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The Circle of Light
Issue #5
Date: 16/10/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi and Sharae

Pagan Band Review:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

How To Channel Reiki Energy
When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:


Witchy Craft Ideas:
Purification Soap
Sleep Pillow

The Talented Wiccans' Corner:
Goodbye's Tale Undone by Aphrodite Raven
Child of the Divine by Taliana WolfSpirit
Submit Your Own Works

Book of Shadows

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

By Sharae Nightwalker.

(20 Dec. -19 Jan.)

If there are any unresolved family issues that have been lingering for a while, don't be afraid to try to deal with them today. It could be a good time to try to bring a fresh approach to any matters around the house. You've probably learned some pretty invaluable lessons lately, and now's a good time for you to show just what you've learned.

(20 Jan -19 Feb.)

If something is bothering you with a loved one right now, you have to realize that this problem probably won't disappear on its own. But if you're not willing to deal with things, then you could end up wasting a lot of valuable time and energy. You're likely to be much better off if you can just muster the courage to deal with things directly right now.

(20 Feb. -19 March)

You might feel a bit like indulging yourself today. And if you've been toying at all with the idea of doing something creative or artistic, this is a good time to start putting some of your plans into action. And you might want to take the time to examine some of your romantic arrangements right now as well.

(20 March -19 April)

A few promising work or health developments could be coming your way at this time. Doors could be swinging open to reveal some potential new job opportunities for you. And your general sense of health and well-being should be improving right now as well. Be sure to make full use of this helpful energy by getting your eating and exercise habits in order.

(20 April - 19 May)

Partnership matters are bound to start occupying a great deal more of your time and energy right now. Even if there are a few confusing developments to deal with, some relationship issues might be able to be resolved at this time. So try to take the opportunity to use the current energies constructively, rather than destructively.

(20 May - 19 June)

You might feel like everyone wants something from you right now, and you might find yourself feeling a little exhausted by all the demands of others. But there could be some real opportunities to enhance your prospects when it comes to a relationship matter, so try to take advantage of them while you can.

(20 June -19 July)

This should be a good day where your most important relationships are concerned. If you're not already involved, then an interesting opportunity could be coming your way before the day is through. And if you are involved, then you might start to think about taking things to the next level. Just try to tread lightly where any financial issues are concerned.

(20 July -19 Aug.)

Be sure that you make only the safest investments with your money right now, and try to avoid anything that seems at all risky. If you're in the market for any type of loan, be sure to shop around for a while. And if you find yourself attracting some resentment from certain people, just try to let it roll right off your back.

(20 Aug. -19 Sept.)

You might be filled with a renewed sense of independence right now, but you just might find yourself having to deal with a few misunderstandings before the day is through. You probably won't be too eager to compromise and might instead just feel like taking off on some fresh, new adventure of your own for a while.

(20 Sept. -19 Oct.)

Many things should be picking up speed again now, including opportunities for education or training that could help to prepare you for a much better future. Even if you still have some misgivings about a few issues, don't be afraid to start pushing things forward. Just remember to remain open to all the options that are available to you right now.

(20 Oct. -19 Nov.)

You might find yourself starting to feel a little concerned about your financial situation today, but you're probably better off than you realize. Now would be a good time to try to keep a little closer eye on your financial picture. But just try to follow your own intuition where your finances are concerned right now.

(20 Nov. -19 Dec.)

Life ought to be going fairly smoothly for you today and there are bound to be more than a few friends and social plans on your agenda. You might find yourself presented with a few interesting situations tonight. If you allow these to serve as a source of inspiration, you could find some creative solutions to some current problems.

Blessed Be!
Sharae Nightwalker

Email Sharae at:

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