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The Circle of Light Issue #3
Date: 13/6/2001

In this issue:

Slavic Sorcery

Animal Magick:
Mockingbird and Fox

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Iolanthe's Body & Soul:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei

Pagan Band Review:
Butterfly Messiah

An Introduction

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Psychic Gifts:


Your Say


Written in the Stars:
Tzu Wei (Purple Star) Astrology


The Tzu Wei method of astrology is well known in China, it is still different and pure from the many ancient astrological systems. For an example, the other Chinese astrological system, is called the Szu Chu. Szu Chu translates into English as ‘Four-Pole’, this is the same as Tzu Wei translating into ‘Purple Star’. People in China used these seperately, but in Japan their method is to fuse the two Chinese astrological systems together.

Tzu Wei astrology had been written down in the Sung dynasty, which was 960-1280 AD. The master astrologer, Ch’en T’u Nan, his additional name, Ch’en Hsi I which was took at 20 years, in ancient China, drew the Tzu Wei astrological system together. During the T’ang dynasty, which was 618-907 AD, the Tzu Wei astrological system elements were already being practised.

In Chinese and in Chinese ancient history, Tzu Wei was a name of the god, of Tzu Wei astrology which has been called ‘Tzu Wei Tou Shu’, which translates into ‘Purple Star Calculation’. Tzu Wei is also the god of the Pole Star.

Stars are used to calculate your horoscope, the Tzu Wei are used aswell as the other stars such as the litracy stars, montly stars, yearly stars, and T’ien Fu stars, real or imaginary. These are plotted on the chart, to make your visualled horoscope.

Tzu Wei astrology is not independent on your star sign, they are independent on the year, month, day and hour of your birth. In addition to this, they are not dayly, monthly, or yearly, they are about your whole life and about your ming (life / fate). Such as, if you are going to have a long or short life, if you’re going to be rich or poor, and if you are going to have a good fortune or not- it is all answered in Tzu Wei astrology.

On the Tzu Wei chart, there are 12 boxes, these are called palaces, they represent one aspect of life in each of the boxes.

These are the names of the palaces and their aspect of life:

Ming Palace - Your life and fate, natural abilities, physical appearance, and your success in general and business.

Brothers’ and Sisters’ Palace – Your relationships with your friends, brothers, sisters and colleages.

Marital Palace – Your affinity with your partner, and appointed fate brought you, and your partner together.

Man and Woman Palace – Your relationship with your children, your fertility and sexual happiness.

Wealth Palace – Your overall wealth and level of income.

Sickness Palace – Your physical health (accidental or illness).

Moving Palace – Your movements (as in travelling), your success at work, and your developing and expansion to new areas.

Servants’ Palace – Your relationships with your inferiors, and if they are working under you or not, and if they are being honest or harmful.

Officials’ Palace – Your relationship with your superiors, and whether or not, you are going to be successful in your job.

Property Palace – How much property will be owned by you, and if your family life will be good or bad.

Fortune and Virtue Palace – Your pyschological and physical condition, in addition, your longevity.

Parents’ Palace – Your relationship with your parents, your parents expressed harmony to each other, and if their lives have good or bad luck.


Tzu Wei Horoscopes

Taliana WolfSpirit

If you would like your Tzu Wei horoscope done, please email me with your birth name, birth date and time of birth.


Thankyou to the authors of "Complete Chinese Horoscopes", that would be Kwok Man-ho, Joanne O’Brien and Martin Palmer. It was their book that I learnt Tzu Wei astrology from. Mind you, it was complicated at first, but now its clear to me where everything fits. Also a thankyou to my friends, because I have been doing Tzu Wei astrology at lunchtimes while everyone else is talking about something, or looking at what I’m writing and probably thinking why I’m doing this, and who are those people??? And no, I’m not going to tell them, they can keep guessing!

Blessed Be,

(c) Clare 2001

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