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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Witchy Craft Ideas

Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
By Matt Daughenbaugh
(easy and cheap to make)

First you need to collect four glass bottles. I think the drink Sobe and Voodoo Rain bottles work the best. For those that don't know Sobe and Voodoo Rain are herbally enhanced drinks. They taste really great.

Fill each bottle up with distilled water and place green food coloring in one, red food coloring in the other, yellow food coloring in the other and blue food coloring in the last one. If you can't get all these colors use other kinds of dyes but food coloring is the easiest.

Then place 13 pennies in the bottum of each bottle. Cap the bottles and place in your bedroom window sill. WHen the sun comes up through the day it will make a little rainbow if you room is facing the sun in the morning. These are a great craft to make to represent earth, air, fire and water. You can also make other colors too. Make an orange one for strength, a pink one for love, a purple one for psychic awareness.

Pentagram Dream Catcher
By Matt Daughenbaugh
(used for protection and a dream filter)

Go outside and collect some flexible wood to shape into a circle. Rowan, honeysuckle vines or grape vines work great. Tie the wood into a circle. Take black ribbon and wrap it all around it so the wood is covered by the ribbon. Now take some white string and shape it off into a pentagram star through the center of it. Now the pentagram part is finished. Now you can hang feathers from the dream catcher if you like and tie a string at the top of it to hang it from.

Do you want to submit a craft idea for inclusion in the next issue of The Circle of Light? If it's Witchy, and you want to see it next issue, just submit the form below (or email the details to


Email Address:

Your Craft Idea:

Author of the Craft Idea:

Please do not press submit more than once, thankyou!

Why do you need to enter your email address? So that we can contact you if your craft idea is included in the magazine, also so that we can confirm some things.

Why do we ask for the author of the craft idea? This is so that we know who to put as the author of the craft idea. Did you write it? Or did someone else? Let us know if you can. If you don't know who it was, just leave that field blank, or put "unknown".

If you idea is used, we will contact you.

Blessed Be,
Taliana WolfSpirit
(The Circle of Light Editor/Manager)

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