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Design by Laela's Script Logo

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Vector Apple Still Life ~ Watercolor Series
Doesn't everyone start out with an apple?
This simple apple, is completely mouse drawn with vectors; And is a wonderful exercise in
perspective, blending, smudging, layer manipulation and shading when just starting out.
This was also, my very first "serious" attempt to create something entirely "sketched" with vectors.
Still Life Apple
My Sunshine Flower~ Watercolor Series
Completely mouse drawn, my sunshine flower is a great exercise in drawing with vectors, node editing, blending, shading, layer manipulation, texture, perspective and so much more. As you can see, artwork can take on a completely different "life" when you change it's background color as well. The sunshine flower was originally designed for a soft, buttery yellow, linen backdrop.

Sunshine Flowers

Glass Vector Vase ~ Watercolor Series
Mouse drawn glass vase, using easy vectors and node editing. An excellent exercise in transparencies, layer manipulation, shading, perspective and a host of other wonderful effects.
*Bird and some flower tubes were added for additional decorative purposes* Glass Vector Vase 1
Glass Vector Vase 2" ~ Watercolor Series
Again, a mouse drawn glass vase, using simple vectors. An excellent exercise in transparencies, layer manipulation, shading, and perspective. Adding a dark background, will make the "texture" of your glass stand out even more, and your image, can take on a completely different look again, as you can see below.
*Single rose tube used below for additional decorative accent*
Glass Vector Vase 2
Glass Vector Vase 2 (DARK) Glass Vector Vase 3 (DARK)
Watercolor Series Pages
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Designs by Laela, is strictly a recreational Paint Shop Pro Website. Graphics displayed on this website were created by "Designs by Laela".
Any exceptions will be noted. Accent tubes may occassionally be used as well for decorative purposes.
For further information, please read DBL's Terms of Service.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 Designs by Laela. All rights reserved.
All graphics, created with Paint Shop Pro 6 & 7.