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The Circle of Light
Issue #5
Date: 16/10/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi and Sharae

Pagan Band Review:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

How To Channel Reiki Energy
When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:


Witchy Craft Ideas:
Purification Soap
Sleep Pillow

The Talented Wiccans' Corner:
Goodbye's Tale Undone by Aphrodite Raven
Child of the Divine by Taliana WolfSpirit
Submit Your Own Works

Book of Shadows

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

How To Channel Reiki Energy
© Eaglemedicine Woman.

As mentioned before, Reiki energy is transmitted or channeled through the hands of a channel, whom has been more directly connected to the universal energy through attunements. Reiki comes from God, (or Goddess, like I said, which ever is your perspective.) It comes from its source into the channel or vessel passing through and out through the hands and into the recipient. The vessel is not using its own energy, so you experience little or no energy loss. If you as the channel allow “the self” to get in the way, then the Reiki energy can disconnect and you could end up feeling a little drained. You as a channel should keep your mind neutral, free from floating thoughts, not thinking about what you had or are going to have for lunch, not counting up how much money you will have after the treatment, you must keep your mind on the job, which is in this case remaining neutral. What I find at times is that I will feel impressed to visualize a certain color going into my client at a certain point, or even to see something coming out of them like negativity or something that they need to be rid of. I trust and follow my guides because they know much more of what is going on than I do. Always stay humble our guides don’t have to work with us, they choose too.

Reiki brings the body into balance so it can heal itself. Someone receiving Reiki is basically being brought back into balance mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You do not have to be sick or in a negative state of mind to benefit from Reiki Energy.

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