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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #2
Date: 13/5/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note


Daily Divination
by Taliana WolfSpirit

New Sections:

Psychic Gifts:
Astral Travelling

Teen Witch and Spiritonline

Book of Shadows

Regular Sections:

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Pagan Band Review
Moving Breath

Your Say:
Submit Your Say
Read What Others Say

Submit Your Own Work

Book of Shadows:
Animal Protection

Submitted by Silvermoon

Basic Animal Protection:
On the back of your pets tags, place etched protective signs such as pentagrams or rune symbols. Visualize these protective qualities being charged into the tag as you scratch them in. You could also make your own tag for your pet, then carve your symbols into them and hang them on the collar.
For animals in cages or tanks, place a protective object within their environment, such as holed stones, crystals or seashells.You can also place a white cord or braided yarn around the outside bottom of the cage or tank that contains nine knots.

To protect a dog:
The dog I wanted to protect is a beautiful, loving pet. He is also a Westie and very protective of his family. My fear has always been that he would protect them from intruders or other harm and later be harmed himself because of the fear many people have of the breed.
Call your dog into the circle and draw a pentagram in Protection Oil on his forehead. Then recite:

"Hecate, Dark Mother
In protecting this home
In your place as is right
Stands one of your own.

In defending this house
And all creatures within
Your sacred beast
Is your true loyal friend.

Keep him from harm
As he guards all he loves
And watch over him
So below, as above.

To protect a cat:
The cat in this case was my nans cat. She had just moved and he kept running away every time a door or window was opened and I was worried that he would get run over or lost.
Call your cat into the circle and draw a pentagram in Protection Oil on his forehead. Then recite:

"Moon Goddess, I ask
That you keep [name] at home
And safe from his mischief
And desire to roam.

Give him the contentment
Known to his race
And see that he's happy
In this his new place.

Back to the Book of Shadows

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