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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Due to technical reasons, you won't be able to find each site by clicking the banner. So please, if you wish to visit the site, please type the site's name into a search engine.
Sorry for the inconvience!!

Click here to view Iolanthe's Body & Soul Section (it will open in a new browser window, so please keep this one open as you can not navigate from the Body & Soul window):

Yoga Site Reviews

Blessed Be,
Iolanthe / Thee

(c) Iolanthe / Thee 2001

Email Iolanthe / Thee at:

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- The Circle of Light (c) 2001 -
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Images and graphics on this site that belong to The Circle of Light bear the (c) symbol, either in pop up word block format, or as text on the image. They may not be used in any way without the express written permission of The Circle of Light.