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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


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by Apasi and Sarah Wallace

(c) Apasi and Sarah Wallace 2001

I am Apasi and I am in charge of the healing crystals section of the newsletter along with Sarah Wallace. This issue we've done something slightly different with this section focusing on healing. So let me know which style you prefer.

Apasi + Sarah Wallace

But first an important note:

If you are suffering from a medical condition go to the doctor! Never try crystal healing unless you are trained. Healing is about making the body stronger. Those who need curing go visit a doctor!

The Top 6 Healing Stones!

1) Amethyst: I mentioned this stone in my last section. Although it is less powerful than Fluorite Amethyst is an essential healing stone. The stone, which belongs to the quartz family, contained iron and is often linked to the zodiac. It gives protection to those who wear it and was even used by Christian crusaders. The stone can help with dreams and has often been used by healers to inspire dreams. It's main purpose is the healing of organs and general healing.
AMETHYST this probably the most popular gem variety of quartz, occouring in shades of pale shades to pure deep violet with bluish and reddish intermeadiate shades. They rarely show a uniform distrabution of shades. They are usually 4 to 5 inches long. some turn green when heated. This is probably the most popular quartz variety. It occours in many different shades of violet.

2) Carnelian: Carnelian is most often used for healing blood disorders and the removal of body waste. It is used to link the physical and spirit body and with chakra healing. Throughout history it was used to prevent anger, stop nosebleeds and fulfil desires (Muslim). In Spanish history it helped voice projection for royalty. In modern times it is used in meditation and to help with stress.

3) Citrine: Citrine is most useful when used to help communication between two people i.e. family. Many people use Citrine to help them find their road in life or at least point the direction. Again this stone is good when used in meditation and links the spiritual and physical bodies.

4) Fluorite: The most important healing stone for the Age of Aquarius and is a powerful gemstone. It was used by ancient civilisations. It is a symbol of humanity. It strengthens bone tissue, beneficial to sufferers of osteoporsis, a repairer, help bring peace to troubled minds and useful in meditation.

5) Obsidian: Obsidian is a natural rock formed by volcanic lava and should be used with a lighter rock i.e snowy rock. It is used for relieveing stomach troubles, clearing the mind, balance confusion and helps expand physic powers.

6) Sodalite: This blue peppered sone helps those who suffer anxieties, nervous problems, balanc the mind, lower blood pressure, promote communictaion and help with sweet dreams.

Healing Tips

Gem elixirs are made by soaking the necassary stone in water. This is used to draw healing vibrations from the crystal into the body.
Elixir oils are used in aromtherapy and again uses the gemstones's vibratioan to work.


If you use crystals for healing use a certain room each time.
Make sure you create the correct atmosphere.
After a healing session, stretch.
It is possible to use a crystal rod for healing.
Crystal healing is often done, using chakras.
Pendulums are often used for healing.
Crystals are used in meditation and meditational healing.
Aura healing can involve crystals.
Frequently crystals are used to inspire sweet dreams.

Please email me at with what you would like in the next issue. If you would like me to expand on the above topics or something new, let me know!

I hope you found this section to be useful for you.

Blessed Be
Sarah Wallace

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