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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


An Introduction

(c) Eaglemedicine Woman 2001

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eaglemedicine Woman, I am Taliana WolfSpirit's mum, I have been following a spiritual path all my life, and I will continue to do just that for however long I remain on this earth. I have seen many walks of life, been through many personal challenges, sacrificed a great deal of which caused me great pain and just as great a healing. I take my spirituality very seriously. I encourage you to do the same. A spiritual walk is about change, that word so may people dislike!! Especially adults. Younger people are a lot more ready to go through changes and try something new. Adults get caught up in foolish pride, ego, fear, and all the other negative emotions that come from living as a human, not dealing with hurts and rejections. So, I encourage you to always stay young at heart, open to change, open to working on the biggest hinderence in your life, you!!!!! We so readily blame our parents or others for things, but really, it is just a case of they aren't working on themselves and you aren't working on yourself to cope with it better.

What I wish to achieve here, is to take you through some Reiki, this is sacred material, and it should be treated that way, remember, energy put out in a wrong spirit will, undoubtably come back to you, many-fold, always seek to use energy in a pure heart and spirit. What I am about to teach you is for you to do on yourself, sure, it can be used on others, but remember, the energy can only be as pure as the vessel!!! The purer your heart, the purer the healing energy will be. If you are not working on yourself to improve you, then the energy will if you like be slightly "toxic", or un-pure. If you imagine a dirty glass that has been sitting around for a few months, furry mould on it from lack of care and internal cleanliness, then you pour some cool, refreshing pure water in it, I think we can all agree that as we drink it, there is going to be some contamination of the water.

Now, I am not saying that to do Reiki on someone you will contaminate them, but it won't be as effective as it could have been had you been constantly dealing with your own!!!

I am a second generation healer, I have used "hands on healing" for many years. My grandmother was a healer and she touched many lives in her time of healing at much loss to herself, her choice to follow her healing path came with great sacrifice. Do not take healing lightly, it is a big responsibility, it is not just a case of going through some training, getting a certificate and there you have it with a chest so puffed up with pride and ego you could burst at any moment. No, it is a path of love, purity of heart, of constant change as you work on yourself to be a better person. A path of service to others, for good of others, it can touch people on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. It can also be used on animals, it can be sent to the other side of the world and it can be used for planetary healing, yes, healing our dear mother, and we only have to look around to see that she really does need it. It is a path of sacrifice, I say sacrifice because sometimes, we just don’t want to work on an area in our life. We don’t want to deal with something because it causes too much pain, but I want to encourage you to make that sacrifice, it is all worth it in the end, for you and the person receiving a healing.

In the following issues, I will be taking you through some Reiki theory, the material here is from my website:

so some of the things that you have already read here, you will read again, you may want to take a look at the other things that I have there. There is a Healing Request page, where you can leave requests for healing. I intend "My Healing Lodge", to be a place of change, a place of learning, a place of healing, a sanctuary for those seeking peace. I pray that universal blessings be upon you and your next seven generations. May the God and Goddess be with you always.

In love and purity
~Eaglemedicine Woman~

As I stand at the edge of a mountain and look down,
I can see how far I can fall,
How high I can fly

Spread your wings and fly

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