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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Book of Shadows:
To Break An Addiction

Written and Submitted by Taliana WolfSpirit

- 1 sheet of paper
- 1 black candle
- 1 white candle

Light the black candle, then light the white.

On one half of the paper, write your addiction. On the other half, write the following affirmation three times:

"I do not need to (addiction)"

Tear the paper in half, so that the addiction is on one half, and the affirmation on the other.

Burn the "addiction" half in the flame of the black candle, while saying the following:

"Cut the bonds, break the chains
Unwound, unbound, unwound, unbound.
I am free of my prison, of this affliction,
Ashes, dust, begone this addiction!

Repeat the above until the paper is gone. Place it in a heatproof container when it gets too close to your fingers - but make sure it is all burnt up.

Now hold the affirmation half over the white candle (don't burn it!) and repeat the following:

"The bonds are cut, the chains are broken,
Unwound, unbound, unwound, unbound.
I am free of this affliction,
No longer controlled by my addiction.

Now fold this piece of paper in half and drip the white candle's wax over it to seal it.

Let the candles burn down, and throw the remains of the black candle in the bin, along with the ashes of the addiction.

Carry the waxed over peice of paper with you. Whenever you feel your cravings coming back, hold the peice of paper and tell yourself:

"The bonds are cut, the chains are broken,
Unwound, unbound, unwound, unbound.
I am free of this affliction,
No longer controlled by my addiction.

To help with the withdrawal symptoms, meditate frequently, maintain a healthy diet, get regular sleep and excerise, and wear a soothing, anxiety relieving oil blend (see the Oils section).

If you get extremely ill with the withdrawal symptoms, consult your doctor - but the important thing is to not give in to the urges.

If you're a smoker or a drug/alcohol-addict, just think of all the money you'll have saved to spend on stuff you REALLY want (like a car, a boat, a holiday).

After each successful month of fighting your addiction, reward yourself with a little something. If your addiction was expensive, then with the money you've saved from not entertaining your addiction go to the movies, or a resturant, or treat yourself to an aromatherapy massage.

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