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The Circle of Light
Issue #4
Date: 13/8/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Slavic Sorcery Part 2

Ritual Space

Animal Magick:
Raven and Horse

Crystals by Apasi and Sarah

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes
Tzu Wei Astrology

The History of Reiki

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Book of Shadows

Witchy Craft Ideas:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bottles
And Pentagram Dream Catchers

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Slavic Sorcery Part 2
© Matt Daughenbaugh

This is my second artice written about this so I will try to aim this one more to the magical side instead of mostly theory. The magical practice side of the art is beautiful. Even though some rituals by the ancient slavs were grusome including sacrifice, death spells and curses, the other ones are beautiful. Slavs, along with being farmers and hunters, they were also warriors so that would be an added side to the death spells and curses part of the art. Here are a few slavic sorcery spells and rituals.

A Ritual for Rain:
This spell was performed only by the women in the village. A young virgin girl would lay in the flowers naked and enter a trance state where she would chant and praise Perun(The thunder god). The other woman would continue to pour water on the girl while chanting for rain and rain would come not long after this was performed.

To Enter The Otherworld:
You would go out into the woods and find a sappling that would be big enough so it won't break but small enough to bend. Place your back against the tree and rock back and forth while meditating and you would enter the otherworld.

Slavic Death Spell:
Take a homemade candle and light it. Walk around the victims house nine times in your undergarments while chanting a death curse, when you were done you would break the candle upside down and push it into the ground.

To Cause one to Wither:
Dig up a footprint that your enemy would imprint in the ground and place in a bag near your chimney. Accourding to legend, when the footprint dried out, the person would wither.

To Remove an illness:
Take hot melted beeswax and circle the person you are healing holding the beeswax the same length apart and the beeswax would harden while concentrating on moving the illness into the wax. When you are done, heat up the beeswax and chant "burn it in the fire". You may then keep the beeswax for further use. Put it in a baggy and through it in the freezer.

Chant to Call a Domovoi:
A Domovoi is a house spirit. Accourding to some, one person in the house would have to die thier before a Domovoi would be present. Go outside in the nicest cloths you have, raise your hands and yell "O please Domovoi, come into our house to take care of us, the children and the animals". To feed your Domovoi about every month place a small plate with a little bread and honey on it and place it over your stove.

For Love:
Put on your best cloths. Take a dagger and go outside. Say:

"I prick and stick your mind (now shove the dagger into the ground) I say that you shall look at me different.
With eyes of love. Kupalo, wash his/her heart with your cleansing water to make him/her love me.
In Perun's name, Lubim Ta

(Lubim Ta means love you in slovakian)

As you can see, the slavic pagans were a diverse people who had magic for every purpose. The rituals were simple and easy to do. They had many many gods like the egyptians and babylonians. THey also had spirits too. The slavic word for god is Bog.

This was a female water spirit who when they lived were drowned. They were greatly feared. Some say they would lure men into the rivers at night with thier extreme beauty and drown them.

A banik lived in bath houses. They were scary sometimes but usually harmless. Some say if a young girl was spacked on the butt or scratched by a Banik they were lucky. Becareful not to affend them, they can through hot water on you or scratch you. They often take a form of a family member or friend if you see them.

The thunder god

The white god

The black god

Belabog and Chernabog were opposite in everyway but both were worshipped.

Not gods or spirits but covens of slavic witches that performed sacrifices to water nymphs.

This was often called "The forest lord". This spirit could be considered the same as the wiccan "horned god". The Leeshee had horns and lived in the woods. If a tree was cut he was said to cry. Anyone he befriended he would teach them a special form of magic. He was also mischevious.

The goddess of water. The slavs performed human sacrifices to her on the summer soltice.

Another horned god. A god of the underworld. A god of wealth and of horned animals.

Rod and Rodenica:
These were the original "LORD AND LADY". They are a God and Goddess like in Wicca. They were said to create the world.

There are many many other gods and spirits but I could be writing forever. THese were just the most popualr.

To the underworld and slavic healing ritauls were adapted from the book "Slavic Sorcery" by Kennieth Johnson. This book went currently out of print. Not sure when it will be back in print.

If you would like more information on Slavic Sorcery visit:

Much Love and Blessings,
Matt Daughenbaugh

Email Matt at:

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