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The Circle of Light
Issue #5
Date: 16/10/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi and Sharae

Pagan Band Review:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

How To Channel Reiki Energy
When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:


Witchy Craft Ideas:
Purification Soap
Sleep Pillow

The Talented Wiccans' Corner:
Goodbye's Tale Undone by Aphrodite Raven
Child of the Divine by Taliana WolfSpirit
Submit Your Own Works

Book of Shadows

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Book of Shadows:
Lovers' Ritual
Written and submitted by Taliana WolfSpirit

1 black candle
1 red candle
2 long lasting red candles
sewing needles or pins
Love Oil
Go Away Oil

Love Oil
In a base oil such as Olive or Almond oil, combine a pleasant blend consisting mostly of:
3 drops lavender
5 drops rose
4 drops jasmine

Go Away Oil
In a very small amount of base oil, put any of the following oils (the blend should NOT smell pleasant!):
Dragon's Blood

You and your partner both take one of the longer-lasting red candles. Engrave your name, zodiac symbol and the symbol for love (two hearts, one overlapping the other, with a ring around both). Your partner does the same on his/her candle too.

On the black candle, inscribe the words "All Others". On the red candle, inscribe the words "Eternal Love" and also the love symbol. Anoint the red candle with Love Oil, and the black candle with Go Away Oil.

On the black candle, take it in turns to stick sewing needles through the candle where the letters are closed (ie all the "o"s and "a"s and "e"s). Light this candle while concentrating on all the bad feelings these people could cause you. Rid yourself of these negative thoughts and feelings, pouring them into the candle. As the candle burns, imagine all these feelings no longer being possible for the people to cause you.

Now take the red candle, and hold it with your lover, each using your right hand and holding hands with your left. Put all your thoughts and feelings of love towards your partner and into this candle. Light this candle together.

Next, each take your candle (the one with your own name on it) and say, one at a time while lighting the candle from the red love candle:

"This candle is (your name).
My love for (your lover's name) burns eternal
As does this flame.

Join hands with your lover, and say at the same time:

"These candles represent (you and your lover's name)'s love for each other.
No-one shall make (your partners name - your name in your partner's case)'s eyes wander.
These candles bind together (you and your lover's name) eternally in love.
Our love for each other burns as does this flame.

Kiss each other, and imagine a happy future together.

Let the black candle burn down for a while, after holding hands over it and repeating 3 times:

"There is no-one who can come between us.
There is not and will be no other person to tear us apart.
Our eyes shall not wander, for we are content.
Our love is eternal.

When this black candle has totally gone, let the wax cool then throw it away.

Whenever you and your partner are making love or spending time together, light the two lovers candles. Also, burn Love Oil in an oil burner (don't use the base oil, just a few drops of the neat essential oils).

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