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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #2
Date: 13/5/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note


Daily Divination
by Taliana WolfSpirit

New Sections:

Psychic Gifts:
Astral Travelling

Teen Witch and Spiritonline

Book of Shadows

Regular Sections:

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Pagan Band Review
Moving Breath

Your Say:
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Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:

Submitted by Ryan Bennington
Information from various sources


Jupiter is of Roman root. In Latin his name means "Shining Father". The Eagle is his animal, as well as his messenger. The thunderbolt is his symbol, and white and blue are his colors. In alchemy, he is represented by tin.

Other titles of Jupiter include:
Caelestis (heavenly)
Lucetius (of the light)
Totans (thunderer)
Fulgurator (of the lightning).

Jupiter is traditionally shown as a bearded, older man, often naked and holding or throwing a thunderbolt. He can be either standing or seated. His sacred animal was the eagle, which he usually holds in an outstretched hand, or has standing at his feet. Most Roman images of Jupiter are styled after Greek images of Zeus, but in spite of many similarities, he is not simply a Roman version of Zeus.

Jupiter (also called Jove) was one of the most important of the Roman gods, continuously evolving with Roman needs. He was the son of Cronos (ie Saturn, whom he dethroned) and Ops or Rhea, and brother of Neptune and Juno.

In the early Republican era, when Rome was an agricultural city, he first appeared as an agricultural god in charge of sun and moonlight (Jupiter Lucetius), wind, rain, storms, thunder and lightning (Jupiter Elicius), sowing (Jupiter Dapalis), creative forces (Jupiter Liber) and the boundary stones of fields (Jupiter Terminus).

As Rome developed into a city of commerce and military force, Jupiter evolved into a protector of the city and state of Rome. As with his earlier agricultural form, he could be invoked through a variety of titles, each dependent on the responsibilities being requested of him:

As great god of the Empire - JUPITER OPTIMUS MAXIMUS.
As protector of the Empire - JUPITER CONSERVATOR ORBIS
As protector of the Emperor - JUPITER CONSERVATOR AUGUSTORUM

His main temple was the "Capitolim Vetus", situated on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, which he shared with Juno (his sister and consort) and Minerva, to form the Capitoline Triad. He also presided over the Roman games.He determined the course of human affairs and made known the future through signs in the heavens, the flight of birds etc. As Jupiter was lord of HEAVEN and bringer of light, white was the colour sacerd to him; hence among the alchemists Jupiter designated tin. In heraldry Jupiter stands for azure, the blue of the heavens.

Jupiter was first visited by Pioneer 10 in 1973 and later by Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2 and Ulysses. Jupiter and the other gas planets have high velocity winds which are confined in wide bands of latitude. The winds blow in opposite directions in adjacent bands. Slight chemical and temperature differences between these bands are responsible for the colored bands that dominate the planet's appearance. The light colored bands are called zones; the dark ones belts. The bands have been known for some time on Jupiter, but the complex vortices in the boundary regions between the bands were first seen by Voyager. Jupiter's atmosphere was also found to be quite turbulent. This indicates that Jupiter's winds are driven in large part by its internal heat rather than from solar input as on Earth.

The Great Red Spot is a storm on Jupiter, big enough to hold two Earths. Other smaller but similar spots have been known for decades. Spots also appear on Saturn and Neptune. Jupiter has a very strong gravitational field and is very dense.

When it is in the nighttime sky, Jupiter is either the 3rd or fourth brightest thing in the sky at night. Jupiter has 16 known satellites, the four large Galilean moons and 12 small ones. Jupiter is very gradually slowing down due to the tidal drag produced by the Galilean satellites. Also, the same tidal forces are changing the orbits of the moons, very slowly forcing them farther from Jupiter.

Jupiter's satellites are named for other figures in the life of Zeus (mostly his lovers).

Between Jupiter and Io are the moons Metis, Adrastea,Amalthea, and Thebe. Outside Callisto are Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carma,Pasiphae, and Sinope.

Rings: Halo,Main, Gossamer

Our knowledge of the interior of Jupiter (and the other gas planets) is highly indirect and likely to remain so for some time.

Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius and takes 12 years to circle the zodiac, giving each sign luck for one year. Known as the lucky planet because it expands whatever it touches, including opportunities in the sector it is visiting. It is such a fortunate planet that it also rules wealth and tangible, solid, financial gain. Additionally, Jupiter brings vision, faith, optimism, loyalty, justice, confidence and even wisdom.

Submitted by Ryan Bennington
(c) Ryan Bennington 2001

Email Ryan at:

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