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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Book of Shadows:
Ritual to Improve Communication

Written and Submitted by Taliana WolfSpirit

This ritual was originally written to help a girl get her parents to talk to her again, after she told them she was a Wiccan. I've editted it, so that it can be used and/or rewritten for most cases and people.

1 white candle
1 pink candle
1 black candle
God/dess candle (optional)
Rose incense (optional) or any other calming incense
Rose quartz (to promote friendship, understanding, and calm of mind and spirit)
Peace Oil (see below)
Paper (can be plain paper, or note paper, whatever. Make sure you have alot, because as you write, more feelings will come, things that you want to express)
Pen/s (whatever colors you like)
A large envelope, that can hold a lot of paper

Peace Oil
In a base or carrier oil (olive oil is good), place the following essential oils:
3 drops ylang ylang
3 drops lavendar
1 drop jasmine
1 drop rose oil or rose otto

If you do not have some of these oils, you may use whatever you feel drawn to use.

Anoint the white and pink candles with peace oil. Place some on your wrists, or at the base of your throat.
Can also anoint the rose quartz with it if you wish. Place a little in an oil burner, and light the oil burner's candle a few minutes before you start the ritual.

The Ritual:
Cast the circle in your usual way. Light the incense (if you are using it).
Sit before the altar and meditate for a few minutes. Concentrate on getting rid of all negative feelings towards the person/s.
When you feel calm inside, and your mind is clear, light the white candle and say:

"I call upon the powers of the universe, of the One, to grant (people) and myself peace and understanding.
I banish all confusion - it is gone, never to return. May peace lie once more upon (people) and I.

Now light the pink candle:

"For peace, love and understanding, I call upon the powers of the universe and the One.
Allow my heart to speak in writing, so that I may once again communicate with my parents.
May love and understanding flow forth.

Light the black candle:

"By the powers of the universe and of the one, I banish all confusion.
I remove all hatred and fear. As this flame burns, may all negativity be removed from this household/place/relationship, peace and unity once more ruling.

Now hold the rose quartz in your nonwriting hand, and begin to write a letter to the people.
Explain your feelings, what you think about the problem.
If you caused the problem initally (even if you didn't mean to), you need to write a heart-felt apology. Don't lay any blame on anyone.
Write whatever your heart tells you to write - remember that your aim is to bring peace and communication back between yourself and the people involved.

Now, sprinkle a few drops of the Peace Oil on the letter and anything that is going to be included in the envelope.
Seal the envelope, smear a few drops of oil on the join, and hold it against your heart saying:

"I empower this envelope and it's contents with love and understanding.
May those who read it be enlightened, and understand me once more.
Take away all fear and hatred, replace them with love and understanding.
If I be to the will of the One, then As I Will It, So Mote It Be.

Now give it to the person as soon as possible, but leave them alone to read it.
If you feel that the problem may still remain after they read the letter, then carve pink candles with your names, and light them for several minutes each night, concentrating on bringing back peace and harmony.

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