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The Circle of Light
Issue #5
Date: 16/10/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi and Sharae

Pagan Band Review:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

How To Channel Reiki Energy
When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:


Witchy Craft Ideas:
Purification Soap
Sleep Pillow

The Talented Wiccans' Corner:
Goodbye's Tale Undone by Aphrodite Raven
Child of the Divine by Taliana WolfSpirit
Submit Your Own Works

Book of Shadows

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Animal Magick
© Sara McCormick and Taliana WolfSpirit

Merry meet! I'm Sara and I shall be doing the "Animal Magick" section of the newsletter with Taliana. This month we will be doing the Swan and the Cat. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to Email me at

Blessings and love,
Sara and Taliana


KEYNOTE: Awakening the True Beauty and Power of the Self

Picture a swan. Swimming on a lake as the golden sun rises and the blue mist surrounds it. Beautiful, isn't it? Swans are very graceful creatures. Think of the ballet "Swan Lake". In the ballet, the dancers try to mimick the Swan's natural grace. They stretch their necks and enlongate their limbs in representation. The Swan has a long neck and beautiful white feathers. People with the Swan as a totem are usally very sensitive not only to their own emotions, but as well as the emotions of others. Also you begin to realize your own true beauty, you unfold the ability to bridge to new realms and new powers. This is what Swan medicine can teach. To appreaciate yourself, and your inner beauty (aka "The Ugly Ducking"). The Swan likes the cold, and can stand it as long as there is food. This also relates the Swan to the direction of North. Swan's are powerful birds and devoted parents that mate for life. The Swan is the totem of the child, the poet, the mystic, and the dreamer. Mythology and folklore are filled with them. Swnas were sacred to Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love. Swans are also considered a link to the Faerie realm of life. - Sara

If the Swan gracefully floats into your life, it is a sign that you need to start getting back in touch with the beauty that lies within. Are you placing too much value on outer beauty? Are you more concerned about the way you look on the outside, instead of on the inside? When you look at someone do you base your judgement of them on their looks instead of their personality? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then Swan certainly has a lesson to teach you. What lies within is much more important than what lies on the outside. Swan teaches that beauty within is more beautiful than beauty on the outside. We all start out in life as the ugly duckling - beauty is only skin deep. But as we mature and grow as people, we get countless opportunities to make beauty much more than skin deep. We are like a beautiful flower on the inside - is your soul still a budding flower? Or has it blossomed into all of it's beauty like the Swan? Nuture your soul, and it will become beautiful. And when you're beautiful inside, it shines through you, making you beautiful on the outside too. - Taliana

Blessings and love
Sara McCormick and Taliana WolfSpirit

(c) Sara McCormick 2001 (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

Email Sara at:

Email Taliana at:

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