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Update 2012: I now see the government as controlled from behind federal walls with an iron fist. Congressman, councilman, presidents, are superfluous, only engaging in fudiciary activities and police activities decreed by the dictatorship hidden behind thick federal walls.

Foreword August 23, 2005:  I was looking for the physical medical explanation of why a head injured  government councilman in Mob AL refuses to discuss this auditor and reporter being let into the city council meeting, due to the councils closed door vote to illegally violate the Open Meetings Law, a felony, committed against myself.  Reggie Copeland has a knot on his head on the opposite side of the Son of Gabriel in the picture below.  Copeland's injury is in the right frontal cortex, bordering the corpus callosum.    I have discovered an article in a medical journal that links damage in that area to truly excessive criminal behavior.   (Personal Note: Corey, strike a deal$. Jack's Court Date?).

Another such person I once encountered was serial killer Randy Kraft, who offered me some poison liquor and Kraft'y death sex. Randy Kraft also had suffered a blow to the head earlier in life, and once left a victim pierced on a stump, from anus to mouth, on a Southern California Beach, to watch the sunset or the sunrise. I forgive Randy Kraft as much as I forgive Reggie Copeland. They are both sick. However, just as my example of the attacking dog on the dark dirt road, we can not take on our family's pain lieing down.

 Beware of Copeland and the mechanistic crew of heartless men like Mayor Dow, outgoing, who put a 300 million dollar cement plug on the Mobile AL Side of the Bay and called it a cruise dock.  It is an industrial port, not Pensacola.    I believe it stores nuclear waste or is used in another part of a device, an anchor, turned against us.

August 22:2005: Damage report, yesterday transformers burn out on power poles in wealthy Spring Hill subdivision and reports of surges by Master Blaster Bone, with a brown out today all over. Spring Hill is an exclusive neighborhood by Mobile Alabama standards whose residents probably include the key components of the war criminal arm of the local regime supporting the weapons manufacturer from Europe, EADS. Master Blaster Bone hooked up.

Our government is gone .

But then again, the heartless techno-George regime kicks us out of the government buildings. What are those large transmission towers recently built all over the city of Mobile used for anyway? They look like they could sell for a pretty penny, those fat cables cut with a number 8 weld washing tip.

It is ironic that Mobile Councilman Reggie Copeland has the same kind of knot on his forehead as what is burned into this picture of the Son of Gabriel. What is the significance, Chap Man? Copeland hates this veteran who audits him. Copeland's knot is on the opposite side, so he is opposite from the Son of Gabriel. Copeland is just cruel and self serving. I think it was the blow to his head that made him turn into a rabid dog, but I may be wrong, he too could be on remote control.

Foreword August 21 2005: Today's post is relayed on New Orleans Indymedia with a pic of our true leadership that was removed and destroyed. I may be going to Jerusalem. Can anyone settle with peace. Perhaps, Crystal I hope to meet her again.

Mobile Alabama had a black out immediately after this post.

Arabic Minaret (.wma file) first due to most recent deaths in highest rate per number within a circumscribed area, and a Hebrew musical composition, in particular and first as read from Hebrew to a dear friend who is neither here, or there most likely, and is missed.

Due to the fact that I have lost all hope for the candidates for mayor in my personal, "Village of the Damned" "Mobile Alabama", I announce my run for mayor, "Kurt Brown, AKA Saint Ram Bone" for mayor of the "Village of the Damned" "Mobile Alabama". 

All material seats are not voted upon, but doled out.

Foreword August 20, 2005:  Another induced stroke of another Democrat. This time Senator Reid of Nevada.  The pattern is continuing.  Beware of pointing the finger too quickly.  Set up surveillance and test with new equipment.  Call in autonomous groups.  The opposing force is interrogating us, unbeknownst to us.  See the Love Line 3 page linked above for theoretical explanation.  Despite and error I detected and and corrected in a comment on the article, here is today's post on Las Vegas Indymedia. Old school tactics and grit needed with advanced technology to remove the bars from our lives.

Foreword August 19, 2005: Today, an explosion across the street from where I worked in San Francisco as a bank examiner at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) until May 2000 at and where I suspect a criminal congregation in the FDIC, a National Treasury Employees Union agency.   I suspect criminals in their ranks or controlling some of their ranks because of the murder labeled suicide of the Regional Director in the early 1990's and the attacks on my life in 2001 and 2003, and the haunting feeling after my research of a likely corrupt Regional Director who replaced him. 

I do not like explosions where the innocent are injured.  Our opponents may not be as human as you think, and some humans may be brainwashed to the point of thievery and suicide.  Here is a map showing where the Crocker Galleria and the explosion occurred.  The FDIC building is directly on the other side of Market Street, 40 yards down an alley and bordering Mission Street.  Here is a link to the news report of the blast.

In another matter, I mentioned utopia and my vision of it in yesterday's post on DC Indymedia.  I have made some comments at the bottom of the post on DC Indymedia from yesterday to clarify where I stand  on genetic engineering and its place in my utopian dream.

Today's post was reposted correctly on San Francisco Indymedia. I also reposted it on, but I was in such a rush, I did not HTML format the body. Do not ever get in a rush when running for your life.

Foreword August 22,2005: I have been contacted by Corey Levitan, my personal Dust N Huff Man from San Pedro, LA Harbor, where I served time on a fucking frigate.  I hope he has an agent, because the Mobile Audit Club has a proposition.  He can be seen in today's 3-D explanation of my Mob AL weapon dismantler on the Love Line 4, Comedy and Weapons page, which is linked on the Home Page.  Sorry Dust N Huff Man,  I will call back tomorrow.  W is for Wino and I Got him or her listening in.  Warner Bros has not returned my calls, Jack.

Foreword July 28 2005: After an earlier post from today below, I took a lighthearted look at one of the most free and most dangerous cities in America and their talk show host, Kitty Kastro on 4th pic down and his or her website on Is Kitty coming to Alabama to force the acceptance of their native son, auditor Kurt Brown, into their city council meetings? Today's earlier and more targeted post is on Beirut Indymedia calling for a mutual prayer to Allah and any other deity or order you choose, that if Mobile Alabama is forced to accept a foreign weapons manufacturer from EADS, that their executives be decapitated on Mobile on Television with a salute to an American soldier named Kevin Benderman who refuses to kill innocent Arabs. We all know the USA is becoming more like Russia. Perhaps it is time for smaller nations in the USA with more local control and a final or first confrontation on American soil in the remnant countries to decide who will control the various nations. I can not vote or enter government buildings and I see no choice but to ask that the criminal elements be removed or that we all be given what is known as death, at least here in Mobile Alabama and Los Angeles and perhaps in various criminal hideouts of the federal government and their international financiers.

Foreword July 27, 2005: Today a few words for our kind, the lower caste of the world, thrown out by our governments on Love Line 4, Science, and a hopeful approach away or in.

Foreword July 26, 2005: Someone once said, "A butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world will create a tidal wave on the other side."  In like kind, in progression of like-kind multiplication, today's minor conflicts and abuses such as those in Alabama and Los Angeles and other parts of the world, will lead to the total decay or destruction of those inhabitant populations, or the "End of our human kind".  Mobile Alabama is having a mayor's debate for the upcoming election tonight at a city library.  I, Kurt Brown, another American severed from USA government would attend the meeting but I am abused by the regime in power in America.  It is my prayer their debate is charged by our kind and their temples toppled with their kind underneath.

The greatest crimes commited by the current dictatorship in the United States is the perpetuation of the Nazi-like assault on the people of Alabama with a forced prison state excluding Alabamians from government and the federal sanctioning of abuse of veterans and Americans in cities like Los Angeles where horrors are commited regularly against us.

Foreword July 23, 2005: (A new comedy blip on Love Line 4 on this site released today.)Recently a man, a true brother of human kind, stepped in front of me and placed a white feather at my feet, auditor Kurt Brown's feet. The man said, "You are guilty of nothing". It is my hope that man never has to bend down in front of another man, to offer apologies for the actions of heartless people or to serve another ape-like tyrant. He was referring to the abuse and government exclusion I suffer in Mobile Alabama and the forced felony with injections and no trial by jury which I endured in Los Angeles California for legal gun ownership and the record which I endure today in the land of the rich master, the U.S.A. with their international pimps who control our whorish overlord government. We now know we are not one. The question becomes, how to we divide up?  We can not be subjugated by lesser beings who have no intelligence quotient for empathy.  

Foreword July 22, 2005: A video release that is true art in showing the horrors of being in America and the indifference of the population.  It is as if some of us are already dead.  Title of video and song is, "Jackson's Heart Shaped Hole", with description and video in Windows Streaming Format on Houston Indymedia and also in San Francisco.  A special thanks to the videos of Kitty Castro in San Francisco in urging Titles on my own videos.

Foreword July 17: 2005: (Today's news post the video above from July 2005, Whip or Will Pee You Jack, one of the drag queens in San Francisco who hurt his ankle is rumored to be Jim Neighbors".

Beirut Indymedia censors part of the news posts, which is better than New York and Israel which censor all of the news posts from many voices. A link was at the Beirut Indymedia showing some of the criminals of Mobile Alabama in the city government and the Los Angeles Superior Court System which is an affront and insult to working Americans and should be torn to shreds, either legally or in the going conflicts in America.

Foreword July 16, 2005: That nagging inner voice always analyzing said, "What used to make sense, makes sense no more".  In today's world, that phrase applies to many things, but I can think of nothing more applicable than the utter absurdity of serving the USA military .

Foreword July 15, 2005:  The war criminals in USA government, in all branches, laugh at us while we endure their abuses by their gun wielding henchmen. The United States will soon be smaller nations.

The federal mafia Nazis without human hearts for the common people are procrastinating in setting the trial date for the current Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Jack Tillman, who was responsible for the deaths of several men in his care at the Mobile County jail, including James Carpenter, who was eaten alive by bacteria, and others who died from other causes of neglect and abuse.   Tillman stole over $360,000 and planned on stealing close to $400,000.

Tillman also took the auditor, Kurt Brown's,  gun permit on 4-3-2001 when Kurt was trying to enter a Mob. AL city council meeting to report the Sheriff's obvious thievery. Tillman did not search him for a gun and yet Kurt's entry is forbidden to this day in our enemies government in Alabama and America. Kurt has not been allowed in since he let the public know in front of Comcast Television cameras after St. Valentine's day 2001 that someone from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the National Treasury Employees Union had tried to have him assassinated for alerting the public to murder and money laundering at the FDIC in San Francisco.

Two weeks later, 4-22-2001, Kurt Brown was moving his belongings including his legally owned guns in a U-Haul and Truck out of Alabama to Los Angeles where he had served in the U.S. Navy. When he parked near the Los Angeles Veterans Administration grave yard to rest, he was arrested, forcibly injected by the federal government with unknown chemicals and then was subjected to forced medical procedures.  The federal government then forced the auditor to remain silent on an attempt on his life by assassins associated with his past employer, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in San Francisco or the NTEU, in addition to murder and money laundering at the FDIC.

The faction who are our enemies and part of the regime in power then forced Kurt to sign a felony plea with threats of long term incarceration in a prison or insane asylum, with possible forced injections, if he did not do so.   The Los Angeles Veterans Administration in Westwood would not allow Kurt to view his medical records kept at their facility on several attempts in mid-2003. It is my hope the facility is closed down and that HMO cards are given to patients in the area. It is as if our enemies control the Los Angeles Veterans Administration hospital in Westwood.

Due to Kurt's forced incarceration, he could not gain evidence on the Sheriff who had taken his gun permit and a previous attempt on Kurt's life by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or National Treasury Employees Union hired assassins due to the fact he could not be released because of a One-Million Dollar Bail, simply for a legally owned weapon in a truck while being in fear for his life. I want the regime to pay for their atrocities, one-thousand fold.  

Kurt's California attorney said he could bring the case back to trial at a later date, so Kurt signed the felony papers.  Now, the California government in the Los Angeles Superior Court system who are abiding by the whim of federal governmental criminals will not give Kurt a trial by Jury. 

the Mobile Alabama Sheriff's Department came to Kurt's home and they were going to try to commit him to an insane asylum or arrest him.

The atrocities by the regime in power must be dealt with and the authors of the atrocities examined thoroughly if possible due to technological subterfuge.

One of the worst things that came from the three year probation for me was I was made partially blind, certified by a doctor. I was forced into exile from my home for the last year into 2004. I chose Humboldt County California. A truck sprayed poison in my apartment window and it got into my eyes. My probation officer would not let me leave the state. I was made sick and laid in my bed which was covered with the poison and I did not know it. I was sick from a stroke due to forced injections already and likely close to death. I have no mercy for them as they have no mercy for us.

Kurt urges all people to carry cameras into the USA court buildings with Indymedia Reporters badges. If you dare, although it is pointless in a fascist dictatorship.

EADS, the European Weapons Manufacturer, should not be allowed to come to America and the National Treasury Employees Union should be dismantled as a war time atrocity inflicted upon the American people.  The NTEU is the bloody hand behind murders throughout the USA government due to the fact that the war criminals have a grasp on many agencies, including the Presidential Election Commission, violating all common sense rules against collusion.   I see the criminal element goes all the way to the top of American government under the current regime which explains why America no longer houses the major corporations, but simply acts as the factory. Corporations such as Chrysler were drained and then sold to those with vested or stolen interests, such as the now German managed Daimler Chrysler which has now taken over American defense contracts by purchasing approxiately one third of the European weapons manufacturer, EADS.

Sheriff Jack Tillman should serve prison time and have his retirement funds reduced to the wage of the average deputy.  Tillman's corrupt protege's allowed Tillman to retire with the Alabama Retirement System funds in a vote closed to many Alabamians who suffered his ignorant ravages due to his thievery.  The regime believes in rewarding their criminals guarding the doors.

Foreword July 14, 2005:  Because the United States federal government and the state governments and their corrupt city governments force felonies upon those who inform the public of crime and murder within the U.S.A. governments, with no right to trial by jury, and because the corrupt factions of government force injections and experiments and medical procedures us, force silence upon us and exclude us from government meetings, and because of their thousands of abuses of Americans and other nationalities, I support and applaud all suicide bombers and kidnappers who go for the throats of the war criminals among us and I applaud when they tear the buildings down that house the war criminals among us. I especially salute those who do those things in a targeted manner with no collateral damage.  Never again serve or trust the regime in power.  They are not we and we are not they. Pray for their removal by any means necessary.  Our kind's survival depends upon it. All-h Damn America under the criminal regime, G-d Damn America under the current closed door government regimes.  There is going to be a war in America.  Prepare yourself.  More power to their victims in America and worldwide. What we are in America is a bunch of whimperers behind computers. I salute the Palestinian refugees in Lebabon forced from their homes by the enemies to mankind and those who retaliated with suicide bombs and other methods more akin to our enemies ruthless subjugation of all of us. Never believe mass media, and when possible aid those who will destroy them and their lies and cover ups. Disrupt mass media and if a child is nearby, ask him if he likes their advertisements of alcohol and drugs, even through their movies, and then hand the child stones to pelt our enemies in the mass media. Believe these pictures of our true fellow humans in Lebanon. And know that whimpering Pen Pals never removed the criminals ruling in Michigan (Michigan Indymedia link), Alabama, or the USA in general.

I used to try to enter the Mobile Alabama city council meetings as allegedly allowed to by law. The federal agency, the Secret Service came to my home and harassed my relatives at their work. I believe my creator would have heralded me as a gladiator of our time if I had severed the errand boys heads on my front stoop. God Damn the regime in power in America abusing us. I would rather have global nuclear war than see our kind abused by their kind now and in the future.

July 13, 2005 Foreword: When I speak of lower animals, politicians who close the door to us and who abuse us in the courts, I close my eyes and point them out in the crowd. For instance the closed door government of Alabama has lower animals in the Mayor and City Council seats as of this date, but they are supported by gun wielding mad men who will soon face the world in war, and I pray the world devours them.

Today, a few thoughts on humanity and the ability of some to see and predict that which has no predictive factor, on the Quatrains 3 page. I am still denied all rights by the American government in Alabama. Los Angeles is a federal torture camp. More power to the world wide revolutionaries. To those with the will and fortitude to fight for a better mankind, remember to organize, plan, and move us toward a brighter future or simply put out the lights of the growing nightmare in the zone of skulls and soil, this life.

July 12-2005 Foreword:  Immediately prior to the bombings in London I saw where a General had cut two of his fingers off symbolizing the loss of our people in our governments in much of the world.  I am not sure if the General was American or Iraqi or another group of soldiers.  The USA government has been lost to a lesser animal  and the bombings in London might have been a fight raging silently.  Do Not Ever Trust the Mass Media for total information.  Do Not ever trust the USA government due to factions within or at top.  They are doing forced experiments on veterans, assassinating honest and key members of the banking regulatory agencies, and they are forcing some cities to accept weapons manufacturers in their city limits, such as EADS in Mobile Alabama.  EADS can be found at

It is obvious the war is practically over with.  They have won.  I would gladly invite my own death and that of my family if it spared us the suffering to be imposed by the growing hierarchy of cut throats and animals ruling America.  A nuclear bomb or any other total destruction device would seem to be a warm welcome for many in America, and in particular, if the drop zone was the forbidden government of our enemy in power, their outpost in Mobile Alabama.  I would slit my own throat before I killed any Arab defending his life from the international war criminals who have taken control and ostracized me from my government in Alabama and America.

I encourage the formation of a new militia in America, the reformation of La Cosa Nostra in America, and a global connection to all groups who oppose those in America who oppose us true Americans. Let us live together, or let us let them die with us.

Foreword July 10, 2005: Late Update: Taffy the Taboo Clown and his/her pimp daddy/momma, Swizel F-DIC, in the video above agreed in harmony regarding the Hurricane Dennis and Dennis Peron, " Dennis always comes in the back door mobile, and likes to lick the mouth of P'cola with his pecker." 

Today's post on Beirut Indymedia. No more EADS in Alabama, no more closed door dictatorship in America or Allah-bama. Hurricane Dennis is rumored to have in its wake, Dennis Peron of Lake County California and his revolution in medical cannabis. He is invited to the luau, post or mortem.

Foreword July 9, 2005: Get EADS and all other foreign weapons manufacturers out of America.  Get closed door regimes like those in Mobile Alabama and all other  governments in disenfranchised voter states and cities out of the government leadership positions.  Remove the judicial system that has raped the U.S. Constitution like that in Los Angeles that is for sale like a rotten piece of meat better fed to wolves or removed from the contiguous states.

Your enemy is among us and you do not grasp his true nature.  I see a many pronged approach with no true guidance for our kind.  We want a positive capitalistic economy built upon the construction of space colonies powered by harmless bio-engineering and other methods.  Our economy of War is built upon our kind's bones.  If we can not rise above animal servitude, a draft of change is due.  Get EADS out of America and especially the fascist controlled state of Alabama under the War regime.  They treat the USA veterans as enemies violating all of our rights and those of their prisoners of war.  Know the closed door regime's removal, however accomplished, as a gained fortnight for our children's birthright.

July 8, 2005 Foreword: A new streaming video release today by Mobile Audit Club, with Music Video, Whip Or Will Pea You Jack, on LA Indymedia and if their video is not working try San Fran Indymedia, with a new scientific experimental song with announcement of new tactics to deal with closed door governments and corrupt courts in America. The silence of the people in the Mobile Alabama government video and their complacency to assist in the removal of criminals from government reminds me of the historical account of the downfall of Rome.    I will be assembling more video and art and looking at various contraptions to assist the common man in the survival of the growing onslaught against those who dare to defend their own lives against criminals in government and those associated with government.

The explosions in London today should be viewed with suspicion when viewing news reports.  We can no longer trust mass media outlets due to the fact they are owned by the same people who profit from the status quo endeavor of the forced government in many cities and states and on the federal and international level.  I just hope no one from my side was killed, otherwise, if they are like those who bully us away from our governments and in their corrupt and bought-out courts like those in Alabama and Los Angeles, I would like to quote the old goodbye to them,

July 4, 2005 Foreword: No fireworks today for Independence Day, just rituals to rid us of criminals in government. An update on the Quatrains 3 page demarcated by "CHOIR" with a link to information about a historical account based in literature of abuses in the South East USA with information on Truman Capote and Harper Lee who talked about injustices in the South East USA in the 1960's. Not much has changed, except now everything is dictated by money and money alone, which begs the question, "who controls access to the bulk of the money?". The condition of Alabama is horrid, with many people computer and internet illiterate or severely impoverished. The design is skewed and so are the tables and the natives will have to re-correct the imbalances if they are ever awakened. The injustices flow to the South West USA also, which seems hopeless due to overcrowding and opportunistic extortion by the courts and business and government. America, burn your political effigies to signify the removal of those who took our rights, our nation.

July 3, 2005 Foreword: In my native USA city where I am illegally forbidden the right to vote or enter government meetings, the government in power and their industry leaders are building a weapons plant near my home, an EADS plant, European Aeronautical Defense Systems. I would rather not have the EADS facility in the USA or my native city in Mobile Alabama. Before that industry is allowed, I would like to try to generate revenue by using the economic model of Amsterdam Netherlands, including legalized prostitution, legalized gambling, and legalized soft drugs.  It is better than having a foreigners bomb factory in my city with the traitorous faction of the local regime holding the trigger.  I would rather hear, "Pass the cover", instead of, "Take cover".

I propose that from those negative capitalistic endeavors that a huge thrust be made to encourage positive capitalism with the biotechnology industry as the focus in the area, including industrial biotechnology.

Foreword July 2, 2005: Remember to burn political effigies on the fourth of July to signify the loss of our political system or burn incense to mourn the death of those murdered by criminals from within the regime that oppresses us in some sectors of the USA. Today's comedy update is on the Love Line 4 link above.

Foreword July 1, 2005: (Mobile Audit Club gives its respects to the deceased Indian Chief Tootie in New Orleans, Indymedia). Today I reiterated a call for a strike against the criminals of the USA governments and their exclusionary tactics. The Minnesota government shut down due to no funds or latent bankruptcy. We are being robbed by design of certain criminal opportunists in the federal governments in particular, and state governments and local government officials are in many cases more of the same group of criminals, albeit on a lower scale. We should rid ourselves of the illegal regime and the cut throats they hire such as the NTEU and war criminals from Europe and other fascists who they hire to do their dirty work. The time is now, strike. Test for new weapons by the illegal regime and their mercenaries by provoking them in positions where they are engaged in criminal activity and report them to the public. Beware of their tactics and beware of the USA governments and federal and state hospitals. Today's article on Minnesota Indymedia.

A special thanks to for relaying my article on criminals in America's treasury and banking system.

Foreword June 30, 2005: The United States federal government in Mobile, Alabama will not let a native citizen and veteran of the U.S. armed forces into their city council meeting, and they use the local alliances of the illegal regime to enforce their atrocities.  They would let the CEO of the Europeans weapons manufacturer, European Aeronautical Defense Systems,  EADS, inside even if he was the son and bore the ideology of his, "Mein Fuhrer", Adolf Hitler of WWII.  The regime let the thief who is the Alabama Sheriff, Jack Tillman,  take my right to vote and to self defense and he also committed the crime of blocking my entry into the city council meetings and took my gun permit for trying to participate in Alabama government.  He also helped the federal government in Los Angeles take me captive, force injections upon me, do forced medical procedures me, forced me to sign papers saying I was a felon for legal ownership of fire arms,  and then they would not let me view my medical record. The Los Angeles Federal government should be monitored and dealt with by Armed American militia. The LA VA are committing heinous atrocities upon numerous veterans.  Our enemies are among us, and they act as one.   The time for cameras alone is over.

We too should act as one, first by denouncing all barbarous acts including the taking of land by Israel without proper payment and the forced government being placed upon the people of Iraq, and especially the forced exclusion of United States veterans from participation in open USA government meetings.  We have become a prison state with laws designed by men who do not deserve or have the right to lead our society, as their road goes nowhere for us.    I do not care if we have war, I already live as if I am in one.

It is my wish that the regime is removed or that I be allowed inside the Mobile Alabama city council meetings.  I am forbidden entry by the local regime and their protectorate from the illegal regime in power throughout much of the USA and D.C.  There is no other way.  Under their guidance and blockage of government, we should start negotiations and plans to remove them and their protectorate from our doorsteps.  Their plan is to create a solid caste system.  We would be better off with international space colonies and any form of government other than those who prey upon us.  The Los Angeles courts are the best example of the judicial system to destroy and then move Eastward to Mobile Alabama.  To serve the USA military under their guidance is to make a fool of one's self.  I encourage break-away military reserves to monitor the regime in power and deal with those who block our access to government once the military service uniform is taken off. 

Foreword June 28: 2005: My worst nightmare is being realized, from those pre-pubescent dreams during the cold war, circa 1970.  EADS, the European weapons manufacturer with European warlords aboard, has come to the states of the USA where we can not vote or express dissent, including my native city, my nightmare of past and present, Mob. AL. (Today's post is an SOS to the last open minded American region, San Francisco, with a re-post in Houston Indymedia and one of the few unmoderated militia type newsgroups. Do not release any new weapons into the regimes hands, I request of all Bay Area Weapons Inventors and Bio engineers.) The regime needs to be taking anti-psychotic drugs or we need to take away their right to build their weaponry from Europe on our American soil. I do not trust EADS or the regime. Have you had your forced experiment and medical procedure lately? I have and was a victim of extreme abuse by LA judges fit for the light chair, just to see if they have human hearts. LA VA has your medical experiment waiting. We need to flush our government like a good douche of bad blood.

We can not trust the governments, closed and Hellish.  Today, someone drove by with a pistol pointed at me.  It made me wish I still had the right to own weapons.  Now, the world wa criminals weapons are among us.  Set some off on the 4th with the burning political effigies.  Disembowel the malevolent decay in the regime in power and their EADS.

Foreword June 28, 2005: It appears the USA government in San Francisco is trying to create a distraction from the large scale money laundering sanctioned by the federal banking regulators, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Treasury Department and the union for the banking regulators the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).  In recent raids of Cannabis Clubs, money laundering was the alleged motivating factor. (Link to article with our comment at

What can be done about a government in such disrepair that the society has started to crumble around it?  Try to change it through force or let it fall while trying.  I will give the announcement date of a trial of a sheriff who is the example of what not to be, a thief of food funds from captives and a protector of criminal politicians who are worthy of the guillotine. It is obvious many of us mean nothing to each other in America, and those in power are nothing more than oppressors whose justice is bought and sold like an insane prostitute. Who cares if their tyranny falls. More power to the rising armies of the world, or better yet, let us hope for independent space colonies, free from this primitive place controlled by men who are primitive and brutal in their governance of our society and treatment of our kind.

Foreword June 26 2005:  Today's post is a comment on an article on Portland Indymedia with a free cherubim pic regarding those ugly and vague labels of conservative and liberal.  In today's world, labels are meaningless when trying to discern if someone has true human empathy for other humans and I discourage the use of derogatory labels and I encourage the opening of people's hearts and doors to human kind, as obviously some around us close their doors to government and their hearts to us.  Or do those behind the closed government doors have human empathy or human hearts? The answer is implicit in their actions, "No they do not have human hearts and therefore should not be allowed to lead our human society."  Many in the USA government and in our society do not appear to have any feeling for others outside of their group, or perhaps their actions are money motivated when protecting their sole interests. 

Profit yourself, your family, your society, and society as a whole and profit handsomely.  When I think of this end goal, I picture biologic systems that utilize matter in its smallest form to bring about large life sustaining materials used in supporting human life with the disintegrated refuse entered back into the normal patterns of life.  The regime in America has some who will Divide and Conquer US and eventually they too will be consumed.  It is a rule of law in war.  Take a look at the South East USA where one can not have marijuana, take a look at Los Angeles where one can not carry a legal gun, and then take a look at the blind heart of those who oppose us, injecting us at their will and silencing us, chasing us to our deaths.  In war, the true struggle may be beyond that which you grasp.  It is obvious we have issues in the USA that will have to be dealt with on other layers than those presented. 

When wrestling a serpent in a closed view box, it is better to bring some tools.  Try to avoid their mind altering substances and traps.  Do not carry a legal gun in the USA as the warlords without hearts are trying to disarm us.  Know them as they are, often without empathy, as heartless as an invading magistrate of the kingdom insecta.

Foreword June 24: Having numerous government officials who you have at least proven of a crime or have logical proof of a crime is very dangerous in the USA, as entities like the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), or corrupt bankers with Washington D.C. connections, or corrupt Sheriffs like Sheriff Jack Tillman, a proven thief and lawman in Alabama, can and will make your life less comfortable, like a living Hell. By the way, sometimes I can not tell friend from foe, and passing through my war zones like those in Alabama leave me tattered and torn. The VA in LA put me through sheer Hell with the help of war criminal judges in Los Angeles in April through August of 2001, including forced injections, forced procedures, forced signatures of silence on murder labeled suicide and loss of tools of self protection, and forced imprisonment.

Mao Tse Tung said some men are paper tigers. The time to test the world's adversaries is always, Now, whether domestic or foreign.

I chose to drive through Louisiana, Shreveport, today and will likely never do so again. I was attacked near Lafayette in 2001 by government assassins who are fit to be plowed under with their hiring agents.

Today near Shreveport I came out of town at 45 mph in the pre-morning fog. I pulled in to get gas and coffee and a Louisiana State Police car pulled up quickly while I cleaned my window. I did not know what the problem was, but he took off after 5 or 10 tense seconds. Later on the highway, a truck just like mine was pulled off to the side of the road with police cars surrounding it. What will those G-d D-mn mafia war criminals at the National Treasury Employees Union and their banking mafioso regulators at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) do next? Was it an abondoned hold up scheme? Or was it just a fluke? I do not put anything past the two-bit warlord paper tigers of some bureaucracies. Or is the provaceteur someone with the new American war criminals like those simple thieving bastards I caught thieving, dead handed, in Mobile AL? Or is it time for more forced injections and medical procedures in Los Angeles at the Veterans Administration or perhaps in Louisiana. I do not care if our opponents are removed as the human quotient will not survive under their demonations or adbominations. What sort of Hells do you endure daily, for their price and prize? Post traumatic stress in the benefit we endure daily thanks to those who attack us in government and industry. If a wealthy man or his bitch or children scowl, or if theif lackie scowls, put away the G-d Damn paper tigers and let loose what you know is the only way under prevailing conditions.

Foreword June 20, 2005:  To stray from the subject of international tyranny against the American people, perpetuated by those in the USA, I noticed something strange at a free concert...Loose-End-uh Williams put out a religious song with the words, "You gotta get right with God".  Now that caused toilet paper to be thrown at her with hecklers shouting at her.  In San Francisco, where you can get as much Rx marihuana as your medical and religious needs dictate, the religious patterns are different but the same.  So the words should be, You gotta get right with Z-bag, You gotta get right with C.E.B.AG." 

C.E.B.A.G. was invented the Easter night after grave fest in New Orleans around the turn of the century in which I thought my wife and I were going to be attacked.  "I am looking over a 4-leaf Clover, God Allah Buddha Ethereal Consciousness.", which is C.E.B.A.G. with Z-bag for Loose-end-uh Williams.

Foreword June 18, 2005: Stay tuned for video recording of invasion of Mob AL Courthouse and ride with sex jockey SainTramBone in his latest music video. Do not let the USA government faction closing government doors to anyone to remain in office. How, when, and where to advance coming up. Why? Take a look at the video and the dieing whipporwills. Someone told me to write a song about solitude. Where? Roadkill whipporwill.

Foreword June 17, 2005: (Today's post on A warning to victims of a abuses by federal and state government officials, especially those forced into felonies with no chance of a trial by jury, such as in my case. "Do not travel into California at the checkpoints on Interstate 10 and Interstate 40, due to possible intentional harassment and targeting for abuse.

It appears that many in San Francisco now know who SainTramBone, auditor/artist, Kurt Brown is. Some say regarding the videos, "Who gives a rat's ass?" I expect such in some areas where the children have golden spoons and never know true suffering. Other young people tend to see my predicament for what I would consider a common perspective--a government boot on our heads.

Foreword June 13, 2005: I, like many, have a new disrespect for many aspects of modern American society.  In Alabama the auto stickers read, "Pray for what you want and you will get it".  I have prayed and I have fought for the right to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meetings as written in their Open Meetings Law.   I once served their military.   The passerby told me, "Once you take the uniform off, you mean nothing to them.  And that is just the way it is".  Yes I thought, my grandparent told me to "Remember Vietnam", but only after I had made the mistake of signing myself over to potential and unknown horrors by my own leaders.

The Mobile Alabama City Council pray every Tuesday in front of Comcast Television cameras, who are violating the Open Access Clause of their contract with the Mobile Alabama government, which includes every person of every caste in wartorn America. 

The local government has the intellect of an ape and they have their police beat me at the gate and extort my meager funds through their legal system.  I pray that if I am not allowed into the Mobile Alabama City Council meetings by January, that their legal electronic heads are severed and that their courtrooms are in a jeopardy, not just those of us made ill by attempting to attend them, including deceased Senator Michael Figures.  It is likely that many will, or already, use people weaknesses in mind or body or genetic heritage to destroy them in some fashion.  For instance induced stroke in potential stroke victims, and cancer in potential cancer victims.

  Things are not as bad as they seem and the silent acceptance of death is preferable to the horrid nightmare of the eternal lower war.  I pray to my own creator, no one else, because I do not even know if their monkey heads are electronic.  The closed  Mobile Alabama City Council meeting should be opened, and their federal ghost hiding in the curtains exposed.  Who or what or where is it, and who cares if death pays their closed door magistrate a g.d. guest visit? 

Do not let EADS, the European death manufacturer leech out our last grain of hope and locate in Alabama or America.  Do not let Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama get away with thievery and the same goes for those proven thieves on the city council, including Sullivan.  The true criminals are the untouchables, close to that war criminal who calls himself God or is simply a sociopathic war criminal and kicks the door of Alabama government closed.  Monkey's ass with a boot and some toot stealing all the loot is what I say to him. I would like to take a poll...Do you think George Washington would side with anyone in the world to get those tools he needed to get his government back if he was I? We? US?.

Foreword June 12, 2005: Mao Tse Tung or Ho Chi Minh or one of the old USSR dignitaries said that America and capitalism would devour itself.  In a sense, it has happened.  Positive capitalism is gone and now we have a corrupt government that is bent to the will of certain groups at the price of positive capitalism and a vibrant society.   Everything from the Stock Exchange, to Taxation, to favored status in the courtrooms has left us in the USA with a government that is not worth salvaging, and we have paid and will pay, one way or the other for that loss of our government and its inherent qualities worthy of salvage, i.e. positive capitalism.

Drug lords within government, mafia kingpins at the head of government unions, closed door governments, all describe only a small piece of the true nature of American society.  Prisons are built and wars are waged and the lies of the mass media try to keep the stage play going.  It will end.  I predict either a mass annihilation of multitudes or a subjugation of multitudes.  Genetic manipulations will leave the common man as a relic of history.

The nature of man and the hungry wolf that he is, will continue to surface in the genetically manipulated super beings.  Perhaps, some men will be allowed to leave to set up space colonies, free from planet earth.  Do not bet on that to happen for the common man.  Those rockets will be for the new higher sect.

Someone once said, "Nothing is broken that can not be fixed".  They never did say if some things are unsalvageable, like common man.  The vanity of these super beings will be most noticed by the flies who prune themselves for their last meal on the carcasses at the end of the next power struggle.  Is all of life a lie?  No it is not a illusion, it is a delusion.  I would rather have death than be treated as a lesser man, a beast.  Overthrow the international regime even if it means hardship and spilled blood.  The leaders heads are too big in their mirrors and the flies are hungry.

The ignorant self righteous and the war criminals of mankind have penned us in on many fronts and the time for the battle for our lives will soon ensue. It may be futile without powerful weaponry of the newer varieties or of the old time fixes in other war torn places. The regime has elements not worthy of life because they take ours and our kinds lives. They tell us to leave our soil. I tell them, "Welcome to the ring of fire, planet earth".

Foreword June 11, 2005:Many in Alabama want the free access to medical marijuana enjoyed by San Francisco residents.  Health care practitioners in the state often differ from the Nazi regime in control in Washington D.C.  Certain governmental sectors are robbing the American people of freedom of choice and freedom from illness.  A state of terror and fear is in Alabama.  If we can not be free from that terror and fear, we must remove the source, and that is the imperative of common sense and the new game, the new rules. America is a bone yard due to misguidance and murder by the Nazi faction of the regime.   "Eat me" says the Hash Oil Brownie.

Foreword June 10, 2005: The 4th of July celebration calls for a burning of American Political Effigies of the Nazi faction of the regime and their war criminal supporters. Soon I will be making new video and music to link to this site. As soon as I have the trial date of Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama I will post it here. Tillman with a Nazi war criminal faction of federal government and California government put this auditor through illegal physical and emotional abuse. Tillman is charged with 5 felony counts, 6 if the Nazi regime included felony violation of the open meetings law, in which he denied me access on 4-3-2001 to this date to government meetings.

Foreword June 9, 2005 CST: We in America are engaged in a war, a silent but deadly war.    Today a Sheriff who helped the American Nazi faction within the ruling regime went to court for a 5 felony counts.  I did not enter the government courts building.  I have had a blood clot from my head after going inside.  The Nazis surround the Sheriff, those above in the city government and federal government and those under him. 

I salute the freedom fighters of the Arab World and the revolutionaries within America.  We should not waste blood.   They may not have any, and if they do, it is not ours, so their expulsion from our governments would be no waste.  They are a faction, very deceitful and powerful and will always be among us until we can separate from them or it.   Now it appears that the lawmen and government are in bed with lesser minds, criminals of a sordid sort.  Wash the sheets and change the linens, we would be better off to wake up without them.  There are no options.  It is us or them at least until we can separate.  It appears that Philly Indymedia is a censored entity.  Hack Philly Indymedia.  Hello Beirut Indymedia and our friends from MAK with their hands clasped, ours in theirs, brotherhood of the blood.

After working as a federal bank examiner and looking at the murder at the FDIC of a top official labeled a suicide and two attempts on my life, I did some research and discovered a Mr. Beebe who was a banking criminal according to a report I read online and he was in Louisiana, near where the first attempt was made on my life. Now Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Mob AL who helped to destroy my name and my career with federal Nazi assistance has an attorney named Mr. Beebe to represent him in his 5 felony count indictment, linked below. I wonder if the attorney is from the same Beebe family out of Louisiana. If so, "Congratulations Snatch", you are in the big time.

Foreword June 8, 2005: (I tried to crack the bell at Philly Indymedia. It appears Nazi censors have control. Crash Philly Indymedia and any other that censors. If we want a fascisct chicken cock in our mouths, we will order out. I was trying to let everyone know a low level local Nazi in Mob. AL, Sheriff Snatch goes for a 5 felony count arraignment. Alpha Hawg is watching with his panties down cause it takes a Hawg to take down a lawman.)

Beware of methylprednisolone issued by the Veterans Administration if you have ancestry from Native America, Africa or Asia, and to a lesser extent Europe.  The USA government and the Nazi faction of the regime are discriminatory toward veterans who show the symptoms of psychosis related to steroid drug treatment and resultant allergic reaction and I would not be surprised if the drug was not placed in the formulary by members of the Nazi regime, as it assists in their quest of ostracizing people of those races most susceptible and disagreeable to what will become their doctrine of annihilation.  When auditing government as an outsider I was given the drug methylprednisolone for pain by the VA and it caused the SLE reaction.  Now they use that time period to justify excluding me from government meetings and involvement in government, and will not give me a trial by jury for "Legal gun ownership by a whistle-blowing bank examiner and auditor.  Our enemies surround us as death at the FDIC and two attempts on my life and two arrests for doing nothing against the laws of the land have left me questioning the sanctity and security provided by "Our government" or "Is it?" "Sitting Bull sits and waits for the big game" Tis I. Three nighters and their Satan's eye.

Beware. (Proof of incidence of SLE link among various races, people with any ancestors from the Native Americans and Asians or who are African women are at high risk.)

One of the harder working blue collar workers in the outskirts of Mobile Alabama said to me today in regard to the local Sheriff Tillman's indictment on 5 felony counts on June 9, "It takes a hog to take down a lawman" "You must be a real hawg". The truth is, nothing ever happens to members of the Nazi regime. If he is taken down, he was not one of them on the inside circle. If he walks with no punishment, he is just more criminal riff raff with a badge.

In considering the abysmal mistreatment of people by certain groups or entities around the world, it is obvious  our children and society are at grave risk.  The international regime controls the USA.   In particular infants and children in the embryonic stage are at risk, and on through their childhoods and adolescence. 

So many treacherous methods of thwarting a child's development exists, and in particular I am concerned about any sort of weapon in stealth, in particular radio waves and possibly even low level neutrinos.  We should never dismiss the possibility of soldiers traveling in stealth, or saboteurs, unable to be seen by the naked eye.

I propose experiments be carried out to shield children from all magnetic waves at various stages and lengths from the embryonic and on upward, at least until the soft area of the skull hardens.    A sealed Faraday cage is an interesting possibility, as it would stop all radio frequencies, but not all neutrinos.  To have motion and heat sensors and detectors scanning as the security alarms do, would yield another layer of detection.  I do not trust all doctors of any nation or nationality.

Foreword June 7, 2005: A reminder that Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, a low level American Nazi, is to be arraigned on 5 felony counts on June 9 at 8:30 Mob. AL courthouse room 6200, Judge Graddick. Tillman helped the federal Nazis steal my only defenses and now they will not give me a trial by jury. Strike Two. Hang the dolt.

Not many people know that the American war criminal is performing forced and unknown medical procedures on veterans, children, and others. We need a New Revolutionary Army to sever the artery of the New American Nazi. Overthrow the coup d'etat regime and regain our constitution or perish. No options exist as we are pre-destined for either of those courses.

Foreword June 6, 2005:Today's post is below and was also put on Houston Indymedia with a pic.

Today, the Texas mafia and large German drug companies within the D.C. government and their war criminal networks reaffirmed their ownership of judges who make it illegal to have medical marijuana with a Dr.'s recommendation. Their motivation is purely profit and the new American Nazis like to target those who oppose them and use the openly available drug to do so. We should celebrate a new political coup in America, not just the ones by the acting new American Nazi regime with their bibles in one hand and their guns and handcuffs in the other. Those fake bastards should not de-fame the name of God by having it on their G.D. filthy currency.

I advise all not to use marijuana or liquor or cigarettes or zanax or Zoloft or methylprednisolone, etc., but I believe in full legalization of marijuana as a medicine. If a judge disagrees with me, he can pick up his payola from his war criminal friends and future tag-alongs, along with his bottle of liquor, pills, and cocaine and rot in bloody Hell.

The Veterans Administration gives out pain medicines unfit for livestock.  For instance, they give methylpredinisolone for pain to veterans.  Unfortunately, if you have American Indian genes, you carry a inherited disease known as Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE). 

The steroid drug methylprednisolone is extremely dangerous for those with the SLE trait, which many American veterans carry.  Tell the burning Bush to go Burn one, and tell the judge who is owned by the American Nazi to grow up and allow George Washington's favorite green bud herb to be grown along with the yellow squash and purple hull field peas, right there next to Cane Able Buddha and Jesus or Hay-Suse as I call him. 

"If we are not given our nation, move into formation", a quote by Nero, my favorite anti-hero.  History is a lie in many cases beware, and especially know that in war, like a fist fight, you will not remember his story or your story when your consciousness is flattened.  Fock the SS of the burning reigning regime's Nazi factions and their world wide war. 

Foreword June 5, 2005: In America we are given felonies and beaten for speaking out against known government criminals and assassins, or we are entrapped and labeled felons and given jail time and felonies if we dare to survive. I no longer view all Americans or bureaucrats as relevant to our existence and I would welcome a full scale war in America if it gave us back our constitution, our government as a true democracy, equal and humane justice, and if the Nazi mafia within the federal government was cremated and scattered to the winds and soil. They are just like the old time Nazis and their followers, except skin-tones and nose curvatures vary.

In the UK, pieing a politician or government bureaucrat is not a felony. A message in a comment on pieing regarding the Nazi Regime in the USA, UK Indymedia link.

Foreword June 3, 05: "I could have stayed hidden in Northern California, in the redwoods, but I am here in Alabama, fighting the endless battle to free my people from tyranny in leadership."

 "The need of the simple mind to follow the heartless, such as predators on American happiness for a price, is common.  Often no option is seen in order to feed one's self or feel safe, and probably is the true cause of wars".  "I do not feel safe or welcome by my government in America, as my videos illustrate" 

Due to their closed government doors and the obvious lie which we are all becoming aware, in the future if not now,  "If you are not genetically modified or tampered with in some fashion through technology, you are probably obsolete or soon to be, possibly exterminated."  "The most famous quote of Sun Tzu, "The war never ends."  Which war is a matter of destiny.  The tampering with infants swings both ways, therefore, "Parent beware"

My war is in the shit-hole brothel known as Mobile Alabama government and their federal protectorate, controlled by mindless war criminals whose only apparent option is to profit themselves and restrain the growth of the populace.  Our growth has been hindered by them and our lands polluted and our lives endangered and our freedoms robbed.  Do you feel safe?

Foreword June 1, 2005: The closed door Nazi regime in power in Mobile Alabama and their federal protectorate will not return my call to tell me how the government can disregard the Open Meetings Law. I have contact the city attorney and the district attorney.

I salute all freedom fighters of the world who protect their native lands. The biggest terrorist threat I see is in the local governments of the USA and their corrupt courts. When we have the war criminal tribunal courts in America, let us not forget to de-head those who have taken our Constitution. God Damn the regime in power. Do not put a deities name on currency. It spells "The End".

Foreword May 30, 2005: I put some updates up on Home Page II, linked above, regarding Sheriff Jack Tillman's scheduled arraignment on June 9. His family employees or some of his butt suckers informed him of a letter I sent to an inmate saying that I was going to stop the abuses by going to the Mob AL city council meeting on 4-3-2001.

I see many people who know the truth about the regime that has come to power in the USA. They hold their hands as if blowing horns or they show few fingers indicating they too have leprosy from American government. If you uncover the deceptions, you uncover the truth to a higher degree.

How do we regain our nation? It has already started, but will it last. We are ruled over by men equal to the ice age mammoth. Au Revoir, Arrive Derci mother fockers.

Foreword May 29, 2005: The draining of America's coffers and the harnessing of America's populace is complete. The new American Nazi regime has defeated the American populace. The regime does not abide by their rules, therefore it is time for a new game.

After having endured extreme violence, injections, imprisonment, and extortion by the regime, I see they are at war with me and my kind. So be it. They drew first blood. I repeat, Never trust the government or their hospitals. Point your children to other nations. The war is in America.

I do not believe war will stop the continuum of the lower animals reign, but for some reason, I appluad the suicide bombers and kidnappers and weapons designers who are good at pinpointing the source of their distress, the world over, whether in America, Indonesia, Palestine or Iraq, etc.. Selective partitioning or salvaging of our kind in the new war zone is a beautiful art.

A new world leader of our kind and caste will emerge. What kind of leader he or she will be is a matter of speculation. I hope we can fight the war with nonviolent technology.

Alabama and Federal government and other Nazi elements in America are trying to bring EADS, the European weapons manufacturer to the states where voters are disenfranchised, unable to vote.

Foreword May 27, 2005: (GMT)

Recently, after being illegally barred from entering the Mobile Alabama City Council Meeting, one of their undercover police or SS officers looked at me and then down at the ground, as if I was dirt.  I mentioned here on this website.  Recently another man, a stranger, walked up and was talking to someone he was with, and he said, "Kurt is at his zenith" and he looked at me eye to eye.  That mutual respect is all that stands between mankind and the lower animals and I appreciate the man's gratitude for my work in the trenches in the same way I appreciate all of those lower level employees who make our world run.

Today I see  teenagers adrift, of all races, lost in our society, due to a design not of their own.  I see men working in low paying and low skill jobs with little hope in the job itself.  Those men and teenagers deserve a government that caters to them and their educational needs.  Mobile Alabama needs to be fine tuned to meet the challenges of the new century.  I want to help.  But the local Nazi protectorate keeps a firm boot on the door and boot on my head, figuratively speaking but just as painful.  Someday, like the Jews who have regained some of their home land, our people will regain our home land. 

I know that not all are bad, much will end up the same regardless, but I also know that before the equation in life is calculated, there are many variations left for us to strive and design to strive.  A society without a capable designer and assistant to designers is like having a seamstress factory with no seamstresses, only monkeys eating bananas and tearing up hopes for a better design. 

I recently made a post in frustrations saying that those humans with wings will leave this place in the end if corrections are not made in the course of the design of our society.   I mean that figuratively, in the sense of men with angelic vision, and explicitly, in that I suspect a high probability that history is not fully recorded or reported and that there are men with actual anatomical relics of wings, much like some men are born with the relic of a tail.  Where the infusion of life into the human form manifests or manifested itself is of some question, and the variations are likely endless, infinite in the mathematical sense.

I believe in firearms for self protection, as horrid as they are.  The first time I killed an animal, my father almost had to make me do it.  In the end, we are all predators.  It will be up to us to rise above those things.  A time for extreme cultural change is here, whether we like it or not.  I would rather fly away than witness destruction of the species under a bad societal design coupled with the fabric of double-edged high technology.

I urge the youth not to use any drugs. On the other hand, I see we have a criminal regime in America that makes too much money from marijuana. It is not cocaine or heroine and it should not be distributed through the same illegal channels. We are being poisoned. Protect your children. Crack and Meth are not pot, and pot is not the final answer, but wisdom and understanding are. The government tried to call me crazy and numerous other things including criminal to silence me. I look then eye to eye and say, "I did not draw first blood nor will I draw second" "Ignorance was never crushed with silence or disease, the disease of the bloodied ape".

Foreword May 26, 2005: (GMT)

Today, I recalled sending a fax last week to the District Attorney, John Tyson of Mobile Alabama.  He is allegedly prosecuting the thief and good ole boy who is Sheriff Tillman who is under a Nazi regime that has him by his mental retard ski top and tin horn.  Tillman should be charged with six felony counts, not five, as the Open Meetings Law violation against Auditor Kurt Brown on April 3, 2001 was another felony violation.  But it was sanctioned by the new American Nazis in Mobile Alabama government. I was abused elsewhere of course after the abuse and taking of my gun permit by Tillman on 4-3-2001 when I was going to report someone's obvious thievery. Los Angeles Justice turned on me visciously with the federal government hiding like a wolf whore. The Los Angeles justice system sleeps with feral dogs for money and crushes and filthies clean and innocent Americans because they have been robbed already. America is the new third world.

The Mobile Alabama city attorney will not respond in telling me why I am denied access to to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meetings as a reporter or observing citizen , under the "Open Meetings Law".  None of Tyson's staff has responded.  Contact John Tyson at the link above or simply ask at a press conference, "Does Tyson support full access for all under the Open Meetings Law?"  If they do not, it looks like it will be Spike and Tyson next as I do not care who they tangle with here or abroad Snakes in the grass akin to the ape deserve a filthy boot.  Do not trust any of Alabama government under current closed doors and beware of the federal agents and their more criminal associates.  Never report a crime against yourself by federal government and expect response.  You will be abused.! With Prejudice! Turn to your own circles.

Foreword May 25, 2005:

Today's news post with a following request to release Australian Douglas Wood, and permission is given to rebroadcast the video while Douglas Wood is captive, particularly among his captors and their media or broadcast. Posted on Beirut Indymedia.  Average cost of roundtrip flight from USA to Beirut, ~$2000.  Cost of boat ride or low flying craft, Priceless. I offer this memory of a song I wrote, titled either, free and in mp3, "Jack, I am here to warn You" or "Yak Ram 2 Worn Yew". Free and in mp3. Very short.

Warning, do not take any drugs the USA government gives out. Demand vets be given HMO cards, or at least those who have received forced medical experiments and forced injections. Their hospitals are controlled by the new American Nazis from D.C. and beyond. Forced felonies for parking on their soil, forced injections, forced medical experiments, and forced signatures under extreme duress to force silence and false felony records upon the true American veterans. The time has come to advance forward in our game. Say your prayers to your chosen deity or just do your preparations. If you notice the war escalates to obviousness in America or if the regime is caught in their silent struggle to oppress through heinous abuses, and if you are not of their inner circle, then amass in seclusion, break apart and watch from afar. The truth is, we have very little chance of survival, so fight like a wolf from Hell. Remember the best of the old ways.

The lie of America is the lie of mankind.  Bush and Schwarzenegger and that billionaire Jew mayor in New York and his Italian prison building governor and the mayors and governors of the disenfranchised voter states of the South East USA should join us on top of the ground for their global war suicide. The USA government should not be trusted anymore than any of their self-proclaimed enemies.  Those men who guard the closed doors of government and the destruction of our rights and livelihoods should be viewed as gorillas and dealt with in the same fashion, avoiding suffering but taking no quarter, as they are simply animals uncapable of higher thought and reason.  I do not fear war.  I do not believe all of  history (English defined as his story.).  I do believe a hidden agenda is always afoot and I smell ape shit on the top tier of American government. On my currency it reads, "In common sense we trust".

After forced injections, beatings, abuse, forced felonies with no chance of trial after psychological and physical torture and forced signings of felony pleas for legal firearm ownership, ridicule by their gun wielding mercenaries and other sufferings I have endured or witnessed under the USA government, federal and state, California and Alabama, I place my hands and my heart upon their suffering masses and realize that their abusers are not we, the suffering, and we are not they.  Yesterday a USA Coast Guard helicopter flew by my home and then turned around and flew over it again with the helicopters nose at a 45-degree angle as they came by. Once I went to a Mobile Alabama City Council meeting, was denied entry, raised my voice and the SS or Secret Service came to my home.  "This must be what the hidden war feels like", I thought.  I, the convict of a nation gone rabid, my number is their like the glorified Nazi holocaust victim. And now, Alabama and others take inmate's DNA, a horrid affront to all of the lower caste of the USA.  In the helicopter was it the Nazis from the European sector who are infuriated because I do not want their weapons manufacturer, EADS, in my home state? Or was it the Nazis from New York, the billionaire Jew and Germans, or the Nazis from the local regime and their puppet government?  FBI Director Mueller seems to be a very untrustworthy character for some reason.  Perhaps it is because he came from San Francisco where I know a murder can be instigated against a honest federal employee and then overlooked as a suicide, and those same murderers funding source, had an attempt made on my life and pushed my honest life into the mud of their imposed criminality.

Because the USA federal and state governments hand-in-hand assisted in destroying my livelihood and my right to self defense and my right to feel secure in my home or on the highway, I would gladly leave the USA for another nation of my choosing.  But I know, the war will be waged here, and the victor will be our  mankind or their lesser animal kind. 

I remember as a child watching their mass media taunt in glorious abandon, "Today X-number of Egyptians killed", or "X number of North Vietnamese killed" and they would applaud with their cannibalistic jowls flapping happily.  But they would fake a sadness or ignore the death of people from my group.

5-22-2005 Foreword: (Today's post on Mayor Dow, AKA The WOD, wants to give Mobile Alabama EADS, a European weapons manufacturer, a disease of death. I sang a song about Prichard Alabama and the Wod, titled, "Dog Earred Biscuits Poke Salad Pre-Charred Alabama." in mp3. One of my first compilations.

It is my expectation that North Charleston, South Carolina will accept the European weapons manufacturer EADS contract because the city was incorporated in 1972, the year before President Richard Nixon was impeached and the year before the National Treasury Employees Union spread its grasp and its hidden international criminals grasp over every significant decision making agency in the federal government. The FDIC, federal banking regulator murder labeled suicide, was my first clue and the second was when they tried to kill me and then crushed my life. The PERT charts of some factions over riding plans indicate the early 70's as a victory for their ranks and not the American citizens. Things Change. Beware of their weaponry in their buildings, unseen. SOS, wake up common American,  technological dullards by design.  On a more critical note, the regime or others can tamper with your child and not be present or have a weapon in sight.

5-21-2005 Foreword: The Sheriff of Mobile Alabama is scheduled to be arraigned on 5 felony counts on June 9, but a rescheduling is expected. Call for details at (251) 574-8430. If the courts try to deny Indymedia cameras, we should dig up James Carpenter's carcass, his unknown victim eaten alive by flesh eating bacteria, and catapult it at those sons of bitches when they leave their kangaroo court, those local Nazis at our throats and our dinner table in Alabama, Florida, Texas, and our eternal enemies banquet.

(Today's post on Houston Indymedia with a pic of the Mob AL lie) When describing my frustrations and hatred toward the regime in power under the Bush facade and Mobile Alabama Nazi controlled government, to my now deceased mother, she said, "Never do anything that is not going to make a profit."   (I interpret it as a profit for myself, family, or society). She also regretted having voted for Bush Jr. after the war began.  She saw the lie of the regime and my fear after two attempts on my life and injections and prison and other horrors, which is now a valiant cry for battle against the common man's enemy or enemies, within the borders of America and in their international jets or hiding places. 

By only engaging in profitable endeavors, the rule of profit also stops the useless nonsense tangled in emotions.  Today's lesson on profiting from the coming state of anarchy in some sectors of the world involves "Short Selling" of stocks.  Bury the transaction overseas through a broker if your hands are dirty or if you do not want to dirty them with the federal mafia criminals hidden at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Treasury Employees Union, etc..  I do not care about the regime or their corporate whores built upon the drained cadavers of America's once great corporations.  I know anarchy is near and I welcome war to clear the sorrow from the air and my native government's mayor and council seats and federal magistrate.   If I die, I pray that we, the nobodies, the Browns or your family, treated like dirt,  have total victor or total death for human kind for all time.

I do not trust anybody who prints a deities name on currency.  In common sense and watching for the hidden weapon I trust.  I once rode with serial killer Randy Kraft, and I did not want his drink, and then, like now, I do not want EADS or AIDS in my disenfranchised state now, and I am calling for the planned extraction of both for a profit if they try to enter. We have American Nazis and their associates ruling the South East and the South West. Interstate 10, coast to coast, is the war zone. Nazis of any variety will learn to play harp with a one stringed piano. God Damn the abuses of the regime upon us and ours. Separate from them.

5-20-2005 Foreword:

When the mass media, television stations owned by millionaires, in Mobile Alabama let it be known that EADS, the European weapons manufacturer, was considering Mobile as their first American manufacturing location, the mass media gave no hint of warning, only accolades.  WE should consider the mass media as part of the filthy rabid Nazi pigs who are trying to take control of the world and shove us into our graves.  The upper reaches are genetically modifying their own children with bio-engineering to create a super master race.  They will likely be pigs of a greater horn who want only world domination and re-kindling of the cages of the apes planet, with us inside.  Lock and load and kill at will.  There are no more peaceful options.

The regime hiding under the Bush is a rabid pig.  Kill the mother maker of Hell. Who cares.  Nuke us.  We have no nation.  Overthrow the regime.  Democracy is dead.  They are insane warlords deserving  merciful death.  Look at this horrific video in Houston at the Halliburton conference, the profiteers of war against us. (Note: By viewing numerous confrontation videos we can learn to counter the American Nazis henchmen's moves against us.  In this video, the drummer works with the documentary photographer.  Banners were also used and offer intrinsic value beyond the message.  We mean nothing to them, therefore they mean nothing to us.  Support the freedom fighters of Iraq and Palestine by quelling the bloodlust at home with saturation of the same.)

  Their leaders may not be human.  Never trust your eyes.  Reptiles sometimes wear human skin.  I have been forced injections and beaten for no reason other than trying to report murder and crime in the banking and law enforcement industries in the USA.

Never turn to the American police when reporting crimes and murder in the government. The Nazi regime is at the head. I know, I was attacked, reported it, and was attacked repeatedly again. Let them die.

Foreword Daily Note 5-19-2005: Because I was illegally made defenseless by the new reigning Nazis of American government, I propose that if the European Weapons manufacturer, EADS comes to America in a state that has disenfranchised voters (voters forbidden the right to vote), that an affront of American militia be thrown up to cut the new Kaiser's throat before he does ours, whomever and wherever that warmongering pig dwells. 

As you can see in this article, EADS, plans on 4 locations as choices for a new manufacturing facility in the USA, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida and Mississippi, all of which have disenfranchisement laws forbidding voters the right to vote.  If these new Kaisers walk with our enemies, our local politicians of fascism, let us pray for their destruction with no return and encourage those with the courage and wherewithal to move forward. 

Foreword Daily Note--May 16, 2005:

To all American and international government officials and in particular, their masters: "Friend or foe I do not always know, but if you close the doors and create sorrows and prisons and horrors for us, your ass has got to go, whether under a nuclear cloud or a broad-way show!"  We have enemies to us and mankind and to themselves in office and in the masters seat in many nations throughout the world, including the USA.  Perhaps we need a divestment of kind.  Death is better than sorrow.  Give us our open government and respect or give us all our deaths is my prayer to the enlightened angels of destruction and reconstruction. (I know the governments of Lower Alabama, Los Angeles, and the federal government has within its ranks, those who would annihilate us and are nothing more than enemies to mankind. Is Germany's chancellor friend or foe? New York's governor, (the prison building magistrate)? I say to my people, prepare for the enemy, know US government property is sanctioned off limits in their courts and hospitals. Never again serve while the terrorists reign.)

It is Tuesday again and the weekly meeting of the Mobile Alabama City Council and mayor, a meeting which I am illegally barred from attending, a meeting in which the inner circle look down upon me at their closed door like dirt and actually look at the dirt as if I am part of it.  I beckon of America and elsewhere to realize our illness in America is bred from within closed government circles.  The time is now, as I feel we have already lost this nation.  It is not mine and I would smile if those blocking my access to government and those in Los Angeles and D.C. blocking my right to trial by jury were dealt with by a citizen's tribunal war court.  Tuesdays is 4-war day.  4-degrees Kelvin.  God Damn the closed door regime and their mass media and their heinous abuses of us under their chains and needles and shit covered lawyers boots.

We in America are a nation who want the other to get killed obviously, as I had reported an attack on my life in February 2001, and then the Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Tillman, took my gun permit, my only license to defense on 4-3-2001 when I was going to report his theft, and afterward the federal government, the banking branch, gave me a felony for owning a gun. The felony was later dismissed after I had been injected and tortured repeatedly with government approval.

Foreword: May 14, 2005: America is lost and divided and people not of our ranks are pushing it forward. A reminder on Australia Indymedia today to "Save The Wood", D. Wood. Short Video with a comment at site. wmv format.

Foreword Daily Note--May 13, 2005: Murder made to look like suicide and natural death and accidents is the name of the game for some. Was Kurt Cobain killed by financial manipulators from the new international Reich with its many branches when he was in Italy? I would wager that Kurt Cobain did not kill himself, $10,000,000.00 with any 10-cent swashbuckler with a 50-cent stolleto hammer.

Howard Hughes was likely poisoned in the same manner through time, in one attack plan or another. Someone once said that those poisoned at youth are harder to poison later in life. I am not certain on that point, but the logic follows like a brazier on a homeless woman alcoholic.

The 9-11-2001 attacks and others were likely not as reported. The lines of division are not as clear. The tactics of war are at play.

In the finance arena EADS, the European weapons manufacturer that came to existence immediately after the 9-11-2001 attacks, is held one-third by Chrysler corporations sucked skeleton, German Managed Daimler Chrysler.  (Link to Plot showing Daimler Chrysler share prices falling even though Chrysler holds at least one-third of EADS stock holdings).  Daimler Chrysler was intentionally shown to have losses, probably intentionally done so. Most likely through swindle of stocks due to collusion within the National Treasury Employees Union's Securities and Exchange Commission and their IRS, with assistance possibly from within Daimler Chrysler.

Due to the planned destruction of the integrity of US government, by allowing one union to represent all of the government agencies of substance, the National Treasury Employees Union,we can not tell for certain who is responsible for the swindling of stock profits and investments by Americans in Chrysler Corporation and other corporations. Collusion destroys the audit trail. Are you ready to invest in America with cut throats behind the banks and industry?

Foreword Daily Note: 5-12-2005: (Today's news post on Indymedia in San Francisco calling for stopping of German war machine in America) Our enemies in the regime in Washington, D.C., and Montgomery Alabama have catapulted Bush's Nazi dream child into existence with the help of murderers from around the globe and now they are looking at furthering their advance into the dieing United States.  EADS, a European Weapons manufacturer came into existence with the rise of the Bush regime and his cohorts of Nazi billionaires and warlords, Jewish and German and Nazi American.  Look at how EADS stock went from $12 a share  when they first organized in 2002 to over $30 a share in 2005.  The regime should be viewed as being in consorts with our enemies.  They close the doors to government and do not allow us to vote and then endanger our lives with foreign chemical and weapons manufacturers.  Alabama government has a cozy relationship with the fascists and beat me, a veteran, at their gates.  Bring on the warlords of the world to Alabama and confront the growing enemies of mankind.  We need to talk in Lower Alabama and Los Angeles in a language those blood thirsty pigs can understand.  We are allies in this battle on our home turf.  God Damn the regime and their Nazi whip kittens, weapons manufacturers.   I urge all nations to recognize the military movement around the world by the USA is not being conducted by Americans but by the billionaires international Nazi regime.  Perhaps we will have a nuclear blast in close enough proximity not to feel it, the complete death of our society.  Beware of forced experiments and medical procedures on soldiers, veterans, and children by the regime.  I will never go onto another federal facility for medical assistance or anything else.  I learned my lesson in 2001.  I would rather have been shot in the head than what I endured in 2001 to this day.  They are enemies to mankind.  Do not whimper when their bodies scatter across the world.

Foreword Daily Note: 5-9-2005: (Update today on Home Page II today, linked above, Mob AL related) A call has been put out to disrupt the EADS meeting in Amsterdam on Wednesday May 11 for their attempting to merge with the Nazis reigning Hell in America (Mayday, Mayday, Brown USA to Brown UK). The latest post was to Japan Indymedia and LA Indymedia (with video to save Douglas Wood). Indymedia of the Netherlands and the UK and the USA appear to be censored more frequently. Congratulations to the Hacker who took down the censored New York Indymedia. Next he should go after the censored mass media and the censored Israel and Palestine and German Indymedia. Anything that is censored is feces on our boots and stinks to high hell.

Foreword Daily Note: 5-8-2005: It appears the German invasion with their military arm (EADS)with local Nazis and their Uncle Toms have swamped lower Alabama. They are warlords from a new Nazi power reaching around the globe with locals who control Alabama down on their knees in front of them, like goats in esterus. Take a look at the Mayor, fat pig of a Nazi, being replaced by another. I remember 9 nuclear bombs or nations from a dream as a kid, and when there were 13, panic ensued, and now comes EADS and the 13 nations or members of the European Union. It is no wonder Wiseman, a veteran and nobody from Mobile on Rosewood committed suicide. The regime tries to call me and our kind insane or criminal. They are the murderous nightmare following the Vietnam Veterans and my own visions from youth. If EADS comes to America, lock and load your own weaponry. God Damn the regime. More power to the Iraqi people and their armies. Hezbollah is welcome at my dinner table along with the Palestinian children and the rising tide of new combatants against the evil and exclusionary American regime who are in fact not of our family's in America.

I would propose at the Mobile Alabama city council meetings, if I was allowed to enter as dictated in the Open Meetings Law, that the footage from the Mobile Alabama building government lobby at high noon on 4-3-2001 from the West Door be displayed at the Mobile Museum. The thief Sheriff Tillman blocked my access to the city council meeting to report his thievery and the abuses by Mobile Alabama industry of the populace in Mobile.  The federal government destroyed my video on 4-22-2001 in which my gun permit was taken by the Sheriff on 4-3-2001 when I had fled to save my own life and my family any attacks by criminals with badges in state or federal government.  The federal government injected me, lied to me in chains, and forced my silence and a silent felony.  I would rather have died in a nuclear blast than to have been betrayed by the nation I serve, the USA. Give me Trial By Jury to clear my name, or execute and the USA government officials or their circuits which put me in the soil.

Aft Note: All of this fighting has put me in mood for comedy. See the Love Line 3 page link updated above.

Foreword Daily Note: 5-7-2005: Today my world is filled with rage.  In the coming struggle, we must realize that prejudice and bigotry and vested interests will always have us at the brink of war.  For instance, today a vehicle followed me not of my race.  I live in fear, not of a race, but of men who are more akin to apes. Any man can be paid or motivated to attack. In today's world, the price is right, even for murderers who kill our kind among our adversaries.  I am not allowed to have guns to defend my life due to corruption in federal and local government and my daring to survive an assassination attempt.  I encourage the proliferation of other weaponry due to the nature of our ape like enemies and their grasp on the keys of government.

A call for insurrection against the evil and closed door governments of the regime. DC Indymedia, Atlanta Indymedia was syndicated or silenced. I urge all Americans and other nations fighting innocent nations such as Iraq, to urge their youth not to serve the USA military or those nations who are allies to the regime that is the enemy to mankind. I came from a family with generations who served the USA military. The government is now forcing medical experiments, felonies, and other horrors upon veterans. One government official looked at the ground while I was being illegally restricted from a government meeting.

Remember "They drew first blood".  My family has waged battled on and for American soil in every war and into the times of the American Indians.  They killed anyone who stood in their way when struggling for  survival or they died trying.  I urge all Americans to view the US government as controlled by manipulators of men, many of whom have sold our birthrights and stolen our happiness.

Foreword Daily Note: 5-4-2005:  My latest video to the Iraqi people asking for the merciful treatment of Australian, Douglas Wood, and US.  Music Video included with song, Stone Cold In My Electric Chair by Kurt Brown, SainTramBone, Saint Ram Bone, and Osso Ramdella Sandel.   Do not forget to demand that auditor Kurt Brown be allowed into the Mobile Alabama city council meetings also.  He wants to stop all war. (Link to video in Streaming Media format on  Australia Indymedia)

Foreword Note 5-3-2005: I will have a new video release soon and I will address the Iraqis who have an Austrialian prisoner, Douglas Wood, and I will request the sparing of his life and that they recognize the American government no longer is the voice of the American middle class and I request sympathy on their captives. The USA government is not ours of the middle clas, as is indicated by their not following the Geneva Convention with American captives and most likely other captives. I will include a video with the song Stone Cold In My Electric Chair as a music video. I will address the Arabic people in my rudimentary Arabic.

When I watch the videos of the USA government in Mobile Alabama I have made, in particular the un-edited versions, in which those people who call themselves my fellow Americans deny my access to the city council meetings, I know that Tuesday is 4-War day.  That is the day they laugh at me weekly.  I pity the military servicemen killed in Iraq.Soon our financial arteries  will be shunted down anyway.  It is ironic that 9-11-2001 was a Tuesday.  Pull our troops from Iraq by warning your children that the regime is abusing Americans both while in uniform and out of uniform.

The regime does not abide by the Geneva Convention with innocent Americans or prisoners of war.  Remember that.

Today's reply to news posts in Australia Indymedia calling for a withdrawal of troops in Iraq, and a request for the Arab world's lower caste and their friends to realize that we, the lower caste of America, are being subjected to the same horrors as their honorable soldiers.   The enemy stands at the gate of USA government, blocking our entrance. 

5-2-2005 Daily Foreword Note:  In this site I have made many comments.  I abhor violence like a bad memory before childhood, and yet I have agreed to it in like kind after suffering atrocities repeatedly at the hands of people in American government who I thought were my allies.    Where do we draw the line?  Demand space colonies segregated as groups want them, based on any denominator or attribute.   I would rather not battle like lower animals of the jungle, Earth, America.  I feel like I have been euthinized and I still walk the planet.  Sometimes it helps to be in movement, mobile. 

The USA government and Alabama and California government have tried to make many claims against me, all of them thus far are lies and exaggerations and I was set up for a felony and they will not give me a "Fair Trial By Jury of Americans" and as a result I lost my right to vote Tillman and Company out of office. (Thanks Sheriff Jack Tillman and Company, 4-3-2001, See Mob AL City Government Lobby Video, when I shout, Jack Is In The Crack, and Your Kids Ain't Comin Back).  I feel that some section of our government, and self governance, was lost.  I do not know when, but now, profit and total control is the only motivator with disregard toward their own abuses and the horrors unleashed. (Do not let the mass media trivialize or neglect the true nature of the horrors around us. Link to white wash article in Alabama negating the severity of food funds theft.

Do not let those without ethics reign Hell upon us. For instance, Bobby Timmons, head of the Alabama Sheriffs Association, said food funds should be allowed for personal use of the Sheriff. To quote the idiot auditor, "You should not let the fox guard the hen house". Get that motherfocker Timmons out of office also. Chew up and spit out the ethics less like tobacco in a crunch.

Have you ever been hungry? ) A quote from a wayward teenager at the Mob AL jail, "The plates were old and cracked, and food leaked from one tray to another in the carts, and it smelled and tasted rotten". Who was it that said, "Love thy neighbor"?

4-30-2005 Daily Foreword Note:  Ever since 2001, I have learned I and those like me mean nothing to the ruling regime in America and their wealthy supporters have closed our roads to progress.   Do with them as you will, as I am an auditor and artist and the auditor side has discovered they are not like us and do not care about us and the artist side weeps and growls eternally as a result of my discoveries.

4-29-2005 Daily Foreword Note: In a more lighthearted note while in the throes of the regime run amuck and their cracked societal design, I say Hello to any old relatives from the old English countryside.  We share things in common, like being swindled and sleeping in our truck. (UK Indymedia Comment and Traveller Pics...Beware of one with Cookie Cutter Shark teeth..Parent, I would like to hire him for comedy skit)

4-28-2005 Foreword Note: A wise old woman once told me, "You can not win at another man's game". I see his game in the societal trap he has designed. Cast off the leg irons of ignorance and corrupt government, and realize that idolatry of drugs, alcohol, sports and mass media are the substitute for proper education of youth. Americans of foresight should separate from the pack, in part or total based on common beliefs and or values. We are not a nation of common Democracy and brotherhood, we are a nation whose leaders have factions who behave like alpha male gorillas or bonobo monkeys or even worse, heartless circuit boards whose images are on our Television praying and telling us lies while they kick our citizens in the streets and prisons.

When I was injected by the federal government and thrown to the criminals of the Los Angeles Superior Courts, with no chance for trial by jury for legal gun ownership, and when I was abused by the Mobile Alabama government and forbidden entry, I realized that not all are as human as they appear. We are returning to the old ways. Protect your children from the stranger. We are no longer safe in America and I will laugh when those who look down upon me are buried in their protected buildings. I am offered no protection in live in a state of indifference by the government and populace. Rosa Parks could ride a bus in Alabama and a huge crown amassed to see that it was done. I am denied entry into meetings of the city government and people laugh when I am beaten. The time has come to change the game.

4-27-2005 Foreword Note: Reconnaissance is the answer to dealing with criminals of the regime.  Actions to thwart developments or plans on other avenues of their approach to their goals of domination may be the only way.  CERT charts would map their favored plans, which is global or total domination at the end point. Obvious entry points exist for enlightened soldiers to act.  Cut the lines on that point and use only un-reproachable points of access .  If the Internet is shut down, I suspect a violent melee in the streets of America and I encourage it, as the internet is our life line in some respsects.  The regime is not our ally in all sectors.  They are self serving in the end with indifference to our lives and especially those around the world.  They remind me of arrogant apes. Do not trust them. Do not underestimate them.

For instance, in February 2001 I was watching the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC)  higher ranking employees near the San Francisco office entrance to see who their "True or hidden" associates were.  The FDIC was my last employer and the regional director had been murdered there in the early 1990's according to rumors from other employees.  The FDIC's Regional Director's rumored murder was officially labeled a suicide, in which his brains were blown out at his desk with his own gun. I researched the dead man's actions on the web and found that he appeared to be a strict bank examiner. The man who replaced him appeared to be lax in banking issues with some groups. Proof is at links on this site.

The Regional Director of the Pacific rim and West Coast states of the FDIC was replaced by a man with a poor EEOC record from Chicago and who agreed to my termination from the FDIC when I would not drop an EEOC complaint, which was disregarded (Hell, I am white/Indian and disability means nothing to the EEOC).  I saw him walking with another man and let him know I was watching.  I had sent him emails detailing the facts I knew of set arrangements granting bank charters to irrefutably corrupt characters and that the death of his predecessor was no suicide, but a murder.

That weekend an attempt was made on my life.   That year I was arrested by the federal government and given injections and receive forced felonies, and now the Mobile Alabama City Council violates all laws to allow me into their meetings and I am denied a right to trial by jury.

My audit report is that our government is not as it seems.  Our parents were conned by mass media and a social agenda set by men who should not lead among civilized nations.  Their leadership skills are akin to the apes and belong in the jungle. 

4-27-2005 Foreword Note (Part Two): I, an honest auditor, give up on America, in particular all cities of the nation.  We are treated like lesser humans and we are not allowed to defend our lives.  I pray for a full military confrontation in my neighborhood or quick death of the Nazis who carry their bibles like crosses among vampires.

I have endured forced injections by the federal government, a forced felony plea for daring to defend my own life and I have been denied a trial by jury, and I am beaten at the gates of my native city's government in Mobile Alabama and denied entry.  A nuclear bomb on my native city in Mobile Alabama would stop the suffering of my family under the design of our enemies who reign like Kings from Hell. If it exploded in Los Angeles, the world would breathe easier as the suffering of the poor there would end and the filthy rich animals would burn like embers.  I support anyone who can get me my rights as dictated under their false laws.  Our enemies surround us in America.  Help those who can help to open our government's doors and restore our rights or destroy them or give us our deaths.

I am not one who is gullible enough to believe the hybrid gorilla and chimpanzee human is the favored creature of the creator.  However, in the Bible it says to beware of the one with the little horn.  "Reggie" Copeland, city councilman of Mobile Alabama, has what appears to be a horn or knot on his right forehead. I don't think he cares about others being forbidden entry but the call is by the local federal dictators who answer dictators above them.

(Love Line 3 page was updated today..comedy, link is at top of Home Page Mobile Audit Club

4-26-2005 Daily Forward Note: Because we in America of the lower caste, and especially the one I am most familiar, the European and Indian mix, are increasingly mistreated by the regime in power, in  much the same way as the Palestinians were mistreated by the Israelis, I honor the methods used by the Palestinian, which includes suicide bombers and kidnappers who target those who are truly criminal in their behavior toward us, the veterans who are forced to receive felonies, injections, and forced medical procedures and denied rights to enter government meetings.  God Damn their regime.  The war is here in America.  The war is now.  Do not ever let any hospital or government agency capture you.  Death is preferable, just as was with the other Nazis.  Many American Nazis carry Bibles in their belts and I would laugh if those in Mobile Alabama and their superiors played fellatio with their own tubes in their mouths. If you are thinking of serving a military, apply at nations around the world.

I believe the United States government or a faction of the government have or their close associates have weapons they are using against people with voices opposing the abuses by the regime in power.  Extinction is preferable to life for many Americans.

Foreword Note 4-24-2005: (Quatrains 3 Page updated today) I, Kurt Brown, auditor and reporter, have yet to decide definitely whether I will try to attend the Mobile Alabama City Council Meeting for the twenty-first time since 2001.  Tuesday's are declared as 4-War day against those in the regime who trample upon our rights.  I spit in their face with the world and beckon blood from our true enemy's veins.  The police do not even obey the Open Meetings Law in America and we are denied trials by jury. 

The Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital Westwood should be shut down and the victims, the veterans, given HMO medical cards. The United States government can not be trusted under the regime. The hidden wars indicate the common man's need to understand technological machinery and develop new ones to thwart the effects of our enemy's war and controlling aparatus. The question for Tuesday, 4-War day, is to try to attend or to let the dogs of war have their way in Mobile Alabama government.

Beware of forced and unannounced medical procedures if you are in a government building, in custody, or if a suspicous cut appears on your body in your body. I suspect numerous ex- US military men and women have been subjected to unannounced medical procedures. Imagine being able to track or eaves drop on a population or even better, control a population. The nightmare is here in America.

Foreword Note 4-23-2005: How the American regime in power can stop people from voting or entering government meetings is a result of a ruling regime by the power of the gun and control of the mass media, just like the Nazis of history in the various nations.  A post on Bulgaria Indymedia points to the lies of the mass media and the way they manipulate the simple minds into a state of war.  I do not believe most of what I hear on mass media in those nations where war is being propagated by the American regime in power.

Foreword Note 4-22-2005: Todays news post and a pic of people like us bleeding at the feet of our subjugators hired gun. On the night of 4-22 near the stroke of the clock of the morning of the 23rd in 2001, I was arrested by the federal government for being in fear for my life and parking on their property in Los Angeles. Our relationship has changed since then and I want to warn you that they, no federal agency, including the Veterans Administration, are no friend to us, our kind.    They gladly tore my life to pieces and most prized possessions, my only defense, my guns and my right to vote.  The blacks and the mexicans with badges seemed to hate me.  The corrupt judges of Los Angeles are owned by federal banking and treasury criminals within the federal government and crushed me with forced injections and physical abuse making me sign a felony plea agreement for legal gun ownership.  I was a federal bank examiner. They laugh at me and my kind. I will laugh when their cities are on fire and their buildings are top of their heads. I hope my kind have fled from their persuasion and persistence and person.

We need free higher education in Alabama. We need practicality in leadership. We need to remove the regime and realize that in the heat of the battle that things were not what they were in the beginning of the battle--in other words, Watch Your Back and Never Trust the federal or state governments and beware of their lackies who are cut throats of a monkey variety.

Foreword Note 4-21-2005: The people of America have been conned by the religion that dominated medieval Europe.  Nobody has a patent on ethics, and no mono-theistic religion is worth salvaging in its entirety in the future.   When a religion claims that their people are the top of the heap of all living things, I see a gorilla writing a story tale with their ape progeny in the driver's seat for eternity.  No ape, neither Bonobo Monkey, Rhesus Monkey, or Gorilla or any variant of human therein own the banana tree known as ethics.  If you do not believe me, watch one monkey try to steal another's food on a day of famine, and watch the rule of ethics take over when it is broken,  which is a fight.

I say, I would rather die under a nuclear blast than to be forced from the USA government meetings or receive another forced injection or  forced experiment by the federal or state governments.

The extremist Islamists are being told to go to the Islamic Hell by others in the Islamic Nations.  I tried to post a reply in Beirut Indymedia to a comment on the subject, but it was edited out.  Ever since Hariri was killed, Lebanon has tightened information flow.  Who is in control now? 

Foreword Note 4-20-2005: In reading this, remember the federal and state governments drew first blood against myself and others. It angers them (or it) that I still breathe.

I am searching for an attorney to help me sue the city of Mobile Alabama and the federal government to allow me into the city council meetings and to sue them for taking my gun permit in 2001 and for blocking my reporting of Sheriff Jack Tillman's proven thievery. It appears the attornies are afraid of the system. Perhaps military confict is the only solution. I developed a large blood clot and spit it up after the last court hearing in Mobile Alabama. Someone is manipulating us. We are being pushed into a war. It will be a nightmare unless you prepare for a war of the types of this century. I have been told that one of the city councilman laugh and say I am hiding for not trying to enter. The last laugh is the best. They have no mercy for us, so God Damn the regime and their system that discriminates against poor whites and mix-breeds of today in the way they discriminated against poor blacks of yesterday. I would applaud a nuclear blast if we are not freed from the grip of our oppressors.

In considering the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Oklahoma Federal Building and the attempt on the Pentagon, and in light of the fact that the regime in control or a faction or factions of the regime in control of the USA has violated every conceivable law and indignity against myself and others, and the fact that our government is over run with war criminals, it is obvious that the empathetic regime is gone and the attacks may have been on buildings completely overtaken by those who are not us, the little common Americans, in spite of the fact that many were caught in the crossfire of the raging hidden wars. 

We will have to fight to take our government back and it will be in some cases against some of our own uniforms and maybe even our own blood, as they are manipulated often through economic deprivation and brainwashing.   The attacks on the buildings were likely part of a war that is raging in sectors we are not allowed to view.  The financial aspects of war close the viewing gap between combatants and their financiers.   Why fight in Iraq when our enemies are reigning in America.  Perhaps we can discern the most empathetic and humane sector and ask the other more virile sector to step down or assist in slitting its throat(s).  I have identified tangible enemies in Alabama and Los Angeles and D.C.  Perhaps it is too late, and if so, give us extinction.  I would rather be dead than eat gravel under the feet of the Mobile Alabama City Council and Mayor, and the same goes for the corrupt judges of Los Angeles who crush the honest to assist the financial war criminals in America's treasury and the same goes for financial war criminals working for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and their union, the National Treasury Employees Union.    We need a time clock, where when our demands for civility are not met, the bell strikes loud enough for the world to hear, and the shocks course the arms of our betrayers and tormentors until they let us go, very muck like if they had grabbed hold of a 22-ton electric eel.

Foreword Note 4-20-2005: I just received word that one of the Mobile Alabama city council members was making jokes about my not trying to enter the city council meeting. I will be at the gate, next Tuesday, April 26, after I have seen my attorney. I will have my camera, reporters badge, and I hope some back up in case the regime starts shooting at me or tries to beat me again. If they try to harm me again, I pray their heads are blown off. I am an American veteran. I an an American citizen. I will fight for my family's right to be part of the USA government. Death to the local regime in power, and the structure that supports their abuses of us.

City Councilman Reginald Copeland is an evil coward with a family of would be slave herders. He was in the three 6's district but transfered to try and help cover up crimes by councilman Sullivan. Let us help overthrow that entire regime. Never, ever, serve them anything again, except, bloody just desserts.

Due to attacks on my life and abuses of extreme prejudice against myself and others, I see a war coming in America, and I really do not care, as my heart has turned to burnt stone.  In Alabama, the factions are divided primarily on race and wealth.  The wealthy whites have several groups among the whites who are lesser in intelligence but do their bloody work.  The blacks primarily defend their own unless a profit is in the taking, such as killing for the wealthy whites.  The poorer whites are another group and their blood lines are not as pure and often contain Indian or African.  The war will start when the feeding frenzy is altered and I welcome it like a breath of death air. We are no longer a nation. We are collections of individuals who want war, and the truth is, the war has been raging for millennia. We are blinded to the truth and we are obviously not all brothers on this planet, and nor should we have to share terrain. I welcome the war as it is inevitable under the current leaders design.  Once again, I do not care if my mortal enemies should die or dine, as at least one will be rid of the other.  It was a severe mistake to have fought in WWII.  It was a greater mistake to have served and trusted the USA government.  They are doing procedures on soldiers just as they do on veterans.  Do you know what they did to you?

America is now a gladiator's rink, "Every man for himself".  Laws are no applicable to the common man to protect himself and his family.  They are geared to protecting the overlords and their gun wielding combatants.  Our parents who are now in their 60's were conned to trust the government's schools and hospitals.  I suspect tampering with some children by some people in the medical chain of command. 

It makes no sense to pursue many lines of work in America, as close knit groups are selectively restricting entry.  Considering the fact that more forced injections, as I have endured, and more forced experiments as others have endured under the government's hand will continue to increase, I would rather have a full confrontation now, even if it meant annihilation.  Sometimes death is better than suffering and subjugation.  Have you ever considered the ultimate Hellish weapon?  Consider them all, as the USA leaders are inept warlords deserving of the bitter ax, the guillotine when they abuse us and the world , at least in Alabama and Los Angeles and other select offices.  Their end product will be bitter deaths for millions.  I once considered many weapons, but they all leave the skin feeling as it is on fire or they are merciful with a quick black out, but that is rare, as the howls of death in today's world are many. 

We are technically under martial law.  I want to see City Councilman Reginald Copeland and City Councilman Clinton Johnson of Mobile Alabama, ousted, and I do not care for them anymore than they do for us, so let them have the whole enchilada. I welcome war in place of subjugation.  God Damn their regime. God Damn them to their premature deaths on planet Earth.  Give me life and liberty or give me my god damn day with the blade with those pieces of common criminal riff raff in high places.

Because the local government in Mobile Alabama is headed by three local fascists up front, I will applaud anyone who can get me into their government meetings as dictated by law, and I pinpoint the local Mob. AL regimeMayor Dow, Councilman Copeland and Johnson and Sullivan for immediate removal. We are enemies in the city of Mobile Alabama with our government. We are a far hamlet from the large cities and I applaud the coming avengers to rip our subjugating regime to shreds. They had no mercy when I, an honest bank examiner, was under attack for alerting the public to murder labeled suicide and I will shed no tear when they are attacked as I was or thrown into jail as I was. Perhaps their luck will not be as good as mine I was, and if so, I hope someone videos their fall for us to view online.

We have in our midst a regime with members whose feelings are non-existent. Their guidance is brutal and backward and self serving. Remove the knife from my throat, our throats, brothers in arms. Since we can not vote or enter meetings or have our laws as prescribed to us by the founding fathers or at least the propaganda, let us give the backward and falling factions all out war at the drop of the bell, and remember in times of famine the lesson from the alleged accounts of the conquistadors with the Aztecs.

Foreword Note 4-19-2005: It appears that the comedian Carrot Top heard of Kurt Brown's and SainTramBone's song,
"Stone Cold In My Electric Chair", as Carrot Top had a comedy skit recently broadcast in which he blew up in an electric chair. Carrot Top missed the point of the song and idea, as the mass media always does.  I will broadcast a video someday showing how one is supposed to construct and use an electric chair.

To lead Carrot Top to SainTramBone's electric chair, I picture SainTramBone jumping on Carrot Top's shoulders and grabbing his hair with both hands as Carrot Top runs like a young mare in its virgin bridle. Eventually Carrot Top would be lead around by SainTramBone similar to the character Master Blaster on the shoulders of the muscle man in the movie Mad Max.

Today is Tuesday, the day the Mobile Alabama city council meets. I would be honored if Carrot Top or his boss, the mass media, would recognize the grave atrocities being commited against myself in the video above. The abuse applies not only to myself but millions of others. It is as if a regime from Hell is rising in America, and on its face in the veil of a martyr to disquise the true evilness of the regime in power, with its true ugliness to manifested even more in the near future. Carrot Top and the blind wealthy man's mass media can eat SainTramBone's dung pile, in America, the burning Hell.

I plan on placing a lawsuit against the city of Mobile, and in particular, Sheriff Jack Tillman, for violation of the open meetings law, and in particular the date of 4-3-2001 when I was going to report horrors reported to me from an inmate at the death camp known as the Mobile County Jail and the now proven thief took my gun permit and denied me entry to the meeting.  Any monies received in the lawsuit will be re-channeled into local charitable projects and headed by the Mobile Audit Club.  My goal and the goal of those who I assist, is to help and not hurt.  I have been put through sheer Hell and the nightmare continues.  I could have stayed in Northern California, but I would be abandoning the battle on the home front.

The difference between predator and prey is only one step away and that is the gladiators misfortune and only hope.  Welcome to America's land of prisons, Gladiator School Jack. Bring your Maitre D, also known as Your Little Dragon.

The pettiness warrants aptitude in poetic justice, Jack and Company, or I should say, "Master" X-"Master".

Foreword April 15, 2005: (A new comedy skit based on the following is on Love Line 3 linked above) Is there hope in America or is the corruption so deep that it is beyond the point of no return?  Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama who I mentioned below was indicted on 5 felony counts, and recently was wrongfully acquitted by a corrupt judge on negligent homicide of James Carpenter, an inmate eaten by flesh eating bacteria at the time Tillman was stealing and hording large amounts of jail funds. ( Here is a link to an online story regarding the 5 felony counts of Mobile Alabama Sheriff Jack Tillman, with a more detailed one coming soon I hope.)  They forgot to add the count of Felony Violation of the Open Meetings Law which he and the mayor and city council and federal government allow to be violated.  I will contact the District Attorney to see if he recalls.  They are flushing their toilet to get rid of low level stink so the high level stink can continue to run their fascist exclusionary regime.  (Tillman is guilty of 6 felonies if you include the felony violation of the Open Meetings Law, which was when I was going to report horrid conditions reported at the jail and likely theft of funds on 4-3-2001)

A death of a boxer, Jesse James Hughes also had suspicious undertones in a recent investigation (Tillman was at one time a boxer and I would wager they were placing bets on rigged fights or a business arrangement went bad).  The differences the Sheriff says are between the District Attorney and the Sheriff and that no crime was commited, but I would wager that the government sees the auditors coming into the government and people are watching.  The real crimes go on undetected and unmentioned, including when Tillman took my gun permit at a time when I was going to report his crimes and I was in fear of another attempt on my life by assassins related to the federal banking regulatory industry, my previous employer.

When the cats run with the dogs, you will note that in times of stress, they re-group into their instinctual family, and the same applies to Mobile Alabama government.  I am nothing, just a little worm to those in power as evidenced by the videos.  The one of Tillman taking my gun permit was destroyed in Los Angeles when I was forced to receive injections and a felony for legal gun ownership with no chance of a trial by jury, when I was simply traveling with a U-Haul with all of my belongings, fleeing San Francisco and Mobile Alabama to go to Los Angeles.

I am the auditor and bank examiner where Alabama, Los Angeles and San Francisco came into a knot, and I came up with Jack Rabbit, or Jack Snatch, or Sheriff Jack Tillmanm, as a small fry.  The true sophisticated criminals are on a higher playing field and will have you murdered and have it look like a suicide or accident.  They control the judges like Judge McMaken of Mobile Alabama, in whose court I developed a blood clot afterward which I passed from  the head.  You will note in one of the videos where I tremble when talking to a young man. It was after a beating for trying to enter a meeting and the court hearing in which I developed a large blood clot.

SainTramBone says, "If they don't let me into that city council meeting in Mobile Alabama the next time" "I am going to go nuts" and the same goes for Auditor Kurt Brown, aka Saint Ram Bone. Demand all be allowed into all government meetings as the Open Meetings Law dictates.

I have some glimmers of hope of the truth from the mass media but they too are constrained by the iron glove of government corruption and silencing and their own stockholders, who are generally very wealthy and do not suffer as those in the rising third world in America suffer.

Foreword April 14, 2005: The USA government took my legally owned guns and forced a felony upon me with needles and physical abuse and psychological terror after I reported a murder at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and thievery of food and jail funds by the current Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Jack Tillman, who took my gun permit on 4-3-2001 when I was going to report his thievery. Previously I had reported an attempt on my life by criminals related to the federal banking regulators. They will not give me a trial by jury. They commit the felony of denying my entry into their meetings. They are international in scope as evidenced by the new Patriot Act clause demanding passports for Americans to leave America and enter Canada. Have an escape plan to leave the USA in the event of a meltdown or complete lockup.

The prison building and caste setting regime, the wealthy war criminals regime, needs to be destroyed in America or we might as well assist other nations who are their victims also in helping the nation commit suicide. The nightmare is being unleashed by our enemies in power in the USA. They are like gorillas fit for the kill and I applaud all who oppose them.

I wish some of those men who died in WWII and WWI and the Civil War could see what is happening in Mobile Alabama, Los Angeles California and every other stinking city in the dieing USA where we are illegally denied entry into government meetings and trials by juries, and more importantly physical abuse while enroute to their courtrooms or in their courtrooms. They are using technologies agains those they want to silence. They are truly war criminals of the type executed at the end of WWII.

Support the rights of gun ownership as their project AIMs to force felonies for legal gun ownership and to force silence upon those who report government corruption, which is hidden in total. When the government is in flames, we will be executed if we do not have our defenses and our shelters.

Our guns are as of now our only protection from those gorillas who claim they have a patent on ethics and the creator, and then behave like pigs fit for slaughter in our battlefields, except they invade our homes and our lives under the command of a higher level bureaucrat who obeys our hidden enemies.

Yes, I do hate the USA government that denies us our rights to trials by jury for exercisng our rights under the USA Constitution, and then forces experiments and injections and other horrors on us and our children. Proof is in this site. Demand the destruction of the propaganda medium of our enemies, the monopolization of the airwaves by corporate and government criminals, in particular broadcast Television and Radio. A Nazi is a Nazi and I do not care what he calls himself or how his skin reflects in the light. They are abominations to our kind.

I welcome a conflict in America and warn all to beware of manipulation in their courtrooms and hospitals. Bring a camera and make yourself an Indymedia reporters badge if you have a case in court. We are under the boot of war criminals, so spit in their face and put out their eye, my X number, forced felony plea convict number says I do not matter, therefore neither do they. It was a mistake to have fought any war if we do not fight back before our deaths. I would fight for my right to a trial by jury in Los Angeles which I was denied with Alabama government and federal government assistance.

The Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks in New York were likely completely different than what was told. I would not be surprised to find a hidden insurrection in a battle against the components of the regime's hidden agenda. They always tell us, "Thy Kingdom Come", while they are at the pinnacle of wealth and freedom while we are labeled criminals, forced to run for our lives, and watch our children fall into the lower caste if they are not protected from the lies and propaganda. It is obvious we should not live as one community, as men who are like gorillas or apes and their type are among us. Then the question becomes, are the bastards even human?

Turn off their media, shield your children from it, and their forced religion, which they pretend to follow but ignore, and realize that no one has a patent on ethics, but only a few choose to behave ethically. The regime fears free-thinkers. Demand Bush and the regime be held for war crimes, including forced experiments and injections on Americans and forced felonies without trials and closed government and violations of the Geneva Convention. Give us our nation or I ask that all assist those who want to free themselves from the war batallions now commanded by the new American regime. We need pressure inside the United States to free the people of the United States, and in so doing we will free the people of the world, because as of now, the only free people are the higher rank of the regime and those who control them.

Foreword April 14, 2005: In regard to our loss of the right to bear arms due to forced felonies in anti-gun states, "We have lost our forefather's claw". My reply is, "There are many options in the manufacture of the claw, some of which are less barbaric but just as lethal." "Find ways to override abuses with technology and reveal the truth" "But beware of their claw, in plain view". A comedy skit was put on the Love Line 3 page today, linked above.

Foreword April 12, 2005: I have given up on trying to enter my native city's government in Mobile Alabama, which also houses the federal government. They ignore all laws and populace seems bridled under control. I only want to get as many family members out of the region as possible before the new third world order sets in. I put a little comedy ditty about the FDIC on the Love Line 3 Page of this site linked above. I would not care what happens to those in local government as they are not we and we are not they. Beware of betrayal on all fronts, including forced injections and experiments, and most likely many murders. Proof is on this site.

Foreword April 11, 2005: Yesterday I said some fairly radical things in a comment on Tennessee Indymedia.  A military draft in the United States brings back memories of a veteran who  was drafted and came back from Vietnam.  He was a neighbor of mine on Rosewood Drive in Mobile Alabama when I was a child.  He killed himself a few days after his return but his self inflicted death was due to abuses by the billionaires USA government and their cold blooded military draft.  Wiseman asphyxiated himself behind the old Bellas Hess stores.  Why fight for the USA government when they do not even treat us like humans.  Wiseman would probably put those who are trying to re-institute a draft into a gas chamber with himself.  I would rather spare Wiseman and the thousands of other young men who will be killed or come back with severed spines.  My love for the USA government is gone.  I want all government buildings where people are banned from entering, destroyed.  If the billionaire Jews, Nazis, and others want a war, let us fight it right here in America.  We are enemies.

Foreword 4-10-2005: Have a battle plan ready. The regime, billionaire Democrat Republican, is planning on killing your children with a new draft. A comment was made at this article on Tennessee Indy Media regarding the re-imposing of the mandatory military draft in the USA. The federal and state government has violated and ignored all laws to protect us, the common American, and the international citizen. See ahrp.ORG and search for Veterans Administration for proof of forced experiments on veterans or look at pages on this site for my personal horrors of dealing with those cut throat criminals. The federal government is rife with criminals and people who care nothing about your family or mine and they are nothing more than gun wielding combatants for international billionaires, many of whom appear to be sociopathic criminals with legions of leechers on. Burn political effigies on the 4th of July and let the regime know that we hate them to their premature graves. I welcome a war in America to remove the criminal element ruining American government and who lead without divine intellect, but instead they act more like warmongering sinister pigs.

On my last attempt to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting in Mobile Alabama at their government building on Tuesdays at 10:30, I was denied entry by the enemy in power again, the 10th time since 2001. I would applaud if they were eliminated. One of the older men undercover pointed to the floor where I stood, making a non-verbal statement to myself. I am a native of this city and due to the seizure of our government by the criminals who are our enemies, I want to see their government and buildings ram-shacked to rid our nation of the vermin in government. What he meant when he pointed at the floor was ambiguous. It could have meant, "I am dirt", or it could have meant, "Stay outside", like a dog. If I am dirt, I will cover his and his children's graves, reigning above them for eternity. If I am a dog, I am a dog of war for my people. Never again serve the regime. Develop weapons in the underground and keep your patents from the US Patent Office and the regime. We need a trump card. One of death. They do not respect us. They will fear us.

I encourage all service men to cease serving the regime. A war is brewing and we do not want our kind between our blades and their throats.

Foreword 4-8-2005: In regard to yesterday's post and foreword note, someone said, "It would serve some of the evil and indifferent people right if a nuclear bomb exploded in Mobile Alabama and sent Kurt Brown straight to Valhalla", "While those who laughed and scoffed at him had blood coming from their assholes". Isn't America grand? I can not think of many worse nations.

Considering the open and blatant discrimination against myself and others by the regime in Mobile, Los Angeles, and other locales, and the indifference by the gun wielding government, let us hope that we soon have the technology to flee this planet, or let us hope for a quick and expedient death, as it is better to die than to be housed in prisons, forced injections, forced experiments, forced felony pleas, and forced subjugation to a lower caste to work in the trenches for our mortal enemies.

America, never again serve the regime, nerve let the government or corporations inject into children, nerve send your children to their public schools for their indoctrinations. Especially keep your children from viewing or listening to their mass media. The German Nazis monopolized the propaganda tool and now it appears the American Nazis, many claiming to be Jewish, are doing the same thing.

We are not allies, we are not friends, we are a nation on the brink of war and I welcome the first shot to the heart or head. However I sincerely doubt that our worst enemies at the top would suffer, as I doubt their existence as humans of our sort. It would be better if the USA broke up into several nations. I would flee Alabama and Los Angeles with my family to another place. Damn the regime, let those who block our entrance to vote or participate in government be torn to pieces by the dogs of war, and if we should die, let us hope their existence is terminated.

Should a blast disintegrate the USA, I encourage the forming of groups based on ideology, and should the same people who subjugate us try to raise their voices to us like gorillas on their personal banana tree, lop their heads. Finish it.

Foreword 4-7-05: Religions play a large part in American society on the surface, even though it is often a bad joke in reality when people's actions contradict common sense ethics guidelines.    The mono-theistic religions of which I am aware, Judaism based religions and Muslim or Islamic based religions.  Both have common sense guidelines known the world over.  Some of both religions though harken back to the gorilla, who thumps his chest on the banana tree and says, "Mine, and mine alone".  No one has a patent on common sense ethics, and if a gorilla is thumping his chest in your government, as in mine, let him alone.  Soon a swarm of flies will cover his head, and that is a historical fact from the land of the dead and dieing.  The biggest joke of the government is that I can not tell the difference between a Nazi, a Nigger, and a Jew. Or are many people I see not even human as we know humans to be, as technology affords a higher degree in the art of deception.  They all came to the USA on the same boat, but where is that little  Indian hiding.  Shouldn't he reclaim this land in the way the Europeanized Jew reclaims Hollywood and Palestine.  I forgot, the American Indian was 90% wiped out according to historical accounts, some say by the bullet, others say by disease. Most likely the bullet.  Since life to me in America has been like a Hell, I would welcome a complete blackout of American society, and most likely the world.  The nightmare will come to an end my suffering children. The trump card is in the hidden design, the weapon that does not harm but alters the course of history when no one is watching and everyone is scared. Watch the gorillas shit around the bush.

Foreword 4-6-2005: It appears every law designed to protect the common citizenry of the USA is being ignored by those who control modern government and the courts. The Constitution, Open Meetings Laws, The Amendments, and even the Geneva Convention which contained laws designed to protect combatants in wars are being openly violated by the USA governments, in addition to hostile attacks of the most devious nature against innocent citizens. Our nation is a prison with a few billionaires houses on the hills and an army of men hired by them who behave like combatants to average American citizens. The only King I see in America or in the world is the temporary King, just like all the others with theirs or their descendants heads in boxes, au gratis. In the USA we need auditors with Ethics as leaders who can protect the common good or we need no nation at all. The USA government tried to call me insane after injecting me with chemicals and now will not give me a trial by jury for daring to defend my life against an onslaught of criminals in America's banking systems and treasury. They make enemies with us when they destroy and ignore those laws designed by ethical societal engineers. Since we can not participate in our government or shape its destiny, we do not need their government or their nation.

Ignore the mass media and keep your children from public schools if at all possible. Their indoctrination is detrimental to their health. I support the growth of huge communities declaring independence within the United States, with their own police forces and methods of indoctrinating and protecting their children from the grand lies of the regime and their bureaucracy.

It appears that Beirut Indymedia is being censored again. Free speech lost its foothold there when the regime started its manipulations, including the murder of the Lebanese Billionaire and leader Hariri. We need an American militia whose main goal is to protect the outgrowth communities within the USA from the police forces of the regime, many of whom are nothing more than gorillas, fit for the grave or their cages.

Foreword 4-4-2005: To honor a young girl on the thirtieth year since her death date, who I knew in my youth while passing through Monroeville, Alabama and who predicted her own death exactly to the date, "The Weekend", and who predicted with an ease of uncertainty my death at my current age in 2004 and 2005. I want to paraphrase to her based on Poe and the raven that has followed me through life, past serial killers and hitmen, "I will never forget you my sweet Lenore, Nevermore", or should it go, "I dwell in the snake's belly, Kelly, I will forget you in the raven in the light of day, Nevermore". Sometimes I wonder though, am I in the raven's belly and was Kelly consumed by the snake. I breathe, today, unlike so many others I recall. Why?

The validity of history can not be verified exactly without being able to look back in time and space to a certain point.  And even that possibility can be manipulated. The facts of suffering are known in present day. When treated by your own government as if you have leprosy, with the silence of the masses to add insult to injury, the nature of the abuse takes on the appearance of a pack of gorillas and dogs, and then you realize that to you and those like you, they are not even human, like you.

I will be recruiting for a second singing and talk show/advertising talent. I hope to have a new song out soon with the lyrics, "I was born with wings and they snatched them out" "They threw me on ant bed called Planet Earth" "I looked around and fled deep into the ant bed" "Now I wear feathers made out of ants heads".

Stay tuned for location of burning political effigies on the 4th of July, Hosted by adjuncts to Parliament, a new collective of outcast political groups. Bon Appetit to the "Burning Crappers".

Foreword April 3,2005: Today, the weakness of my enemies and those who they have brainwashed came out to greet me en masse. To Clarify:

One flatulent female voice said that I hated Jews. That is not true. I hate no group in particular. However, if a person lacks empathy for human pain and appears to have no ethics, then their coming and going in this life to me at this point is as insignificant as a passing glimmer in a speck of dust, and the rules of my own judgment apply to all groups, regardless of what I see, hear, or taste or touch or smell or sense. Do not expect me to bend down and kiss the genitalia of my enemy or their putrid ass. Some people in this country need a wake up call. We are all human, all of us who feel the suffering of others and our own suffering, and who are kicked like the lowest animal by the regime's henchmen and gun toting badge wearing Hister's, guiltless men who hit their sisters and kill their brothers.

A cry is being shouted about this picture among many groups, and the word is, "Leprosy". I am treated as if I have Leprosy by my own government just like millions of others. Their calculus reminds me of the savage animals, in which we and the world are delineated out, like the manure and mud under a pig's foot.

Someone said I wanted to start a war. The truth is, "The war never ends and those growling dog(s) pretending to be humans know it", even if it is a battle against the odds in the elements.

What I really want is my chance to have justice in America, my right to a fair trial by jury in Los Angeles for the forced felony for legal firearm ownership. The probation officer told me to be silent about the FDIC, a federal banking regulator, my past employer.

I said, "Fock them and their request through the probation officer", that is not in the forced court documents and if it is, I want to have that needle they stuck in me, stuck in every judge in the Los Angeles Court System who gives a felony for "The Right To Bear Arms" under extreme duress such as when under attack by murderers and criminals linked to the banking system and Mobile Alabama justice system. Their injections and threats and million dollar bail left me no choice but to succumb to the criminals in American government who have yet to be seized and hung up to dry in the wind at your local airport. By the way, I have a scar in my mouth diagnosed by a doctor with no explanation as to when, where or why. Beware of all government in America. They are our nightmare in their most hidden and dark corners, and our children would be better off in any situation than to have them increasingly dictating the movement of our society. Or maybe it is too late.

Demand the Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital be shut down or that the Los Angeles Superior Court System is turned over to El Presidente Fox of Mexico via Ariel Sharon of Israel.

The criminal element within the regime and their bureaucratic connections want to silence the horrors of death in the federal banking industry and in American society. I do not fear war. I cherish freedom from men on this planet who are like stupid dogs, fit to be led off into a floating ice field, and set adrift as food for the sea turtles.

Some men never develop or lose the sense of reason and imagination required to encompass the needs of an entire population. We are either starving in the world, or our nation has been swindled of its greatest achievement due to the greed and indifference of men who lead, yet are not fit to lead us.

Foreword April 2, 2005: A vote by the Alabama Senate to allow medical marijuana is on the agenda. The probability of it passing are very slim, considering that the Alabama Senate is not elected by popular vote due to disenfranchisement of the population and the fact that many will be pressured by Mexican and other illegal Marijuana mafia cartels who control much of the government in some areas. When I look at the Alabama government, I see manipulation and abuse by a regime not of our own.

Foreword March 31, 2005: My goal for my upcoming artwork is a triumvirate, a collage of art and harsh auditing reality with a bent for instruction. I want to model the artwork after a cyclone, with directed instruction instead of wanton destruction. In other words, "Jack, I will put my left cane tip on your right teet and have Mary Jane do the game, with a shotgun."

I admire Monty Python's work, Woody Allen's take on things, and Inspector Clouseau's ability to sniff a pussy cat.   I also admire auditors in the government who are noteworthy, including Huey P. Long of Louisiana and Mayor Daly Sr. of Chicago.  Of course if they can audit the world and also play the guitar with one hand while strumming a harlot with the other and keep their toes from becoming hamstrung, they are on par with SainTramBone.  The music will be free and will include, "Stone Cold In My Electric Chair".

 If I should die during this year, it was expected to happen by a young girl named Kelly who predicted her death date accurately in 1974 or 1975 and expected my death at my current age.  So far during the expected death year, only what appeared to be a comet exploding near my vehicle on my birthday in December, at midnight, in Oklahoma, North of Braman, near Kansas, has occurred .  Maybe Kelly or her care taker will send one more fire cracker to the most smug puss who blocks my access to USA government meetings.  I also want my jury trial for legal gun ownership in Los Angeles, but I know I will never get the chance to clear my name. Not in America, not while I am of the poor, not while I am of the outcasts from American society in our modern era.

I expect nothing.  I saw one of my black class mates and a friend from junior high school recently.  He looked like he had been on crack and was walking down the side of the road, confused.  My goal is to correct not only his plight, but ours.  We start by not being bashful and standing up in government with our Indymedia badge and camera.  Learn how to use technology or you welter.

Foreword March 30, 2005: The Mobile Alabama government does not allow educated auditors such as myself in their meetings. I said that it is common for intellectuals to be treated in that fashion by regimes and dynasties destined to fall. Intellectuals are those highly educated, usually in many fields.

Today, while wearing my usual vagabond clothes at a local store, someone wearing the ultra-conservative male look told me to, "Get a sport coat". What does that mean, I thought. I could put on my hunting clothes but the government took my hunting guns. I could put on camouflage and hide in the bushes and wait for the next assassin, but that is not my style. I could put on my fancy clothes and go overseas but I am too poor. I talked with SainTramBone about what to do. I will put on my sport coat and go hunting with my camera in the forbidden zone when mullet are out of season, this week in Mob AL. I like Pole Fishing with corrupt government even if it turns out a croaker. Next stop, to find some singing talent and an assistant for some trial runs of a commercialized video show. Any musicians, male or female, and specifically female vocalists.

Foreword March 29, 2005: Today's post is a comment on an article about British residents now prisoners at Guantanamo Bay under the billionaire's regime's orders. Since Mobile Alabama government acts like gorillas, a proposition is made to enhance the mullet toss and barbeque at the Spring political thug hunt. Comment is on UK Indymedia, unless censorship is used there also as at the New York City Indymedia and Germany Indymedia.

Foreword March 28, 2005: The question of the day, "To try or not to try to attend the Mob. AL city council meeting at 10:30 a.m. CST on Tuesday March 29?" is the question. To make a video regardless is the answer. I have taken beating after beating and extortion after extortion due to criminals in government, including Mobile Alabama. Now, all I want is sweet revenge. I tested the UK Indymedia to see if my news posts would make it. Some do not pass the severe editing present on the web, in particular my earlier post regarding the recruiting lag in America's Armed Forces recruitment schedule. Anyone can use his head as a melon target. Run Forrest Run!. Link to UK Indymedia to see if "Run Forrest Run comment follows post.

Today's lesson, "Test assumed truths to make sure the government is not making an ass out of you too". Mob Al says, "A government for and by the people" and then beats the intellectuals away from the government entirely.

Mathematical certainty: Any regime that pushes its society's intellectuals to the periphery or grave is subject to fall due to their lesser intellectual diversity and therefore quality in the long run and likely the short haul. The perpetual wars determine it in the most divine mathematical theorem in which mortality en vivo and its inverse are exercised.

Foreword March 28, 2005: The most sickening thing about America are the lies we allow. The mass media ignores all abuses of the common and the government schools teach the children lies about an American utopia that is not even close to the truth. Disrupt the charade of mass media and their blind eye to our suffering. Spread the word to take your children from government schools and their indoctrinations. Also beware of those in the medical field with newborns. No ethics exist in America, and the Christians and Jews are often just a new type of Nazi in fresh attire. Never again murder for them, as they betray their veterans when the fight is over, if not before.

I was a bank examiner with no criminal record until the government turned against me for alerting the public to crimes and murder in the banking system in 2000. I would applaud if the National Treasury Employees Union was dismantled and done away with, as they are one of the criminal strong arms behind our enemies in power. Overthrow the Mobile Alabama and Los Angeles California governments, federal and local for allowing abuses of Alabamians. Make the mass media become blind in the other eye in New York and Hollywood, because they do not see our sufferings. Dump the regime and flush their bureaucracy of criminals or push the severing of all ties with the USA government and the resurrection of regional governments.

Foreword March 24, 2005: (Link to comment on article regarding Vesey Uprising and the fear the corrupt wealthy have of the poor and the rising forgotten people, Indian and White mix of the Americas and the other blends therein. New Orleans Indymedia) It appears that some blacks in Mobile Alabama do not like me trying to enter government meetings and consider it a victory that I am denied access into the Mobile Alabama City Council meetings. Many however realize the truth, that I want all to be able to vote and that my actions are for the overall good, not one group of people who hate all others, regardless if black or white.

It is also evident that many whites who consider the Sheriff Jack Tillman, who I reported stealing, to be their savior when getting DUI citations, and also those family members he gets jobs, but none of them ike myself. He was hired to guard the door for higher level criminals within the regime. His cronies lack any real skills but they do know how to act like a pack of yard dogs, fit for the fight, which I would welcome holding hands with all of their adversaries, including my friends at Arab World under the American billionaire regime's boot.

It is no wonder that Mobile Alabama is so deprived and full of increasing strife. Let us all vote. Let us all enter meetings. Let all of us outcasts rise up and crush our enemies who deny us our rights and give us their lies and indoctrinations to be their lessers in society.

I consider my enemies to be Americans who have lost feelings for others. They behave as they are not human or humane, so please, someone, remove them from my government's door or have us all destroyed, as the future is just like the Holocaust, but now, "We are it".

Arizona Senator McCain recently said, "Democracy is marching on." Someone needs to tell that sheltered shell shocked TV image that we are not in a democracy, and the marching he hears is not marching, but is instead the kicking of American veterans by the USA government, coast to coast. I applaud a world war if we are not free from these beasts ruling over us like prison guards in suburban Hells. Cheek and Jowl aftermath. Do not fear the regime. They are our enemies and we should laugh when they are kicked like us.

Foreword March 23, 2005: ( Daily News Post: Oklahoma Indymedia Post calling for Jury Trial for right to exist, or that the overthrow of regime proceed.) On a side note it is ironic that in December 2004 while driving at night North of Braman Oklahoma and near the Kansas state line a huge fireball exploded next to the highway. I thought it was a meteor but it appears they are common in the area. Has our government turned against us at the highest levels? It appears the transition will become complete, and we will be increasingly subjugated to the horrors our forefathers contemplated but could never imagine.

Sometimes I feel as if a group of beings of my sort have been waiting on me. I failed them in my early years. Our lives are being led astray by forces seen and unseen. Guard your family like you are in the hand of a ravenous venomous predatory serpent. I see many in the Mobile Alabama area now in a different light. We are not all the same, but similar. Some locals hover and protect criminals in office because they have some heartfelt closeness or have heard of deeds done, such as the idiot and thief Sheriff Jack Tilllman. They know he stole money but he can do no wrong. I can do no right and am not allowed in the government meetings, in which they are commiting a felony. I applaud anyone who tests them to see if they are human and if they open the doors for me to enter, I do not care how it is done.

A crack epidemic is being fed in Mobile Alabama by criminals within government or with ties to government. I have recently considered numerous tools or weapons at the disposal of the malignant power in action in the USA.

Stunning weapons or disorienting tools or other weapons or tools are likely in use by the regime or some other entities, but guaranteed to permeate the regime. Time is another potential tool, and is what I call the the elusive capsule, as somehow you know the ends exist, whether differentiated or not.

If your life has been placed in jeopardy due to government corruption, and then if the government tried to cover it up, we have something in common. I want my trial by jury for legal gun ownership in Los Angeles in 2001 or I pray for their sanctimonious end, those judges and related criminals spanning our world like spiders in need of exterminators. Let the Auditors and Exterminators enter with their buck teeth and big balls and keep their balls spinning, until we have the ecstacsy of utopian society or quick non-existence in the lesser forms.

I applaud anyone who takes action to covertly survey the USA government, in particular the federal and local and state government of Mobile Alabama and Los Angeles California. I seriously doubt the federal government's investigatory findings in the Twin Towers collapse or the Oklahoma City Federal Building collapse.

Foreword March 22, 2005: The most bizarre thing about war is that you can never actually be certain that the person who is truly activating a situation can be caught. For instance, if I have the capability ubeknownst to my opponent, to take another persons or beings features, or even hitchhike intelligence in some fashion in some individual you know, and present them to you as that person or group with whom you are familiar while I converse with you, I could persuade you to go to war with anyone, if I presented evidence, even if the explanation was not actually valid in presenting the truth of evidence.

Someone said, "War is insanity". Right and wrong, it is the inevitable consequence of small minds.

Foreword March 21, 2005: We are being attacked in our own nation in the USA. The mass media urges us to accept the regime and their evil doctrine. I saw the Mayor of Mobile Alabama, Mike Dow, as a war criminal worthy of a trial by jury when the regime is overthrown. He has stood by and laughed when auditors are excluded from government meetings, myself included. He lies and is a con man along with the rest of the USA government. Sometimes I wonder if they are part of electronic chat box, that needs to be re-booted.

I will sing with the angels if the trial by jury has him beaten and robbed and tortured in some unknown fashions as the regime did to me for trying to enter their evil and sanctimonious city council meetings. I praise those who raise the heads of the mass media up and the heads of government, hidden in the crotches of foreign billionaires. To quote their favorite, "Do Unto Others", let it reign blood. I am no longer a citizen of the USA in the eyes of the government, therefore I consider them an occupying force whose regime is better toppled as they are cold like killers of history, and we would be better under an ant hill than above ground with their faces hovering over us in the pit known as the USA in the near future.

I applauded the courage of the Jews under the Germans, and I applauded the courage of the Palestinians under the Israelis. We will have to fight back against the regime just as they fought back. If we should die, it is better than living with their evilness and apathy. Perhaps suicide bombers and kidnappers are a good idea after all? I am not sure. Let us call the Palestinians who are still alive and ask if they have martyrs to spare for the citizens being abused by the same regime they suffer under. I was told by a deep throat government bureaucrat at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that nobody likes a martyr. If that is the case, I really like nobody. The FDIC told me I had dug a hole I could not get out of because I ratted on their murders and crimes. I will laugh when they are shut down and their union is disbanded to one secretary, the front man.

To give you an idea of how corrupt the entire regime is, consider the fact that tons of Mexican marijuana enter the USA daily under the hand of the USA government the almost Nazi and Israeli like regime. I can not tell if they are predominately German or Jew or perhaps some other group under the control of something or some others. They are not humane and advanced in some manner, or perhaps so advanced that we are as good as dead. Yet the regime will not let those who use marijuana therapeutically or who were taught to use it by media and the public schools obtain their own legally. Instead they force them into the underground markets, which funnels money back into corrupt politicians and lawmens pockets. They have the nerve in Alabama to sentence a man to three year for one plant. Mandatory minimum, which indicates that an organized network of criminals are at the top of American government. The timing and dropping of the most rotten players will be obvious. They have a new weapon(s) They are not our allies.

Forgive us creator for having served evil and let us not shed a tear in their dieing hour and if we should die, give us revenge by watching them burn under a greater fire.

Foreword March 20, 2005: The regime in America has a unique parlor trick--When a series of criminal fiascos is discovered among a group of elected officials in a city, the a regime change 'seems' to occur but it is most likely the same collection of war criminals in a different group of faces. Mobile Alabama is getting rid of the mayor, sheriff, and others who have been caught in corruption, with some already in prison. The next regime will be more of a monstrosity than the regime in power. Fear them just as you would if a blood hungry group among the Germans or the Israelis or Somalians took off their masks and started mowing people down in the streets, except with more subversive and devious tactics. The regime in Mobile Alabama is our enemy. More so than Hezbollah or the Koreans or the other nations of the so called evil triangle as wrongfully labeled by the regime. They beat us and most likely tamper with people in the courts, not only in violation of fair jurispudence but also physically, just like the beastly men of history.

The people of Mobile are remnants of groups who remain, with many fleeing the area. Many are simple in the sense that their education is limited, by design of government and neglect of family. Many cling to religion in their void of poverty and lack of hope. Many are just simple people who believe everything about everything related to mass media and their religion. Self righteous, self serving, and manipulative men and women in politics use their ignorance and lack of information to their advantage, and pray in their government in front of TV cameras while we are beat outside the gate, and the mass media, the media of our enemy ignores it.

Overthrow the regime and move Mobile Alabama as close to possible to a utopian society of free higher education with open government and hope outside of religous dogma. Burn political effigies on the 4th of July of the state politicians and bureaucrats who are abusive to us. We deserve to be a "Free People", able to choose our society's destiny--Utopia, Mutual respect, freedom, and peace, with free higher education and enlightened laws to protect our fragile society. This dream will only come at an exacted price.

Do not allow mass media to form the framework of all of your thoughts. They are not us, and we are not they. Movies should even be brought into question as they lack any real use outside of manipulation of society, just like the Germans did in WWII.

Foreword March 19, 2005: Our enemy is among us in the United States government. We are abused like animals when the billionaire's cameras are not watching. Let us support all who will demand logical controls on and within the regime, such as the "Forcing of them to abide by 'The Written Law', with no legal loopholes by an unethical attorney. Never serve their military because they betray soldiers after the killing is done including forced experiments, forced injections, forced silence on Treasury and Banking corruption, and forced felony pleas to leave us unarmed and vunerable to attack by their criminal associates. Never protect the regime. Assist those who will overthrow their monopoly. Burn political effigies on Independence Day to celebrate the eventual overthrow of the regime's monopoly and lies. If it turns into war, we are simply fighting back in the war already waged against us by the regime. Los Angeles forces injections and signature pleas and Alabama extorts money and physically abuses. I welcome a war against the regime in America, a war from within.

In the upcoming war to regain our rights and our government, those groups most successful in the battlefield will be those who can see through the maneuver of the regime's leaders. Beware of situations where race is used to divide groups, i.e. the poor. For example, in Mobile Alabama, County white Commissioner Jockisch was sentenced to prison for extortion. Now, black Councilman Sullivan is allowed to remain free and on the city council after being caught embezzling and other crimes. That is an intentional maneuver to create divisions. I say throw all of the city councilman, county commissioners, the judges and the D.A.'s into the streets at the muzzle of a cannon because they are not there by popular or democratic vote, they abuse the populace, extort money from the populace, and are basically fit to be ousted like pigs from the grave. Send them back, retro active, and if they try to come back in, beat them like they did me and throw them in jail and take a large percentage of their assets. Just like they did myself.

I support all freedom fighters through out the world who defend their native lands. Because the Israeli's or those fake American Jews want to kill Palestinians and steal their lands based on a heartfelt right to kill and steal their lands back, an uprising of the same type needs to occur in the America's. But instead of some alleged genetic similarity for the group to form, let us do it for humane goals to support the rights of all and to make it a national commitment to making free space colonies with citizens of similar ideals and values. The Hezbollah and other groups are most likely innocent in many accusations toward them. The American mass media is the enemy to the people and we should disrupt it when possible as it is controlled by the pigs of the regime.

In regard to the video above, a radio DJ said that the pure alcohol drink, Ever Clear, is the best alcohol to use in extracting THC, or hash oil, from marijuana. (Warning: Extremely Flammable). Also, I would like to thank the USA Parliament for allowing me to represent a party in the South East USA. Since I am not allowed to vote due to extreme abuse by federal and state governments, or their inner criminal circles, I will be hosting a non-traditional fourth of July with the Parliament and the Pot Party. We will be burning effigies of local criminal politicians. If you have something you want to burn or smell almost burning, feel free to partake. We were a free nation, and we still are in some circles. Let us form our own circle to protect our own. I like the idea of US Parliament, a collective of parties in the growing outcast group from the regime. If you want Pot Party stickers, email the webmaster. Do not forget the bloody USA holiday, Fourth of July, has changed entertainment from fire crackers to burning crappers, politicians in paper mache.

Foreword March 17,2005: Love Line 3 Page updated with comedy segment. Some stranger mentioned to me today that they did not want to see me cry on my videos. I do not cry anymore than their favorite in these parts, song writer Hank Williams Sr. I do want some more action though with key players. We will be auditing the legal and financial sectors of Mobile Alabama government and interviewing federal authorities, who allow abuse by the local fascists who operate like Adolf Hitler allegedly operated. If a fight ensues, I herald "Victory" for the winner who gives this social and political revolution its birthrights. We are about to overthrow the regime for a more humane and open government or we are going to die, martyrs or victims. They will not open by peace, but they will yield to force, by number, and if they choose, by savagery, not of my own making, but by the resolute aggressiveness of a citizenry responding to the attack upon what was "Our" government.

The truth of loss of ethics is spelled out in the silence. How many major ethics fiascos have occurred since Nixon was impeached? None really. Why? Because the government has become infiltrated by criminals throughout. Since we can not have access to our government, I applaud those who test that government to see if it is human, as we know it is not bloody humane.

The Federal Government would not give this ex bank examiner a trial by jury after running for his life with his only defense, legally owned firearms. They injected me and called me insane and forced signatures and abused me for months and years. The time has come for retribution. Look at your Treasury Department, controlled by a mafia union, the NTEU. Get that stinking union and its filthy paws out of USA government at any cost, or dissolve the nation into city states and let the rot keep the rot. Look at everything in the regime and it is rotten.

I had an honest reputation and no felony before I went to work for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1999. By 2001, after alerting the public to murder and money laundering on the West Coast and in San Francisco, my life was destroyed, and now in addition, I am partly blind due to poisoning because I was forced from my family to live in a location where I was vunerable to attack.

Beware of manipulation of your children by the regime. Both in public schools and in hospitals. I have not ruled out dumbing down through satellite in regions. The elite of the regime are not as their forefathers. It is time to call an Elephant, the Republican Party, a blinded ax wielding billionaire, and a Donkey, the Democrat Party, a servant for a blinded ax wielding billionaire.

The biggest mistake I ever made was serving the US military, because I came to trust a government that has betrayed me. The one thing I am appreciative of is that I have discovered the loathsomeness of some who I thought were humane. I will not miss their passing to the dirt.

Foreword March 16, 2005: We hope to have a video on Comcast Television soon or some other mass media, or a segment of a video. Some terrorists in Alabama government have the audacity to block access to government and then call their victims names and scoff at them. I am "Not the devil" as the city councilman who pretends to be a Judeo-Christian priest said, but I am "Just another citizen with no rights in a country under a filthy and bloody iron boot not of our own making." I do not want to see the USA dissolve into separate city states, which would result in financial and war hardship to follow the separation.

However, since we have lost our rights as humans and the fact that criminals now inhabit the entire federal government, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the FDIC, Secret Service, U.S. Patent Office, NTEU and other key agencies and unions, it would not make any difference to me if the USA disintegrated into city states. I will have to move from Alabama, Arizona, and Los Angeles or buy a tank though, because some of us have yet to decide who is dead and who is alive, who has empathy and who does not, who has the right to exist unfettered in the world proposed by those men who fought and died for the concepts of equality, and not the negative capitalism based on greed with no empathy for fellow beings.

I expect cannabilism would re-surface on the planet and huge genetic differences based on genetic engineering would create an even more wore-torn state and world. Imagine meeting a fellow whose intelligence was hundreds of times greater than yours due to the amplification of the gene for gray matter in the brain, and whose saliva was highly acidic like that of a fly, and who could spit venom like a cobra and run like a wolf. Now imagine, he stands at your government door with the last morsel of bread in his mouth and one of your children on the flames. Imagine Mobile Alabama and Los Angeles California and you can see the beginnings of the nightmare today and yesterday, circa 2000.

Foreword March 15, 2005: A request for people to call one of the most repressive governments in the world, right here in the USA, the Mob. AL government. The request is on Indymedia. A call to finish the extrication of criminals from within the regime also. Fear is a habit of strangers, so do not fear the Beirut Lebanon Indymedia, follow the link for the call in request.

Foreword March 14, 2005: Considering the ineffectiveness and non-responsive government to attempts to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meetings from 2001 until the present day, I have developed a premonition, therefore I may or may not try once again try to attend the City Council Meeting on March 15, 2005. A new song will accompany the video when it is made. The lyrics will be, "Got my own electric chair, ain't got on no American underwear" "Kings reign thumbs up when time's up"

Foreword March 13, 2005: On Tuesday March 15 at 10:00 to 10:30 a.m I will try to enter and video tape the Mobile Alabama city council meeting (Announcement on Atlanta Indymedia). I know I will not be allowed in due to the fascist regime in power. They have denied me all rights. Burn political effigies on the 4th of July to commemorate independence from your chosen political enemy within the USA. America is like a war zone and the regime's enemies include us, the common Americans. Since I can not enter my government meetings in Mobile Alabama and because I was denied a trial by jury in Los Angeles, with federal approval of the denial of the request, I sincerely pray the regime is ousted and a humane one replaces it, but I doubt America has that kind of fortitude left after the ravages of a criminal governmental structuring.

Should I get shot this time by a hostile police force of a government swallowed up by criminals in the high political offices, I want to thank the people of Mobile Alabama who spoke up for me, Kurt Brown, Auditor and Reporter, who is beaten and barred. I refuse to dress as, "Carol Channing", or don "Lee Press-On Nails", however I would like for them to do a search of the newspaper editor Mark Morford, of the San Francisco gate for dildoes he carries on or in his person for sale, alleged by some guys who worked at CHAMPS, Rx Club, on Market Street, circa 2001. Dildoes are illegal in Alabama but they sit their fat asses on our political seats, every anal stinking Alabama day. They do not open our government doors to us and our votes because they are not us.

Foreword March 12, 2005: Today I can not post on the Indymedia UK. Ever since the USA FBI took the UK Indymedia hard drives, I can not post there. And now according to the UK Indymedia, in this muffled cry for help across the seas the UK police can do things to the British people like those of the regime have been doing to Americans. I was a bank examiner for the USA Government and after alerting the country to crime I was beaten down in numerous ways by the regime in power. At the San Francisco Indymedia I commented on the UK Indymedia article blackout and covered up murder of a high ranking federal U.S.A. banking official. I am now labeled a criminal felon after forced injections and physical abuse forced my signatures on forced pleas under extreme duress, and they also drew first blood and demanded silence off of written papers and agreements regarding the criminal FDIC factions. Now the federal government of the USA will not give me a trial by jury. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation wants to silence a murder labeled a suicide of a key banking official on the West Coast of the United States, their Regional Director, in the early 1990's. I want to congratulate the Lebanese People for standing by Syria. We have no one if we can not trust our own.

Who are these fake men calling themselves Christians and Jews running the United States. The Jew I knew turned dirty water into drinkable water and treated people with respect. The Christian I knew closed the door to no one and treated all people with respect. Who are those bloodletting and chain making dignitaries of the so-called new American ruling class, with their shared power, a heavy steel boot, no ethics, a blind eye to the abuses of their cohorts in crime, and a noose and yoke on the world? Are, they, or it human, and who cares? If it hides in closet like the Wizard of Oz, torch the chamber.

Foreword March 11, 2005: Martial Law in Mobile Alabama announcement on Atlanta Indymedia.