WARNING: THIS PAGE HAS SOME EXCERPTS WRITTEN IN TIMES OF SEVERE PTSD AND WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF VA PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS WHICH ARE OFTEN ILL ADVISED. (some widely prescribed, and I recommend you just say "No" to most VA meds and widely prescribed ethics in the snake-oil field.) Also, most recently, Notes of the day are being added


Like SainTramBone above, auditor/artist Kurt Brown has withstood a beating by government, including injections, imprisonment, extortion, exile, attacks on his life, and a felony that caused the loss of his voting rights and the right to own a firearm. Kurt also harbors great shame like a rape victim, after his native city's government officials, Mobile Alabama's, violated all of his rights, beat him, arrested him, and extorted money from him with the aid of the federal government in May of 2004 simply for trying to contribute to his city and entering his native city's city council meetings. Read of the details at the Home Page II - Mob Al related page.

The federal government overdosed him on a drug to which he was allergic and then claimed he was insane. That was during George Bush's election. The majority of the abuse began when he reported a corrupt Sheriffs thievery and malnourishing of his long-term prisoners. Also Kurt had previously found leads to solve a murder labeled a suicide at Kurt's previous employer, a federal banking regulatory agency, the Freakin Dick, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC. Kurt also later found that the federal government was doing forced experiments on veterans (See Continuing Problems 1999). He did some research in 2003 and discovered that before he could view his medical record where he was imprisoned by the Veterans Administration, that the federal government was editing patient records at the federal hospital where they were allegedly found to have stopped doing forced experiments on veterans.

They outright lie and deceive and I pray the Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital in Westwood is either closed down and turned into a nursing home or that it is destroyed. We are not their G.D. guinea pigs. We are not their lessers. We are no longer silenced by their media monopoly. Lastu Ghaniyaan means I am from the poor in Arabic. Remember that phrase, as you might need it after the coming world wide caste wars have ended.

The corrupt and extremely criminal factions of federal government told Kurt he could withdraw a forced felony plea if he chose to at a later date. They basically made the bail too high, $1 Million, to leave and prepare his case. They tortured him and gave him a drug proven to be ineffective for most everything and it made him sick. The California and Federal government lied and will not allow Kurt to have a trial by jury in the courts of law because they fear his true horror story getting out. They say in effect, "F--- You". They call themselves our government. Those fascist criminals deny us due process in the courts while they are guiding us to subjugation and eventual extinction. Make no mistake, "It has come down to, 'us or them', survival of the fittest, extremely wealthy versus extremely poor. Somewhere, somehow, someone has got to draw the line with those criminals and exclusionary extremists ruining American government and our lives. It appears a World Wide Caste War is brewing.

America's court system is a Hellish nightmare when you are against the mafia buried within USA government. We need a new regime in America, one for the common man, one we can trust. (Kurt declined to trust a serial killer, Randy Kraft with whom he hitched a ride in 1983 and survived. Kurt trusted government and they almost killed him, and then destroyed a large part of his life, for no reason other than to cover up their corruption and murders.)

Never again shall he trust the USA governments. A true recounting of Kurt's ride with Randy Kraft in a humorous perspective is near the top of the Love Line Pageand outlined with the letter "WWW..."

A special thanks to the alternative news source and their staff for housing some of our works and a special thanks to Webcrawler and Google search engines for linking this site.)

My name is Kurt Brown and I am a degreed accountant and auditor and experienced bank examiner with several other degrees and occupations. I have discovered mafia infiltration throughout American Government (See NTEU). I have been barred from entering numerous government buildings and I have been attacked by American government criminals repeatedly and was labeled a felon when I tried to save my own life after police did not respond because, like my camera, I tell the truth. The Democrat and Republican parties and their members are a regime unto themselves that I want to see toppled from their monopoly of our country with extreme prejudice.

Therefore I salute all attempts to overthrow the fascist and terrorist regimes claiming to be our leaders, including the Democrat/Republican regime and their criminal appointees in the bureaucracy and their justice system. I do not mind seeing suicide bombers, kidnappings, and other attacks on the cruel and vicious fascist regimes, but I prefer that innocent bystanders and children be spared, which is more than I can say for those beasts. Otherwise, they destroy us, the true humans of the lower caste, therefore when their monopoly is destroyed, we shall rejoice.

The American Indian did not lose to the European because of lack of courage. They lost because of a lack of weaponry. Think about that as you read through this site. The newer and more precise the weapon the better. Remember, the fascist elitist Democrat/Republican Regimes government and criminal bureaucracy and justice system drew first blood, both from myself and from many other lower caste Americans. I believe there is a 60% or greater probability that true humans as most of us apparently are, are under the control of people or things as foreign to us as a distant galaxy, and they are not friendly, but furthering an unjust caste system, and they are prison profiteers and slave state creators and destroyers of our society.

The bottom line:  America is long overdue for revolutionary change but most likely, the cessation of breathing in the pure human blood lines.  Multi-national billionaires control the highest offices, but who are they behind their facade of piety? Nothing more than robber barons or illegal gangsters on our turf and turn.  The lower offices in the states and cities are controlled by the super wealthy obviously, but the same question remains of the key appointees. We all know the nation is about to rip or find final chains. Breathe deeply cock sssssuckah..


Three songs in a row are below to commemorate over three years of forced exile and abuse of auditor/artist Kurt Brown by government, with the abuse and disenfranchisement by government continuing to this day

A Song Link in MP3, Us Brothers Under Chains and Needles by Kurt's alter ego, Saint Ram Bone. Auditor/Artist/Activist Kurt Austin Brown wrote the song while in exile in 2003 due to corrupt government. It is about forced injections and forced experiments by federal government, a true incident against veterans. Today Kurt is still a prisoner, in exile. The Beast referred to in the song is the same as the American Government in most if not all factions. Space Colonies Now, I want out USA, I want off World..Kurt Brown July 14, 2004, Mobile seeking Exile South Lake Tahoe, CA. Dump the war regime Democrat/Republican, the Autocratic empire. Free Kurt from the hands of tyranny and see the Assassination Attempt Details page.

A song link in MP3(Updated and Corrected Link), "Sueet Carol Lodi, And Bring Your Brown Finger Two", by Kurt and was written right before he was attacked 3-12-2004 while enroute from Humboldt County CA to Mobile via St. Louis. Most likely attack initiated by associates of National Treasury Employees Union or FDIC related employees. (Lyric question, Justice II or Just Us Two?). See the Assassination Attempt Details Page.

A song that marked the beginning of the knowledge of knowing there will be no other way than conflict. Are we prisoners on this planet by design of captors we do not know or understand. American government is an exclusive club, a Fascist regime.

You can hear Brown Lizards Laughter, at the MOuRNING Star Fight Club, by Kurt or SainTramBone. In the song, Ascaris Lumbrocoides is a long cylindrical worm found in the mind of the deceived American masses.

The most beautiful thing about being from the poorer and abused caste in America is that you have very little to lose in the event of a complete disintegration of the prisons-for-profit-nation they have erected, whereas those fat corrupt fascists running the USA will fall as if from the Empire State Building, and their suckling demonic bureaucrats wil simply be pushed a little close to their maker, which is a good thing for us.

The Los Angeles Superior Court said on Friday July 16th that one of our auditors, Kurt Brown alter-ego Saint Ram Bone, will not be allowed a trial on a gun possession charge. A Million Dollar Bail, thereby forced incarceration, Forced Injections, and a dangerous psycho-tropic drug was given to him to force a Felony Plea Bargain, in violation of all rights. Illegally afterward they ordered him not to mention his ex-employer and crime ridden federal agency the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Kurt held his crossed fingers when they illegally ordered silence on the murder of the past FDIC director and thought, "F. U. Fascist Pig. Every Dog Has His Day. The dead cheer my name!"

The fascist Los Angeles court under federal mafia direction would not allow a trial because the auditor had assembled a drag net that caught a Sheriff, Jack Tillman of Mobile, AL stealing $100,000 and the auditor had acquired leads into the murder or mafia association of the past Regional Director of the federal agency the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco. America needs to cull and execute for treason all judges who go against the Constitution of the USA and the common Americans' rights. Some honest auditors like Kurt Brown have a job to do and auditing USA government and following leads on murders within USA government is like cleaning a septic tank. Some Shit like Jack Tillman, Sheriff of Mobile Alabama and his Nazi kind stick to the rim. That tird is still in office due to loss of voting rights of those people that the piece of shit Sheriff has made look like felons. Now an actual square headed Nazi looking Mobile Alabama judge, McMaken, is trying to force Kurt not to "Hang around the court house." Kurt will confront that Nazi fascist pig and the twinkle toes good ole boy and fit for slaughter DA about what "Hang Around" means on November 17 at 8:30, 4th Floor Department C Mobile County Courthouse. That C---Sucker looks like a Nazi and I am not kidding. I often wonder if the Nazis planted much of their seed in the South East. I also suspect tampering with children in the Southeastern and Southwestern hospitals by fascist pigs in surgeons outfits. One proven example on the West Coast is that Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Los Angeles performed unannounced experiments on children in 1992 and all attention was directed toward the Rodney King beating. Mobile Alabama Judge McMaken looks and acts like a true square head Nazi. He and Tillman and the Mayor Dow and City Council are partners in crime and no one cares. Bring on the Nuclear Bombs. I would rather die than live under their pawl.

We poor and common Americans share more in common with those poor Palestinians and Iraqis laying dead under American and Israeli artillery than we do with the Democratic/Republican regime and their appointed bureaucrats ruling our government. I pray that if we are not freed from their grip that we die quick deaths like the angelic avenging suicide bombers of the lower caste in this world ruled by beasts. The ruling regimes have been our enemies for years, although many did not know it. In addition, their political appointee, Bush, is just like Adolf Hitler, except more stupid. He and his coupe d'etat partners have the future foresight of a tird in a monkey's colon. The reason that criminals like Bush are never assassinated like the Kennedy's is because they are mafia associated criminals and therefore are protected. I would rather die trying to slit a mafioso from the government's throat than eat crumbs at his dinner table.

The US government and state and local governments under the current regime have gone to war with me and my kind, the innocent with foresight. I would rather leave the new America, the prison state. I see though that we have no choice but to defend ourselves by any means or group necessary against the super-wealthy and their regimes, the Democrats and Republicans and the top members of the corrupt criminal bureaucracy they have installed. Many of us are not allowed to vote or enter their government buildings in the USA, including myself. We have no other way to communicate with them other than through violence. We will call this America's first caste war. It is my prayer that before I die that someone will organize a party to free us from the clutches of the tyrannical self-righteous beast ruling over us in America, the Democrat/Republican regime and their mafia bureaucracy headed by men hidden like those mobsters in the federal banking regulatory industry and the National Treasury Employees Union. Even if it means snatching their political head from their neck and cooking it at a Texas BBQ so all of their compadres get the drift.

If you decide to partake on that glorious quest, you must realize the fascists at top have armies of brainwashed and paid-off mercenaries, i.e. government workers. The IRA called it guerrilla warfare and the fascist regime under fire calls it terrorism. Guerrilla warfare was used during the "First" American revolution. It is a waste to go after the lower rank, however some of them are very ambitious dogs of war and you may have no choice. Count your chickens and then let them hatch, as precision is better than gross slaughter. I admire the Iraqis who shot their traitorous brothers who were the opportunistic and selfish political appointees who were walking with the murderous and fascist regime from the USA, sent by our billionaire and criminal governmental enemies. Woud you like it if the USA was invaded and somebody started going on the hunt of your family with the aid of the invading forces. The USA governments of today do not want us to think, and never to act. I am too old and tired to act in that fashion and would find it easier just to leave their polluted wartorn soil. I only wish I could give one of you younger people the plans and a new device to act in surgical precision and stealth in overcoming the beast excluding us. Never again serve the USA military. They are not us and their government betrays us. Shed no tear when they fall mangled into the dust of history just like Rome.

What bothers me most about the current regimes in power and their bureaucracy, is not just their admitted forced medical experiments against veterans and others, but the fact that I believe now that medical procedures are often carried out upon soldiers without their knowledge. The USA government dentist in the military standing over you becomes your God and your Satan, as you are at their whim after the first injection. Time to end warfare abroad with their enemies. I like Iraqis as much as Israelis and Hussein is no more repulsive than Bush. I pledge allegiance to the right of Freedom of Thought and Choice, as allegiance to America and it's flag is like pledging allegiance to the animal wearing the velvet robe, one second an angel and the next a beast killing our children.

The super wealthy own almost everything while most of us own nothing. Their bought out government, a collection of criminals in high bureaucratic positions now take our only remaining possessions, our freedom and clean criminal recordes. The judges who are giving felonies for legal gun ownership in America should be held on charges of treason and executed by firing squad. They have violated the US constitution and are betraying us. They are like dogs and we do not need their shit on our G.D. knees. The politicians who initiated the crimes of eliminating our constitutional rights and the prison state that is America and those who monopolize the propaganda apparatuses through mass media should flee the nation or swing from their own ropes as well, as a nuclear war with our enemies is better than being in their presence, so it will be best they leave, or so be it.

We are knee deep among our enemies and I pray that we are soon knee deep in their blood or they are removed from our presence. The fascist US government and their echelons of boot-licking Nazis claim we are criminals and violent for trying to preserve our own lives. They have guns and beat people and their judges are like beasts in the swamp whose judgement is barbaric like a prehistorice reptile. We are being suckered and jailed by our enemies in this country by design of our adversaries, super wealthy billionaire multi-nationals who control our political process with money and corruption. America is becoming like Mexico more everyday, so let us hope that the kidnappings and retribution against our adversaries is soon started against those fascist murderous and exclusionary pigs of the US governmental regime Democrat/Republican just as the fascist pigs in Mexico endure. They laugh at us, the nobodies, and treat us like their niggers, excluding us from voting and entering their government meetings. I will laugh when they are all assembled and a nuclear bomb goes off in their faces in retribution for their crimes and lies around the globe during the past century. They do not pretend to be our friends and allies, so why try to pretend we are theirs. We have freedom of speech and they even try to take that, the fasicst and elitists and murderers and hippocrits. Let them wallow in their own blood and guts when our saving Army arises. Better yet, let us hope that the saving Army crams all of their ill-gotten money down theirs and their children's windpipes. They are not allies to anyone but themselves, filthy rich fascist pigs.

Has the U.S.A. governmental beasts assigned you a number for a crime when there was no crime? Have they ruined you financially or forever black-listed your name? Due to corruption and rot throughout the modern-day USA government, I have been scarred for the rest of my life. Now, I pray that those corrupt and highest USA government factions are scarred in a similar fashion. They are the most repulsive criminals and are the proto-types for the Christian Lucifer(s). I would rather have had death at birth than to have lived through their societal rot and wars, from Vietnam to Iraq, my entire life and now many of our children's lives are bogged down in their traps for the caste system of America. Know your enemy in their many faces and their many locales.

Welcome to the corrupt justice system that has been lost to our enemies along with much of the rest of America and our lives. Look your enemy in the face. Look at American Television as the billionaire dollar ads are run to monopolize their fascist regime in power.

Today, You Are In The Rumble Seat With SainTramBone


Update on Auditor/Artist Kurt Brown's and alter-ego Saint Ram Bone's trial. Los Angeles Superior Court with Federal Assistance have decided that Kurt will not be entitled to a fair trial, having to be satisfied with a felony plea conviction for legal firearm ownership with a dismissal after the fact of a conviction. NEVER SERVE THE USA MILITARY. BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT AND SAVE YOURSELF AND THEIR VICTIMS THE MISERY. THEY WILL BETRAY YOU SOLDIER, BRAVE! SIT NEXT TO ME ON THE POW USA BUS. G.D. THE W REGIME. MORE POWER TO FREEDOM FIGHTERS THE WORLD OVER. BRING OURS HOME. I once knew a lion that became a squirrel and then changed back. He remembered the G.D. cat. Diaspora common American. Find shelter as war is imminent. Our conquerors are not God to us or their other victims.

It appears that higher factions of government in power since the most previous political coupe d'etat want to start a war with everyone, including Americans who do not reiterate the fascist regimes slogans verbatim. In planning for the beginning of this war, you must first realize it is espionage most likely and will reflect most of its thrust into an intended direction, e.g. passports do not actually indicate boarding of a jet, as was the case on 9-11. Know your enemy(s). Never ever blindly believe the media when government or big corporate players are involved. Self interest to the point of betrayal. Someone flush the shit please.

A question never asked to the US media.."Does European Union President Berlusconi, Italian Politician and Billionaire, own and operate the USA federal government through the National Treasury Employees Union , a 29 agency union thwarting rules against collusion and erected during the downfall of the criminalistic Nixon administration? How many men and women and children in America suffer under the perpetual cycle of poverty and caste setting designed by our captors in the government and among the filthy rich, the upper 1 to 2 percent, who are international in scope.

See Berlusconi and give note, "Mi Ficca Un Culo! Si" "Rimanga dalla nostra iarda, feces del cane dal bourgeoisie" Or translated, "It is hump day and there appears to be another load of feces on the tip of SainTramBone's candy cane."

7-20-2004 Note of the day: A caste system is being deliberately formed and maintained by factions of those in the highest income brackets. Best advice: Keep Children out of state schools. Never turn a blind eye to a state official operating upon your loved ones. Our nation is under seige by those who are not us. Analogous to Archimedes Principle, our overlords of wealth and subjugation have replaced one of us with one of theirs in the highest echelons of government and industry. We may have never had a nation. Beware of the caste system. We are not their G.D. lessers or slaves. We are viewed as their adversaries, and so it is deemed. I am no longer an American. I am an ex-felon with a case dismissal after the fact of a forced plea due to a Million dollar bail and forced injections and abuse by federal and state agents for doing what is deemed appropriate by nature and allowed by law, exercising the right to bear arms when being attacked by criminals sent by federal banking regulator gangsters in suits, some with badges. Our constitution means nothing and their laws designed to give us rights and protections are ignored. They are at war with us.. Analogous to a bacteria, death is far removed from the source and the intricacies of death are complex, and that is the nature of the criminals in the highest echelons of our government, including the National Treasury Employees Union. Death is far from the source, but the culprit of collusion is obvious throughout government and therefore all checks and balances are nullified. Billionaires own millionaires who run the government. A mafia is in the government of the USA. We will have to rid them from the government or they will continue to rid us of prosperity and happiness and freedom and hope. I am an ex-felon for legally owning a fire-arm after an attempt on my life most likely initiated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Treasury Employees Union. A trail of dead men are in my wake, and I can point to the killers, criminals within government (See Sheriff Jack Tillman's necropsy record in Mob. AL, and the theft of inmate funds and malnutrition and corruption within the court system, and See the dead FDIC director on the top floor of the FDIC in San Francisco in which Kurt was an employee, and pick the regional director's gun shot brains for clues when you wipe them from the wall...oops never mind, now allegedly they can watch footsteps on the convenient.) I am an ex-American until the nation is reconquered by American patriots. Bush and Kerry, YeaR of the wREcK and Hells SUB. We need a new regime America. Millionaires, criminals, and mafia government are our opponents and adversaries. (By the way, have President W release some of those patents shelved by the mafia in the oil business. A perpetual motion machine is in there somewhere.) America is a falling nation due to poor leadership with no vision of hope.

For many of us, we are under attack on many fronts due to collusion and corruption within American governments. We are becoming just like Russia and I scream for help not only for myself, but for victims of medical atrocity used as experiments and receiving forced injections, and abusive incarceration by American judges who are guilty of Treason against the common American. The criminals of a sort of mafia control the USA. Billionaires own the politicians who are millionaires. We are alone. Kerry is a Wish-Bone worth millions to himself and nothing to the common us. We need an entirely new party. Three Songs Commemorate over three years of exile enforced upon auditor/artist Kurt Austin Brown, and alter-ego, Saint Ram Bone.

Click To Enlarge America..Send Friends to this site by searching on Google or Webcrawler for Mobile Audit Club.

Tuesday 7-13-2004..Kurt Brown, Auditor/Artist, reports OK as prisoner in exile by corrupt US government factions. Word of advice, "The War Never Ends, Therefore Neither Should the Audit and Corrections".

Our government controlled by the elite and their warfare guerrillas are terrorizing my life. Criminals are at the throat of this conquered nation, America. Mobile AL to LA CA to South Lake Tahoe, Forced Abuses by USA government including forced medical experiments on children and veterans, linked here. We need an entirely new political party. The Futuristic Peoples Party, with no warfare and only space exploration. USA government is nothing more than a conquering criminal entity. I would rather be dead than be an American captive in 2004. Give me G.D. Liberty or Give US death.

The term diasporo does not just apply to Jews anymore. In this site you will find many horrors that are allowed in America. The country is not ours, the people of conscience and empathy, and it probably never was. The federal government has a mafia or two on its throat. The National Treasury Employees (NTEU) Union is worst, as you will see in the Assassination Attempt Details page . America can not even trust their patent office under the federal government while the federal mafia, the NTEU is at their throat. Flee America and Russia and China and avoid the 3rd world. (If you need to contact Mobile Audit Club email the webmaster at The site has been hacked and lost some details. A backup copy will be online soon. )

Millions died in the Revolutionary War and WWI and WWII to protect the USA Constitution and the Amendments. In a stroke of a pen they are gone and our nation as we knew it has collapsed due to the collusion within the Two-Party political system. It is rather sad that we are prisoners to what amounts to nothing more than a dictatorship for the extremely wealthy on an island continent in a country erroneously called 'United', the USA. Perhaps someday we will have computerized ballots showing all of the political parties, and perhaps someday everyone will be allowed to vote. Or perhaps as the article linked above states, "perhaps eventually the voters will listen and vote for a better future through proservative or public interest legislation". Thereby no dominant political parties. Would you vote for the Iraq War? Would you vote for the right to bear arms? The current ruling regime, Democrat/Republican regime, have created a war on drugs, a war on constitutional rights, and the USA is now a concentration camp. Would you vote for a draft of young people to fight a long drawn out war in Iraq? If so, welcome to the bad side of guerilla warfare. Sun Tzu said, "The War Never Ends". I will be seeking higher ground for my family.

A word of the advice to the young. The biggest mistake I ever made in my adult life was serving the USA military. I came to trust the USA governments and I was betrayed after an attempt on my life for blowing the whistle on government corruption. I live in constant fear of oppressive factions of government, federal and state. They will betray all low level veterans after discharge. The USA governments have betrayed me and numerous other veterans, who are either homeless or in prison or dead at the hands of criminals in government. Some veterans are even forcibly used in government medical experiments. (See the Continuing Problems section of this link) Beware of any USA government agency or hospital. If you have an opinion that differs from the ruling factions in the USA, avoid any contact with them even though some of them carry or wear items signifying religion when they in fact behave as if devoid of ethics or empathy towards honest men and women. They horrify me with their needles and their prisons. The federal government destroyed my life by forcing a felony plea, for legal gun ownership after an attack on my life with no police or state or federal agency response, in the most crucial hour of my life, and that was all it took to destroy what was left as you will see in the Assassination Attempt Details section. I have struggled for over three years to cling to the remnants of what remains.

Read of the Assassination Attempt Details against one of America's degreed accountants and auditors who caught the US government in murder and criminal activity at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a federal banking regulatory agency which one of our auditors was a bank examiner. The US government does not believe we have the right to defend ourselves after emergency-911 does not respond. The auditor fled his home after the attempt on his life and after being attacked by a Alabama Sheriff who is now a proven thief.  He sought shelter at the VA in LA, and they in turn forced injections and drugs while interrogating him trying to incriminate him in any way possible, and the Treasury Department police agency, the SS, violated his right to the eighth amendment, reasonable bails and bonds, and with the corrupt Los Angeles Justice System forced a $1 Million dollar bail for legal gun ownership so they could force a felony plea on gun ownership and silence on an approved of murder in America's federal banking regulatory system, the FDIC in San Francisco.  The governments of the USA do not care if we die at the roadside, murdered like dogs by criminals with federal or state badges." "The LA VA is also performing atrocities against Americans as you will see in this site."  The outspoken auditors have no no liberty and they are forbidden entry into USA government involvement in what has become the Prison State of America, where human rights abuses rival Mexico's." "America's wealthier 1% and their corrupt bureaucracy are at war with the common American in America and around the world".   Know their media as the billionaires propaganda of the enemy within the USA.

News only on the web is linked here. The FBI is trying to "legally" have access to every bit of information about you. (Automatic translation button is at top of linked page.) The 29 federal agency the National Treasury Employees Union already steals our information through the SS or Secret Service or numerous other agencies. The federal governments are criminals who cater to billionaires. You can translate any foreign language webpage or word by using the free version ofAltavista's Babelfish Translator. It is sad, but to find hidden news about American government, you will often have to use German news sources such as German Indymedia and the German Green Peace site. For instance, during the Anthrax scare an American biology professor was found dead of "Alleged" suicide. It was also discovered that the professor had been working with the strain of Anthrax bacteria and may have been behind the spread of the Anthrax to obtain funding for its research. That is much more speculative than the facts of the link where the government is trying to pry into ALL of our lives.

June 9, 2004...In this link I discovered that Spain has pulled their troops from Iraq after an upset in which the Socialist Party Candidate won the presidency. The biggest difference will not just be the dumping of the warlord President nominated by the extremely wealthy, but it could mean better funding for the extremely poor and healthcare, if the Spanish bureaucracy does not steal the funds.  Is Socialism the wave of the future?  Despotism is the way in America.  America has collapsed and the only thing left remaining are the possessions of the extremely wealthy and their criminal bureaucracy that is a parasite to the average American. 

America's bureaucracy steals tax funds, including Sheriffs who steal tax funds earmarked for Food Funds. The sheriff who was allowed to steal $100,000 and who is allowed to remain in office due to local and national governmental oversight by the political criminals, Democrats and Republicans, Sheriff Jack Tillman, is also allowed to commit any crime he chooses by our enemies in the U.S.A. federal government and city and state government in Mobile and Alabama. Most if not all of the USA follows the same pattern of abuse by our overlords, the Democratic and Republican regimes in power. The extremely wealthy and mostly corrupt fund the Democrats and Republicans, and the extremely Wealthy, the wealthiest one-percent who control almost 50%-percent of the wealth, still pay the same amount of taxes they paid in 1951. We the common Americans, the poorer 90% who own practically nothing if anything at all, are treated like sheep. We the poor and common Americans are led to pens, the prisons they destined for us, and we are led to slaughter, to fight their wars for them, in which they make money selling weaponry to both sides, friend and foe, and by looting the often innocent nations we are taught to hate and told to attack. In this site you will see that the Americans regimes are a wealthy and heartless and corrupt dictatorship and we should guide our children away from their grasp at every turn, from pre-natal to post-mortem. They are not our allies or our friends. Mass media owned by billionaires among them is one of their tools. The best advice is to destroy or shelve the existing television sets and purchase no more until the eventual seizing of the elitist regimes propaganda/television stations on behalf of the rising worldwide socialist state and then allow the stations to be utilized by all as public access community broadcasting.

A warning to all youth. The government of the United States is highly oppressive to those who try to reveal corruption within the government itself. They are eager to label all of the common people as felons who do speak out on corruption in government. They ignore laws to protect our rights, and they ignore laws and common sense ethical guidelines that force them to acquiesce in their abuse of us, the common men and women who try to stop corruption on behalf of the poor. They are even performing forced medical experiments on veterans, and possibly doing unannounced medical procedures on soldiers. Stay as far away from the USA governments as possible is my best advice if you intend to root out corruption. I truly wish I would have fled the USA when I was younger. Avoid Russia and the USA and flee those nations if you can find another nation outside of the third-world to accept you if the corruption and malignancies of our society are more than you can bare. Read of the horrors of being an honest American on the Assassination Attempt Details Page.

Several people edit and add to this site. I, Kurt Brown have tried to assist the common men of society in the USA and my life has been cast into mayhem by corrupt factions of US state and federal governments. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was serving the US military, because I regrettably came to trust the US governments and they have betrayed me. EVERY NATION AND MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM AMERICA'S CRIMINALS IN POWER, regardless of their position in rank. When they took away the U.S. Constitution, they cut our Achille's tendon. America is no longer the world's leading power.    The government does not care about our children and the wealthy elite want us subservient forever. Of special note are the true mob leaders of America, the National Treasury Employees Union. The NTEU grew to be a large criminal enterprise under Richard Nixon, and likely black-mailed President Nixon and Vice President Gerald Ford in 1973. The NTEU shoud be SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY as they are murdering and ousting numerous honest federal employees in over 29 agencies including the Treasury and FDIC. In addition they are forcing felony sentences on whistle blowers. The Secret Service tried to force silencing agreements on Kurt Brown and forced a $1,000,000 dollar bail to try and shut him up when he was caught with a legally purchased and owned pistol under his truck pillow and a guitar on the dashboard with all of his belongings in a U-Haul and outside the LA VA graveyard.  The year the NTEU got their hands on the throat of the nation was 1973 when the NTEU expanded from just being a union for the IRS and began including the Treasury and now cover over 29 Agencies with numerous departments. (Note: The NTEU is so corrupt that they did not list the Department of Homeland Security and the Treasury Department and the Secret Service, and others, as under their pervue in the list.) They have a Lot to hide, but that FDIC regional director's blood and brains are on the floor of the FDIC in San Francisco. The FDIC or NTEU or both tried to have me killed. Please note that the NTEU has so much to hide that the Dallas NTEU removed the history of the NTEU when I linked it to this page. The history is now at the link above. America has been lost to our adversaries from within. The NTEU's corrupt police agencies know that Kurt's travel plans are available from usual source--the NTEU's Treasury Department gun wielding agency the Secret Service, or SS)  Escape the USA if you can afford to escape and choose your destination wisely. (Kurt Brown is good at his craft and the NTEU and FDIC know it. Kurt has no job description. Kurt Brown was a bank examiner for the FDIC until he started talking about the murder of the the past regional director labeled a suicide. Later, after leaving the FDIC, on St. Valentines Day 2001, a NTEU or FDIC employee or liaison tried to take Kurt's camera after he photographed the current regional director and his partner on that snow covered morning. So many people have so much to hide. America is rampant with corruption.)

5-30-2004 A call to action to demand the opening of the doors of government in Mobile Alabama to all citizens cameras and that the Open Meetings Law be enforced, including allowing ALL citizens entry is on the Home Page II - Mob Al page. This site is about America, but a page is dedicated to my native city in Alabama. The rulers of the city have proven themselves to be liars and manipulators and I pray they are ousted. I have been wrongfully attacked and abused and forced to endanger my life so many times by USA governments federal and state agencies and factions that the sight of the American flag gives me post traumatic stress. My native city government claims the government of the city is "For and By The People." How can that be when I am blocked entry into government meetings and thousands of good Americans can not even vote, including myself, a man who served the US military and who was given a felony for nothing more than legal gun ownership and fleeing for my life after reporting a $100,000 theft of food funds by the Sheriff in Mobile, Alabama and a murder and/or blackmail of the Regional Director of the Federal_Deposit_Insurance_Corporation in San Francisco in the 1990's. We have no voice in the dictatorship by the extremely wealthy in the wretched USA. I would rather be dead than continue to be unethically and forcefully confined by the corrupt US governments to the borders of the prison state of the poor of America in 2004.

DO NOT KILL ANY MORE IRAQIS OR PALESTINIANS OR AFGHANIs ON OUR BEHALF. THE BLOODTHIRST FOR THEIR ADVERSARIES LEFT WITH THE TRUST OF THEM. Iraq was not in the OPEC cartel and drove oil prices down. That is one of the unannounced reasons that factions of USA government wanted war. We are used, "We Kill And Abuse Our Own With Money Paid By Our Relatives and Friends That Was Taken By Them", i.e. the wealthy dictatorship in America and their entourage of murderous millionaires and billionaires. The bottom line--Why serve the US military when they abuse us during and after our service. Their mass media propaganda ranks with Hitlers and their media somehow wreaks of murderous greed and dead Arabs. In other words, we are ruled over by a few fat billionaires who are our mortal enemies and who are as full of sh-t as the warmongers Mussolini and Hitler and Amin and Bush and Sharon. The only difference are the names and the fact that many of our enemies remain hidden behind political figures.

Al Gore said George Bush, Jr. removed all the checks and balances of government.  Bush removed the few remaining checks and balances.  The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) blackmailed President Gerald Ford after Nixon was impeached and removed many of the checks and balances in 1973, and mobsters began to fully run the government of the USA by 1980.  The NTEU was just a union for the IRS, and in 1973 they invaded the Treasury and now have their mobsters throughout US government in over 29 agencies and departments, including the bank inspectors of the Secret Service...bloody murderers helped rid the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of honest high-level employees and continue to do so to this day with the help of the NTEU.  Money laundering is one of their businesses and they are as corrupt as much of Russia's criminal infested banking system. The NTEU also bankrupts blue chip American companies through manipulations by the IRS and SEC with the assistance of accountants and managers within target corporations. The NTEU mobsters are also smuggling hard drugs with the help of the Customs Department and Border Patrol. You name the crime, and those federal sanctioned mobsters are making a profit from it for themselves. America appear to be a lost cause.

This auditor has given up on reforming Alabama and the United States.  3.9 million people can not vote in the USA, almost all of them from the poorer caste. Sheriff's steal inmate food funds and I am punished for reporting the theft by the Sheriff Jack Tillman of $100,000, and I am banned from attending city council meetings as a result. (My heart goes out to the Carpenter family, whose father was one of the many victims of the Mobile City Government's gestapo behaviors and who was eaten alive by flesh eating bacteria.) The Veterans Administration in Los Angeles is performing forced experiments on veterans and I endured forced injections, with leading interrogations by the corrupt bank inspectors of the Secret Service and I was forced to take a felony plea for parking on VA property, and I was forced to remain silent on the murder of the FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco, and in addition I have discovered the LA VA are editing medical records in 2003, as the records clerk, Ms. Doktor, had to edit my medical record, i.e. I quote "Remove Doctor's Notes", before I could view it, which I never did because they could not seem to finish editing my record and I feared the physically abusive LA VA police and the banking divison of the Secret Service who tries to claim criminal conduct to silence whistle-blowers such as myself. As one honest SS agent said to me, "The Trust Is Gone".

The knowledge they had stripped my medical records of the procedures they had performed made it senseless to risk life and limb and freedom to try and view them.  We have already been invaded by our enemy in the USA.  Wealthy criminals control almost all, if not all, of the houses of government and they have hired the ignorant to guard them.  America appears to be a lost cause.   The Veterans Administration deliberately overdosed me on a drug to which they knew I was allergic during George Bush, Jr.'s election.  Then the federal government with the assistance of a set-up by the Alabama government and California Government prosecuted me and persecuted me and had banned me from further investigations into corruption in government, thereby they openly and blatantly disregard laws assuring open government.

Common American, the new rule is, "Every man for himself, thereby form your own survival and support groups or communes and hidden shelters".  Do not blindly trust  hospitals either as many are performing forced procedures on patients and forced and unannounced experiments on children in the USA. The New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, hospitals in the South West U.S. are taking people hostage under the Chapter 36 Law and extorting large sums of money if anyone says anything that is upsetting to the government, e.g. reporting a nuclear spill or if they want to claim you are talking too quickly. Thereby those states are now allowed to extort money and practice psychiatric fascism.  Those South-Western gestapos can detain you without question for 72 hours and inject you with any drug and do with you as they wish, just as Hitler and his crew were allowed.  Remember to keep your children out of their public schools at an early age.  They will brainwash them to learn about an America that does not exist, a place of freedom and democracy and liberty and justice for all, and they will neglect the child's full potential.  The American utopia is a myth and likely never existed.  Also,  for newborns consider having them wear a protective skull cap to protect from intense cellular phone waves and other waves due to possible brain damage and retardation when the skull is soft as even homing pigeons are getting lost due to the intense magnetic waves.

June 10, 2004...Thousands of good paying trucking jobs will be lost to Mexican trucking companies, thanks to our enemies in the Democrat and Republican parties.  When they engineered NAFTA and shoved it down the American workers throats, the elitists regimes showed their disregard for the American working and common classes the poorer 90% of us.  Now the Mexican trucks not only endanger our lives on our roads and pollute our cities, but they rob us of jobs just as NAFTA was designed to do. 

Those who use the internet for news instead of American TV, radio, and newspapers, are much more informed. Spread the word of the Spanish victory and its implications of a change of political and philosophical guidance in the Western European nations and eventually America. On a side note: The wealthiest one-percent do not care, but have you seen any of the homeless women eating out of garbage bins and sleeping under bushes in America?

Webmaster's New Double Blind Email is To discuss this site or make comments regarding it or to give news tips and links, go to Open Discussion Message Board.

5-11-2004  The American government and banking regulatory systems have been overrun by mafia, just like in Russia.

I am a disabled American Veteran. I would blow my brains out before I let another Veterans Administration doctor touch my body. The Veterans Administration turns on veterans in many cases, handing crumbs to their crippled adversaries, crippled under their direction. At the LA VA it is almost as if the Viet Cong are running medical experiments there on the veterans.

5-3-04  "The war never ends, therefore the audit should never end and the implementing of corrective actions."

Tell your friends and associates they can find this site by searching under many search engines for "Mobile Audit Club". Unfortunately we can not tell for sure if our emails make it to each other if we correspond due to collusion and sabotage at the internet nodes. If you email the webmaster and he does not respond, then your messages are being blocked. You are welcome to post a message at anytime or tell that the email was not responded to at this discussion website link. If that does not post and the email does not get responded to, you can contact the Human Rights Watch in the country of your choice, preferably overseas.

"I watch honest police trying to stop the criminal activity that jettisons from the river" "While I stand at the mouth of the flood gates looking at our politicians, put there by political coupe, disenfranchisement of voters, and the NTEU, as they hold the gates open and screaming for their subordinates to watch only a few, if any, of the streams of corruption."

3-31-2004 Auditor Kurt Brown was injured East of St. Louis on I-64, on 3-12-2004, trying to avoid killers most likely from National Treasury Employees Union mob with assistance of local Mob alliances in the NTEU Federal Police Agencies. It appears that a tracking device was placed in his vehicle when he was victimized by the Los Angeles VA and Treasury Department SS or they have placed some device in him when they were forcing injections upon him when he was fleeing for his life in 2001 from corrupt murderers in government. Local police were in the area when he got off the interstate with numerous other vehicles on 3-12-2004. Los Angeles has been taken over by the most petty of minds and their legal system is akin to Adolf Hitler's.

A quote by Rothschild who raped the world banking system, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." Now the National Treasury Employees Union and the international billionaires and their bought out millionaire politicians are holding the cards and our nation is in ruins and about to fall.

In this link you will see that the NTEU began to violate auditing principles severely in 1973 under Tricky Dick, President Richard Nixon (Update, they removed the link and are hiding). We have no privacy or safety with the NTEU Mob bosses at the throat of every government agency and every citizen's private information. DEMAND THE NATIONAL TREASURY EMPLOYEES UNION BE LIMITED TO ONE OR NO FEDERAL AGENCIES. COLLUSION TO THE POINT OF BLOODY MURDER! The Canadian model is better, with autonomous unions for each agency, and even that needs to be monitored overtly and covertly. The chances of collusion are known as F is function of X. Therefore, if you factorial the 29 named agencies, and there are many more, the mathemathatical designation is 29!, or 29x28x27x26 right on down to 1. The answer is 8.8 E30, or for those who do not know scientific nomenclature and auditing, the chances for collusion under the corrupt design of the NTEU is 8,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Before they call anyone crazy under their witch hunt, they better learn to do their basic math.

Also, in 1992 and into the later 1990's the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation laid off and terminated large numbers of employees and continue to do to this day. Also, they are hiring during some of this downsizing and retaining less experience employees. They have structured criminal oversight in the banking regulatory industry, and California in particular has numerous banks controlled by criminals in the drug and gambling industries. The bank examiners in charge are often puppets or have their hand in the corruption. I know for a fact, as I was a silent bank examiner, an observer on the lower rungs, and I saw some mafia types getting bank charters and such while working as a bank examiner in 1999 and 2000 in California, while it was obvious that some bank examiners in charge were helping them. The Federal Government aids big-time criminals and attacks and robs innocent Americans and American Veterans. They were behind Kurt's victimization by government in 2001 also, in addition to the banking specialists at the Secret Service. Both agencies are under the NTEU.

The media has become a propaganda apparatus under billionaires and the corrupt government. The government now hands out felonies to people who are victims due to the design wrought by the corrupt factions.

3-31-2004 A copy of a letter sent to the Governor of California and others requesting release and reporting an attack on a highway and a stroke suffered afterward by Auditor Artist, Kurt Brown, has been added to the Bottom of the Blue Print to Democracy page. It is obvious that the current governmental administration in D.C. and California are trying to send us into a state of martial law. They are doing everything they can to anger America. It is like shaking a bottle of soda and then releasing the pressure to let it spew. Do not let them do it. They are the weaklings bent on deviousness. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, commemorated a new coin illustrating Safe Passage into the USA. I wish he would make a coin commemorating Safe Passage OUT of California. I am a victim of their abuse and forced into looking like a felon in their deteriorating nation. To misquote the singer of Talking Heads, "This is not my Nazi governor, This is not my Hitler (Democrat/Republican Regime) President."

3-27-04 Science ponderings on space and time travel have been added to the Love Line page..

3-23-04 An update regarding the most recent attack on a Auditor Artist and an explanation and clarification of the song that might have provoked it is on the Free Music Homegrown page. Peace is the final answer and solution. We will never get it under the current regime in America


3-18-2004 (This is a post after an attack on my life on a highway, most likely by associates of the federal network of criminals and their unions. I did not report it. None of them cared about the first attack. I will not care about the second upon them, either.)

It is 3 a.m. and my injuries from U.S. service are throbbing. The attack against me on I-64 this week has taken its toll. :Some government factions seem to want to go to war with Kurt Brown, Auditor Artist. They have tried to kill him, silence him, and surround him. The Pre-Emptive Strike some Factions have planned is in action. The Un-Veiling of the NTEU website below was the first glimpse of revealing part of our oppressors root system. WE ARE NOT FIGS OR GRAPES FOR THE PICKING. They have most likely bought off Kurt's second attorney or threatened him, as they are afraid to allow any citizen to defend themselves after they have prepared their case to defend themselves against the US government's corrupt factions aggressions.



3-13-2004 Alert to all Police Agencies and Militias. Auditor Kurt Brown was driving East of St. Louis and was attacked on Interstate 64. Get the National Treasury Employees Union out of government, or strip it to a controllable size, and your Treasury will likely rebound and less Cocaine will cross the American Borders. The NTEU is basically looking like Adolf Hitler's (Bush), AKA the Republican/Democrat regime dream empire is coming to rear its ugly head under another cloak and is killing American through Collusion between Federal Agencies themselves and the NTEU Mob. Refuse to pledge allegiance to the US Flag that is now the conquered flag under a hidden regime. We were a free nation once, where hard work and innovation paid rewards, and where an auditor or banking regulator could work in earnest and with honesty without worrying about assassination attempts. Now, even the most astute entreprenuers are losing faith in American government and their interaction with society.

We are at a crossroads. Kurt supports union labor, but not mafia unions running our country to the garbage pile. One agency per union or no union at all. A basic auditing priciple that the government knows and chooses to ignore to thwart collusion is a mathematical principle, where f is a function of X. One agency per union, internal union, will help to quell some corruption because it eliminates easy collusion.

E911---Forget About It, I have audited government found corruption, reported it to E911, and I was tagged and chased by their corrupt federal and state police from Lower Alabama to Los Angeles and their abuse continues. California is a detention camp and their government is a dope dealer and prison builder, not to mention fascist pigs worthy of slaughter. Elitist propaganda Television glorifies prison. U.S. governance smells of Hitler with a self-righteousness reserved for religious fanatics. Our media makes educated men and women sick with their simpleton propaganda. You will never hear the words NTEU on America's most wanted. Give US liberty or Give US death.

They have destroyed our constitution and are violating all ethical principles to induce a war like state. To be captured and used in Medical Experiments is not advised. The federal government has experienced what I call a take-over that was started long ago by various groups, who are allies one day and foes the next.

A link is to the NTEU a couple of paragraphs down. They have surfaced like the boat from Hell. Demand the NTEU be removed from Power with their 29 plus federal agency hold. Know Archimedes Principle.  Get the Audit Controls in Place and open the media to all or watch Archimedes Principle be proven in full when they stand over our extinct childrens graves.

Link to announcement, $50 Reward offered in locating family of murder victim labeled suicide in San Francisco Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Collusion at National Treasury Employees Union and its 29 agencies is a 100% probability. They are the hidden, "Mobster Orchestra Maestros, or MOMS."



I like analogy to the Xth level.  In those insights you find the greatest truths, challenges, and sometimes doubly, or to the Xth, greater deceptions as that is the nature of survival under these apparent constraints or derivations there-out or there-in. 

When I look at the NTEU, with its incumbent 29 apparent federal agencies, including some agencies buried within, such as the Secret Service in the Treasury Department, and let us not forget the Homeland Security Agency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation my past employer as a Bank Examiner, and a host of others, I see analogously a bacteria infecting the host. 

Some bacteria have shells that are transparent.  You can see the nucleus but the slime on the outer layers is not visible.  All you see is the death on the other side.  It is in the invisible layers that the most virulent substances are found, while the mechanics of producing the virulent substances is housed away from the digesting end, and at the nucleus.

We should look at accounting controls and all auditing tools as a way to combat the virulence.  To combat a disease, you first must know the virulence, and then attack the source of the virulence.  We should dismantle the NTEU and its combatant power structure.  We need not elect Berlusconi tactics to our American government.  We used to be a sovereign nation. 

Open up broadcast media through much more Public Access Public Broadcasting and open up democracy.  Or just let it all slide until, whatever happens.  I am only one little unannounced auditor taught by my most beloved teacher, Bruised Brown and his associates, friend and foe.    Who runs the  NTEU behind the scens?  Not Ms. Powell.



I remember a dream of a dead man who came to me once and said, "We should not have employee unions in the federal government." He had been shot by a union mobster or he was an accomplice with no where to turn.  It is my belief that if the National Treasury Employees Union was disbanded and other Unions with numerous agencies, we would be better off as a nation, otherwise we will increasingly become entangled in their acts of collusion, directed by the mobsters at the top of the union.  Demand No More Mafia In Federal Government..."One Union Per Agency, or No Union At All!".   Collusion of groups both in government and media have stifled everything that was worthy of salvage in America.

Audit Summary: A 99% probability exists that America's governmental banking and regulatory systems are rife with corruption, e.g. note the decline in the dollar's value, a loss of 25% in value in 2003 to the Euro. Hypothesis: The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), with the assistance of key and strategic employees in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Treasury Department, have been robbing America for a very long time. Note the huge number of agencies the NTEU represents and the overlapping nature of their activities. Factor in collusion with a few FDIC managers and the Treasury Department and the IRS and soon through hidden deals, we have a broken financial system. The NTEU should not be the Union for so many federal agencies that are so diverse and whose independence assures reliability in an audit. Americans are being swindled by people with the conscience of abused children, demented and savage. Nietzsche predicted a lack of ethics, hence collusion. Break the NTEU's grip and put controls in place. For example, A murderer and swindler in the FDIC in San Francisco can bypass the IRS in D.C. if he has NTEU connections, or has made connections at their swank getaways to government meetings, lavish soires in resort locations on your tax dollar. Better to be a dead brave than a live slave, therefore, Auditing Lesson One is, "ALWAYS maintain a professional level of skepticism."

2-21-2004 Charity donation, $91.1 Million Dollar Collectors Item Original Painting, Dual Painting and House Talisman, by Kurt Austin Brown, and take a free Digital Pic..Courtesy, of Kurt. All Can Be found with A few humorous escapades and science observations on the Love Line Page".

We are the "Disenfranchised" in modern lingo, and "Niggers" of post-modern lingo,all unable to vote by Slave-Era laws, always the poor, any nation, any shithole in the wraps of a lesser and unenlightened power.. In California they give a Felony for taking one orange from an industrial grove, or for owning legally purchased firearms, and in Alabama they give a felony for just about anything the Thieving Sheriff in Mobile Alabama and his clan on the force, black uncle toms and white inbred earls. There is no feasible way to correct societal problems in a civil manner if you have no input. I pity America's future under current constraints. "In public school, blacks and whites and other mixes are told to sit together. In their public prisons, they are told to sit apart." My reply, "Sit next to me brave", "I am treated as a Disenfranchised Nigger also, therefore I must bee, and This Jail-Bird Pen is about to vote or fly." "We need men of action to awaken their vacant heads to the Blue Print to Democracy .

Never rely on the government to protect you if you are investigating corruption within government. They protect each other like fibers in a leather glove and we mean absolutely nothing to the criminals at the top, as we are viewed as their lessers and property and if we reject their abuse, their enemies. Their method is to destroy Americans and sometimes hand them crumbs. Know you are not a squirrel in their hand-fed park.

2-8-2004 Auditing Principle Number One...Carve it between your eyes like an X..."Maintain a professional level of skepticism at all times". Your government is a territorial and vicious beast just like other warring nations. Iceland recently sold their entire country's populations genome, or every person's DNA codes in the country. In Italy, a discussion regarding possible targeted attacks through biological technology. Citizen Beware. The person of no money means nothing in the West, considered by our captors to be similar to goats or road kill. Vietnam was an effort to squelch internal dissent by diverting youthful combatant energy on foreign soil. Iraq is just a power grab of bloodthirsty fools hung up on yesteryear and do not have the foresight to see the next Utopia in space(s). Beware as your government is not always your friend, but an acquaintance at best.

The government said emplicitly at the first court hearing that about a victim of abuse of Mobile Sheriff's department, "That is OK. He's just another dumb-ass poor nobody from Alabama. Let's call him crazy". America is a dictatorship controlled by men as bad as those in the Kremlin of Russia in some, if not most, areas. The Russians are having suicide bombers tear at their corrupt members during their elections on this horrid day in modern history. 2-7-2004.


1-6-2004 A Midnight Howl, Free RA Tau Pic, is available as a MOuRNING ALERT, contact webmaster...Update 1-7-2004 Home Page II - LEADS and Murder She(?) wrote. Corpses Showing Up In My Tracks, once again in Mobile Alabama, still in the murdering and thieving Sheriff Jack Tillman's jail. Nazis of a lower level are like dogs, able to obey but not imagine their predicament. The higher Nazis make me love war.



Foreword and warning: Proof with links is in site of the following claims and more. US governments, federal and state and local, are commiting atrocities on an unprecedented level, from excluding voices of citizens in government, to denying voting rights, to performing forced experiments on veterans and children, to forcing injections upon citizens, to performing unannounced medical procedures on soldiers and others, to murdering outspoken whistleblowers and terrorizing us in our homes or while we live in the streets. They are known to label as felons those who oppose their atrocities, so beware of them just as if you are dealing with Adolf Hitler if Jew, Ariel Sharon if Palestinian, or Idi Amin if you are an opposing voice with white skin. Free your children from their grip in their schools and hospitals and beware of serving their traitorous military and government. Beware of caste setting through medical procedures on children and avoid their public schools and their mass media. We are under seige by beings who are not of us, and they terrorize the world. My prayer, "Dear Creator I pray you crush the elitist regime's monopoly and their corrupt legal system or give the Earth merciful and expedient death, as that is better than the abuse they increasingly inflict upon us and the world's weak, and extinction is better than the course they have set." G. D. the regime, Republican-Democrat and their corrupt judges who behave as tyrants from Hell. They are at war with us, and much if not all of their recorded history they put before is often if not always a lie. They have us addicted to their oil, their drugs, and sentence us to their prisons. Let us send them into the teeth of their own beasts. Get our soldiers out of the Arab states, they are victims of the same beasts we face daily here in the United States, those filthy rich and powerful bastards and bitches who glare down at us like their apes in a cage, with their Uncle Tom's and Idi Amin's in their corners who would betray a man just as if catching his brother for slavery. Pardon my rage in some sections, I have been made partially blind after being poisoned while forced into exile by our enemies in the USA governments. In addition, a doctor verified a scar in the palate of my mouth I can not explain and I believe it was from a Veterans Administration experiment or an unannounced medical procedure by the US military. I have survived two assasination attempts since 2001 and unimaginable abuses by the government and their mafias. No one cares. I do care, and if you have suffered abuses or have concerns, email the webmaster at . Make no mistake, many sectors of U.S. governments behave as our enemies, and you should think of such and make plans for their ousting, or make plans for your eternal subjugation or quick extinction. War is no longer, now the battle is for survival. It is over for America, and it is only a matter of time before the bones of Americans burn like embers. Do you want to be their victim?

Because we are hounded and abused by U.S. government officials, and not afforded the rights by their law, let us support the right of all of their victims worldwide to have sovereignty from their death grip. Because we are not allowed to vote or enter government buildings or the right to defend ourselves, give a round of applause to the modern day martyrs, suicide bombers and kidnappers directed at those heinous beasts calling themselves our beloved leaders. Our enemies scoff at us, threatenting us with starvation through their abuses, they mimic their barbaric ancestors in anticapating our deaths and subjugation. It was a mistake to ever have served the military for the elitist American regimes in power. It was a mistake to trust them with our children. We must spread the word that our enemies are in control and laugh at our demise. Support suicide bombers and kidnappers if they snatch the teeth and the will from the beasts.

This site gives information with proof. The US governments are not protecting the interests of the common man, which are our children, our lives, our future. They behave as our enemies while their billionaire owned mass media covers up their lies and distractions. We have no choice but to try to organize an international coalition with fund raising abilities to deal with our enemies, right here in the highest seats of America. Never turn to the US government when running from high level organized crime. They will kill you, or imprison you and claim that your claims are insane, just as they did with me and in spite of tangible proof. Do not let the US government conquer the world and establish puppet states as they are trying to do in Iraq. A one world shadow government will bring about the end of the human species, or at least the longing desire to end our species life under the hand of an overlord beast.

Warning: American government is performing forced medical experiments and forced injections and other atrocities as this site has links to prove. Do not ever turn your back on them when they have your children and do not trust public immunizations. They behave as our enemy and should be thought of as our enemy.. Now I, like millions of others, can not even vote and try to stop their abuse under their horrific regime in the USA who prosecute 44 times more than France, often for no crime, and always with prejudice. USA, "What is the solution to the USA $legal crisis$?" Help spread the word about the awful truth of America and their lieing propaganda. I hate mafia and clan types, even if they are legalized with suits. Fix them some cement boots to take them to Hell Vinnie(s).


The regime controlling America and much of their bureaucracy has been taken over in the most pivotal points by those who are corrupt and they are as heartless as they can be under public scrutiny, and otherwise who knows. Have you received forced injections by any governmental agency or governmental organization,? Or have you received forced medical experiments, that you know of? Has your homes sanctity been unethically violated recently by Secret Service or other SS type operatives for simply trying to enter a government city council meeting and then have them add insult to injury by harassing you your family? I and numerous others have suffered some or all of the above atrocities in the USA inflicted by the governmental regime in power.

Are these the same people whose military you served or thought was there to protect you? Bush, Jr. nor Bush, Sr. nor Billionaire Kerry can be trusted to give us our rights or the initiative to free us from their disasters, which will be war and transgenic manipulations for a certain sector's benefit. Do not be surprised if human kind does not end up back in the dark ages per our hidden enemy's plan.

Something is not right and I would not be disheartened if Thomas Jefferson walked in with an R2-D2 Battleship Mounted Machine gun on some of their private government coup d'etat meetings in some conspicuously fascist cities, and hear him announce, "Damn the fascists, Shoot off their heads."

Prohibition empowers our enemy. Our enemy is also empowered by collusion between federal agencies and their employee union spanning 29 agencies. If you empower our enemy, you lose control of our government. America has been lead down the road to subjugation of caste groups and exclusion from voting among those groups.

Heroin, Coke, Meth, A Profiting Segment in the Prison Industry, Marijuana Prohibition and corruption due to collusion in government and a lack of voting rights and corruption at the ballot boxes. I see no other way than to deal with our enemy directly. Our enemy wants the world divided and crushed. We want off of the planet in the near future and can not do it under fire. It is do or die anyway.

Bill Cosby said it right, "What is wrong with you people?" "Stand up for your rights your community". I say, "Do not be a sheep in the master coop of the enemy, waiting for our slaughter." "Rise Up and attend your city's city council meetings in front of their cameras and demand the right to bring our own."

"BEWARE OF BETRAYAL BY THE ENEMY. THEY ARE NOT OUR GOVERNMENT. THEIR ESPIONAGE IS NOT OURS. THEIR BLOODSHED WILL NOT BE OUR CONCERN UNLESS THEY HARM US, WHICH THEY HAVE WHEN THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD". "THE TREASURY HAS BEEN ROBBED JUST AS THE SPACE PROGRAM JUST AS THE AVERAGE AMERICAN". Bush, Sr. helped to solidify a heartless criminal segments control of the US in 1992 with the Savings and Loap rip-off. Clinton allowed accounting laws changes that intentionally opened the door to thievery of corporations and stockholders. Obvious flaws of logic in governmental law and finance and societal equality and empathy have been ignored for our enemies heartless gain.

I have proof of claims made here with links throughout this website. Are you ready for a more invasive martial law and more prisons for those who oppose the fascist regime ruling the U.S.A.? Get ready USA as the coup d'etat regime of the Republicans/Democrats know that we know that their elections are scams, with millions unable to vote, and cheating in their ballot counts. We should be able to vote from home and verify our votes just like checking a credit card account balance. Millions of us can not even vote and some can not vote because like I, an ex-federal bank examiner, dared to defend myself from a faction of federal government's assassins. You should prepare for the onslaught the regime is planning for us by having a hideout and bomb shelter for modern times with air and water purification systems. If you can not afford it, maybe you need a old Sicilian style group to deal with your local politicians and their regime directly just as the Sicilians did the Italians. Already the billionaire owned mass media of the regime is making claims about Iran having nuclear materials for bombs. Who cares? Our terrorist is the American government. The American regime has not even finished stealing from and conquering Iraq. Most likely some faction from the regime in America toppled the World Trade Center in an act of espionage to justify war in the mid-East for their faction's gain. I honestly wonder about the regime's controlling parties as even being human. They treat us like their lessers as they conquer the world and betray us the common American, whose new slogan to warn of our being devoured by our enemies at home is, "Two fingers and a thumb, what are we, bubble gum?". America is not a friendly or safe place and our terrorists are factions of the regime, factions of their bureaucracy, and their heinous judges in the courts. Know the political system as your enemy and their bureaucracy as their tool and their justices as their personal whores and cut-throats, and you know the truth that you are in the pits of Hell on Earth right here in the U.S.A. Prepare to hide from our enemies at home or prepare to confront them in their conquered land, the USA. The regime will not even let Nader run for presidential office in Florida because the regime's Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, is helping to pull the strings of Judge-ship whores with the assistance of the coup d'etat murderer and president in D.C. Never again serve the betrayers. It is better to have complete annihilation of our species than to go down the path they have destined for us. The bottom line, never trust any US governmental employee, state, federal, or local, and do not allow them to force injections upon you or do experiments upon you as they have numerous US military veterans and children. They can kill you or your loved ones in a way you never imagined or simply turn your life into a living nightmare, just as they did mine.

A preview question: Does anyone know how to rid ourselves of the monopolistic control by the regime, the millionaire/billionaire Democrat/Republican regime? We are under attack by people or things who entered our government by force and bloodshed. I hear a chainsaw and a singing bio-geneticist, singing the old Doris Day ditt, "Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be. And the virgins were not to be found among the judges of America, transvestite whores draped in black robes of inequity. They would let us die and kick us like their dogs, while the billionaire landlord who owns America is not even here. Someone spy on the government of the USA. They are criminal especially in the banking system. We need roving patrols. They drew first blood. Two fingers and a thumb, what are we, bubble gum? An American judge is not an American.



One of the most lingering dreadful fears I have is that the U.S. government did an unauthorized medical procedure to me while in the military, or afterward they might have done medical experiments when they locked me up in the Los Angeles Veterans Administration hospital in 2001 and forced injections upon me. I was stationed in Long Beach, CA in the early 1980's and I remember getting some dental work and when I opened my eyes, my mouth was hurting terribly. The dentist was very bloody. A second dentist came in and said, "Here let me help you with that" and he forced something into my teeth or upper jaw-line as the other one stood in the doorway looking out into the hallway. I would not be concerned but since the Los Angeles Veterans Administration Westwood was caught doing forced experiments in 1999 and they openly admitted they had edited my medical record in 2003. Also, a sore area was in my mouth recently in 2003, as if along a suture line. I went to a Oral Surgeon and he said that it was a scar or incision that went high up to near the roof of the mouth. I fear my nations government so bad that I want to relocate my family from this dreaded nation. They betray anyone to keep their status quo. Avoid all contact with the Veterans Administration healthcare system is my motto henceforth. My best advice, "Beware Buyer", "Beware Veteran" "Beware Parent".

But then I wonder, am I surrounded by humans or just partially? And am I human as they see themselves? I seem to be one of the few who even cringes over the death of a Raven or roadkill, or who looks into a pasture and sees beings.


Millions of Americans are being silenced in spite of constitutional guarantees, via incarceration, probation, parole, harassment of family members, and modern terror tactics.  Pity America's poor and common people.


On another note, we have noted much anti-Semitism as of late.  Beware of using the Jew
or Israeli as the scapegoat of man's folly.   No race or group of individuals should be villainized for their race or religion, including the Arab people.  The Jewish people in our
observation are a people who follow Hebrew philosophy, which dictates
looking out for one's self and immediate family foremost.  Their traditions
are pure and they excel from them.  Some of them are fascist murderers, but not all.  Learn from the enlightened ones, do not persecute them, please.
The world needs no more blind hatred.  The stench of dieing children from the holocaust has yet to clear the mind of many, including ourselves.

The hostilities in the mid-East are
ancient, and in due time they shall pass with no truly apocalyptic damage.  Theirs is a terrible situation as it is a lose/lose proposition, i.e. if the Israelis press the Arabs out, they will be surrounded by people who hate them on every border, and if the Israelis allow the Arabs to stay and retreat, they will be attacked from within.  Perhaps peace through enlightenment will soon ensue in the region.

It is the future that concerns us.  The arms race needs to be stopped.
Today's weapon used against your enemy always seem to become the weapon used
against your own people in future generations.  Note the helicopters of yesteryear's war chasing residents of the city of Lost Angels, Los Angeles.  Stop the insanity of arms
proliferation or kiss the light of life from the exit of the worm's din, goodbye.

Here are a few links to articles written by Kurt.  Enjoy.

A PIC, a rather sobering but brutal view of realities of the mid-east with what appears to be an unexpected visit from the current house guest in The Village Of The Damned.  Look in the center of the pic at the top, where darkness chases the shadow of vacant life in the light



In this site you will find many disparaging comments about America's political system. I have seen one person on several occassions who rises above the comments some of us have made. Her name is Jan Schakowsky and she is the Representative from Illinois. I have encouraged her to run for President as she reminds me of an able and brave auditor. We need more auditors, and people with compassion, encourage Ms. Schakowsky to run for President. Her works and stance on issues are impeccable, with the exception that she voted to fund the Iraq war. It could be because she is Jewish and fears for Israel. I do not want to fight or pay for Israel's war on this day for the land they want to claim, anymore than I want to fight or pay for the American Indian to reclaim the America's. Otherwise, I still respect her tenacity in dealing with criminals in government and her insight into social issues.

Perhaps someday the people of Israel and the Jews and Christians of the West will look to the heavens and realize, there are the promised lands, not some over-grazed pasture in some God-forsaken blood filled desert, with childrens body parts laying around like so much fodder for the sacrificial flame of barbaric beasts. There in the sky a never ending bounty, with challenges and pitfalls, always honing the ax, always honing life to perfection.


There is nothing to fear, but retrogression eternal. The shortest distance to Hell is through Heaven. The longest distance to Heaven is through Hell. Hell==Ignorance. Ignorance==Non-Empathy. Non-empathy==Unenlightment. Unenlightment==Repetition of pain. Therefore, Englightment==Complete Empathy)


Just imagine how wonderful the US would be if the US and world governments spent as much money on educating the poor and common youth, as they do on their oppressive wars, which at last count was costing billions of dollars and inflicting unlimited horrors upon the common and the poor man in the U.S and the world. Biotechnological utopia in space is preferable to savage pain of ignorant teeth..  Drug addiction is a freedom of choice and sometimes a disease, but never a crime as the plight of thinking humans is a harsh one.   History repeats itself ad infinitum.  Not all in government are bad or mal-intentioned or misguided or simply vicious and without compassion.  A new blue-print to democracy is the first step to restructuring America and the world so that a governmental and societal system is constructed that supports the rights of all individuals and moves  America and the world as close to utopia as humanly possible, and thereby avoiding global annihilation and the slippage of society back to the stone ages, as the Myth of Sisyphus is a reality.

WARNING--NEVER BLINDLY TRUST ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY, Federal or State or Local or International. Demand empathy for all pain feeling flesh. If it flenches, vibrates, or grows, it must also feel. It is a supreme achievement, achievable eventually, with or without man. What a loss it would be to slip and have to start at near the beginning, again.

There is nothing to fear, but retrogression eternal. The shortest distance to Hell is through Heaven. The longest distance to Heaven is through Hell. Hell==Ignorance. Ignorance==Non-Empathy. Non-empathy==Unenlightment. Unenlightment==Repetition of pain. Therefore, Englightment==Complete Empathy)


Just imagine how wonderful the US would be if the US and world governments spent as much money on educating the poor and common youth, as they do on their oppressive wars, which at last count was costing billions of dollars and inflicting unlimited horrors upon the common and the poor man in the U.S and the world. Biotechnological utopia in space is preferable to savage pain of ignorant teeth..  Drug addiction is a freedom of choice and sometimes a disease, but never a crime as the plight of thinking humans is a harsh one.   History repeats itself ad infinitum.  Not all in government are bad or mal-intentioned or misguided or simply vicious and without compassion.  A new blue-print to democracy is the first step to restructuring America and the world so that a governmental and societal system is constructed that supports the rights of all individuals and moves  America and the world as close to utopia as humanly possible, and thereby avoiding global annihilation and the slippage of society back to the stone ages, as the Myth of Sisyphus is a reality.

WARNING--NEVER BLINDLY TRUST ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY, Federal or State or Local or International. Demand empathy for all pain feeling flesh. If it flenches, vibrates, or grows, it must also feel. It is a supreme achievement, achievable eventually, with or without man. What a loss it would be to slip and have to start at near the beginning, again.


Another VEGAN Summer approaching,  knucklehead leaders.

 The grand design appears to have two options--  One with death, self-destruct, and one with life, learn and live.  Choose your options, flesh and minds.  We are all the sameminus a small degree of variation.

 We as humans individually are sane, if we are free of gross organic abnormality.  We do not have to agree.  All of our ideas are within a framework easily illustrated by imagining a finite number of pixels in a  tube in motion.  We are within a framework of ideas best represented simply by ~(3.14)^3x10^X.  The (X is finite, at least as 1/2/2003 C.E., today) components of consciousness. Pi approximation is invalid due to Pi exactitude impossibility. As usual, monkey man trying to stuff his monkey fist where his brain was intended. The true mathematical representation of Pi is seen in nature and resembles the shape of an egg, with our universe's orbit and the shape of the earth as representational of Pi in extreme nature.

(Hypothesis--the universe we live in is finite.   According to some religions, all of human consciousness is one, which is something some strongly believe.   Therefore, human consciousness can actually be heard if all human minds are attune to same frequency, an actual frequency that is fine and distinct to each human, like points in the center of an Oxy-hedron.  However, not all points of thought can be heard at once, or recognizable, some believe.  Example.  Find a point in or on this Tetra-hedron--You can rotate it by grabbing the red dot.  Imagine a circular flesh around the elongated Tetra-hedron and you will see a mathematical representation of our universe.( It is java applet and takes a minute to load, but it is worth it. 


Pledge allegiance to the reality that all nations, and the world nation, and space, change and therefore you should not pledge allegiance to anything but wisdom. Wisdom==Empathy. 

Pledge allegiance to the reality that all nations, and the world nation, and space, change and therefore you should not pledge allegiance to anything but wisdom. Wisdom==Empathy. 


End of consciousness as we know it, if changes are not made.

Most obvious Secret of the century--Planet earth with human activities can not continue at the current rate of hostility and weapons buildup.  We must stop it.

The current rate of international hate is unnatural among humans who are not ill.  Something is happening with the ICBM bearing world leaders.  WE, the world, can have a paradise on earth and space if we reach enlightenment together.  Starting with the fact that we, of feeling flesh, are all closely related flesh, and we all feel pain.  There is a collection of Intercontinental Ballistic Nuclear missiles packed in silos throughout America, AND THE WORLD. (The actual numbers are under-estimated in the graphs, as the US lies like the rest of the world about their weaponry. 

Something is manipulating man to kill each other.  Some people can see and know the cause, while others do not care. 

A renewed Blueprint To Democracy for the electronic age is available but it will not be implemented without the assistance of the mass media and government. More laws==Less Justice.

Human Illogic Observation 1) All human individuals are sane, excluding gross organic abnormality.  Many groups of humans appear to be insane.

We must move the U.S. and world political process forward from the dark ages of 4/20/2003 or we will likely see a rising escalation of oppression by government, more blind hatred, and underground activities more akin to a banana republic, a savage retrogression, which in many ways American government and the world governments are evolving.

If you send your child to a U.S. public school in grades 1-8 they will likely never attain even a middle-class status in the U.S. according to a statistical study released in a recent book.  They might even join the ranks of America's growing SLAVE LABOR FORCE IN US PRISONS.  If you have the money or the access to funds, save your child and send them to good private schools in grades 1-8 or they will likely suffer.  The government no longer takes responsibility for learning. Establish neighborhood groups if necessary to finish the education process.

Audit and cross-audit governments, as the world and technology have grown to complex to allow them to run amuck.

Intolerance, hatred, greed, and ethnocentric pack animal behaviors define the repition and circle of pain. Feasting upon the dark side of the meat-tree should be diminished as enlightment grows.


Therefore we ask for simple, "Mutual Respect", or it will soon be over, as a matter of course, for all.

Some people profit from the divergences of ideologies and foster the hatred, either through their own profit motives, or simple psychoses or ignorance and lack of empathy for the pain of human minds and flesh.

Mutual Respect. The elusive frontier in a primitive and brutal society of species Homo Sapien, modern man, where the sound resonates like dog fights in a kennel of brutish feral rabid dogs.


The future DOES NOT rest in the hands of any one person thing or nation, but in the peaceful and cooperative application of technology, in particular at this juncture in time Biotechnology, implemented in all facets where metal, oil, and other elements stripped from our living environment can be replaced with the latest building blocks in the pursuit of understanding and science.  (If you like Science Art, See photo of DNA on Van Gogh Chip, and a possible biotech ladder going in the wrong direction, e.g. analogous to exponential increase in scientific knowledge used for weaponry and in particular, offensive weaponry. The bus is half-full, it will be up to the leaders to decide whether to eliminate or preserve the remainder, as many voices of reason have been silenced.


Kurt can not design a website without telling his probation officer, who we will call VELVET Voice MANSON, in Santa, Monica, CA (Now a Pinada in Riverside carries the chains and whips). The LA District Attorney, AKA Corrupt Elitist unworthy of merciful death with a degree and a lust for societal manipulation and abuse, says, "That man is a menace to Society", for simply being asleep on Veterans Administration property. Initimidation is the old Gestapo tactic, and it is back in Vogue with our "True" enemies. "What we have heuh, is a failuh to communicate." All movie and book deals or offers are open. Contact Webmaster at Bottom of page. News Update: Damage to Kurt's truck after attack on I-10 worse than alignment issue, i.e. ~$2,000.00~ ...Mistake 1 = Joining US Military, 2 = Working for Fed, 3 = Not leaving US after attack, high probability by government agents, 4 = Expecting Justice In America, 5 ==Lessoned Learned--Abandon Ship when killers, liars, thieves, and murders are at helm.

If you are young and intelligent, flee the United States while you are young. Study the globe and seek shelter, as the current leaders are hell-bent on annihilation, manipulation, control and repitition of cycles of poverty and control. The lie of America's rights and freedoms has been exposed. George Bush and the Bush clan are tied into a network of criminals that permeates all aspects of our society." "Pray for true democracy and enlightened compassionate leadership" or pray for eternal lights out. The current American regime is so violent and controlling that they will stoop to any level for full control, and are very deceptive and covert.


They have silenced millions. Fear for Iraq, we Fear for the World. They have silenced and dumbed down the populace and are doing so exponentially around the globe. We should call for the complete disintegration of the United States into regions or the reinstitution of the constitution in total. We are not United. Our constitution does not hold or stand. If we reverse the trend of its trampling, we may survive.

Too many American Psycho's...Making Me tense...Bush, Tillman, Kraft, LA VA, Assassins(Fun?DICk?), The Los Angeles Court Extortion system. We smell a beast and somebody is getting ready to make beast rinds.) " Why does Kurt hate some aspects of America so? " "The Federal Deposit Insurance agency or their associates tried to kill him, then the VA injected him against his will and said he was insane for being frightened of those murderous bastards with a dead regional director on the 12th floor in San Francisco, then the VA imprisoned Kurt in LA Jail, then the VA and Federal Deposit Insurance government agenCy had Kurt prosecuted, and hid their crime in the corrupt Los Angeles courts where gun ownership is a felony and the U.S. constitution is dead. (Is a felony for owning guns a Mexican Government Concept? Give Los Angeles back to Mexico or wipe the slate clean. The calloused nature of Los Angeles probation departments and courts and judges and their agents still taunt and extort money from Kurt after more than two years. Despite his medical conditions from service, they are disregarded by the fascist terrorists of the Los Angeles Courts. We would rather shake hands with Saddam Hussein. They are of equal ethical caliber. No one cares about us the poor. Before enlisting in the armed forces, consider other options, hamburger meat.


If you are a veteran or poor citizen who speaks out on government atrocity, beware of public health dispensing your medicines, as the Veterans Administration may be giving out heavy doses of adverse medications to throw peoples lives out of balance for a time period. They dispensed heavy doses of a steroid, veterinarian pain killer, methylprednisolone, along with a contra-indicated medication without accepting any responsibility for the adverse reactions on one political activist. They also ignored assassination attempts on the veteran, Kurt Brown, and prosecuted at the bequest of a corrupt federal deposit insurance agency afterwards. Our governments, Federal, State, and Local are nothing more than an extension from the horrors of history. Hatred, suppression of intelligent ideas and voices, and political indifference is fostered by the elitists and a chained existence of both mind and body is suffered by the poor and common people. The only true consolation is that, "All empires fall".

We the poor need a revolutionary new leadership party whose actions support the common people, or we need extinction, as the other possibilities are horrific. Consider a moment the horrors of current government ordered deaths (covert and overt), government forced experiments, then consider the potential of growing social disparity, and forced genetic mutation and medical manipulation of human-beings. Their new weapon will be unleashed from and on behalf of certain members of government or industry. Part of the cure is the restoration of rights, including voting rights. This will only occur by DEMANDING a newBlue Print to Democracy       


10-31-2003 Today, in a 5 second broadcast spot, a young woman of significant African descent was on the elitist owned medium, TV, in Eureka California and she said, "We need a constitution." She and "we the common" will never succeed unless a full strategic assault is made against our enemies monopolizing the seats of power in the Americas. We thought she was a Senator from Alabama. Not likely. Pity the poor who can not afford the rights and protections of the constitution. It appears that humans under current leadership are nothing more than insects with teeth. The imperfect species are always thrown back to be recycled in the mesh.

A fatal flaw that I see in the Hispanic culture of Los Angeles and Mexico is believing that one person can not stem the tide of oppression by the super wealthy. Definitely, with the right Musk Oxen. The Fatal flaw of Alabamians is that they believe that handing bibles to Muslims will improve their plight. Mobile Alabama government does not allow auditors in who are not in their employ. America, Where Art Thou?

One of The Greatest Terrorists and Manipulators Known to Man is the U.S. Federal, State, and Local Governments. Are our captors even human? No human would create so much horror and terror for fellow beings and stand by scoffing at their heinous accomplishments. Are they capable of suffering like pain sensitive humans? $Bush, $Schwarzenegger, $Tillman, $Riley, and thousands of judges and other political tyrants in this most heinoUS of nations are in office due to one bought out election after another. End the joke that is the American Political Process and end the reign of the international tribunal of billionaire criminals. End the reign of those who destroy us because of their lieing documents and bought out Television and Radio Broadcast Stations. The greatest vile manipulator of the uneducated. Our most ignored and and their highest publicized propaganda relic is the US constitution. We are not even allowed to defend ourselves when 911 does not respond, and if we do, we lose our right to vote and our birthright to bear arms in self defense. Where and who are our "True" allies, to the idealized American of 1776, the pain sensitive human? Most importantly, "Never let them have access to your children, in their schools, jails, or war tanks." They are capable of anything, have no ethical boundaries, and act in unison like a pack of hunting animals on the attack. "Do not ask what you can do for yourself, ask what can you do for yoUR country," so sayeth the Millionaire American in a dark time of broadcast radio.


It appears that some people feel that they have domain over man and beast and treat both equally, like animals, some not even worthy of merciful slaughter. 

Just as the Man-Of-War jelly fish is primitive yet capable of severe and prompt suffering among the multitudes within its aqueous environment and stinging domain.  Living beings or their toxins, chemicals, mechanical apparatus, or magnetic wave flux combinations, could crawl up into and effect each of us, or some of us differently.  That is not to say that race or religion would be a factor, as I truly believe it is not.  But it appears that someone or thing has propelled much of mankind into subjugation and imprisonment and is creating as many wars abroad as possible.  The same appears true for the leaders of some other countries leaders throughout the globe.  War "prone" leaders actually display much more offensive behavior than defensive behavior. 

To celebrate the grand achievement of cheap Iraqi fuel at the low cost of another 4 U.S. soldiers. C.E.B.A.G., shall we? For their entry into the ranks with all of the other commoners who believed they were fighting for the rights of America that have long since been corrupted and destroyed. (Mercenaries for $ excluded from invite), we hope you are being comforted among the other side of the living by women like

For every bureaucrat and Sheriff, (especially Sheriff Jack N'Da Till-Man, Mobile, AL US) who openly steals federal food and sanitation supply funds from the impoverished in their care, and steal activists gun permits for reporting assassination attempts and theft by the Sheriff, we request, "Wave For Attila the Hun"

International, and inter-global, and inter-existence politics is like driving a car, that is to say that it is better to act defensively than offensively.  Humans of sympathetic and pain sensitive varieties who are of average intelligence know this due to their own pain, and family members pain. 

Freedom is our little birth-right! Horror and fear of government(s) or corrupt members of society is a learned trait. On a side and relatd topic, due to the micro-nature of electronics, such as fiber optic circuitry, the government(s) paranoid, ill, or corrupt agents or other individuals could manipulate flesh to the point of death, or further. Everything from eaves dropping devices to injections of toxins could be instigated at the flip of a switch or chemically timed release.

Beware of the wording used by those who do not feel the pain of flesh.  Please, as many enlightened minds have repeated numerous times.

"We all want and deserve freedom from all police and governmental oversight.  Some do not care for our pain, but simply wish to contain!

(No one is entirely innocent, and no one is entirely guilty)(Primitive bloody necessities lead, eventually to enlightened fruits in a much more non-primitive paradise, i.e. another example of paradoxical truths)


It appears that the Federal and State Governments higher ranking mobsters are waging war on the world and the poor among U.S.. Add that to President Bush's facade of religious endeavor, and Kurt Brown, the USA POW, prays to all of your Gods, Goddesses, etc. that he be set free from tyrannical paws. The American Beasts make money and power out of war and subjugation and political manipulation. The American people are conned into equating life to a Schwarzenegger movie. We must view critically "Who" is acting in mankinds long term best interest, and "Who" is manipulating us into an early grave as a species. Beware of modern technology as it is often hidden and increasingly used against us.

We are a conquered people world wide. There are indicators that our society has been molded with certain ignorant and selfish groups given grave advantages. The world is torn asunder. We look to the sky and ask for burial or free release. American government is a grand lie, a grand designer of our demise. The constitution is a document of deception. The American people are being dumbed down by their care-takers/slave-drivers in their public schools. Their television/proganda stations are worthy of purification by fire. If this is our world, bring us all instant death or release from their boundaries eternal, C.E.B.A.G.

The USA has 6 times the prison population of any nation in the world. One Million Dollar Bail For Legal Gun Ownership Forces Felony Plea Bargain (no bargain) on Disabled Veteran and Government Whistle-Blower, Kurt Brown. How many times a day do the Justices of America commit injustice? A nobody once gave up in the face of oppression. That is truly sad. We have regressed to the point of total subjugation by powers foreign to the common American.

Site designed by activists not on probation and who have not lost their freedom of speech (Rare). Free art and music and news throughout. (CLICK PICS TO ENLARGE) Large Home page.

10-16-2003 Four more dead U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Bring Our Soldiers Home. Get off of The Iraqi Back Bone. You must have full respect for any man defending his homeland. Our poor and naive young men are being killed needlessly. We have patents that could remove us from oil dependency but the beast(Dem Rep $Ind$) hordes them with their blood money.


Regarding death, your money, and banking and corruption, there were huge layoffs in the 1990's by serveral banking regulators and a Federal Deposit Insurance government agency. There were also numerous peculiar deaths, e.g. suicides resembling murders, and accidents resembling assault or hit-and-run victims at those agencies. Ironically some agencies were hiring while firing. Employee churning is a quick and easy way to fill strategic slots in criminal financial transactions. A new wing of criminal dominates America's financial machine. They are the financial arm of the Beast. To idolize mafioso is to idolize those who steal yours and your childrens money and future, whether the two-bit hoodlum is in government or industry or in-between. Check the Office of Management and Budget also, as their auditing machine needs to be audited by TWO external private auditors.

The California Government and Federal Governments are trying to make citizens commit suicide when they report crime and murder in government.  Read through this site and you will see how they do it..  Take a precursory look at  the current page for art and some music.  The Blue Print to Democracy link has political virtues that will never be known in the master's Hell, known as America, under the current elitist regime and their corrupt bureaucracy, the Beast.   C.E.B.A.G. crush our enemies and bring happiness to the children, globally.

Metaphorically speaking the governments have the mark of the beast if the riddle is solved.  They are the three governments with the three shadow governments.  They are the Federal government (G)(g), The State government (G)(g), and the Local government (G)(g). The shadow governments (g) are the most powerful and are more of an informal network and serve the master wealthy, the upper 2% of wealth-holderes, and their criminal entourage in the bureaucracy, the beast. In total they are the government best represented as (G)(g)(G)(g)(G)(g).  This deduction is obvious if you look at how government operates.  The beast and its members have their due process and rights in government, we have no rights and the Government, G, behaves towards us like the SS of Germany did to their enemies. Only the greatest in abuses by the beasts key players in the judges seats are afforded the common man.    The elitist dictatorship boasts in marble the slogans, "In God We Trust" and the  ten commandments, yet they are nothing more than the beast in their actions.  They are their actions not what they say they are.  Our government is a heinous monstrosity, prophetically known as The Beast, (G)(g)(G)(g)(G)(g).

Free art and Music and Unmentionable news in this site. Skim and select. If it says it is free, it is free. Steal this image. Kurt Brown, currently in Eureka, CA, Prisoner of corrupt American Government, state and federal, treated like a political prisoner of war, "Stripped from his family, his dignity crushed, subjected to medical horrors, silenced" His felony is retribution by corrupt government for his daring to survive an assassination attempt. Police did not respond, but set him up to be arrested, because of his stance against corruption and lies in American Government and society.

The federal government's corrupt members on the West Coast said that a government whistle-blower, Kurt Brown, was crazy after reporting murder at a federal banking regulator called a suicide, corruption at the federal banking regulator, theft of jail food funds, malnutrition at the jail, and thwarting of attendance in government by a sheriff who was blocking the announcement because of the Sheriff's own theft, and an attempt on the whistleblowers life. Since then, almost all of the accusations have proof that they are true. The police did not respond in the matter. We must note that the California Governments behave like paranoid schizophrenics. The Federal Governments behave like they have multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia. Most importantly, THERE IS A METHOD TO U.S. GOVERNMENTS MADNESS. They are corrupt and for sale like whores in a Hell of their own creation and the current regimes have no conscience toward the common American or common National. Color the sky red...coming soon in a historic emetis. Snuff the last breath. Give me liberty or give me death, Patrick Henry 1776 and Kurt Brown 2003. Democracy? USA? Damned lie! I can not even vote, just like millions of other poor, of all races, disenfranchised by the DIEING AMERICAN SYSTEM in at least 13 U.S. states, most likely all U.S. states. California is heinous also as their people are animals in the feeding frenzy on fellow Americans freedom and wealth, or they are conned or manipulated by the beast. Most frightening is how many act as if California is shangrala. Bullshit, that is always easy to do when you are the animal with the teeth in the flesh. Federal prison subsistence money is the new Prison Slave Ecomony in California. The American regimes, including those in power in California whose fingers stretch East like the claws of a rabid animal, their bureaucracy--The Beast.


If we cross the lines of wisdom and ignorance, we get to play Wicket Cricket with The(s), without the Grass, Si, Si!".

Also, much of this site was written in anger, severe post traumatic stress, depression from feelings of betrayal by certain sectors of my own government and sometimes, laughing at the absurdity and irony of certain sectors of life. So withdraw your fangs and venom if a line or pic disgusts you. Move on to the next line or page. Many of us have, and will continue to do so, including out of the lost USA.

In memorium of the dead children and innocence of war(s), we would like to quote a great man who witnessed the tears of suffering of another man, innocent, in an American jail in the city of Lost Angels reading a newspaper in which the article stated, "Two children were found dead, beaten to death, warring neighbors children." "Why do they fight?" The weeping man asked. The great man, a little nobody said, "Because they are brothers."

To the great man, just one of my brothers in man, sentenced to 150 years under the cruel 'Three Strikes Law of California', I say, "Alcohol, drugs, mixed with hatred is the scourge of men, as you well know, and as many fathers suffered, and our family as a consequence." You will never be forgotten, my friend. Our prayers are with you behind above and below the gladiators cage of the growing world's prisons, the concentration camps of our poorer class, our time. May the ignorance of mans inhumanity to man soon end, or we all know that all men will perish, to be replaced without the beauty we have already seen created, with time set back far, and forward an inch. Wisdom == empathy.

Roman Emperor Nero tried to rid us of prisons in the year 54. He would have succeeded, albeit with some unenlightened brutality. He acquired syphilis and went mad. His plan was then thwarted, and the greed and ignorance of profiting from and forgetting caged men raged on, to this day. 2003."

Biotechnological space colonies for the future, please. Not war. Not genocide. Jack and the Soybean stalk, myth or reality. Of course, we are not talking about 'Jack in the crack' 'We are talking about Jack in the sky, of peace, of flesh without pain. The evergrowing food source. Utopian space colonies of abundance and wisdom.


Some men are ill in the mind, and should be treated as such, given dignity, respect, acknowledgement of brothers possibly attacked from outside. Their wishes to exit should be honored, at their own hand, and with due like-minded consideration.

Remember, the first thing to die in battle is the truth. Therefore history can only truly be perceived by viewing the present and estimating the past from the relics of lies and fact presented to us at the present moment. History etches on, improving, and sometimes at the cost and lessons of death and suffering. What comes around goes around. The moon stands still in revolving on its own axis. Perhaps mankind can do the same, to stop, rethink, restructure, redesign, and look to the skies, full of protein and health, in the sheltered bubbles of space colonies designed from the codes of life itself in biotechnology, without blood, and, someday, without even the pain of the feasted upon soybean, Jack ;)

It looks like neutrinos, a tiny particle(s) in space, have been with us for centuries, yet we have just now witnessed them."

This site was designed by activists. We wish all of humankind well as we are at the threshold once again. May enlightened minds prevail and the deities of your choice guide you to the paradise we deserve. Tolerance, freedom, peace, mutual respect, wisdom as the light to paradise eternal is beckoned here, as the option in the end is the begining again, with all of the trials and tribulations, i.e. Sisyphus ~1~

Prisons are primitive CONCENTRATION CAMPS. May the pain of man's brotherhood past be a lesson learned raised to the X.


Chains are chains, boundaries set are the same. Fear ignorance and those who are mentally ill and bent on violence like you would Randy Kraft, a serial killer with Hypo-Glycemia, a fatal mental illness. Kurt faced Randy 20 years ago on 4/30/83, surviving. Randy was caught two weeks later, after a 10 year or more murdering spree. Pity Randy and his victims.

Lesson--Never drink from a stranger's open bottle, and if while hitch-hiking from a bus stop, to be picked up in a luxury car, and there is a dog-pound restraining device under your ass, get out PRONTO!

A corrupt federal banking regulatory agency and/or Treasury Department Members or their Union or others are corrupt and wreaking havoc on those who try to comply with laws. Tyranny under Hostility and Absolute Fear and Control is common among the ignorant.

Many images in this site are of Presidents, dignitaries, etc. They are for symbolism only, often of others, and we do not condone violence. To kill a politician is like cutting a mushroom in a pile of manure, i.e. another of the same variety will crop up.

Due to ineptitude in world diplomacy, Kurt Austin Brown went to the New Orleans Gravefest and a mystic there with Purple Hair summoned Julius Caesar on what to do to bring peace. His answer....

The world changes or the world changes all of us. War and subjugation is a rudimentary lesson, not of advanced life habits.

(Historical fact: When Julius Caesar was marching through a new land in search of food and sustenance, he encountered a soldier. The soldier had three fingers and three toes.

His remark, "Is that a man or a woman?"


Sun Tzu said in the book, "The Art of War", "Divide and Conquer." The United States within, and the world as a whole are divided, as between East and West on ideological issues. .

For example, guns are allowed in much of the South-East and not the South-West U.S..

Medical marijuana and some anti-war sentiment prevail among some areas and not others. The same degree of wide divergence on other important issues divide the Western mindset of the world, from the Eastern mindset of the world.


One veteran recalls possible electric shock or injections into the cranium after injections in the arm in 2001 at the facility, after he told of corruption related to a federal agency handling federal banking regulatory monies and the theft and starvation of inmates at a county jail. The facility should be converted to a shelter for homeless and aging veterans. Medical Ghouls dominate the Westwood VA medical facility in Los Angeles. Vets Beware!. Avoid ALL medical VA treatment if possible as they often give out questionable drugs with adverse side effects, and the larger question looms as to whether or not the experiments go on through out the government agency(s), and to what extent. No limit is our best estimate.


Foreword note: AMERICA IS UNDER MARTIAL LAW WITH ALL POLITICAL DISSIDENTS OF TYRANNY UNDER SILENCE. California Highway 101 looks like a war zone in N. Cal. with Troopers at every intersection and Interstate 10 from LA to Mobile has become an obstacle course for a whistle-blower, Kurt Brown mentined in this site, on the FBRA, Fed. Bank Reg. Agency, when Kurt was almost killed, his truck damaged, with no response by police in two cities and the fed.

VA Medical Center LA, doing unauthorized experiments on Vets in 1999, with no response by authorities. Vets who use the facility and blow the whistle are caged, given shots against their will, and thrown to the wolves of LA's corrupt justice system. If we can not be free, pray to C.E.B.A.G. (See definition in song on this page).

Warning Citizens in Pensacola, Florida, and cities within a 100 miles radius, including Mobile, Alabama: The MOAB BOMB detonated in Florida contains numerous toxic elements and fall-out. Illnesses are being reported, such as anthrax near Pensacola, with respiratory illnesses in children, thyroid problems in outdoor dogs, and an increase in other Maladies in the Mobile, Alabama area. JUST SAY NO TO THE TEST BOMBING OF us by THE U.S. REGIME in power, DEM AND REPUB. They do not care for soldier or civilians. George Bush, Jr., just gave the OK to put to death an American Soldier in Federal Court (The first time in 34 years, and he was among the poor, as usual.) The Vet was a Gulf War vet. He was probably either an experiment the government was covering up, or he was suffering psychoses related to combat or chemical exposure. The wealthiest .1 of 1% of people controlling the U.S.A. do not care for any of the common people (poorer 90%), and many of them, as judging from their actions, are nothing more than American-Gestapo, shore-to-shore.

This site is part entertainment and designed by activists, so do not get your panties in a wad!

Currently the main character in this site, Kurt Austin Brown, feared by government for what he knows of their corruption in various layers of the bureaucracy handling money such as the banking and treasury departments, is being forced to remain in Los Angeles where he was subjected to illegal torture, and imprisonment by government, state and fed. He also has to pay extortion money to the Los Angeles justice system. The Federal Government has ordered that he not be allowed to speak about murders and corruption in the banking industry. Kurt hopes to move to Northern California if he is to remain a prisoner of the State of California and The Federal Government of California, as Southern California is under martial law by the federal government, with aid of certain state factions. Like many innocent poor in Los Angeles, Kurt was forced to take a Felony plea for owning legally purchased fire-arms and moving them with all of his belongings into wretched California after fleeing wretched Alabama. Is not America God Damned Grand?

One veteran recalls electric shock or other treatment after injections in 2001 at the facility, after he told of corruption related to a federal agency handling federal banking regulatory monies and the theft and starvation of inmates at a county jail. The facility should be converted to a shelter for homeless and aging veterans. Medical Ghouls dominate the Westwood VA medical facility in Los Angeles. Vets Beware!. Avoid ALL medical VA treatment if possible as they often give out questionable drugs with adverse side effects, and the larger question looms as to whether or not the experiments go on through out the government agency(s), and to what extent. No limit is our best estimate.


Warning: The government tries to kill first, or imprison later, those who try to act against their atrocities as you will see in this site.

(Scan Page for Art and Music and see links above) The reason huge financial scandals are uncovered in corporations is because they are competing with their neighbors and are audited by many external sources. The United States governments are not competing and therefore they cover each others corruption and actrocities against the common income American, i.e. little us, the poor. Therefore, you will rarely be aware of the deep levels of corruption. American governments need some true domestic competitors who represent the common American. They need competition and a good audit. The scandals have become bloody with murder as you will see in this site.

Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital, Westwood Facility, Forced Medical Experiments & Forced Injections & Felonies for Government Whistle Blowers!  UmUmUM! Why serve the enemy. Just Say No MoFo to the Beast's Mandatory Selective Service Registration. Let the rich upper 2% who own 50% of everything kill their own fattened wealthy children in their battles. They can afford the $1 Million bail to park on Los Angeles Westwood Veterans Administration property when they are disabled, in fear for their life after an assassination attempt with no police response, unemployed, needing medications, and homeless and in transit with all of their legally owned and purchased belongings.

Sheryl Crow, serenade while Winona Rider, Oh C! Amsterdam, after the election 2004 score. Picked up your free CD's in Culver City Motel.


The U.S.A. Federal Government and State Governments use citizens weaknesses or vulnerabilities to try and frame them or make them commit suicide, if the citizens are not in agreement with the wealthy man's desires for the future of the nation and the world.  Ask Kurt Brown, he knows a unsightly side of America's Governments, State and Federal.  God Damn America when America is controlled by the enemies of the feeling humans of the nation and the world.   Let Kurt Brown out of Los Angeles you insensitive bastards of the California Government and Federal Government, as long as you detain him in the city that openly allows forced medical experiments (see the Vet Under Attack link), you deserve all  of the hell the cosmos can release in your direction, you the finger-men and un-human-like leaders of the nation of Beast(s).

The balance of government in the separation of powers and the control of the media is now controlled by a very few, but what is not well known is that their is a likely already existent or growing domination of the higher levels of executive government making critical decisions for us, who manipulate us for their exclusive benefit..   "Hell, Fidel, Cuba Expands to the U.S. in-Continent".


Auditor Rain Man, Theta Vechter, Death Watchman, Saint Ram Bone, Kurt Austin Brown,  is meeting with representatives the paid army of California's Elitist Regimes 11-12-2003.  


Money and Power go hand in fist, until an international emergency, like Ozone Depletion Acceleration and Global Warming. Then, the Mobile Audit Club and its contingents with common sense take on the big bullies and "Jack Snatch" the helm. We are literally "BURNING under the BUSH". A small prayer, Son of Gabriel, light of mourning, shadow of light, guide all of us out.

11-13-2003 A recollection on another day in the Lion's Tinker Toy Pen...Humboldt County...The sign reads ahead, "I remember going into an arena, roar deafening, two men lay dead, a lion lay severely wounded and growling. The cry came, 'Kill! Kill! from the heartless. I lay down to comfort the lion and he bit my eye out. I fell down to die with him, writhing in pain, he took out my eye other eye and severed arteries, I began to sing, and he licked the wounds, moaning. The next thing I recalled was a purring cat running with a child, coming and going....a round a gain."....Kurt Brown's First day of Atonement. Jack Snack, nuir....meOW! Whoa Moan hath no Fury like the scorn of a Carpenter's triangle of women. (Link, Man EATEN ALIVE BY FLESH EATING BACTERIA from HANDCUFFS, claimed to be insane. Lieing Newspaper in Mobile Alabama Cooks Facts and Books for Murdering Sheriff Jack N'Da Crack Till-man..Embezzler At Large. A victim, a father of two young daughters, James Carpenter, Was Sane. It is Insane to Have Sheriff Tillman in Office, Mobile AL. One Eyed Sphincters Goin South, Jack.) Theta Vechter enroute San Francisco Mo-Fo, Humboldt Henchmen says swing, or fling....Mud. Truk Spot.


When I look at the American hand guiding us, the elitists regimes, Dems. Reps. and Wealthy Independents, I see the blood of tomorrow on a bloody iron fist today. Liberty and Justice is for all of those who can afford it. Burlusconi of The EU and the corrupt bureacracy of the American Treasury took 25% off of your dollar, you dumb putz. I am more than a bank examiner and the corrupt bureaucracies kick-about. I am the "Jacob The Liar" who spins tales of hope for the common American. We are told that all the blood our government spills is for the best. Then why are we talking of hiring mercenaries to kill for U.S. elitists interests? I hope they flatten the tires on that turncoat convoy.


"Set your aim true with ethical knowledge for fellow men of empathic ethics toward humans and nothing will fail, as truth is the only final destiny. All else is ground into the ephemeral shifting dust."



Michael Jackson, entertainer pedophile, is allowed to go overseas to possibly escape or commit anal fellatio, or "Toss the salad", on a child whose parents may prostitute that child to him in design of Cherry bait for extortion. Or perhaps Jacko Bone can pay to fuck another child's behind and mind because in he is rich. The English wankers and Blue KnoWs e Brown's have our permission to send him to Saint Ram Bone, above, with a glove and a mask.

The Los Angeles Court system "Lacks Judgment" and is "Twisted" like Michael Jackson and allow for a few million Dollars, as they see it, Jacko Bone to diddle young English inbreds in the Tarts schools while they prosecute thousands of Americans in USA in their schemes of judicial extortion and strategically placed glass celings of felonies for us mix blood niggers of Alabama, Prichard, Mo-Biles and America's other Ghettoes historical. Sincerely, fuck big brother and his anonymously assigned X number for me for auditing his corrupt government. Ignorance was not bliss, and the question remains as to whether the empathetic Truth bears Consequence among judicial decisions that are hidden from the Public's eye.



In an attack on myself for reporting murder and waste in the U.S. banking industry, initiated most likely by assailants with direction from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)or the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), an attempt was made to kill me and make my death look like an Automobile accident. In all likelihood they were intent on flipping my Truck and either beating me badly and setting me on fire with gasoline inside the vehicle, or just simply burning me alive inside the Dodge Ram.

I knew the attack was coming. After the attack, 911-Emergency in two cities did not respond to my calls for "Help" and neither did I receive replies to numerous emails sent to the Federal Government or my announcement at a Mobile Alabama city council meeting. Warning: Watch your American Dollar depreciate as the mobsters of government turn American into another nation of poverty. Flee America is my best advice. North is better than South. Never work for the Federal Government or the remainder of the elitists fiefdom City States governments of America and their New American Nazi leaders. America will lose its next major military conflict...Smaller is Better in the Near future as the megaliths of battle of America will sink like the Spanish Armada.



Some American Government Factions are our enemies and our terrorists as long as they allow men to rape children who pay off judges, and yet prosecute whistle-blowing veterans. If Mayor Mike Dow of Mobile Alabama was a leader, he would not block veterans from speaking. Pray for the ousting of their New American Nazi-Like Party, by peaceful means on my account. The Current Governmental Regimes of America are one of our terrorists to many of us, and just one of our many enemies, many of whom they summon with weapons of war. Over one-third of Alabamians do not vote, one third can not vote due to slave-era disenfranchisement laws, and one-sixth of the remaining third are simply benefactors of thieving and ignorance. Some are running Alabama and the world into the dirt.  The Mobile Alabama government, with assistance of the federal government, illegally blocks public speech and attendance at city council meetings of many good Americans. One of Our Greatest enemies is at home in the seats of power. They will be ousted, or the Human species will die or falter due to their greed and misguidance. Topple Mobile Mayor Mike Dow by any non-violent means necessary, and extricate the Thief and New American Nazi Sheriff Jack Tillman, his protege. Save Cuba's Independence. Save the world for the next generation, as one person or thing or idea such as you or I, do not grip this fledling thing forever.

The Treasury Department of the United States is infiltrated with Mafia and it is apparent in the recent decline in Value of the Dollar to the Euro--a 25% drop. The government says nothing because someone has just made a large amount of easy money at the Working Man's expense in America. The time has come to take count and realize that our government is not in all its factions our ally. Auditors keep a "Professional Level of Doubt". Count the injustices and the prisons and the pain they cause. Hell is America when you can see their crimes and are powerless to stop them....or are We helpless?

The elitist and controlling regimes, both within the United States, Israel, and certainly further countries, increasingly owe their existence to the creation of war. Now, in the U.S. at least, the "Elitists Regimes Wage War On The Poor"---Count the prisons, then the inmates, and there you will find the poor feeding upon each other at the direction of the current elitist political Regimes, the War Masters. Their day has past of blood, and passed of future certainty.



American governments, including many and much of their corrupt bureaucracy, from current appearances, are a devouring organism, unworthy of continuance under the current predicaments. Therefore, the elitists regimes, Democratic Party Regime, Republican Regime, and Wealthy Independent Regimes, need to have their MONOPOLY toppled or ousted by any non-violent means necessary or we are as good as extinct. More power to the poor man's regimes with humane and empathetic activities around the world. Be Very Careful. We are in America, Land of Prisons, Lies, Oppression, and bloodthirsty prison building Masters, soon a land, a world, of Revolutionary War of a scale unknown before if we do not proceed with caution. Genetics and physics, and a million million armies from a million variants will be their course. Lieing murdering and thieving bastards even re-wrote much of history and present, continuing to this day. They try to turn men into women on their television. We should just say, "Ficca Un Culo" or commonly, say to the government Hench people and their controlling millionaires and billionaires, "Happy St. Valentine's Day Love Hunt...Won't you be my Neighbor!"

American elitist regimes deserve a full thrust of propaganda battle to all media and in various arenas for raping our U.S. constitution -- now treated like worthless and ignored propaganda paper, with our lives being their joke. Mayor Mike Dow of Mobile Alabama and the Corrupt Mobile Alabama Federal Government and like Shit-Heads from America's Dictatorial City-Town-States should be the next thrust of information onslaught to the non-wired public, as it is in the corners of these dis-United States that we find the most protected violations and abuses and the lowest monetary expenditures in areas of need. Tear down their Government Monopoly by extending our Media for the poor, and disrupting their monopoly for the Corrupt Rich, for God's and Allah's and the Atheists sake or we are destined for a Second Level Revolution--Extinction through Genetic Manipulation of the species. Communism is preferable to calling a dictatorship a democracy

The crack on Saint Ram Bone's windshield is now in the shape of the Arabic Letter, "Bhaa", which resembles the Square of the Root with a spur. I would slit my own wrists before I would serve the Traitorous Elitists U.S. government on this day. I was their soldier, when I was naive. They can not be trusted, either due to factors of their own creation, or of their boss's creation, the corrupt and wealthiest of the wealthy....Heartless Pigs and Insects calling themselves some special child of nature...depends on which direction they takes.



You may have noticed that the Dollar declined 25% in value to the Euro in late November 2003. The reason is because foreign investors who treat our country like their personal meat market expect the USA to go into chaos due to the injustice and oppressive nature of the elitist regimes of the USA and the awakening of the populace. Next years elections look like, Helter Skelter. Forewarning: In turbulence, beware of European Union President, Berlusconi and corrupt banking regulators and traders around the globe, particularly in the Treasury Department of the United States and their Home-spun mafia, the gun and machete wielding SS or Secret Service. Lest we forget Jacks stolen food money, and those insuring his and your money to $100,000 at your local blood soaked Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, federal government agency.


I do not recommend marijuana or alcohol because they encourage someone to keep going back every time they run out, like a pig.  Some would encourage that.  They are simply trying to survive in an increasingly harsh world and make a profit at the cost of gold.  There is an order to the universe that shall not be tampered with, although blunders are made to purposefully encourage diversity in life.  Saint Rambunctious told me :) I do not want just white powdered donuts and poisonous substances.

In a similar event, deceased Alabama Senator Mr. Figures died of a brain hemmorhage and they claimed it was due to high blood pressure. Do they actually have a machine they can use at a distance or do they use the old gestapo methods of sneaking up and doing what they wish. It could have been natural causes, but I doubt it. I am an auditor and I was a damn promising bank examiner for FDIC until I was shown the door. Senator Vivian Figures of Alabama, I have a new respect for you and your deceased husband my dear. Best wishes and all respects. The country has to be united and selfishness set aside. Live for the betterment of the precious eternity of all, not the selfish motives of the present for the self.

3-25-04 America is being conned by factions of our wealthiest dictators. Just like the Russians, factions of American government are doing everything they can to derail educated voices who break from the status quo that guarantees the wealthy get wealthier and deny the fact that they are killing our world. Their favorite is to not respond to calls for help and then setting people up for arrest, or they use Russia's favorite methood which is the detention of dissenters in mental health facilities. I believe they are even performing medical procedures on some, as I was forced injections, likely knocking me out, and then coming to consciousness with them pretending nothing had happened. I fear they may try to kill and drive men insane through insidiuos methods, just like Russia does their educated dissenters. Even worse, some factions have stopped our science from moving us forward, like in the Free Energy apparatus of Bearden. It is no wonder our Coup D'etat Presidents are oil barrons or their patrons. I repeat that not all in government are bad, but there are factions that are downright evil. They are not even giving us due process under law, just like in Auditor Kurt Brown's case, forced felony plea for being afraid of government assassins, X 017 911 84. Now that he has his defense, they hide like banditos. I just hope they did not do anything to him, such as inducing illness. They gave him drugs they knew he would be allergic to and then called him insane. Methylprednisolone is contra-indicated for patients with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus symptoms, causing a brief psychological crisis. Some in government are saints, and some will guide us all to our extinction. Can you tell the difference? We can not even audit because they have structed the government so that criminal collusion is rampant. Now I can not even vote in Alabama because factions of the governments of America falsely labeled me a felon, and because of the felony the slave era laws forbid my educated voice in the voting booth.

You have a merciful wonderful creator, and in the beginning it is all the same.  Do not tamper with that which is sacred, life, only taking what is needed to survive in harvest and always leaving your ground untampered.  Saintrambunctios says, "See Teliot, Galley-Leo Saturn"  "Know every turn and every twist and you will be fine", because some things are not as friendly as others and we all have weaknesses and strengths, by design at the critical moment needed, or we most likely would not be here.  Kurt Says, "Now if you excuse MOI, I am going to sleep in my Truk down by the River.".


This site has been attacked by corrupt government agents or criminal associates. Beware, I firmly believe that some of their corrupt factions have weapons that can induce stroke and other illnesses, some quickly fatal. The Federal Government Factions that are part of the NTEU haved forced a felony upon me and our government is a Nazi like Regime from From D.C. to Alabama To Los Angeles. Do Not Serve Them. Do Not Trust Them. Support the opinions of their victims internationally. G.D. the warring regime(s) in Power. I would rather have total annihilation than to have generations suffer under their animal like behaviors. The ruling factions claim people are insane, psychiatric fascism, including inducing temporary psychosis through drugs of known allergy, when the ruling factions often are beasts just like Adolf Hitler, George Bush Jr. And Sr., and Ariel Sharon. Some might say that Kurt would go to war with the USA or Israel or allies. That is not true. I see the soldiers in America as being deceived in most cases, and they are good individuals. If I flee to another nation for political assylum and America attacks that nation, then I would only pray that the Snakes Head in the USA was crushed, not my family in the USA or friends, or their family or friends who are conned and on the front lines. America is under a cruel regime and the snakes head, or at least its fangs, are part of the National Treasury Employees Union's hidden controllers and mobsters. They list Powell as their director...get real....L LEW Wop. Espionage is a dirty business, and you can find the atrocities being reflected in mirrors. In like kind, I do not believe that the people who crashed the planes on 9/11-2001 were who the billionaire's propaganda media and the corrupt warring factions of government claimed. The people who institute wars may not be people at all for that matter, not as we know them, but could be something else under human skin. Warnings are in this site to protect your children under the Love Line page which has science and comedy. Other warnings are on this page and the Home Page II page. Our enemies are among us. We are the pain sensitive humans who seek Freedom, Peace, and Mutual Respect. Our adersaries want war for profit, and control to the end regardless of the degradation of our collective group of those who cherish the sanctity and sovereignty of life.

If you are sick after being in the military or suspect that a government agency such as the Veterans Administration or any other government agency has done an illegal and unethical procedure to you, and if one doctor gives you one result on a preliminary test, and then if you go to another doctor at a hospital in the USA, particularly a state hospital, and they say there is nothing wrong, they are most likely lieing or the results have been tampered with or someone in the process has been subjected to mind control. I know for a fact that they can take away memories of certain events and leave you partially in tact. The have a treasure trove of technology at their disposal and their agents are beasts fit for slaughter.

The USA is just like Russia in 2004. Both are cruel and savage and manipulative. You can see truths of my statements on this page and the Home Page II link. Trust your instincts, if you feel you have had a stroke or anything else, do not blindly trust the second doctor. Go out of the USA to get tested. The Government of the USA and their state and federal hospitals are in the grip of a Nazi regime(s) and they are as devious and deceptive as anything Adolf Hitler could have conjured up, yet they appear to be directly under the elitist terrorist Bush regime or their close allies in the regimes of Israel, or any other nation. We are being used by our enemies, particularly in America. We are divided. Let the Nation dissolve, and perhaps the honest Americans will have a home through attrition.


Theories on progression of invasion from within the U.S.A.   The National Treasury Employees Union was actually at one time, a  union for a single government agent, listed under another name as the union for the IRS.  At some point, they represented another agency other than the IRS.  That would be the year that their murderers went to work and their heaviest payouts began.  In auditing we strive to prevent such arrangement and design, however criminals will kill and steal to make such arrangements, whereas a mafia Don of a union has access to key employees in two agencies. 

Over the years the NTEU amassed huge agencies, the NTEU website  listed 29 agencies as of 3/2004 with many more agencies hidden under other agencies, including the Secret Service under the treasury.  My estimate is 60 or more federal agencies under the one union.

To make matters worse, I think I have discovered one federal police agency that is not under the NTEU watch, and that is the FBI. The fly in the ointment is their FBI Director Mueller. He hailed from the city of San Francisco before D.C. Did he have anything to do with the assassination labeled a suicide of the past Regional Director of the FDIC in San Francisco, which is under the mob's NTEU control. America does not hold its prominent role in the world due to the corruption and lack of protection. It is as if we are being invaded since the 1950's.

The reasoning is a mathematical and auditing principle used to circumvent collusion as much as possible.  The concept is known as, "F is a function of X".  To put it in simpler terms, you do not want more than one big dog in a pen.  They will eat you alive when you check them for rabies.  Or to put it in auditors terms, collusion will make it impossible to determine if the audit is reliable.  Many times it will not even be relevant. 

Auditing Lessons are often common sense applied to life and vice-versa. 

To quote the song lyrics from David Byrne of Talking Heads, the visiting house burglars in Uncle Sam's house hear, "This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife....." Pass the Maple.

To quote the song lyrics from the Band Down Under, "The time has come, and that's a fact, They took it all, now let's give it back"



Men, do not do as I have done. Make sure you stay with one wife and stay sober. Do not fight the governmental regimes battles for them. Protect your own front porch. Most importantly spend time with your children and enrich their lives as much as possible. Your consciousness resides in them at its maximum point. Do not trust hospitals or doctors with your children. Do not trust government to protect them from environmental hazards. Use common sense as if you are in the presence of Nazis, because in many ways you are. If you are disenfranchised and can not vote, join me, I am probably going to be fleeing this dreaded land, the land of prisons and forced medical experiments, and mob control, the USA. I pity the good people here who do not have the education or experience to know what is happening and why they are so angry. We are being led to our demise by our enemies. They are like tigers, yet they suck us dry like leeches from Hell, taking everything, leading us down wrong paths, and subjecting us to horrors known and unknown, generation after generation. Demand that everyone have the right to vote. If they do not, then turn your American flag upside down at half-mast and draw a dark black X through it. It is the symbol that the day of reckoning with us, the poor and disenfranchised and abused, is approaching. Their self-fulfillig tales and prophecies are traps. "You can not win at another man's game" "Would you like to play one handed alternating hands golf in the snow and sand, if your life depended on it, with an unknown contender?"


Today's absurdity: A Republican Oregon Senator said we need to teach children to be more patriotic. That is one absurd request from a Senator of a state that sells Prison Labor like Slave Labor on the open market.

Today's trite lie: A young pastey-faced state senator who just graduated from some over-rated prep school in America said today on TV, "America is lead by the best and the brightest". Wrong--America is lead by the extremely wealthy and those who are on their knees for the extremely wealthy and powerful. President W is the best example. "My involuntary silent prayer when I turn on TV--'Please God, drop a nuclear bomb on me or that TV station'. 'The lies are making me nauseous.'"


