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The Circle of Light
Issue #5
Date: 16/10/2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi and Sharae

Pagan Band Review:

Written in the Stars:
Monthly Horoscopes

How To Channel Reiki Energy
When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...

Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:


Witchy Craft Ideas:
Purification Soap
Sleep Pillow

The Talented Wiccans' Corner:
Goodbye's Tale Undone by Aphrodite Raven
Child of the Divine by Taliana WolfSpirit
Submit Your Own Works

Book of Shadows

Submit Your Own Work

Previous Issues

When It Seems Like Nothing Has Happened During A Reiki Treatment ...
© Eaglemedicine Woman.

There will be times when it would seem that the Reiki energy is not flowing through to the recipient, and not flowing into the healer. This does not mean that nothing is or has taken place, nor does it mean that the healer is no longer channeling the energy. Even though you may not see or feel a result upon the surface of the recipient it is quite possible that something much deeper has taken place. Not everyone wants to talk about their inner life and that is their choice, you have to respect that. It may be that they are not ready to talk about their inner life or even ready to face it head on, it is Spirits job to take them to that place, you just need to be open when they do reach that place.

Often, people have no idea on a conscious level as to what happened to bring about a diseased condition. The subconsciousmind holds the key, and that is exactly where Reiki will reach.The conscious mind of the recipient may be saying, “please help me” but the subconscious mind may be saying something completely different. When this is the case, counseling and guidance may be necessary before the Reiki treatment is started.

Therefore, do not feel disappointed if the healing session did not go as you expected, in Reiki, nothing is achieved through force of will. Every thing happens in its own time.

Sometimes people don’t get healed. There are different reasons for that. Sometimes, subconsciously, they do not want to be healed, as hard as it may be to believe, it is true, some people like to be ill because of the attention they get, or because it stops them from having to have responsibilities. Or sometimes it can be because to be healthy, would mean a big change in their life and they don’t want it. Others may just be closed to it, not realizing the powerful force that it is, and others may not have learnt all the lessons that were to be learnt from having the illness, there are a lot of reasons why it may not work but there are also a lot of reasons why it will work. We can’t worry about the fact that it doesn’t always work, we just need to get on with the fact that a lot of times it does work. We have to focus on the positive. What I do suggest though is that you encourage every client to work on their inner selves, no matter how good they seem to be or how together they seem to have it on the outside, no-one is perfect, there is always another level they could be working on. Even people like Shamans, Medicine People, Pychics, Doctors, etc. all need to work and to continue to work on them selves. Non of us have “arrived” yet, we are all walking the same circle of life, we are just on different spokes of the wheel.

There are sometimes chronic conditions, which will not be reversed. Sometimes there is not sufficient time to complete the healing before their transition to the other side. However, using the Reiki to reduce stress and lower the level of pain can be a great comfort. Also, as unfortunate as it is, there are some people who continuously ignore the “calling” of Spirit to change their lives, whether that be to look for a spiritual life or to just change their physical life, which ever is the case, sometimes these people need to become ill, just to get there attention or make them slow down and make changes.Reiki will not remove birth defects, nor will it grow a new organ, but it will bring relief from the symptoms of these conditions, however, remain open to Spirit because I do believe that miracles do happen.

When a client comes to you, always provide them with information and offer the possibility of treatment. Tell them what Reiki is, how it works, and what you will be doing. If they would like it, great, if they don’t, that is their free choice, never make them feel like they don’t care about themselves if they do not want a treatment, it may just be that they aren’t quite ready, remember you don’t know what is going on in the inside of that person. Have compassion and let them feel that you accept them regardless of their decision.

Chances are, because of the unconditional love and support that you have shown, when they do want it, you will be the person that they come looking for as they already feel a connection to you.


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Next issue I will be looking at how to prepare yourself and your client for a reiki treatment.

In love and purity,
~Eaglemedicine Woman~

As I stand at the edge of a mountain and look down,
I can see how far I can fall,
How high I can fly.

Spread your wings and fly.

Email Eaglemedicine Woman at:

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