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coexisting sensation, a Great Place to work!

all the useless crap fit to print


music reviews



dvd reviews

literary reviews

show reviews

website reviews


staff bios


zines are the wave of the future

issue #1

this is the first issue of coexisting sensation, a new zine highlighting the music scenes in the tri-state area (new york, connecticut, and new jersey) as well as reviews galore, features, interviews, spotlights, tour dates, and all the random nonsense you can handle.

it may take a while for me to get my feet wet, so be patient! it'll take a while for this to actually look good :) but i do have a lot of free time, and a whole lot of passion for it, so eventually you may see something worth looking at

i am always looking for contributions- chances are it will be up on the site if you send it my way, not to say i have low standards, just that i like having everyone have their voices heard, which is what the scene is all about.

~justin, founder and CEO (i've always wanted a title like that!)