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Tzu Wei Chart Key


Red – Palaces (aspects of life)
Yellow – An Earthly Branch (there are twelve of these)
Pink – A star that influences the palace
Gray – An interrupting star (a star that does not influence the palace, it only influences good and bad luck in the palace)
Teal – Small limits
Turquoise – Great limits

Degrees of Influence

Very good = *
Good = *
Poor = +
Bad = -

The Palaces

Ming Palace - Your life and fate, natural abilities, physical appearance, and your success in general and business.

Brothers’ and Sisters’ Palace – Your relationships with your friends, brothers, sisters and colleages.

Marital Palace – Your affinity with your partner, and appointed fate brought you, and your partner together.

Man and Woman Palace – Your relationship with your children, your fertility and sexual happiness.

Wealth Palace – Your overall wealth and level of income.

Sickness Palace – Your physical health (accidental or illness).

Moving Palace – Your movements (as in travelling), your success at work, and your developing and expansion to new areas.

Servants’ Palace – Your relationships with your inferiors, and if they are working under you or not, and if they are being honest or harmful.

Officials’ Palace – Your relationship with your superiors, and whether or not, you are going to be successful in your job.

Property Palace – How much property will be owned by you, and if your family life will be good or bad.

Fortune and Virtue Palace – Your pyschological and physical condition, in addition, your longevity.

Parents’ Palace – Your relationship with your parents, your parents expressed harmony to each other, and if their lives have good or bad luck.