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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #2
Date: 13/5/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note


Daily Divination
by Taliana WolfSpirit

New Sections:

Psychic Gifts:
Astral Travelling

Teen Witch and Spiritonline

Book of Shadows

Regular Sections:

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Pagan Band Review
Moving Breath

Your Say:
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by Faith

Teen Witch
One of the first books I bought was Teen Witch by Silver RavenWolf..
I'd heard it from a lot of teens that this book was one of the best I could own. So when I got the chance I bought it, and marveled at the five teenagers in a V formation. It looked so cool.
But when I read this book, I had mixed emotions about it.
Silver RavenWolf is a very eloquent writer. She writes in a way that makes teens feel connected to her. I believe that is why so many teens love her books. As a writer, I consider her to be a pretty good one. As for content, that is where the mixed emotions come into harbor.
When I read this, I got the impression that magick could solve anything. Her spells are a good example. I flipped to a random spell page, page 224. On it is an Un-Ground Me Spell.
Is she serious by putting this in her book? I have heard adult witches and wiccans scoff at her books, particularly this one, saying she fills it up with nonsense. Looking at this spell, I can't help but agree.
She adds a lot of nonsense, and we teenagers just eat them up.
I'm not saying that her books are all fluff. She does a good job, in my opinion, it describe different types of magick. I believe that she also did a good job making her point that everyone practices differently, and that you need to be comfortable with the way you do it.
For a beginner new to Wicca, this can be a very useful book, but it may alter the way you see spells and the way more serious people see them.

Spirit Online: ..... this is the first web site that I ever really looked at when I started on my path. It, like Teen Witch was recommended to me by my friends. If you are starting out in the Craft, or even if you have been studying for years, this is a web site you have to check out.
Not only does it deal with Wicca and Witchcraft, but it deals with shamanism, Buddhism, and Islamic as well. It also has sections of dreams, meditations and OBE's. It contains a tons of links to just about anything you might want to learn about.
Spiritonline has it's own auction, so if you're looking to get some things at a cheap price you might want to check it out.
It has recipes and just a lot of other great things.
I find this to be one of the best web sites out there for anyone. It has chalk loads of information that you may not be able to find anywhere else. I also liked their book of deities, which is a quick little run down of thousands of deities.
This is a web site I really urge you to check out!!

Have any comments or criticisms you would like to share? Or do you have a book or website that you want to be reviewed and shown to the readers of The Circle of Light? Send an email to:

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