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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes


You hate going out on a limb, but this month you may have to. You will have to speak from your heart and be guided by your instincts. You'll find a challenge this month but soon you'll realise you knew all along what to say.
RELATIONSHIPS: The latter part of the month brings improvement to your love life, be that your present or future special one. This is where this person will start taking more notice of you. A new start for some capricorns.
MONEY: Small wins.
HEALTH: A bit patchy.


Now is the perfect time to sort out persistant and puzzling problems. The full moon will deal with your dreams and wishes and bring something to a finish. Good vibes for being in a club or association.
RELATIONSHIPS: Your stars often bring an opotunity to turn a friend into a lover, but you're too wise for that. You know you'll lose that friend and the lover when the going gets tough, as it probably will.
MONEY: Try a lottery ticket.
HEALTH: Pretty good.


This month will bring some sort of acclaim or increase in prestige. People may not carry you shoulder high through the streets but they will leave you with no doubts as to their respect for you.
RELATIONSHIPS: This is the month to let others know you are the one they need. There are also good stars for home and family matters.
MONEY: A little extra.
HEALTH: Arms or hands.


You will be able to say many things about this month but you'll never say it was dull. There will be a problem with or through a neighbor or a relative. Travel prospects look good too.
RELATIONSHIPS: A lively month here, but the livelyness you get may not be what you want. Fortunatly you'll tend to be philosophical about it all, but then you'll have to be.
MONEY: Improving vibes.
HEALTH: No problems seen.

(Apr.21-May 20)

You'll start off all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but it won't be long before someone destroys that. Infact it'll be around the 23rd. When things start to unravel. Try to be patient a little longer.
RELATIONSHIPS: There is a little fire in your angle of sexuallity, it'll mean alot if you can convince someone else they should respond to it!!!
MONEY: Partner helps out.
HEALTH: Looking good.

(May 20-Jun.21)

Discordant notes are around you when you may have to takeover from someone and do their job. A busy month but one full of rewards.
RELATIONSHIPS: The full moon will bring great vibes for co-oprative activities. This is not a time to go it alone.
MONEY: A bit short
HEALTH: Hands or arms


In your job, you'll be pushed to the background this month, even if you're a high profile profesional.
RELATIONSHIPS: The first week brings good vibes for this month but that's all you could say.
MONEY: Extra through work.
HEALTH: Minor problems.


If you've been considering some sort of business arrangement, this is the time to do it. Lucky stars are shining on you so you'll be in the right place at the right time.
RELATIONSHIPS: The full moon in your angle of love is brings good vibes for that sort of thing.
MONEY: Wins likely.
HEALTH: Avoid excess.


Something is going to come to an end this month. You won't care for this, but that's mainly because you aren't expecting it.
RELATIONSHIPS: This month is emphasising family. You will bring things to a head here so you can clear the air and get things back to normal.
MONEY: More expenses.
HEALTH: Sudden upsets.


You will travel this month, short distance maybe. Mainly long distance or interstate.
RELATIONSHIPS: Friendships with family and neighbors are going bad....could it be something you did a long time ago??
MONEY: Going through it.
HEALTH: Things look good.


You will lose, break or damage something you value. You will feel like you have to repar or fix it, this will be a very expensive exercise.
RELATIONSHIPS: With the loving Venus in your sign, you will certainly finish this month happy.
MONEY: Looking good.
HEALTH: No problems seen.

(Nov.20- Dec.21)

There is lots of restlessness for you this month. Do things that advance you materially this month, not just spiritually or physically.
RELATIONSHIPS: You will recieve an offer this week that is hard to refuse, but refuse you will, for if not, much trouble may come of it.
MONEY: Minor wins.
HEALTH: Stomach region.

Blessed Be,
Sarah Wallace

Email Sarah at:

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