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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


Editor's Note

Goddess Greetings, and welcome to the third issue of The Circle of Light. You might notice that the site has a slightly new design - some of the new features you won't be able to view unless you are using Netscape Navigator/Internet Explorer version 4 or above.

There are a couple of new sections in this issue, including Reiki and Tzu Wei astrology. Also, so of the sections have been done by different people, as many of the members of The Circle of Light Team have had exams that have taken priority.

Finally I would like to announce that I have just become a 1st degree Priestess, and I'm really happy about that!! (*yay!*). I am a student at an online Wiccan college, where you can get your degrees (1st, 2nd and 3rd degree). Go take a look at the college:

They have a wonderful 1st degree program, which is good if you are starting a complete novice, and its just as good if you have been in the Craft for a while, as it builds on what you already know.

Oh! I almost forgot!! There will be a total solar eclipse on the 21st of June, which just so happens to be the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, and the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. This will be a time of very powerful magick, no matter where you are, or how "complete" the eclipse is where you live :) So don't forget! June 21st, the Winter Solstice (Southern Hemisphere)/Summer Solstice(Nothern Hemisphere), there is an eclipse! So start planning what kind of things you want to get done during that time. To find out more about this eclipse, please visit the site below:

Thats about all I have to say for this month, so take care of yourselves!

Blessed Be in Love and Light
Taliana WolfSpirit

(c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

Email Taliana at:

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