3 DIMENSIONAL VICTORIAN ORNAMENT WITH TASSEL ~ PSP 7 ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE - SKILL LEVEL Completion Time ~ Approximately 45 minutes. Written by: Designs by Laela ~ 6/21/02 ~ DEDICATION ~ This tutorial is dedicated to MissJaqi2000, who was very, very kind to me, when I first began using PSP. She took the time to help me with the basics, way back, when PSP 5 was the hot version, and patiently answered all my numerous questions. She enthusiastically, yet unknowingly, instilled in me, the love of Graphic Design that I have today, and I am eternally grateful. ~ Jaqi, this one's for you. Thank you. Also, A very special Thank you goes out to: FlowerPNL, AussieBloom, Dreamsrmaid, and Piper, for taking the time to test this tutorial for me.
For this tutorial, I am assuming that you already have a basic working knowledge of PSP 7,
It uses intensive Layer Manipulation, Geometric Distortion Effects, the Deformation Tool, The Cutout Effect, a little bit of Free Hand Drawing, Vertical Perspective Deformation, and gives you Plugin Experience.
Although it does not have an extremely high difficulty factor, it is step intensive, And makes you
have to think about what you are doing. At the end of this tutorial, you will have made your own beautiful ornament, completely from scratch. I hope you enjoy doing this tutorial, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Click HERE To Begin PART 1 ~ PAGE 1 TERMS OF SERVICE Please do not reproduce or add my tut to any other website or collection, And leave all file names and credits, in tact. PSP Groups are however, welcomed to share this tutorial with their membership by providing THIS LINK ( www.angelfire.com/zine2/designsbylaela/index.html) to my tutorial in their mailings. DBL's original Victorian Ornament Graphic may be copied and used as an example for those mailings as long as my signature '&'amp';'/or watermark, is left in place. |