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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #2
Date: 13/5/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note


Daily Divination
by Taliana WolfSpirit

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Daily Divination
(c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

Divination is a helpful tool that aids us in personal insight, as well as giving us some tips and guidance about life in general. There are many wonderful tools that we can use for divination, but my personal favorite are divination cards (such as the Tarot). It doesn't take very long to just draw a few cards out of the deck, and find out how they apply to your life. Because the cards are very simple to use, they are ideal in daily divination.

Daily divination often gives us clues and ideas on how to deal with the lessons each new day brings. It sometimes gives us an idea about just what we might face during the day, or what we need to foucus upon within ourselves, or watch out for in others.

While daily divination is extremely useful, be careful that you don't grow dependant on it. Divination will NOT tell you all the answers you need to know, nor will it tell you everything about the day. In fact, if you overuse your divination methods, the answers you recieve will become less and less specific, only leaving you with even more questions. The key to successful divination (especially daily divination) is using your divination tools in MODERATION, and making sure you do not become dependant on them.

Because the cards are my favorite divination tool, I will be using them as my main focus in this let us begin :)

Daily divination is best performed in the morning, soon after you awaken. While it is quite alright to ask the cards specific questions, you might find it benefical to stay away from questions, focusing instead of using the cards to give you guidance about your day or life in general.

When you focus on your day in general, you may gain tips and hints about certain situations that may arise during your day, and so be better prepared to deal with them.

If you are asking the cards specific questions, try to stay away from yes/no questions. The cards tend to work best if you ask for answers and solutions, or guidance, not yes or no answers. Also, limit your questions to only about two or three - if you ask too many questions, the cards will stop giving you precise answers, and sometimes they will stop giving you answers at all.

Never rely or become dependant on daily divination. No form of divination will give you exact and precise guidance each and everytime. There are things in your future that noone can predict, because your future changes with each choice you make. Simply use daily divination as a way to give you guidance, or things to focus on during the day. Sometimes it is helpful to note during the day the things that the divination didn't mention, just so that you realise how much the cards leave in the dark at times.

Daily divination is very helpful if you have a certain situation arising in the day that you aren't sure how to deal with, for example, a meeting with the boss, or a talk with a teacher. If you know that something is coming up during the day, and you have no idea how to deal with it, draw a few cards as a means of guidance.

Now, the spreads :)

One Card:

One Card Spread

The simplest method to use is the one card draw. Shuffle your deck thoroughly, invert half the deck if you wish, and make sure the cards are mixed well. Then, spread the cards out, and pick whichever card you are most drawn to.

Meditate on the card for a few moments, work out what that card means to you. You might want to write down the name of the card and its meanings on a piece of paper to carry around with you through the day. The one card method is good for immediate insight into a situation, and while it can be used for yes/no questions, I recommend resisting the urge to ask yes/no questions.

If you wish to apply the one card method to a specific situation or problem, think clearly about that situation/problem as you shuffle the deck. Keep the question fixed in your mind as you draw a card, and meditate on the drawn card to find an answer to your question.

Three Card:

Three Card Spread/Past Present Future Spread

The three card draw tells you about yourself.

Card One - Past. This card indicates how you have been in the past. It could show what lessons you have learned, or what you have been through/overcome.

Card Two - Present. What you need to focus on NOW, what lessons you need to learn, and what you need to overcome (either within yourself, or in life in general).

Card Three - Future. It indicates a POSSIBLE outcome of the future. If it is a negative outcome, it could indicate what will happen if you do not learn the lessons indicated in card 2. If it is a positive outcome, it could indicate what wil happen if you DO learn the lessons indicated in card 2.
Note, however, that the future card is NOT set in stone. It will change daily, as does your future, because your future is largely effected by your decisions from day to day.

This spread can also be used to indicate your possible process during the day:

Card One - Start of the day. Could indicate how you start you day, or what qualities are strongest in you when you begin your daily activites. If it is a negative card, it could indicate a negative quality within you that will affect the rest of your day, and possibly the people around you.

Card Two - During the day. This card will usually indicate how you day will proceed, be it good or bad. It could also indicate how YOU change during the day, how you deal with the people and situtations you face, or how you SHOULD be dealing with the people and situations.

Card Three - End of the day. Card Three often shows what lesson you should of learnt by the end of the day, or the quality you will of strengthened within yourself. It could be a card to aim towards - live the day in a way that will gain you the attributes of card three. If it is a negative card, it will often imply what will happen if you do not learn the lessons of the other two cards.

Father Sky/Mother Earth Spread:

Father Sky/Mother Earth Spread

While this spread is best used for balancing yourself in confusing times, it is also a good spread to do during the morning.

This spread is found in the Medicine Card book that accompanies the Medicine Card deck, by Sams and Carson. In the book, this definition is found:
"Every being has two sides to its personality: the female side or self, and the male side or self. Your male side is warrior energy: not war-like energy, but rather demonstrative energy. It is the side of you that has the courage to move forward, and the part of your being that is the protector of all you create. The male portion of you chooses to move forward into the world and seek adventure or to put ideas into action. It can be the father within who is alwasy there to teach and console you. It can also be the medicine man within who knows how to heal you with his shamanistic ways. Father Sky relates to the right side of the body, which is ruled by the left brain, or analytical side of the mind. The Father Sky card is the present embodiment of these aspects of yourself. The Mother Earth side of the body is the left side, the female side, which is ruled by the right brain, or intuitive side of the mind. The female receptive side of your nature knows how to allow the manifestation of life, and how to recieve goodness through the process of allowing all things their time. It is goddess energy, the anima, the mother within, the wise-woman, and the enchantress, as well as the little girl. The Mother Earth card is the nuturing side of your nature that houses the creative force. Within the Great Mystery all things exist. The ideas that will be reality and have material form are all seeds in hte time/space of the intuitive side of your nature. Female energy may be mysterious because it is constantly giving birth to new ideas and life forms; hence the changeability of woman. This card is your creative nature and your ability to recieve those ideas from the Great Mystery."

To do this spread, shuffle the deck well, and invert half the deck if you wish. When you are ready, spread the deck out, face down, and pick one card with your right hand, and another with your left. Turn them over, and meditate on them, focusing on the balance between your male-side (right) and your female-side (left).

Meditate deeply on the meanings of the cards, and find out how the two cards could work together. If one, or both, of the cards are negative, then it could be a sign that that side of yourself is unbalanced. Whether you are balanced or unbalanced, call on the God or Goddess, and ask her/him/them to help you keep balance within, and find a way to make your two halves work together in harmony to create a well balanced ONE.

Using this spread as your daily divination can help you get through the day as one balanced and efficent person. It doesn't give you answers about your DAY, or what you might face, but it gives you answers about yourself, so that you may be better equipped to deal with the day effectively.

The above are only guides to the three main spread I use for daily divination. You may wish to invent your own meanings for each card, and how to apply them to your life. The more personalised you make the spreads, the more effective and benefical each spread will be for you.


The cards will never tell you everything you need to know. If they did, you would never grow, and you would never learn to deal with things on your own. Look to the cards, and any other divination method, as a way to get guidance, or an opinion if you like. Never look at them as the answer to everything, because if you do, you will be sorely disappointed.

Blessed Be in Love and Light,
Taliana WolfSpirit

(c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

Email Taliana WolfSpirit at:

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