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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Animal Magick
© Sara McCormick and Taliana WolfSpirit



Magic, Shapeshifting, and Creation
Cycle of Power:
Winter Solstice
Magickal Attribuites:
Initiation, Protection, Prophecy, Tell of the death of one thing and the birth of another

The Raven represents change. Maybe a change in consciousness. The Raven is the guardian of ceremonial magick and in any type of healing, he is present. Raven is also known as the messenger that carries the energy flows and magick from the ceremony to the intended destination/person. The Raven also represnets the power of the unknown. The Raven can teach you how to transform what is unformed unto reality. The Raven has the knowledge of how to become other animals and how to speak their languages. You could almost call him the master. The Raven also reminds you to not forget your inner child, to believe in what your mind might tell you to deny. Keeping innocence and not giving up on hope, or magick. - Sara

The Raven should be honored as the bringer of magick. If you have been messing around with magickal things that you have no knowledge about, then Raven may turn up to teach you a lesson. If you fear the dark side of magick, then Raven is here to teach you to learn about your inner fears, and the negative things you have created yourself. Raven also comes to give you the courage and inner strength to enter the darkness of the void, the unknown. Raven teaches you that the unknown is not to be feared, but embraced, because the unknown, and the void, are part of the All, or the universally present Divine power.
The Raven is black - and in many cultures black is not the color of evil. Black can mean many things. What does black mean to you? Do you see the dark as something that is evil and to be feared? Or as something that keeps the balance?
The Raven's message is to not fear the darkness, and to embrace the magick of the darkness when the time comes.
Raven is also the animal of healing, both spiritual and physical.
When Raven flies into your cards, magick is in the air. You won't be able to figure it out - so don't try. Know that something special is about to happen, and be ready to embrace it, NOT explain it.
The other side of Raven is that you may be getting back what you sent out. If you have harmed someone, in some way, then Raven could be here to tell you that it's coming back around, three times three. Raven may also be telling you that you have settled down into a rut in life, and that it's time for you to get out of the rut and start experiencing new things.
Raven could also be warning you that you may be confused about things going on in your life, because somewhere inside of you you are trying to explain everything that happens in life.
Raven wants you to learn that you should never go beyond that which you are trained for. Move to a new level only when you are properly equipped, and don't rush things. - Taliana



Travel, Power and Freedom
Cycle of Power:

Just think about the Horse. Think of how much it has given us. Before the Horse was domesticated, there wasn't really a way to get from one place to another, leading to very ilttle interaction in society. The Horse has served us in travel, war, africulture and in other ways. The Horse has brought the world closer. Just looking at a Horse can cause a person to think of power. For they are quite powerful. Yet beautiful and graceful while holding their power. Horses are said to have the powers of divination and the ability to recoqnize those involved in magick. The Horse has also been a symbol of not only power, but desire. The stallion was often used as a symbol of sexuality and dominance. The Horse brings journeys. And it teaches you how to find your freedom and power. - Sara

The Horse represents both physical and divine/spiritual power. The following comes from the instruction book for the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson:

Dreamwalker, a medicine man, was walking across the plains to visit the Arapaho Nation. He carried with him his pipe. The feather tied into his long black hair pointed to the ground, marking him as a man of peace. Over the rise of a hill, Dreamwalker saw a herd of wild mustangs running toward him.
Black Stallion approached him and asked if he was seeking an answer on his journey. Black Stallion said, "I am from the Voice where Answer lives. Ride on my back and know the power of entering the Darkness and finding the Light". Dreamwalker thanked Black Stallion and agreed to visit him when his medicine was needed in the Dreamtime.
Yellow Stallion approached Dreamwalker next and offered to take him to the East, where illumination lives. Dreamwalker could share the answers he found there to teach and illuminate others. Once again, Dreamwalker thanked Yellow Stallion and said he would use these gifts of power on his journey.
Red Stallion approached, rearing playfully. He told Dreamwalker of the joys of balancing work and heavy medicine with the joyful experiences of play. He reminded Dreamwalker that he could better hold the attention of those he taught when humor was integrated with the lesson. Dreamwalker thanked him and promised to remember the gift of joy.
Dreamwalker was nearing his destination. The Arapaho Nation was close at hand. White Stallion came to the front of the herd. Dreamwalker mounted White Stallion's back. White Stallion was the message carrier for all the other horses, and represented wisdom in power. This magnificent horse was the embodiment of the balanced medicine shield. "No abuse of power will ever lead to wisdom," said White Stallion. "You, Dreamwalker, have made this journey to heal a brother in need, to share the sacred pipe, and to heal the Mother Earth. You have the knowledge through humility that you are an instrument of Great Spirit. As I carry you upon my back, you carry the needs of the people on yours. In wisdom, you understand that power is not given lightly but awarded to those who are willing to carry responsibility in a balanced manner.".
Dreamwalker, the shaman, had been healed by the visit of the wild horses, and knew that his purpose in coming to the Arapaho was to share these gifts with them.
The Horse represents balance, and the power and wisdom that comes from balance. - Taliana

Blessings and Love,

© Sara McCormick 2001


Taliana WolfSpirit

© Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

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