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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Written in the Stars:
Tzu Wei Astrology

Faith's Tzu Wei Horoscope

Click here to bring up the Tzu Wei Chart Key in a seperate window.

Faith's Tzu Wei Chart

Chü Men + 3

14 - 23
Parents' Palace Szu
Lien Chen + 2
T'ien Hsiang +

24 - 33
Fortune & Virtue Palace Wu
T'ien Liang * 1

34 - 43
Property Palace Wei
Ch'i Sha * 12
Ringing Star -
T'ien Yüeh

T'ien His

44 - 53
Officials' Palace Shen
T'an Lang * 4
Yang Jen *
Tso Fu
Hua Lu

4 - 13
Ming Palace Ch'en
Date and time of birth (solar):
1984 March 4th 7 p.m.

Date and time of birth (lunar):
Yi Ch'ou 1st 13th Hsü

Eight Characters:
Yi Ch'ou Mou Yin Jen Yin Hsü Keng



T'ien T'ung * 11
Ti Chieh
T'ien Hsing

54 - 63
Servants' Palace Yu
T'ai-yin + 5
T'ien Ts'un
Hua Ch'üan

114 - 123
Brothers' & Sisters' Palace Mao
Wu Ch'ü * 10
Yu Pi

64 - 73
Moving Palace Hsü
Tzu Wei * 6
T'ien Fu *
Wen Ch'ü +
T'o Lo
T'ien Hao
Hung Luan

104 - 113
Marital Palace Yin
T'ien Chi + 7
Fire Star +
T'ien K'ung
T'ien Yao
Hua Chi

64 - 73
Man & Woman Palace Ch'ou
P'o Chün * 8
Wen Ch'ang *
T'ien K'uei

84 - 93
Wealth Palace Tzu
T'ai-yang + 9
Hua K'o

74 - 83
Sickness Palace Hai

Faith's Tzu Wei Horoscope

Ming Palace
Between 4 – 13 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 100 (small limits).

You are especially good at decision-making, and are sedate and gentle. You will have loads of chances of promotion and will have a long life. You are courageous, firm and realistic when making plans. Property of yours will be harmed, and you will suffer from robbery.

Brothers’ & Sisters’ Palace
Between 114 – 123 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89 (small limits)

You, your brothers and sisters will give material help and support to each other.

Marital Palace
Between 104 – 113 yrs old (great limits), and the ages of 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90 (small limits).

Your partner has great ability and is very capable, as well as being virtuous. Marrying late will solve marital problems (example, 28 years of age), it will attract you to your partner and he is still well bred. Happiness is something that your partner brings into your life, even though you will love each other to end; there will be a rift between you and your partner.

Man & Woman Palace
Between 94 – 103 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91 (small limits).

Your children will have a bad temper, but will be particularly clever, successful or even outstanding. A child or parent might die, when your children are young, you could also cause harm to your children, and a child may disappear and cause you heartache. You and your children will quarrel a lot, and there will be a rift.

Wealth Palace
Between 84 – 93 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80, 92 (small limits).

You will be comfortable, and be very rich because of a result of a financial speculation. You will not have to work hard and your finances and property and regular and stable.

Sickness Palace
Between 74 – 83 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81, 93 (small limits).

You may have eye problems.

Moving Palace
Between 64 – 73 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94 (small limits).

Strong and powerful people will support you, and you will have a high position because of your success in business and competitive spirit. You will be rich but busy.

Servants’ Palace
Between 54 – 63 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95 (small limits).

You will be too considerate to your inferiors, they will rebel, bring disaster and harm, and you will be cheated. Friends will bring success.

Officials’ Palace
Between 44-53 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 (small limits).

Great success might be available in heavy industry, the army or the police force. There might be success in you doing politics, finance and commerce. Your fortune will rapidly change between failure and success, but in middle age things will be much stable. Promotion will come earlier because of your superiors being impressed by your work.

Fortune & Virtue Palace
Between 24 – 33 yrs old (great limits), and at the ages of 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98 (small limits).

Property you will inherit will not be for keeps, you will have sell it.


Blessed Be,

© Clare 2001

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Sara McCormick's Tzu Wei Horoscope

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