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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

The History of Reiki (continued)

© Eaglemedicine Woman

Dr. Usui was greatly upset and thought, “what a terrible thing I have done, to heal the physical is not enough, like the churches had said, the spiritual also has to be healed.” Never again he felt, would Reiki be given away, there will always have to be an exchange of energy, he immediately left the beggar kingdom.

Whilst walking back to the monastery, Dr.Usui was greeted, in Spirit by the teachers who had visited him on Kuriyama. At this time, he was given the 5 spiritual principles of Reiki. They were:

Just for today:
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to my neighbor and all living things.

All 5 principles created significant changes in the subsequent healings of Dr.Usui. He realized that he had been giving healing away without requiring the recipient to take any responsibility whatsoever. Also, there had not been an exchange of energy for the services rendered. The new teaching provided Spiritual concepts to be integrated with the physical aspect of the Reiki energy.

This I find to be very true, people don’t appreciate something as much as they do when they have had to work hard for it or pay a high price for it, obviously, this isn’t true of everyone, but of the majority.

Soon afterward, Dr. Usui left Tokyo and returned to Kyoto. Dr. Usui picked up a torch lit it and went walking. He was stopped and asked why he was carrying a lighted torch in the middle of the day when the sun was shinning so brightly. He replied that he was searching for people with a heart full of love, enlightened hearts, but who are sad and sorrowful and do not know the true Light, or who were ill or depressed and who longed to be healed. He invited the people to come and hear about Reiki, in this way he started teaching Reiki throughout Japan and gathered a following of 16 teachers.

In the mid 1920s, he met a man who became his most dedicated disciple, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, a 47year old reserve navel officer. With the transition of Dr. Usui, Dr. Hayashi became the Reiki Grand Master, carrying on this tradition of teaching and healing from his clinic in Tokyo. In his clinic in Tokyo, Dr. Hayashi treated unusual severe illnesses and diseases with Reiki. He also continued in Dr. Usuis’ tradition of traveling, teaching and dedicating his life to Reiki. This clinic was were Hawayo Takata first received Reiki treatments that would later lead her into studying with Dr. Hayashi. At first, Dr. Hayashi did not want to teach her, first because she was a woman and second because she was not Japanese. Through her persistence, she became his student. He trained 2 women to become teachers. One of these teachers stayed in Japan. The other, Mrs. Takata, returned to Hawaii. Dr. Hayashi came to Hawaii in 1938 to initiate Mrs. Takata into Mastership of Reiki. On Dr. Hayashi’s death in 1941, Mrs. Takata succeeded him as Grand Master. Mrs. Takata worked with Reiki with another woman in Hawaii, Iris Ishikuro. During the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s, they both healed with Reiki throughout the Hawaiian Islands. In 1973, Mrs. Takata initiated Iris Ishikuro into Mastership of Reiki. Mrs. Takata brought her teachings of Reiki into the United States and Canada. She first began to train Reiki Masters herself in the States when she was about 74 years old. She trained 6 original students to be Masters in Reiki, one of which was her grandaughter. These 6 were:

  • Iris Ishikuro
  • Virginia Samdahi
  • Beth Gray
  • Barbara Webber Ray
  • Ethel Lombardi
  • Phyllis Lei Furumoto (Mrs. Takata’s grandaughter).

Next issue I will be looking at how to channel Reiki energy, and what to do if it seems like nothing has taken place during a Reiki treatment.

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In love and purity,
~Eaglemedicine Woman~

As I stand at the edge of a mountain and look down,
I can see how far I can fall,
How high I can fly.

Spread your wings and fly.

Email Eaglemedicine Woman at:

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