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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Book of Shadows:
3 Candle Magick Bath Recipe

Submitted by Taliana WolfSpirit
Written by "Aunt Tripsie"

I got this off an egroup I am on, a while back. The only editting I have done to it is spelling mistakes and formatting. I am not Aunt Tripsie, nor do I know her.

This ritual was designed for a friend of mine who was going through a rough time at home and needed a "pick-me-up" and was part of a "kit" that I had made for her. She was not pagan at all, but this "Recipe" was something she could understand and work with. This was the reason for the term "recipe" - the words spells and rituals made her uncomfortable. I have found that if you use a different name that isn't as "loaded", like spell or ritual, people will accept this sort of thing more readily. This "recipe" is designed for peace, tranquility, and wisdom. The whole key to this "recipe" is relaxation. The more relaxed you are the better it works. It does not need to be done in a cast circle or sacred space, you can if you want, but it is not necessary. I am sure the recipe could be re-worked for a "non-bathtub" setting as well.

On the votives I had carved one rune on four sides of the candle and rolled the candle in charged gardenia oil and then in glitter to make it pretty. (I don't remember what runes I used). I had also given her some tea/incense to use as well. The tea is easy to make, simply add 2 tablespoons mixture to a coffee filter (10 cup pot) and brew. The tea can also be thrown on a charcoal block and used for incense as well.

Here is the recipe:

Aunt Tripsie's Psychic Tea
4 Parts Damiana (Turnera Aphrodisica is preferred)
2 Parts Yarrow
2 Parts Spearmint
1 Part Lemon Verbena
1 Part Skullcap
(Note: 1 part = 1 fluid ounce, what I have been using are 1 oz. pill cups)

Supplies Needed for the recipe
1 Pink Votive (Icy pastels were originally used and are preferred)
1 Green Votive (see note above)
1 Blue Votive (see note above)
As many white tapers as you feel you might need (3 are suggested)

First, draw a nice steaming hot bath and turn off water when filled. Put on what ever music you feel helps you to relax. Take the oil and hold it in your hand for a moment, then imagine that the oil is filled with a white cleansing light that comes from you, imagine this light filling the oil with cleansing and protective energy, when you feel that you have put enough energy into the oil, add the oil to the bath water. As you pour the oil into the bathtub say:

"Oil of Gardenia bloom
Take away the negative and the gloom
This your task shall be
This is my will, so mote it be!

Place the candles around the edge of the bathtub. Be careful when placing candles near flammable objects, such as the shower curtain. (You can wrap the shower curtain over the curtain bar or tie a knot half way up). Light the white tapers and say:

"Tapers of white, sacred to all
I light you now the room to fill
With your peace and light.
This I will with all my might.

Take each of the colored candles and do the same that you did with the oil, but this time allow your need's energy to fill the candle. For the pink put in peace, tranquillity, for the blue put in wisdom, for the green put in growth or what ever you feel symbolizes what you need; when you've finished each candle place the candles on the tub rim with the other candle. Place and light each candle following the directions below.
Pink Candle:

"Candle of cold pinkish hue
Peace and tranquillity I find in you.
Soft as a gentle summer breeze
I light you now (Light candle) to put my mind at ease.

Blue Candle:

"Candle of cool breezy blue, like icy ink
In you I find the wisdom of how to think
In your wise and loving depths I sink
I light you now (Light candle) to give me wisdom when I think.

Green Candle:

"Candle of cool wintry green
From your flame growth I glean
Growth in many different ways, I mean
I light you now (Light candle) to help me grow in ways I've not seen.

Now that you have all the candles lit, you may relax in the bath and feel the energy of the candles working to bring you your need. During the bath you may wish to think about how you can help the candles in your everyday life. You may also wish to take a mental journey while in the bath. You visualize whatever you feel will help you in the attainment of the needs you want. This could be going into the ocean to speak with the Queen of the sea, climbing a mountain, or whatever else, you are only limited by your imagination. Have fun with it.

May your bath bring you much peace, love and bright blessings.

Blessed Be,
Aunt Tripsie

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