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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


Psychic Gifts:

(c) Silvermoon 2001

Willow using telekinisis to levitate a pencil (from BtVS)Intro:

Telekenisis is the ability to move something on the physical realm using psychic power (basically, it's moving an object with your mind). Anyone can do this it just takes practice and concentration. There are many theories on how this works. The thoery that I believe is that every object and person has an energy field around it. When we use telekenisis, we push our energy field aginst an objects so then it moves. It's like when you use the positive end aginst the negative end of a magnet, they push away from each other. Anyway, teleiknisis can be achieved through methods (some of which I will be talking about later).


There is quite a history with telekenisis, the main thing is that it has been a very popular "superhero" power and has appeared in many supernatural t.v shows (my favorite being Charmed). People with enough practice (years and years) might even be powerful enough to acieve some of the things that Prue does.


The main reasons for you to attempt telekenisis are to widen your psychic abilities, to be able to get the remote control from the other sofa because you can't be bothered to get up and also to be able to feel another objects energy. The list is way longer than that, but they are the reasons I thought were the most important (especially the remote control one). Everyone has their own personal resons for attempting things like telekenisis (maybe it's to impress your friends) but it doesn't matter what reason you choose, but make sure it doesn't effect the most basic of wiccan rules: "an harm none, do what ye will".

When and Where?:

The best place is a quiet place where you can concentrate. Also, make sure that the place isn't to dark and has nothing that might disrupt your concentration.


There are many different ways of channeling your telekisis. I have two favourite methods and here they are:

The Fork-Bending Excersise:
Meditate for half an hour.
Find a spoon or fork. Hold utensil in your hands.
Sit in a quiet space, breath deeply, and relax yourself. Escape mentally from all thoughts and sounds. With your eyes shut, rub your fingertips lightly over the surface of the spoon's handle.
Feel the surface without necessarily thinking about it. Become a "part" of it, the atoms of the metal mixing with the atoms of your fingers and the air so that they flow together as thought they are water.
Imagine it melting into liquid.
This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actual feel the energy and the warmth on the metal.
At the moment you feel the momentum of the energy, bend it! Don't put physical force on it - you're not testing your ability to bend a spoon with your hands. You already know you can do that. It's your mind we're testing.

Moving A Small Object:
Choose a small, lightweight object, preferably made of a light metal, such as a cheap ring.
Clear your mind completely. You should have NO distractions whatsoever, and try not to let erroneous thoughts into your mind, or you will lose your focus. Concentration is vital.
Build a "tunnel" between you and the object. Visualize this tunnel between yourself and the object. You only see the object. Everything else is outside of the tunnel, and thus, outside of your view.
Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... ).
It may sound silly, but it works!

Don't expect this to work the first time you try it. It might, but there is also a chance it will not. Try, try again! If you cannot devote your time and patience to this, don't bother trying it at all.

Web Pages:

Next Month, I will be exploring the art of telepathy.

Merry Part

Email Silvermoon at:

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