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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

Butterfly Messiah - Picture from

Butterfly Messiah is a truly unique band from Florida, it is only composed of two people, but believe me, and it doesn't make much difference if they have talent. It is composed of Shannon Garson and Robert Nightshade.

Their whole attitude is, as stated on their website as:
"We are the Dark Coven delivering Occulture to the masses, infecting youth with the seeds of truth, revealing to the experienced the program they have blindly believed in their whole lives."

Robert has some very thought provoking essays he has written for the site and Shannon has many poems that are as great as the essays. This proves that not only can the band make great music, they try to express their views in other ways.

The band Butterfly Messiah has a very gothicy sound and is very hard to explain. One could say it is techno, or industrial, or rock, but it is something more than that.

Everyone I have ever played this band for has fallen in love with the dark and encompassing feeling to listen and drift off into a world that they created.

Another great quote that is from their site is:
"The prophets of the Goddess of night, death and birth; we are Butterfly Messiah."

A lot of the things expressed in the band deal with faeries, nature, the moon, occultism, the gothic, and other very interesting topics. Through their music they seem to make you want to listen to it and almost bring you into a trance type state of mind.

Recommended for a very interesting and unique band that would be very hard to replicate.

The thing that really makes me love this band is the fact that they are so unique and through a somewhat hypnotic sound that keeps you listening. It is very hard for me to not finish listening to one song by them.

I rate this band a definite 5 out of 5.

The song that I would recommend a first time listener would have to be the Land Beneath the Waves.

Official Site: Site:

Blessed Be,
Loon Red Wanderer

(c) Loon Red Wanderer 2001

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