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The Circle of Light
Issue #5
Date: 16/10/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi and Sharae

Pagan Band Review:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

How To Channel Reiki Energy
When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:


Witchy Craft Ideas:
Purification Soap
Sleep Pillow

The Talented Wiccans' Corner:
Goodbye's Tale Undone by Aphrodite Raven
Child of the Divine by Taliana WolfSpirit
Submit Your Own Works

Book of Shadows

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Book of Shadows:
Written and submitted by Taliana WolfSpirit.

Other Names:
Mayday, Bealtinne

Northern Hemisphere - May 1st
Southern Hemisphere - October 31st

This is one of the most important Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year (the other being Samhain).

Beltane gets its name from a word meaning "bale-fire", as it is a tradition to light bale-fires on the eve of Beltane and let them burn throughout the night.

Beltane is a Sabbat focusing strongly on fertility and life - the God performs the Great Rite with the Goddess.

Beltane is also the traditional time to use the maypole, and to have marriages and handfastings.

During Beltane, the final phase of planting begins, and ashes from the bale-fires were often scattered across the fields to bless and protect the potential crops.

Beltane is the time for love, union, and birth, and a time for preparing for the warmer months to come.

Ritual Suggestions
Bright blue, lavendar, pink, and yellow are the colors of Beltane, as well as the traditional red and white (red representing the blood that flows from a woman during her period, and the white representing the sperm of man).

Bowls of floating flowers and candles are good Beltane decorations, as well as baskets of fresh slowers.

Things to focus on in Beltane rituals are fertility, love and union, birth, life, rebirth, the oneness of the God and Goddess.

Beltane is a good time to do rituals focusing on wholeness within yourself, and to add a new spark to your relationship.

Beltane is also the perfect time to try for a pregnancy and to perform the Great Rite.

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