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Designs by Laela ~ Gallery Header

I began experimenting a while back with different art techniques, and discovered a passion for watercolors.
Being a frustrated painter myself anyway, I decided to try my hand, at capturing that same translucent softness here in Paint Shop Pro. These pages are the first in my "Watercolor Series".

The images here, are mouse/vector drawn by Laela. (Any exceptions will be noted).
These pages are my own artwork, and are therefore not being offered for download or reproduction without written authorization. Exhibition of the artwork is solely for the purpose of showing PSP students, what can be done in Paint Shop Pro, with just a little time and effort.

Watercolor Series Pages
| Index | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 |

| Home | Backgrounds | Tubes | PSP 101 |
| Gradients | Gallery | Masks | Meta Tag Generator |
| Friends Tutorials |

NetMechanic Star Performer Award
Net Mechanic's "Star Performer Award" demonstrates Designs by Laela's,
commitment to site quality and reliability.

Designs by Laela, is strictly a recreational Paint Shop Pro Web site.
Artwork exhibited in The Gallery was created by "Designs by Laela",
And is not offered for download, or reproduction. Accent "tubes" may
occasionally have been used for decorative purposes, But, when possible,
credit will always be given to the original artist/tuber. For further information,
please read DBL's Terms of Service.
Copyright © 2002, 2003 Designs by Laela. All rights reserved.
All graphics, created with Paint Shop Pro 6 & 7.