Simplified for the Common by Shri Shri Lahiri Mahashay.

The greatest contribution of Shri Shri Lahiri Mahashay to the world is that he, according to the instructions of his Great Guru Shri Shri Babaji Maharaj, simplified the infinite multiplicity of the processes of Raja yoga into a few stages and made it available to the common man, especially the householder who is simply lost in the wilderness of worldly duties. It is next to impossible for a householder to follow the strict principles of restraint enunciated in the "Ashtanga (eight step) Yoga" of Patanjali. The processes in the Kriya yoga taught by Lahiri Mahasaya make us gradually fit to unfold the Divine within ourselves, with much less effort than is usually necessary. Individual Yogis have always been there in India, but due to a great general deterioration in the mass consciousness characteristic of the current world cycle of Kali Yuga, Yogic processes remained circumscribed in the hands of Yogis alone. It was much too difficult for the common man to follow. Only those who would be ready to dedicate their lives to the cause of the Divine, would be initiated into the teachings. Naturally, their number was very small. The majority of the people had no opportunity to follow the principles of Yoga even if they might have eagerness for these. It was Yogiraj Shri Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya who felt for us at the heart of his heart and spread the Divine Kriya yoga at a time when the world was just getting ripe for a new era of spiritual synthesis.

Kriya yoga teaches man that God is to be discovered in his own body first, concentrating his gaze on the point between his eye-brows. Once man realizes God within his own body, he automatically realizes Him in others too. His body is the temple where he starts worshipping the Prana which controls the entire physical machinery. Each and everybody has this Prana-vitalizing force in common and by realizing its mystery through Pranayama, etc., man realizes the Supreme Consciousness that controls the universe, for it is the same force that impels the individual and the universe. Thus, Kriya yoga will go a great way in bringing about a sense of unity amongst all men and women, and ultimately in bringing about world peace. We are on the threshold of a new era. The immortal teachings of Lahiri Mahashaya came for us at the proper moment. Preparations have been going on, and we are surely ahead of a great spiritual resurgence of India and the world.

Basic yoga exercises in your home (and garden :)):

This month learn and take time out to focus your self. :)

Place a soft gym mat or rug on a level surface sit cross legged in the center of the mat and begin the process of centering.....

Feel with each breath you draw inwards your body beggining to pull its self into the ground with every breath feel the 'roots' of your body begin to conect and mingle with those of the trees and the plants below your own self ..... 'earth' all your excess energies by casting the in to the ground ever time you breath out.See the negative energies returning through the roots you have created in the form of a dull glow. see them being cast into the ground and being renewed into a positive light force.....draw them back up with each inward breath......and feel the light radiating from your body....the new cleansed energy filling every cell of your body .... feel it sooth and excite.

Take as long as you need/want on this exercise - it is the most rewarding of all.some people find that this is all they need to do ..... as it is so soothing just to earth your unwanted excess energies.....

Thats All For This Month!
Goddess Blessings!
Love and Light

Wishing you all a happy "Easter long weekend"

Iolanthe / Thee!
x x x x x
Iolanthe Ortesian/Thee

Email Thee at:

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