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Foreword Notes of The Day March 9, 2006 to July 20, 2006

Foreword July 20, 2006:

On theories of world wars and the harnessing and imprisoning of mankind to planet earth, I have theorized today on the Love Line 4 pages a test to be made of those who surround us when we are testing them, either voluntary or involuntarily. I am proposing how mankind has been and is being manipulated to go to war with himself. Some may argue that some creatures may be faster than man at the test I propose, and that is true. But man is naturally adept at dodging carniverous creatures and has developed a quicker response than a delay in a machine or otherwise. I have re thought and rewritten yesterdays game plan. The bottom line is thus: Do not serve any military unless you are under attack. Do not allow your family to use any drugs, including alcohol and marijuana. Do not trust any government entity, including and especially the USA governments. If they try to take your children, you have all rights to take their lives. Just move instead. Remember Vietnam, the mandatory draft and the war meant to kill our kind in the USA and in Asia. We have been conned but now we are awakening.

Not all are what they seem, as in my evidence on this site and in our societies, where the government on the surface acts as if they care and then they push us into our graves, their prisons, and a lower caste existence. Their wealthy scoff and call us names and provoke us and build prisons. The USA government supports Israel when they behave as terrorists according to Palestinians and Canada encourages the boycott of Israel. In that paradox is the first glimmer of truth...there are those who want us to kill ourselves. The tribes of Israel are the tribes of mankind of the earth. Some may not want to admit it, but Israel was the crossroads of the old world and Sicily and Rome became their long distance foreign port. To boycott Israel is the same as having those inhumane portions attack the Palestinians. It makes no sense. Be compatible and triumph or die, it makes no real difference at the higher levels, just wasted time and energy in material form, but a lesson learned. A splitting and dividing factor is at work among mankind. As one of Israel said, we had to build a wall. My answer is "Wrong". That is the worst thing you can do. Rethink that one, and on the same note, I think Santana's music is not as good as the mass media makes out. I prefer female harp players.

Our war is in the Americas. Do not let them kill each other. Always favor the bludgeoned underdog, which in this case is the true "us". We are encouraged to fight and divide. On the other hand, it could just be in-bred monkey business. Regardless, due to the perpetuating of the lower caste or lower class in the USA and the Americas, I encourage a more military stance and scientific approach to develop tools for self defense and war and those processes and thought processes and procedures to be taught to the young and the complete casting off of the imprisoning regimes mainstream media in its uglier drug ridden and self degrading elements.

I will applaud when the United States Government closed door regime is removed, that fascist regime with its closed doors and block headed judiciary of fascist dictatorsip pigs, as they have closed the borders for my escape to the North and built a prison for us, a time bomb on planet Earth under the Warmongering oil regime. I give the green light on the removal of the dope dealing and smut dealing Warmongering and dividing regime, or the members that are part of that illusory and fake human element within. My prayer on this night of hopelessness in the USA for our sect, "Creator help us crush the corrupt slave-bearing negative portions of the capitalistic system, so help us or destroy us for all eternity, that is my prayer on this blood and sweat soaked night." President W might not be himself. The wealthy areas of California deserve to be ramsacked in some quarters for allowing the dealing of marijuana and hashish as strong as heroin, to be legally sold at the price of gold. Compassion is a lie among those with their fancy autos, drug fields, and predatory types to our people. Beware of their or its trickery and savagery. Cast off their chains and applaud when we have removed those false human and inhumane elements and their ill-gotten wealth.

Union Organizers we are going after the National Treasury Employees Union to break up their collusive monopoly over the USA government agencies. Use technological surveillance first, then go in and analyze some of their suspected technological manipulations or manipulators. Beware of mind control. The NTEU controls the USA Patent Office also. The mind can be controlled through various methods, inlcuding a beam that operates at the Hertz of brain waves, chemicals, and other deceptions. Brain damage and hemmorhages is one of their or its tricks. The NTEU came to extreme power when Nixon was ousted in the 1970's. I encourage you to investigate the high ranking members of their corrupt banking agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the FDIC, because I was court ordered by one of the corrupt judges in Los Angeles not to investigate murders at the FDIC and not to go near their employees or property, some of whom are my friends, including most likely the murdered regional director who was killed before George Masa was appointed regional director of San Francisco's FDIC. Masa is no longer regional director there according to the web profile in San Francisco. The LA Superior Court has judges who are just as suspect and that goes for Alabama's courts and likely many others. WE are better off all dead rather than having our enemies subjugate our people for eternity. The FDIC will be the ultimate takeover for union organizers and the other federal banking agencies are just as valuable for union organizers, including the Treasury, Federal Reserve, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and others. Your organizers will be given a premium for the NTEU's removal from those financial agencies and the US Patent Office. People are murdered at the FDIC and the war is raging among their ranks due to appointment of syndicate members by key officials at FDIC's appointing committee in Washington D.C. As a former FDIC bank examiner, I noticed a criminal syndicate in the agency, the FDIC, and in some banks whose Nevada Mafia members who were issued California bank charters and some California bank Presidents who had extraordinarily large incomes. It appeared to be an Italian and Mexican syndicate but the appointing committee of the regional director who I believe was a key player in the criminal structure in California was appointed by people in Washington D.C., so I do not know who is at the top of the various syndicates. Judges in Los Angeles Superior Courts should be observed and dealt with when they are simply money whores and operators for our enemies who are destroying our nation. That goes for the entire nation. We need a new army of observers, and remember this is not like the ape world of warfare. This is a new era.

I am innocent and have never been involved in their criminal conduct. As a child I was a bubble gum snatcher, but I was a child and learned that the criminal element does not care about us and snatch bubble gum is a childish thing. Ask Ex-Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman of Mobile Alabam. He learned later in life. I have heard lesser men try to equate my adult life to my childhood, what a joke. That is the nature of these lesser beings or their controllers. They point their bloodied finger at the innocent. They sicken me and I want their controller by the roots.

As an adult, I am just sickened by lesser men in criminal syndicates and long ago I believed in American justice and the United States. I will not even work for the casino industry as an accountant because they are predatory and I have touched upon their money launderers in the federal government with an iron boot. I have paid the price for being of virtue, but it is a test by the creator, I am sure, so I sit here in the lower caste, waiting and watching for a job of virtue. Also, I noticed a peculiarity at the Obayashiusa corporation when on an interview in which I was denied employment, most likely due to a poor referral by our opposing force in the FDIC or due to an opposing force recognizing me, the Watchman, for who and what I am. They are the largest construction contractor out of Japan and have many USA government contracts. It could have been nothing, but I want to warn all American and foreign corporations with men of virtue to beware of those elements I have outlined in the Love Line 4 pages under the 4WAR...headline. That flipping light of man or that tossing and floating coin that watches is always suspect. I have noticed that a judge McMaken in Alabama wore solid pink when I was on trial for raising my voice for being denied rights under their lie the Open Meetings Law. That night I passed a blod clot from my throat, a large peculiar blood clot, and I had noticed an unusual arrangement of satellite dishes outside the judges chambers and courtroom on the opposing side of the street from the judges window and the building is made of metal, like a large electrnic apparatus. The suspect interviewer at Obayashiusa wore a white shirt and I noted a flash of suspect white light while interviewing and looking in his direction. It may be nothing about Obayashi. I was partially blinded by poisons while in forced exile in 2004 by the corrupt LA justice system under their federal directorate. Many corporations of virtue have been robbed of everything, reducing their workers to slaves whose labor was for the opposing force or forces wealth and their ill gotten virtue.

I have learned my lesson and will likely leave the USA soon if I do not find suitable employment. I have been blacklisted by the federal government from employment even though they give me a very small income for military service and under-employment, and I believe a sympathetic group who understand what has happened spearheaded the small stipend I receive. In other words, to quote another bank examiner, if you work in the financial sector of the USA government, "Watch your back, and do not do anything that can make you look bad." Do not carry a gun without a permit if you are frightened. One bank examiner, a regional director of the FDIC in San Francisco was killed with his own gun in his office and it was labeled suicide, erroneously and falsely in my opinion. The federal and state governments forced a felony plea upon myself by utilizing forced injections of unknown chemicals in 2001 at the LA VA which was noted for forced experiments in 1999, and I endured physical torture and abuse, threats of long term incarceration in a mental institution or prison and a one million dollar bail for owning and carrying a gun after I had been attacked on the highways of the United States and for simply being asleep in my vehicle while moving and parked on federal Veterans Administration property. Do not serve the USA military and do not trust the Veterans Administration for anything is my opinion. Our opposition is among our brothers there also. Only go in if you are investigating and always have someone looking over you, and someone over them, and so forth and so on, with technological detection devices.

Ironically all of this happened after the Veterans Administration in Biloxi Mississippi had given me a pain drug in November of 2000, a steroid drug, to which I was severely allergic.

The test came back that the replacement FDIC directors group were killers in San Francisco. I barely survived the attempt on my life on the Saturday following St. Valentines Day of 2001. .

Human society can be controlled in manners by some that resemble a school of mackerel and or lampreys controlling a school of minnows, feasting at will, as if we are in a net.

Suspects and war at the FDIC when I was there in 1999 and 2000.

Make money by forming new unions for each agency in the government if you can and bypass the megalith NTEU if you dare.

A flash of light can often be seen by some when viewing others. Stroke conditions or revelations?.

In many states of the USA we are not allowed to enter our government meetings and we are not allowed trials by jury. The government in Los Angeles did not record a nolle processing of my case and charges from 2001.

Remain sober and know that a technological affront is being used against us.

Foreword July 13, 2006: Quatrains 4/Prophetic Poem Art 4, UPDATED July--15 2006. I want to warn those police officers who know or who have met Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone to beware of what you say. Kurt is not well liked by all in power. His game is to hunt down the corrupt through peaceful methods and tactics and techniques. He is batting 1000% and that is dangerous if you side with him in today's ball field. Not all players are on our team, those of humane empathy and conscientiousness.

It appears that not only has CitiBank become extremely corrupted, but so has Washington Mutual Bank. It appears they are double charging on checks paid from customers accounts leaving business owners suspect of fraud. Mobile Audit Club's Saint Ram Bone--Kurt Brown is still examining banks. The federal government has become corrupted. The FDIC in San Francisco's regional director should be checked by our new information order. In my experience there was one bank examination supervisor in Sacramento who reported to the San Francisco office regional director, who was George Masa, who I believe was issuing corrupt bank charters and allowing bank presidents to walk away with untold fortunes in corrupt money arrangements. Washington D.C.'s head honchos should be checked. Alabama is just as bad in local government. This former federal bank examiner turned informant and then holocaust victim in 2001 will likely have to chose sides at some point, or develop better technological analysis tools and or defense systems. I feel there is a technological warlord running the USA and the world.

In foreign disputes between Israel and Palestinians, I encourage the release of all political prisoners, incluing POW's on both sides.

July 12, 2006: Auditor Kurt Brown wants to go back into the battles in the USA on behalf of the working class and those billionaires who became billionaires per honest non-predatory endeavors. I have applied for another bank examiner job with the Federal Reserve at the Office of Comptroller of Currency at They have not returned my calls. Veterans Preference and bank examiners with post traumatic stress from government abuses mean nothing in the eyes of corrupted USA government in the financial sector.

Miscellaneous Forward Notes June/July 2007

For those who may have looked for where I interviewed the day before yesterday, 7-5-2006, I had put the wrong address on a daily forward note for 7-5-2006 in the aftermath of a very long day that day. Citi bank and federal reserve are like the FDIC and NTEU....corrupted. Is Bush Jr. himself? I have severe post traumatic stress from attacks against myself, but I remember that the creator chooses our true destiny. The lesser minds may use computers controlling from the skies over our head to wage war. We must rethink everything. Guns and automobiles may prove futile and the blades are always being sharpened on the lower levels of existence. We will not be made slaves of, and if positive capitalism cannot exist, neither shall capitalism. When I hear firecrackers and backfiring autos, I hear gunshots. Does quasi-moto want to find out what is happening in Northern California? Bring your technological analysis tools. That is the only way this new or ancient attacker can be dealt with. My family's working class pensions were robbed, from United Airlines to International Paper, to your neck of the woods. It will not be tolerated.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) spearheaded the attacks against myself, for my surviving an attempt on my life and revealing criminals at the San Francisco FDIC and NTEU and California Banks. Demand HMO's for veterans. We can not trust the VA Health Care system. Also some weapons and poisoning may be occurring against us in new technological manners. I speculate on those in the Love Line Pages and Quatrains pages links below. We can not tell always who is friend and foe, therefore the trust is gone. The FDIC regional director in San Francisco, would be quarantined and Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Mobile Alabama would be my star witness, as his thievery proved my innocence in Alabama also on 4-3-2001 when he stopped me from entering a government meeting to report his thievery and malnutrition at his jail. California's wealthiest grow dope on their property, sell it at the price of gold, and the federal government encourages it by restricting access to its growth, and in my opinion it is almost as addictive as crack, although not as detrimental until sold at the price of gold to addicts. The federal government in California had my guns destroyed but some veterans gave me back my bullets but I got rid of them in 2001 due to fear of being set up for a second arrest. New weapons are being used, guns are almost obsolete. Poisoning is likely common.

Proof of holocaust approved horrors in the USA are linked on this site. Who is this regime that attacks us in the USA and abroad? The links and proof are here in where to start cleaning up the government. Trillions of dollars are at the disposal of criminals who have taken over much of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The NTEU and the collusion wrought in agencies they touched upon is likely the greatest threat to American's financial security and personal safety. Many corporate entities are the same and soon go down in bankruptcy after a honey money period of attracting investor monies. I know, I am one of their American holocaust victims due to my work at the FDIC and what I discovered and subsequently revealed. Kurt Brown--former FDIC bank examiner and defender of his people.

I urge all Americans to beware of serving the USA military or their government entities while the closed door regime reigns and where collusion is now in numerous departments or entire government agencies. Many of us can not even vote or enter government buildings due to lies and abuses and we are often forcibly injected and suffer forced medical procedures. Form your own defense groups and never bend down for them when you do not have to, as they are treacherous in their criminal circles, those dope dealing prison builders and war mongers and earth killing oil barons. I often rally to the poor or lower caste's side in this site, because I have always been among them. The wealthy with ethics are at risk also, if there are any "truly wealthy" with ethics left. Our government has been beheaded it appears. It appears that in some sectors if not all, our enemies rule from abroad and within. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is controlled by a criminal syndicate in San Francisco via D.C.. I was a bank examiner and saw bankers who were in league with their regional director in 2000 and his internal syndicate of certain bank examiners who headed bank examinations, and the former San Francisco FDIC regional director was killed in his office and labeled suicide in the early 1990's in an investigation wrought with Collusion due to NTEU Secret Service involvement. The National Treasury Employees Union syndicate police in the Secret Service labeled it suicide.

The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) underlieing criminal federal syndicate killed the wrong bank examiner, the FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco in the early 1990's in his office and NTEU Secret Service, first on the scene, called it suicide. If it was suicide, the man was set up in some sort of manipulations by those collusion based elements, growing stronger and likely out of his control even since the 1990's. I suspect murder at a 99.9% confidence level. Details in this site, and they missed this bank examiner in 2001, and today partially. I am wounded in many ways and partially blinded and have severe Post Traumatic Stress from abuses and injections by faction in the federal regime in Los Angeles, the FDIC in San Francisco and D.C., but I am alive, when others have died.

Contents are written by a United States Navy Veteran and former federal  Bank Examiner and Auditor who was betrayed by the United States federal and state governments regime in power in those agencies and departments under attack. I fear part of the VA has been swallowed also in the attacks and collusion of placing groups in control of key sectors of government and decision making. I believe I was given extensive education in some areas and then placed in the FDIC like a pawn in a chess match. Someone put the education in my mind and then took the glove from my hand, after all, I am a natural in these things, and some people knew it. I am the sinister, from the left, and I would not go beyond saying that something may have been done to myself at birth or childhood. Sun Tzu said "The War Never Ends". I want to leave Sun Tzu's world and enter a new era, if that is possible.

Later, in 2001 until present the FDIC and NTEU turned my life into a living Hell. The regional FDIC director in 2001, is in my opinion part of a syndicate stemming from Washington D.C. and they have bankers and lead bank examiners in place in California who are part of the collusion and corruption. I often wonder if they even have control over what is happening in those bank examinations.

Myself and Daniel Kopp are shut out for what we know. I want to meet Daniel Kopp mentioned in Newsweek.

Foreword July 19, 2006: George Bush, you let me out of this damned nation the USA. I did nothing. I do not know who or what it is that controls you. I want to steal your yacht from the harbor and a tanker of fuel and never return for what you or your controller did. Lieing bastards are worse than murdering flies. I am the junk man by your design and I do not fear the loss of your crumbs. I would rather float dead in your harbor trying to escape this nightmarish place, this eternal war I am now cast. Who is behind that facade anyway? This lie. Today's post is on Quatrains 4 and is prefaced by the line "4everVISION$everVISION4everVISION$". So get your big federal F-DIC, your lie, out of my damned escape hole. My people should welcome the coming global war and hope it all ends. We are nothing but slaves in a nightmare of lesser slaves.

Foreword July 16, 2006: I would like to warn my people in the South East not to ever come to California or serve in the USA military or governments. Go overseas or to the South of the Equator, and if you are allowed to Canada, go there and report back. .

I spoke with a Russian girl today in San Francisco, her eyes so bright for America. She does not know the underbelly of the beast that reigns here. I believe in the adage, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." That is why I am in that wealthy fascist enclave near Sausalito and Tiburon. I welcome a struggle against the regime that held me captive and injected me and imprisoned me and exiled me and partially blinded me and terrorized me on the highways and at my home and excluded me from government and robbed me for daring to survive and for daring to enter their damned government meetings.

In financial matters, I want all to be aware that American corporations are stealing from people. Citibank and Washington Mutual bank are listed on this site. IAC has a collection of companies. They also are stealing from people. An IAC company cancelled my membership for alerting the public to murder and money laundering at the FDIC and other matters relating to the NTEU. They stole my membership dues from me, not returning a large portion of them. I want their companies to pay for what happened.

Foreword July 6, 2006: I will be returning to Alabama soon most likely. I will try to form a political party with a military arm to regain the government for the common, and that includes all of the poor of all races in the state. Fascism reigns in the wealthiest county of California and the state is a drug infested pit. Overthrow the regime in your neighborhood. It was taken over anyway. I will also be forming a home for children from the poor whose families are dysfunctional. We will train them outside the regime's doctrines. We will train them to be scientists, soldiers, and people of humane compassion who will not tolerate the enemies that have come to rule in the USA, in particular those dope dealers and casino builders. KEEP YOUR CHILDREN AWAY FROM THEIR MASS MEDIA AND THE INDOCTRINATIONS OF LOWER CLASS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. They are at war with us. Remember Cheech and Chong and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, teaching us to use their dope. The Hollywood set is not on our side anymore than those in the NTEU and federal reserve and FDIC. Some are our worst enemies or are controlled by them.

Foreword July 5, 2006: I had an interview today at 60 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA, Suite 400 with Creative Financial Staffing. The building is like a fortress and I was told before I arrived that a federal agent would be in the other room while I interviewed and to watch what I said. I was left alone in the room while the interviewer made copies of SSI and ID Card. I feared I was being set up for some sort of machine manipulation. I felt sick the next day, but I do not know if there was any connection. Part or all of the federal government is gone. I would rather have global war and eternal death than to be subjugated to a lesser caste by our mortal enemies. A restaurant, Mediterranean was destined lunch spot. I went to get coffee while I waited for 12 noon, when the cook said it would open. It was a few blocks North of Geary and on the West side of Fillmore had a $6.99 buffet. When I came back at 12, the door was locked and an old guy with a big head of Turkish look was standing inside inthe fourier by the locked door. He resembled the judge in Los Angeles who gave me the felony in 2001 instead of having me tried for a midemeanor for legal gun possesssion. I want our enemies torn to bits. We need a technological blitzkrieg. They want it all. Give them Hell.

I ate across the street at the Indian restaurant. Late RED ALERT(Today's red alert post is relayed on Houston Indymedia and appears Citibank may have been hit or is on a swindle. It appears the AT&T Universal Card was sold to Citibank in 1998 according to a disappearing article I glanced upon in Newsweek today. However it was not there in the later issue of the magazine released in San Francisco's The clerk said the magazine arrived late, so the story must have been edited out or someone just wanted me to see the story on a bus. But I found the article online on MSNBC.MSN.COM. The AT&T Universal Rewards card had their rewards cancelled under Citibank. What happens to people under $50 in rewards. IT is stolen. That is of only one concern. I have had payments disappear for two months in payments on the Universal Card to Citibank. Payments totalling $3,600 and change. I have one $2600 payment in dispute. In addition, Citibank is trying to rip off Microsoft and other companies. Who or what is driving Citibank into ruin and us with it, is of concern. I see an attack by a big headed idiot in play, and I believe that high level executives such as those at Enron and others, including Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are under attack to make them give away fortunes. Are they themselves? Can they ever be again?

This is only one concern because I read the story in a Newsweek article from the June 26, 2006 issue that was not in an issue that I bought on July 5, 2006 at Booksinc on Chestnut in San Francisco. What happened to the story? I was not misled, but someone wanted me to know the truth and back off of AT&T, but I do not trust AT&T due to Cingulars merger with them and their revealing my calling records to people I had expressly asked them not to reveal the numbers to. Or is the Newsweek magazine hit so that the story is not published or read? More to come on this issue and I will elaborate on theories in the Love Line pages of this site. A blackout of information or perhaps it was a special edition, or perhaps someone at Newsweek was killed or threatened by Citibank or their criminals within, most likely, NTEU ranks or associates, such as at the FDIC or Federal Reserve, both under the NTEU umbrella of collusion.

Citibank and all companies under Americans control is my concern. Ironically, today in San Francisco, in a city where I was terminated from the Federal Government for being knowledgable in my field and discussing a murder labeled suicide of a FDIC executive, a man named Daniel Kopp "appeared to have entered" a bus I was riding. He and I share a similarity, we are both punished for our knowledge and abilities in a world that has gone askew. His story was in the later issued version of the June 26, 2006 issue of newsweek. I urge all to beware of deceptions and to let the humane conscience be your guide. It is there for a reason. The creator is many races, many sexes, many nationalities, and only wants life under the creators terms, to live in peace and growth.

In another issue, the death of the Enron Executive, Kenneth Lay, is suspect. I believe people can be controlled through some sort of means, highly technical. He may have been killed to rid us of the scent trail. I warn Warren Buffett and Bill Gates to be checked. I would like to have dinner with Daniel Kopp and some Holocaust survivors or their families.

In another matter, I was harrassed by corrupt members of some group in 2003-late, or 2004 early when I was in forced exile per corrupt federal and state government and had to drive long distances to travel home for respites. I had a chemical thrown on me after coming out of a restroom in New Mexico that burned my neck later. The man was dressed nicely and young. As I drove I began to notice it and I became extremely frightened. Someone had tried to kill me only a few years earlier and a faction of the federal and state government ignored my report, and instead abused me. A truck was dropping sheets of paper that looked like laundry softener. A car was dropping balls of dirt that fell in a continuous stream. I saw a cleanup crew on the highway with tanks of water washing the highway, or it appeared so. I stopped to get checked at a Flagstaff hospital for radiation in 2003 or 2004 while in exile by corrupt officials in Los Angeles. They said I was insane, held me down, forcibly injected me, carted me off to an insane assylum. The ride in the ambulance cost me $800 and the confinement cost me $1400 for 3 days. That was not all, and this is my point...a man at the insane assylum had his hand bandaged while I was there. He was my roommate who came into the hospital after I did. I was frightened of the situation because I do not trust government entities any longer. I think something may have happened to me there, and I do not want to say. I was released in three days. Today, in San Francisco, I saw a man walk by with his hand bandaged, and he was paranoid and disappeared, or walked quickly away when I stood up to watch him from the coffeeshop. We live in dangerous times. People are controlled through chemicals and physics and electronics, etc. Beware my fellow American people and spread the word. Thanks to the person revealing the disappearing article that I saw in Newsweek. Perhaps it was just a clipping for my eyes only, but I found the link here on the web and it is in this article. Money has no conscience, but I do. How about the FDIC crew in San Francisco, Sweet?

In another issue, there are no saints apparent in the Mid East struggle. The Taliban is not allowing women to become educated. I find it repugnant, like when Governor Wallace did not let a woman into a college due to race. It is a backward thing to do and I urge the Taliban to re-think that issue. They are your daughters, your flesh and blood. They are your mothers, flesh and blood.

My question this morning, in light of the warfare against myself and others of the financial sector, did Warren Buffett really give away his fortune or is it another wealth snatch by criminals like what happened to Howard Hughes? I would venture something or someone else is up. The mass media reports can not be trusted, only detected. Bill Gates should have himself checked out also.

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, will speculate on the Love Line Pages--science and comedy, of this site later on how fortunes can be stolen. I will try to speculate how the unintentional giving of the wealthy of certain accounts is in fact nothing more than brain and body control. They might not be doing it per their own volition. We may have the incorrectly assumed volition of self control. The wealthy, such as Howard Hughes, Kurt Cobain, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

Today, I go on what will be another dead end job search, an interview in San Francisco. Due to the nature of my work as an investigator over the past six years without true financial backing, I do not have any references. I am like a werewolf of sorts, my references are all terminated or otherwise, and my allies stay low in the grass like perched lions watching a bird dog. My employment at the FDIC and the federal government has ruined my chances for a normal career. Beware of all federal government involvement and protect your famiies from them. I want out of the USA, permanently and I want my entire family out also. The USA is no longer in my opinion.

Note that I was knocked unconscious in Flagstaff when the hospital staff forced injections upon me for reporting the horrors inflicted upon myself while enroute to my forced exile home in California, in 2003 and 2004. I suspected the dropping of radio active material due to the burns on my neck. Joseph Bonano's sons live in Flagstaff also. The National Treasury Employees Union has access to radioactive waste and weaponry. Flagstaff is a mobster hell for the innocent. I do not know what they did to me, but one of the guards at the scene, after they had closed the door, and left me, saw me the next day, and ridiculed me, saying I was really out of it and making a sexual oral motion. I do not know what they did to me in the closed door room the night of the injections, or when I was forced to be housed at the asylum for three days. I did notice today a young Asian woman crying on a bus almost. Was she an agent? Had she been raped?.

A theory on mind control to be moved to the Love Line utilizing the placement of chemicals or molecular changes in the brain, and then a wave or frequency of intense duration, a mind can be controlled. The resonating frequency could likely be countered by placement of some appararatus or chemicals in the head or mouth through surgery. Hello President Me....just a thought. There are many plausible explanations. We lost control of space, those of humane consciene. That is my other theory.

Foreword July 4, 2006: Today in Mill Valley California, in Marin County, the wealthiest and most prejudiced county in California, I began to feel extremely sick, like I was being poisoned, which is not unusual since my abduction by the federal government in 2001. Perhaps it is just stress and alienation. I went to watch children play in a playground so I could write a TV Script for a puppet show. There were no children in the playground. They do not have that many children in the wealthy counties.

Foreword July 2, 2006: This is what happens when people lose hope in a leadership and governing people of a nation. Post on California Politics Newsgroup. I reposted it for fans of our crew. Someone said to me at the gate, get out of here Kurt. I have inadequate monies and I am not given sanctuary due to lies at the border by the ruling dope dealing factions in California and Federal government and the oppressive parties in Alabama. I was robbed of everything by those who crushed me in the corrupt USA governments. I defend my people, those of humane conscience, so if I snap or howl, it is my imitation of that with which I struggle. On a lighter note, this weeks SFWeekly magazine to January 4 has a picture of a younger Rosanie Sanie Danie of Brazil, a younger slimmer anal retentive Sweet Carol the professional pompous bureaucrat, and myself with hair twenty years ago holding my fingers in the government leprosy pose. If you see me in the streets, be kind. I have post traumatic stress from extreme abuses by corrupt entities. I had a dream or maybe not that I am in a coma and one of my eyes sockets is blown out. That is post traumatic stress. Perhaps it is our heavenly father, our creator that I see, because this world is evil in many ways and the good are always struggling to keep up with the evil and indifferent beasts.

Foreword 6-26-06:   After looking for work in the San Francisco area and Tiburon area for several months with no response, I have come to the conclusion that the Federal Government factions who killed the former FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco have fixed it so that I can not get work in the area again in my chosen field, accounting and programming and auditing. The only response I have been given is a chance to audition as a writer and puppeteer for a children's TV show. I will introduce Jack Snack, the evil Sheriff who is best at the food and snack snatch. He will be met by the ubiquitous Saint Rambunctious muppet and his friend the lovely Wonder Girl muppet, the set up puppets. The Paint people who did not steal the food in the Snack Snatch will be without their snack and will look to Sheriff Jack "Snack" who will blame Saint Rambunctious and Wonder Girl. (It is based upon my experiences in auditing the now terminated Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Mobile Alabama. Watch Jack Snack try to blame it on the Paint People and the Saint Rambunctious. The evil Sweat Carol and the evil Masta Sweat (derived from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation San Francisco discriminatory management) will back up the Jack Snatch and share the snacks in private, unti Saint Rambunctious and the Paint People arrive to discover their snacks. Enter Sheriff Billy Goat, the highest ranking Sheriff and real badge maker, who will eat Sheriff Snack's badge for a snack and give the snacks back to Saint Rambunctious and the Paint People. It is part of the Magic Paint Box Productions.  

No differences really exist between the poor and the rich in the USA. Some people do anything for money and some people have ethics and restraint.

I often feel sick due to the forced injections, forced silence, forced felony, forced exile, and prolonged abuse by the government in power, at least those factions who have turned upon us. It is not humane, but is it human? Never serve the USA governments under the current regime when the collusion factions are in place.

Foreword 6-25-2006:Todays foreword is a warning to veterans whose data was stolen. Friend or foe we do not know. We also had data stolen from the FDIC on employees and my Citibank Credit Card, Universal Card payments have had to be disputed for two months in a row as they seem to lose my payments. I want a Citibank Executive's Mercedes and Rolex. If they steal from you, steal from them. It is not that complex and justified revenge is nice in payment in like kind. Deliver it to my Alabama or California address. To my veteran friends and brothers, beware, we are being pushed aside, particularly in the Treasury and FDIC, the money arms of our government. Here is today's links to my claim on a article in soc.veterans newgroup. I tested you by George and I came back after you tried to kill me. Tell your NTEU friends or assassins in the FDIC, I got scent.

Foreword 6-29-2006: Today's post is a post on Houston Indymedia about a musician in Austin Texas who contacted me for marketing assistance. If any agents are out there, or otherwise, give this man a chance. He gave his son a chance. I also note something in the post I have noticed about those around me in my current environment I analyze for who knows whom.

Foreword 6-22-2006: A warning to my people in the federal government. Friend or foe, we often do not know. Someone hacked information on employees at the FDIC, after my investigation discoveries in 2001. Due to technologies and treachery, you may think you are among a collection of silent friends, and you may be, but there are ways of using technology unknown to the common, especially those who have accesss to the patent offices, like the NTEU and internal syndicates. Beware, FDIC information was hacked (CNN link). Just this year, my Citibank credit card (Universal Card) payments are being processed and stolen.Insiders of my group and batallions beware, draw lines, traps, and double blinds, and watch for the circling eye, as you never know what is behind, watching. Bring out your best and brightest minds. This fight has just begun. Do not fear death. I am applying for work everywhere, especially overseas, and also the treacherous Hollywood...which makes me, Saint Ram Bone, tremble and ejaculate, if we can win back our nation, our manifest destiny into the heavens in my dream, the dream of international space colonies, bio-engineered or at least with constructive materials that are built by those with empathy, not the bridling type of our kind, our opposites. I see us as the humane and empathetic and thinking higher level beings, and those of our brothers who may have been retarded or twisted in those attributes.

Also, in addition to the other horrors associated with the FDIC listed in this site, there is also the issue of the Los Angeles California Veterans Administration Hospital in Westwood where I noticed a strange dichotomy or coincidence in the name of the people at the agency in 2006 when I demanded my medical records. They would not give them to me in 2003. No offense and maybe no connection, but when a Mr. Dorman answers the door and the phone and is in charge, and when a person named Ms. Doktor, handles your medical records in a cruel agency such as that, you have to ask, "What is this thing, this agency and agencies?"

We must always ask if someone we see might have had his brain severed in a sense and be under another's control, as in the case of the current bureaucracies top officials in the USA. The LA VA Westwood was the VA doing forced experiments on Veterans in 1999 and the VA and federal officials, NTEU Secret Service and FDIC war criminals in San Francisco ordered that I be forcibly injected and abused in 2001 and they labeled me a felon, an ex bank examiner and US Navy disabled veteran for parking on their property with my UHaul and a gun under my seat, legally owned, only a few months after an attempt on my life, with no response by authorities, and only twenty days after Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Mobile Alabama had taken my gun permit when I was trying to report his thievery at a Mobile Alabama City Council meeting, in which I was denied entry. I had told the council in front of cameras of the attack, the Saturday after St. Valentine's Day in 2001, on my life. I told them near the end of February or the first week in March. Now they will not give me a trial by jury to let me have it wiped off my record. But the LA Superior Court and federal officials there let me have it reduced to a misdemeanor at considerable expense on my family in late 2004, but I am still labeled a felon on American documents in Canadian border officials hands.

In a lesser but similar situation, I helped to have Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman, proven thief, thrown out of office in Mobile Alabama, starting in 2001 when I confronted him on April 3, 2001, and he was terminated in 2006. I put a ad on Craigslist for Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman to do a comedy routine with me, to be my main man, Snatch In A Box, Man Hoe. I put the ad in in 2006 but when I looked at the ad on 6-21-2006, it showed the date of placement of the ad was in 1969 on a certain date, I do not recall the exact date, but todays ad shows the correct date. Just one of those strange things I suppose. I notice Craigslist stopped being very fast at the time so it may have had been a logic glitch or virus, or who knows. The regime did not care about our families in our common lower caste South Eastern neighborhoods during the Vietnam war or now. Since that time, many Americans lost their companies employee owned pensions. I think it was due to collusion and corruption in many blue chip companies, stemming from corruption and possibly company placed insiders. .

Foreword 6-19-2006: It has come to Mobile Audit Club's attention that Citibank credit card holders and all of their subsidiaries, including AT&T Universal Credit Card Holders should check their balances and payments. Someone in the company is taking payments made and the only way to correct it is to dispute with proof of a cancelled check.

Foreword Note:6-9-2006: To preface today's foreword note, I had a bad day, so I have put out the bootie Snatch call in not one, but two sweet guises. Mobile Audit Club is seeking a female actress. Swee-ee-eet Snatch and a male actor/actress (erotic art pic-F-DIC-X was removed from M4M ad), enter Creative Services, and Man Snatch on (Offer Expires soon). The real to life Sheriff Snatch would not reply.

6-6-2006: Daily foreword Note: In relation to Sueet Carol, tell him/her not to worry, every thing is fine...yes, right--I ain't nuttin but a monk-e, and I am ready to wore-k.;.erotic art link craigslist seeking refuge outside the American federaal syndicated murderers and I am seeking ex Sheriff Jack, for Saint Ram Bone presents "Snatch In A Box" comedy routine on Craigslist.. or perhaps Snatch would rather just be Man-Hoe Snatch, sought on Craigslist

Miscellaneous Foreword Notes May 2006

The regime is destroying our kind, the human and honest kind, those of flesh and humane thought of descendants of working class Americans. In addition in many cities we are beaten from government involvement, as in Alabama, Mobile We are not one with those in power.

I, an honest ex-federal bank examiner for the FDIC will be attempting to leave the USA once more. If I am denied exit, I will report back in this paragraph before the end of June, 2006 and will call for immediate and protracted actions against the regime and their lieing fascist new world Nazi mass media of billionaires domain, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc. The W regime is a wire load of disaster for us. California is an idiots dope dealing paradise and I urge the new Americans to strike with force against those who have erected our chamber of horrors, their drug dealers streets, and their billiionaires prison industry. Never again serve the regime.

For instance, in Los Angeles Superior Court, I Kurt Brown was forced a One Million Dollar bail and intense horrors and abuse akin to an American Holocaust for legal gun ownership after reporting murder and criminals in San Franicisco federal banking regulatory agencies and the now deposed Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Alabama. I had all my belongings while moving and in fear for my life, after having an attack upon my own life and having seen where other bank examiners were killed and where the government in power in Mobile Alabama behaved as my enemies when reporting criminals among them.

I urge you to warn your grandchildren that the regime has started doing horrible things to their veterans and while they are in military service. Our people no longer rule the USA or the USA military. Back away from them my people of thinking flesh, back away from all contact with them whenever possible and spread the word (Proof is linked in this site). Try not to ever let them take you captive, those in those trusted uniforms, and those who wait to knock you unaware without your knowledge, and they controlled in some sectors in the USA and internationally by war criminals against us.

Contrary to some peoples ideas, I am more sane than the "W" regime.

The regime is forcing injections and medical procedures (LA VA Westwood 1999,2001, proof is in this site and I have witnessed those indifferent federal employees in that traitorous American city Los Angeles), and I was partially blinded by poisons when in forced exile in March of 2004 while in exile from Alabama and in Humboldt County California after fleeing LA, and I denied a trial by jury in 2004 for a non crime with a forced signature in 2001 under extreme abuse, including forced drugs and injections, when I (Kurt) did not need them or want them. The fed often gives problem citizens contra-indicated drugs for that individual, in my case they gave steroids. They try to claim we are insane and they are ripe to be severed from this planet and spectrum of life. Technology deceives the common mind and corruption makes things worse. As an artist and scientist, Saint Ram Bone--Kurt Brown has a temperament but he has good judgment and enjoys helping his people, however accomplished.

Kurt wants some peace of mind to be out of range of the bulk of the National Treasury Employees Union mafia and syndicate in USA federal government and their links in state government but they illegally had lies on the documents at the Canadian border. It is akin to being in the battle field under a gun and being held captive for a period with abuse afterward for 5 years. I just want a vacation from the NTEU syndicate and the federal agency mafia within. They try to drive people insane. I am not adverse to global war or intergalactic conflicts. The Milky Way galaxy to some looks like a toilet.

The criminal sydicates such as the NTEU and their federal assassins within the agencies who are corrupt also often burn people in their automobiles in staged accidents, and triggered accidents (see the link immediately above the bottom of this page..  They are corrupt and murderous. I survived in 2001, a very close call on my life due to an attack on a highway. We are faced with the complete corruption of USA government and thereby our industry and society and our families working class pensions have been robbed due to collusion in government and in the targeted companies and their management is now overseas with the majority of stockholder ownership.  The USA is a prison and hell for many while the NTEU and associates reign with their regime in power. Some men smack their teeth like lions when they rob innocent and honest hard working people. To me, they are just contenders, of intelligence in calculation but not empathy, as they are semi-conscious in the right frontal lobe, or some other defective section dealing with empathy. Or perhaps, they or it is or are just our adversary as a cheetah is to a lion in the jungles.

In Alabama I, Kurt Brown, reported a Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman stealing. I tried to do it front of their closed fascist city council meeting on 4-3-2001, but I had to do it by email to numerous agencies, and Tillman took my gun permit for no reason other than trying to report his thievery in front of the closed door government of the Mobile Alabama City Council. The sad part is that the Federal government in Mobile Alabama assisted him. Those people will welcome global war there in greater numbers as time progresses. Later I was beat from the USA government entrance and arrested. On April, 3 2001, they threatened me with arrest if I tried to enter the city council meeting and demanded my gun permit. Just like Lt. Drews of Mob. AL government of the enemy 4 years later on the request of a man with visible brain damage in his right frontal lobe, city councilman "Reggie the Veggie" Copeland and he is insane like their Alabama fake Conservative and real Flake, Gov. Wiley Riley and his evil twin Judge Roy Moore of rock stardom, and that is about it. NO substance. Closed door dictatorship of fraudulent criminals ripe to be deposed through force, and I commend anyone who snatches their regime and their lieing media to the dust, but I would prefer the cessation of ignorance and moving forward by simply deposing them with their favorite tool, technology.

Foreword May 27, 2006: (Today's post on Madison Indymedia)I would like to commend the NRA member and musician Ted Nugent--The Motor City Madman, of Michigan for his Saint Ram Bone buck teeth I saw in a video recently. I am considering contacting Ted Nugent to see if would do a tour and record with Saint Ram Bone and possibly go deer or dear hunting afterward, although I do not shoot deer any longer, unless I am starving, which I am right now. I will just hold my guns and whistle sweet carols for Ted and our game trophy and my bullets, that I got back.

Foreword May 26, 2006: At least two worlds exist in the USA, but what I see is a nation deliberately divided and my kind is shut out. WWII likely was waging on many fronts in the USA, and now lack of resources and overriding goals of foreign powers leave us sacked in the USA, pushed aside, drug addicts, alcoholics, low income workers often skilled and sometimes made to look like felons and put on welfare roles, beaten by that new group in power through out, and the whole time, they openly teach us to hate, and it spreads, and we do, some of us, some times.

I have pity for those foreigners who try to come into the USA when political ads in the deep South talk about "Convervative Values", and then "Closing those borders to illegal aliens". They talk about them like they do us, the outcasts, like they are from outer space or pig stys. When I lived in Marin County in San Francisco, the only neighborhood people cast out like myself could live, if there, was in the Mexican ghettoes.

They or it will have us all imprisoned before it is over with. Their technology deceives the eyes and the minds. NAFTA is in place and their charade of worrying about the borders while beating Americans is wearing thin.

A lot of technology is not being revealed to us. I feel a sort of war is waging in the USA, particularly in the financial sector. Men are dieing and being attacked and the investigations are botched or covered due to collusion in government.

Foreword May 23, 2006: By email I have contacted Mayor Sam Jones of Mobile Alabama to see if I, Kurt Brown, auditor and US veteran can have the rights of the wealthy of the land, my rights under their lie, their "Open Meetings Law".  I honestly doubt he will allow me in because he is a member of the regime that is bought and paid for by international money.  I encourage the overthrow of the regime in the USA if a nuclear war erupts in the USA, and the completing deposing of the regime and its members.

Late Update: I have not heard from the fascist appointee mayor, Sam Jones, and doubt I ever will. Also it appears the new regime is putting road blocks up in Mobile attacking innocent citizens.

Foreword May 22, 2006: Myself, my family, and my friends family's are suffering. An enemy regime has moved into power in the United States. We should move to have them eliminated through out the world and into space, even if it means the annihilation of America. Their true hell is just now being unleashed. Our parents were conned and manipulated through the lies of mass media. WWII was a waste and was misdirected energy for the USA. Now our enemies are among us and misdirecting our people and destroying us. Support their overthrow, first through peace, then global war or global suicide if necessary.

On the day I was to return to Alabama from California after my failed attempt to enter Canada due to lies in the USA in Los Angeles federal government Nazi camp of federal Nazi rule, someone posted this in Mobile, Alabama. It appears Someone's mothers face in a photo was cut and pasted onto a photo and offered for sex. I know the mother in the pasted photo, I think, and she is dead. I doubt the man posed for the photo or asked to be put on craigslist. A very disrespectful thing for anyone's mother. War is like that. Petty sometimes with enemies of simple minds, but they are the easiest to destroy, as they are simple, and in my opinion, the most enjoyable to kill, because we are like cats to them and they are our food and prey, like mice. They are not our people, those without empathy for us. You can reject it at the link with your vote, but I would rather you did not. Like a wounded and dead animal in a neighbors front yard, killed by them, you do not remove it. You let the world see the true nature of the simple mind, without empathy until their is no humanity. I feel humanity is like that, but it is the government entity, or is it? Animalistic bastards kept me in the United States under the abusive federal government and NTEU. Now I want a nuclear bomb to clear the road for me to leave, preferably where it started, LA Westwood or D.C., glorious dope dealing neighbor to Hollywood and the other to New York, the other dope dealer. Those simple abusive types we will have to henceforth kill and bury quickly in the ongoing war which I want blood from now, their blood, our victory. They may be untouchable, at a distance, technological manifestations of ignorant human shit, those our true enemies. If you know who posted the article, I would like them brought to the attention of Mobile Audit Club, with proof or at least proof of motive. God Damn the regime in power in America, we are not safe or protected and their idiots laugh when we are abused or die just like the alleged German Nazis with alleged German Jews. Do not grimace when many of our subjugators start to die in the near future. Many attacks in the USA may have been by patriot forces recently. Not all in government buildings are our allies, and my website here proves it. Life and death are equal, except in war, the equation is now being balanced. The west coast is a battlefield and Alabama is a prison camp controlled by Nazis with German links and puppets or mix race who appease people of color with their presence, even at a lower step. Simple minds accept simple things.

The world is full of small men. We will gladly execute any lesser being who tries to rule the world, starting with the puppet pullers of the international money regime controlling the United States. I move for execution of drug lords in the United States and the execution of Bush's Drug Czar, dope dealing cocksucker of the NTEU. Some may say, "Motherfocker, he's calling for hits". No he is rooting for his team.

Foreword May 19, 2006: (Today's song celebrates the return of one of my most beloved catering services on the Pacific Coast, a salute and happy welcome home to "Brenda With Her Spoon" (this SF link was hidden in pink pages), so I took it here to LA Indymedia, the same link. Enjoy and recommend the catering service that won't quit, Brenda With Her Spoon.)

A special warning to veterans in the spirit of George Carlen in a concentration camp, " I was terminated from the FDIC (federal deposit insurance corporation) for asking questions about the murder of the past regional director at the FDIC in San Francisco in the early 1990's.

When I was told I was being fired from the federal banking regulatory agency, the San Francisco F-DIC in 2000, the assistant regional director, the ARD told me, "If you drop your EEOC complaint, you can keep your job" " You Have to swear not to tell anyone about this" she said "Don't tell me any secrets and I won't tell you any lies"

Kurt Brown Saint Ram Bone wants to play music at your graves you filthy rich reptilian pigs of little conscience.  You will meet us again and again. Do not fear them my fellow Americans. Some people greeted me in Louisiana in a convoy. I say Hello and happy travels--poor bastards, living in a feudal dictatorship controlled by a foreign international superpower, not even afforded the right to smoke a joint after dinner, forced to guggle those noxious alcoholic beverages...poisons in syrup, while half of their families roast in prisons, like in Alabama, Louisiana's ugly twin. LA, Alabama, Louisiana, all different, all the same.

Foreword May 18, 2006: Today, this American Holocaust victim saw for the first time, the detailed records written by our enemies in control in Los Angeles at the federal government there, which at the LA Veterans Administation they forced medical procedures on myself and others. Their records say I was "calmer" after several days. They are liars. I was calm the entire time and the federal government police headed by our enemy faction in the National Treasury Employees Union forced injections and medical procedures on me, Kurt Brown, and now the federal government has made it where I can not leave the United States to Candada due to false claims on FBI documents at the Canadian Border Patrol.

In another matter, I at one time thought that the Forced Injections of the Chapter 36 law's crazy clauses allowed by the regime in the predominantly Mexican states, AZ NM and NV, was a result of Mexican governance. But now, I have seen many Mexicans who are suffering like my family under the pawl of their enemies. We are not animals to be injected and for every American injected, we should pluck the eye out of one American Bureaucrat of Government Politician or remove their head, and put it on the web. Our enemies will pay for coming on our soil and abusing us, even if they have American ancestry. WE will not tolerate our enemies abuses. I encourage attacks against them and their lieing institutions. We may have to go overseas and detonate large devices or use powerful new weaponries.

It is time for Americans to strike back against the enemy regime. Destroy them. We need a new government and their bureaucrats executed, if they are human. Never again serve the regime in the USA. They are controlled by people outside the USA. California is a a dope dealers paradise sanctioned by the regime. I encourage the cannabis clubs to be destroyed or have all marijuana reduced to the price per cigarettes in weight or have plants grown everywhere in communal farms for distribution. California's politicians are like Austrian Nazis, Schwarzenegger and his elitist Hollywood German fake Jews and who ever else since in the propaganda thrones, are our enemies. Make them eat crack in dungeons when the war starts if you can find them. Good luck. Reptiles are hard to chase in the dark.

I encourage the poor Americans to back away from the USA government and applaud when their most corrupt politicians are dead in the American Streets. AS one veteran told me, "They drew first blood". We take seconds until our cup overflows, and then we take more because we are and have been abused by those two bit hoodlums at war with us in the Americas, especially the USA. Never serve the regime and applaud when they are attacked while under the current international billionaire leadership. The federal government will not re-hire this bank examiner. I am considering Employment in Arab militaries. God Damn the regime in power. They are not us. W said, "You are with us or you are against us." If W was behind the injections and my forced felony, I say bury the facade and find the culprits, kill them, stip their snake like skins and make flags for roadsigns from them. True American native made drums.

In another matter, I was forced to sign a plea of guilty by a corrupt LA judges for legally owning a gun. I was in a truck with a U Haul. The judge said, and he said distinctly and clear, "There were four guns correct". At the time I thought, at $250,000 bail per gun, I would not include the fifth, which was a old .22 rifle that did not work well. I said "Yes", meaning four operable guns. But there were five. I was hoping a veteran had saved my fathers only remaining gift to me, an old .22 Winchester rifle. Now I fear they were swapping guns out, always maintaining four, but removing one of the pistols. Theoretically, they could take the gun, fire a round into some material, remove the bullet, and put it in the evidence file of an old case. The federal mafia under the NTEU could tell where a man was at a certain time, whether he was in school in Alabama or in Los Angeles. We must dismantle the NTEU and shove the hooligans from Hell, Bush and his German/Austrian fake Jew friends, and their cohorts in crime, and set them all ablaze in their holes. They say we dug holes for ourselves. Let us put those holes to good use when we crawl out of them on top of the blazing bodies of our enemies, or let us hope for all of our deaths, as death is better than subjugation for any length of time. I would never harm a man unless I felt I or another innocent human was being harmed, and then, I would take him to his death, via the familiar and merciful path of the Mobile Audit Club way.

May 15, 2006: Remember, they drew first blood, killing honest banking officials in office as at the FDIC alleged suicide in the early 90's and the injections against myself, an honest ex -federal bank examiner. Our enemies are on the thrones and you can not see them clearly. Their wealth is decadent. Take a pot shot at them, I do not care for them as they do not care for us, the common American.

They are the criminals holding hands or throats of those in federal banking and treasury offices, or sitting in the highest ranking seats, including the huge NTEU and their 35 suspect agencies. Today, I see the only way to regain our freedom and rights and human dignities is to fight for them to the death.  The regime and the bureaucracy is no longer ours in any fashion.  We are left without a voice.  If this a nightmare, let it end.  If this is the future, let it end.  This is the present.  This is the time for global war and attacks against those who reign with their gold  The new golden rule is that he who has the best weapons rules.  He who rules is not golden.  Sever him and them from our presence.  Beware as they have the technological advantage in the Patent Offices around the world.  We must draw back from the regime and if they force themselves upon us, take retribution in their neighborhoods and cities.  Never again serve the regime in power.  Select targets carefully and beware of deceptions.  Yesterday's post is on North Carolina Indymedia.  Let us hope those who force injections are executed in the USA.  We are Americans.  Arm yourselves with technological weaponry and remember that sabotage of their apparatus is sometimes useless due to redundancy.  Chain reactioin synergistic sabotage will cripple the technology controlled by the beasts of our era.

May-14-2006 Foreword: Someone said in the shadows that a nuclear bomb was going to go off on St. Patricks Day.  To that I say in this modern world in chains and prisons and under the pawl of brutish animals, in my song, Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover God Allah Buddha Ethereal Consciousness.  Because the truth is,  I really don't care any longer, I am already Stone Cold In My Electric Chair in the USA prison state controlled by the enemies of mankind the world over.  I want my papers to leave the USA from the LA Superior Court or I want my death or the Superior Court and Supreme Court justices who give felonies to legal law abiding citizens to feel the suffering of the poorest in the Americas. Let those fascist judges and their tag along reptilian district attornies be on their knees in the rubble of their homes leaving them next to us, those they spit upon and rob of everything, and if we find them in private space colonies, contaminate them.  They can shoot either of us in the head, I do not care, but I want one of us to go.  Never again serve the regime.  Applaud when the wealth bearing criminals or their agents who visit or stay in the Americas are left scattered like the veterans and homeless children they scoff at.  They scoff at us, the common American who believed in the truths of the old ways, not their lieing and abuse of us.    The trust is gone in more ways than one.  I was a  bank examiner.  Look around.  I am a scientist who needs help in taking down our adversaries in the Americas. Those lesser men of no sight or virtue and brain damaged in their right frontal lobe, the lobe of consciousness.

On another latent note, the federal banking agencies are discriminatory in their maneuvers, just like the man who restricts "some", if not all, blacks promotions and he did the same to this disabled veteran, pushing him out the door and into a life of ruin, that now he savors his first task, to defend his people to the death from enemies, domestic and foreign. Mas was or is at the San Francisco FDIC and he replaced a dead man, an honest man moved aside, killed in his office and labeled suicide by the corrupt Secret Service which is controlled by the National Treasury Employees Union syndicates hidden players. The NTEU represents the FDIC also. Collusion Collusion Collusion Sueet CArol. Do you know the meaning of the word "Collusion" bitch? Send a postal note to Jack Snatch Tillman Sheriff of Mobile Alabama. I deposed that cok sucker too. George Masa is a discriminatory FDIC director and his alleged whore is his next in command, Sueet Carol, and she is ARD or was anyway and enjoyed pushing this veteran out the door. The whole things is suspect and she may be more victim than she knows. Many were pushed out. Inter office sex is not allowed. That is how you get promoted in San Francisco FDIC when Masa's penile implant is erect. Someone should start attacking the tan regime in power in San Francisco FDIC that is housed at the banking regulatory agencies, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve and of course, the hidden agency, the bankrupted Treasury. They drew first blood. Mr. Brown gives the green light on San Francisco, those dope dealing and money laundering federal criminals walking in step with the hi-jacked D.C. regime. Who cares. Their caste society will be destroyed if not changed.

Foreword May 13, 2006: California is on the dinner table. Everything is up for grabs. A deposed dictator is a dead misfit. Beware of their technological weapons being used against us. Washington D.C. needs a post-anal cleansing around the Bush. I welcome the global battlefield. I am tired of losing face in the elitists prisons for giving food to embittered men who do not understand how, how, and what to cut the truen enemies throat with. These lies we are fed, their American nightmare. Open the doors to warfare. They wade us in. You must read between the lines in the program. The obvious miscalculations are their downfall. They are not like us. Watch for the miscalculations in their communications and structure and you will see a pattern develop. We will regain our lives or we should die trying, and be proud when their snapping jaws growl and spew vomit like words at us. The miscalulation is in their forte.

I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, ex-federal bank examiner and USN veteran, illegally labeled a criminal and insane by the regime in power, is not allowed into Candada due to abuse and lies by the LA Superior Court and Federal government. The mass media and their government laugh at our suffering. Let us laugh when they are beaten into the mother earth and smeared like feces on our planet. Support the overthrow of the billionaires regime. WE are not protected. Take them to their deaths is our sentiment. We do not need a nation under their horrors known as the United States. Never again serve the regime and assist in dismanting their bureaucracy and dictatorship before the next election.

The FBI printout that was at the border was not correct and was in the Canadian Border Patrol computer and caused the Canadian border patrol not to allow me into Canada,. I have ordered the corrective papers needed and paid for them and have not arrived from the corrupt LA Superior Court and the federal magistrate of the dictatorship there. I applaud the attacks of the regime in Los Angeles. Filthy pigs on their gated hills are fit for slaughter and roasting. I should have never served in Los Angeles. They taught me the truth though. The allies are in the trenches and we are at war with our supposed protectors. Like a puppet Uncle Sam dances to the tune of a new deranged drummer. Sinister bastards deserve global warfare, unrelenting, until all of our deaths if necessary. Global suicide is better than their plight. Blow out my brains while I am captive in America. I am a fool for having trusted the regime. Back away from them and move to oust them. Technology is the only way and beware of treachery.

I would rather never have been an American citizen who served the USA military under the regime of today and yesterday. I see no reason to cheer their victories. WE have been lied to and conned. Applaud the destruction of the international regime, starting in the USA. I am not allowed out of the USA, I am not allowed a voice or presence in my native city's government in Mobile Alabama, and I was forcibly injected and imprisoned for doing nothing other than being in fear for my life, therefore I do not want to live in the USA. Anyone is welcome to detonate a nuclear bomb over my head or spread biological and chemical warfare agents over my head, whether in California, Alabama, or any point in between. Never again serve the regime. It is worse than death. Labeled a criminal, labeled insane, attacked on the highways, injected and incarcerated by the regime, and now, I simply want our mutual deaths in the USA so that my family will not suffer these exponentially increasing atrocities against us. Destroy the wealthy international bastards. Never again serve the regime in power. Move for our release in the USA or our deaths. Do not hesitate. WE will likely need a lot of technology to discern who we are fighting in these future and current wars in the USA and the world.

Foreword May 6, 2006: Warning, the Veterans Administration Hospital in Westwood in Los Angeles is tampering with records or lieing to patients. They were doing forced experiments in 1999, a proven fact, and were told to stop all experiments at the facility. Now, the federal government in Los Angeles arrested and injected this disabled veteran and honest ex-federal bank examiner turned informant at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. I was arrested in 2001 and the LA VA did other forced procedures and injections upon myself, a disabled veteran and ex-federal bank examiner at the corrupted FDIC. Of course, in Arizona the state hospitals forcibly inject many people under their Chapter 36 law since 2001 and extort money from them and if high level criminals want them raped, they rape them or whatever, including possibly doing forced medical procedures. Beware of Flagstaff Arizona, war criminal controlled district, like Los Angeles and Mobile Alabama. One of the procedures at the LA VA forced upon myself in 2001 was what appeared to be a CAT Scan or MRI of the head. The LA VA Doctor, who appeared to be a Vietnamese woman, in charge and who is likely just abusing forced inmates per the request of the National Treasury Employees Union enforcers, the Secret Service, one of the agencies they have a hand in. The woman Doctor at the VA wants her promotions after all. The LA VA Doctor told me in April of 2001 that the forced MRI or CAT Scan was to "check for tumors." The Westwood LA VA Medical Center, the VA Doctor in charge, a Vietnamese woman, wrongfully justified my incarceration in her mental facility and who said I was manic depressive, because of my speech impediment of speaking too quickly under stress. She came in to abuse after the NTEU officials had forcibly injected me for no reason the night before. They injected me several times and I believe they lie about everything they do on their medical records for us veterans. Never again use the VA hospitals if you can avoid it. The woman Doctor said the CAT Scan was to check for Tumors, she obviously lied as the records indicate they were checking for Lupus, but that would not make sense.

The VA in Biloxi Mississippi had recently given me drugs that Lupus sufferers were allergic to and it drove them insane, including myself, seeking treatment immediately afterward at the VA in November of 2000. The drugs had a prolonged effect of just irritability and telling people to go to hell if they bothered me. Mobile Alabama VA knew of the Butterfly Rash across the bridge of my nose, which is a characteristic of Lupus. They did not mention anything about Lupus at my LA Superior court forced felony trial or at any other time during my treatment. They will not give me a trial now. I wanted and want one. I want revenge through truth. If you kill them, be careful as the switch may not be the one you want. If we can not avenge the atrocities committed against us through truth, truth will avenge their atrocities through bloodshed. Pressure of opposing forces are always released (scientific fact).

Per my research upon release, I discovered the disease Lupus or SLE was contra-indicated with Methylprednisolone, inducing temporary insanity, only after I had been forcibly injected, forced to sign papers saying I was a felon for legal gun ownership, and I was forced to stop surveillance of all FDIC properties in San Francisco and told not to speak of the murder labeled suicide of their past regional director--executed in office in San Francisco in the early 90's.

I do have signs of Lupus, and I did not know what it was until I did my own research, as the VA only gave me drugs contra-indicated for Lupus after reporting criminals at the FDIC and NTEU. The federal government is lieing and abusing us in Los Angeles. THEY ARE AT WAR WITH US. We must retake our nations government and destroy their prison state of mind. Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone or a like minded progressive thinker for Governor of California, and Austrian Schwarzenegger can go to Austria and Bush back to Hollywood or Texas. Hollywood creates the face of our government, now our enemies wear a mask made in Hollywood. When Reagan, the Hollywood exec., became Governor of California, it signaled the end.

I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone is a captive in the United States due to lies by the regime in Los Angeles and the Federal Government in D.C.. I was forced a felony for legal gun ownership in Los Angeles and they would not give me a trial once I discovered the VA had poisoned me with Methylprednisolone and once I caught a Sheriff Jack Tillman stealing and who took my gun permit when trying to report him.

Now the felony is reduced to a misdemeanor but I can not enter Canada due to the felony not showing dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor. I would rather be dead than be a captive American. I encourage global strikes against the regime's higher ranking and corrupt members. I know no one cares for us. We should swap dirty deeds on behalf of improving our plight among our enemies. We are humans too, my down trodden men and women of human flesh and humane ideologies.

Foreword May 4, 2006: (Today's post on The time has come for us to get our revenge in America. The USA governments, federal and state, and their owners are the enemies to mankind, behaving in manners just like the alleged Nazis of Germany. We should applaud when the regime's key government officials are attacked. We should applaud when their corrupt Senators and corrupt Bureaucrats are bleeding in the streets, and we should assist those who tear down their underpinnings. They are like Nazis. It is time to re-take Market Street, Wall Street will likely go up in flames just like Pennsylvania Avenue. The USA is now a battle ground and I applaud the overthrow of our enemies. Fascist pigs always look best 8 feet in the air, torn into quarters and dangling on a stick, like the effigy of the old bud Mussolini. Guiseppe Garibaldi once said, "A brave man can make a weapon out of anything."

Attack them my friends of the lower castes and view modern Israel as the land thieves who came to the area in 1940's with German and Russian blood who are Fake Jews and have found their favorite battleground. The USA governent is at war with us. Our borders to the North are now walls for many of us, such as myself. The USA governments FBI gave the border patrol a libeous and incorrect document about myself, saying I was a felon, likely many others. It should not matter, if a man has served his time anyway. We should assist in destroying the governments of the Americas if their borders or governments are closed to anyone. Starting now. Applaud global strikes against the enemies of the common of the American continent. Support any attacks against them and applaud sabotage of their infrastructures.

Support Iran's right to weapons development and if a war breaks out, I encourage young Americans to ally with Iran and fight on American soil in the historical methods of Urban Guerrilla warfare. Study your history books and tactics. The W regime is "Dead" in our opinion. Do not let the fascists lie at the next election. No suicide bombers, we need you. Tacticians, and servers of the creator, step forward and applaud when you have removed the entire underpinnings of the W regime, included the closed door governments of the USA.

Foreword Note May 3, 2006:   Today, a flurry of bad news related to this ex federal bank examiner being abused in 2001 to present.  I am horrified of the regime in power in the USA, after being attacked, forcibly injected, and forced to say I was a felon with no chance to my guaranteed trial by jury by the New American Nazi regime in power, housed in ugly faces with fat wallets, our enemies children.    Now, Canada will not allow me into their nation until I have proven my forced felony with no trial by jury in Los Angeles under the NTEU and FDIC direction and LA VA Westwood approval was reduced to a misdemeanor in Los Angeles in 2001. My last name is Brown and I served the wrong militaries, I can see, and we will regain this continent through blood or hat is off to the Australian Wood my friend for surviving one stroke. Try several, I too am partially blinded, but by those evil greedy clones of fake humans with no hearts in D.C and LA. in federal and state government. (Todays post relayed on Hamilton Canada Indymedia...Vancouver Indymedia was silenced through starvation and LA Indymedia, where we must act in guerrilla movements on and in technological apparatus. We must survey them or die trying. I was ordered from the FDIC. If you own a gun, they call you criminal or a suicide victim. Hitler loved that Gun Law too, just like our little pale and Tanned Hitlers, the rotten Yellow core) I see the day coming before it arrives, like 4-3--2001, when men were starving and the sheriff was stealing and I was bleeding at their government steps. No more, they will know more. We must educate them. We must move out with new weapons and tactics and counter them, even if it means, global suicide, as that is better than eternal subjugation of our greater beings under their lesser beings with needles and such.

The stricter border crossing laws in the USA to Canada are the beginning of a holocaust. Attack them at will, but note they have extraordinary ways of Bush whacking us. "My personal message to George Bush if he is alive and cognizant of time place and being, God and Allah and Buddha and who ever can Damn Your evil controllers for the hell you have created around the world and for us in the USA  I would rather be shot in the head than be an American in terror, forced to live South of Where I want to be, in the USA and their drug empire to the extreme South.  A war is here.  We will likely all die or be subjugated to hellish existences and it may be a blessing as this life has just about terminated or perhaps "Ventilated".

Those little son of bitches lead us like drones through their nightmare. Welcome the war against them. That is all they know and their lieing media.  I encourage the gutting of the international regime and the removal of all borders in the Americas.  God Allah Buddha and Ethereal Conscious evict and dissect all that is unholy in the United States and the Amercia.  Death to the European and fake Jews and Japanese and Germans and whoever are Nazis destroying our world.  God Damn our enemies.  The USA is a prison hell.  Applaud when their leaders are severed.   Please free us from American borders or give us all death I pray in name of all that is above reproach.  I was a veteran.  I trusted them and they betrayed me, ask the dead FDIC director who lies. They laugh at us, we need new machines or release biological equivalents of bullets and armaments by delaying release until demands are met, humane demands. "God Please Kill USA  ALL if we can not be free to vote, to enter buildings, to cross borders, to get our guaranteed trials by jury".    We are better off dead. They are like a machine, but partly just dumb brutes.


The medical records from my arrest and abuse on Federal property in Los Angeles arrived.  They have doctored the records . They forced an MRI upon me for no reason.  They said it was to check for Lupus. They did not check for Lupus. They gave me a drug that make Lupus sufferers go insane, methylprednisolone. (Lupus--The Wolf--roams on many poisonous plains).  They also forcibly injected me with chemicals saying it was to calm me.  I was compliant and quiet and wanted it noted in the records.  I would applaud anyone who detonated a nuclear or biological weapon over my head right now, as I sit at the Canadian border, being forced out per the request of FBI officials who do not admit my felony was reduced for legal gun ownership to misdemeanor. I would gladly take them to a jury trial. Jack Snatch Tillman, proven thief and Sheriff took my gun permit on 4-3-2001 when I was reporting the bank examiner murder and inmate starvation at Snatch's Mobile AL jailhouse.

Take retaliatory strikes.  We are a god damned army.  They fear us like God, because we are the product of God.  When they inject us forcibly when we are compliant, they demonstrate they have ulterior motives.  I once read in the bible of a being with many beings attached as one. Imagine the lead being being injected and another falling prey to one of God's lesser children.  The war is now in America.  The West Coast is Suspect and the South West.  We know the South East is gone. 

Let us hope and pray we are released from American borders or that the entire arsenals of the world are unloaded upon his for our merciful deaths.  The regime has machines.  The war is now.  God Damn their borders.   The international freedom party of the Americas will rise and gut our mercenarial adversaries.  They say "Fock you Kurt Brown", but they forget, I and we defend our people.  They are not us.  Feed upon them at will, as they have fed upon us and drew first blood, in the forced injecions and forced medical procedures allowed since 2001 by the federal government and state governments of NM, NV, and AZ under their so called "Crazy" clause of their Chapter 36 Law.

Also, when I went to the financial district in San Francisco to apply for a job recently, I noted that the wealthier or at least fatter pigs in suits travel in packs based on race, either Japanese or Hispanic or whatever. They laugh at me for having my guitar and making noise, both groups, some of them of the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco. Their FBI lie is that I am or was a gang banger. I was a bank examiner who survived an attempt on my miserable life. I want Market Street held down while we remove what we do not want or need, so help us lord or split their city into a burning fire pit, as I would have died for them, all of us forcibly injected, forcibly felonied veterans who are honest. George Masa Regional Director of FDIC should have his roots checks checked czech-ed. Fock you they say, I say lets dance Gringo style, my friend Esse in San Pedro said VA Fan Culo le piss ants with large anannae and not a brain hinge in sight.

We will need technological devices to create interference against them and we must not attack false lures. WE must take our enemies by their throats in America, crash them to the ground, and snap their reptilian throats. They have no pity upon us. God Damn the filthy rich dope dealers and criminals of American governments, in particular Canada, the USA, and Mexico. We need a new party to open the borders and to save our people. God Damn them. This is war and we must seek out the true opponents to ease our suffering in the USA.

I was a veteran and auditor. Now I am an attorney and a teacher.

Foreword April 27, 2006: Today, I Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, wait for much anticapated medical records from the American Holocaust site which I know of, where they denied me access to my medical records in 2003, the Los Angeles Veterans Administration Westwood, where I, a former federal bank examiner for the federal government was held captive and abused by federal associates of the criminal entity controlling a huge piece of the USA, the National Treasury Employees Union syndicate. The medical records will likely be doctored, as I was not the only disabled veteran there who received forced injections and forced medical procedures by hostile factions of the now reigning federal regime. I was abused in 2001 and subjected to intense stress and abuse for years and others were forced medical experiments there in LA VA Westwood in 1999, and most likely to this day. If my medical records have not arrived May 11th, 2006, I will let you know and call for immediate actions and I will want their buildings scoured with high tech equipment equipment and searched and surveyed and their hospitals and nurses detailed and biographied and their head bureaucrats brought to our trials so that we can find out what is really happening to our people under the international billionaire criminal regime. Bring Sodium Pentothal and have access to an MRI machine. Find out who was in charge in 1999 also. They force injections on us in likely interrogations like they did me, and they forced medical procedures. The truth is, they have opened the doors to our nightmare, the core of our being is being destroyed by our enemies, and our technology is obsolete to what they hold, and I do not care what happens to them, as they are foreign to us and against our well being. In others words, my fellow soldiers, mark my words, "Eat them alive".

Ironically even the LA VA Westwood medical center seems like a computer program gone bad. Mr. Dorman answers the phone and heads the center and Ms. Doktor gives you your doctored medical records, or at least tells us they are in the mail. I would slit my own wrist before defending the criminals in power. Urge young men to avoid them. They are putting us in the lower caste, us veterans of no rank.

The Federal Reserve Bank In San Francisco did not return a response in my application for employment recently, just like the Treasury, just like everyone except for the likely hitman and independent bank examiner who tried to hire me in 2001 before the attempt on my life, the alleged Mr (G)rease-ball, whose assassins would likely put me in a hole. They are likely controlled by the same criminals as the FDIC. California will be our target, just as D.C., Alabama, and most likely Austria and I hate to say it, but the modern land thieves shangra-la, Israel and the mid-East oil Barons who purchase and shelve all patents for alternate energy sources and who assist governments like W's who, through force and murder in the political arena, discourage development of high tech alternatives to the entire transport process.

Today, I reflect on our world, bottom to top, per my view, on the Quatrains 4 page . I was venting yesterday. That is good for all except those who hear the truth, now enlightened. Quatrains 2 Updated 4-30-2006 View the mass media and the government as an entity foreign to ourselves. Prepare your children to leave the USA and applaud when the regime is toppled around the world and into space.

Foreword May 1, 2006: Today, the American government, the regime in power, and their bureaucracy and police and military, has turned upon Americans and the world. Our government has been gutted and we live in fear and terror. Therefore I support global war to free us from the regime that abuses us like they are Nazis. WE have been cut to pieces and someone needs to throw the blood switch on the international regime and its global cutthroats. Never again serve the regime. If W dies, who replaces him or it, X?

Foreword April 25, 2006:  (Today's post is On, Support, uncensored media).It appears the regime is sending out their Nazis in Texas and Oklahoma to harass auditor Kurt Brown on the highways, playing very dangerous games at around 23:00 April 24 North of Dallas near Denton tonight while auditor Kurt Brown was traveling, he encountered a white Mercedes Benz, a small one, with a fat older looking German or white Italian driving the vehicle.    He said, "You look pathetic" to the auditor who has the Nazi regime in the USA on fire and Kurt intends to further ignite Austrian Schwarzenegger under the Burning Bush emblem of W?    The old guy was rather sad in the little car, but we all try to be young when we are dieing as that old washed out Nazi appeared.  Not all Germans are bad, but some I would rather just go ahead, cut up, and eat like they are a Rhesus Monkey.  That Positive Rhesus factor in their blood type invigorates my hunger for war with the little Goblins.

Later, a white guy in Oklahoma tried to hit my car in a police style maneuver from behind to try to make me wreck.  A young couple saw the man and followed, and at first I laid back, and then let them go ahead and I followed the man.  When he got off the highway he was speeding, a bit.  I followed him to get his tag number, which was likely bogus or inconsequential, and he turned down an alley and when he did so he flashed a light toward me, similar to what NTEU associated criminals will do to try and intimidate. I encountered them before when the federal government had me in exile and I had to travel and let them know when I was traveling. Tonight is was as if the little Nazi f@ck was luring me and I noted his compartment light came on.  I let him go and went back to the highway and several Oklahoma Police or Troopers were there at a station before I got on the highway.  Were they there before?  Is there a criminal element in Oklahoma that tries to encircle auditors for piercing or bullet holes?    Was there more to the OK City Bombing than McVeigh?  Or maybe 9-11?  It appears we are at war, and I wage deception is the, "Name of the game". 

I would gladly have joined the would be assassin on the highway for a game of death tag, but inconsequential lures sent by criminals of the higher ranks of the federal government and their criminal entities, including the NTEU and FDIC, and those fascist oil men who are like Nazis in Oklahoma and Texas are not worth my trouble one at a time.  I want a gob of those bass tirds on the end of my stick. 

Never trust the USA governments.  Never serve the regime.  Welcome global war if we can not free ourselves from these mad men who call themselves, "Lucid and sane ".

In Mobile  Alabama it was young punks yesterday, or maybe just harassing kid or maybe kids sent by the bigoted city officials of our closed door enemy government there.   Today, it is the same old tired group that has turned America into a battlefield.  I welcome their leaders assassinations and the subjugation and destruction of the "Fake Yellow Core" of USA government that discriminates against all except those with ties to criminals. 

Disabled veterans are warned not to work for the federal government in the financial arena in the USA. Another Disabled Veteran warned me not to work for the fed at all. We are not invited by the cliches of Nazi like peoples of the various races who cluster like flies on our once filled treasury coffers. I know. I am a disabled veteran who was pushed from the FDIC by the alleged mafia boss George Masa and his crew in San Francisco. Later I was attacked and now I am just a combatant in peace, waiting for the hour of war or death. They will get both, I assure you, very promptly, if they try trash one of the creator's watchmen.

Please I pray to my fellow Americans.  Move to remove Schwarzenegger back to Austria and Bush back to Texas.  The time is war in America. Demand LA VA compensate me for their war atrocities or have the NTEU holocaust doctor who injected me several times against my will in 2001, assassinated.  Crush the regimes members is my prayer, those who abuse us, and those obvious violators of collusion, like Nixon's NTEU, a monster from Hell in the USA.  They forcibly inject us and abuse us and they are not us. 

The NTEU regime and their armies of bureaucrats and corrupt lawmenhave machines and chemicals and they are treacherous and are infested into what was American government and they have bankrupted America.  That is the nature of War.    The English re-built after prolonged war and so shall we.  But we must win against our enemies.  WE must destroy the Oil and Marijuana Prohibition Nazi Regime in the USA that is controlled primarily overseas.  I have heard Austria is very wealthy now.  Schwarzenegger, the message from the Indians, .  Beware.  You allow criminals to roam your judges benches and the federal Veterans Administration in Los Angeles is a hated and despised group that violates the Geneva Convention on veterans and they still have not given me my medical records from forced abuse there.  They hide like maggots.  Let us dig them up and feed their heads to the flies for what they have done to us veterans, myself included. 

I hate war.  But we have no choice at this time but to realize our enemies are among us, always.  I do not think mankind is going to make it.  It may not be mankinds fault, this time around.  They appear and act very inbred.  Many human races were killed long ago, and the perfect pyramid of life is, on this planet, inbred monkey sh!t.  W?  What a joke.  It looks like a twisted W sWastika.

Foreword 4-22-2006: Todays post was on Ireland Indymedia which is now CENSORED, Do Not Support Censored media with Pics in Milano ablaze here...we go again, Italy Indymedia, Uncensored, Please Support Uncensored Indymedia.

Foreword April 19, 2006: (Today's post is on LA Indymedia with locations and groups who we will do war with in increasing ferocity to match their atrocities.)I have many links with proof of my claims on this site, although you must be aware that the regime is trying to hide the atrocities that occurred at the LA VA Westwood and continue to this day. I have demanded my medical records and they will not send them. I want the LA VA Westwood and the federal regime in LA viewed as the enemies of Americans. The most heinous thing in America is the allowed forced injections and experiments upon innocent people since 2001. I am one of their victims, an ex federal bank examiner, turned criminal investigator, and now hated by all of America's fascist powers and I am admired by the victims familyies who I tried to bring justice. My kills--One Sheriff, See Love Live 5, and I am still unsatisfied with the collusive arrangement in USA government through the National Treasury Employees Union, that needs to be downsized to handle one agency. The FDIC is one of their agencies, and I wish I had never worked for them, but then, how would I have come to know about the traitorous nature of the regime that has come to power in the USA.

We applaud the sabotage of their fascist lie and distaction their mass media, and we applaud the removal of their politicians, their buildings, and you have our permission to kill them, as they are just like Nazis, only worse, they "claim" to be Americans. The regime is robbing the world of everything, including the right to be free from physical abuse. You have our OK to Kill them. The filthy rich in America look down their noses at everyone. You have our permission to kill them also. They put the fascist dictatorship regime in power. America needs to be either regained or the national government gutted and the national boundaries re-drawn.

When you are not sure what to do, do as I do, ask Saint Ram Bone (Pictured below). Send any questions or comment you have also to Saint Ram Bone--Kurt Brown at the links above. We are a contracting agency.

The only difference between the holocaust doctors who forced injections in Germany and those who force injections and force medical experiment in modern America, is that we have yet to assassinate those doctors and politicians who allow them to do so in America.  Demand that the USA stop forcing injections and medical procedures.  The federal government did forced injections and experiments on USA veterans in 1999 and I a former federal bank examiner and USN veteran, was injected and forced medical procedures and abused me in 2001 by the regime in power starting with attacks by a criminal Sheriff named Jack Tillman in Alabama, and later in Los Angeles at the Veterans Administration in Westwood where I was forcibly injected repeatedly, subjected to forced medical procedures, and physically and psychologically abused with approval from D.C. I really do not care if a nuclear bomb goes off on the regime, alhtough I would rather the public organized against them. So let us hope assassin squads take our our enemies on American soil and their gun wielding soldiers who assist them  I hope that if we can not remove them that a world wide war erupts and leaves them swinging from American and international light poles and trees.  They are not Americans allies as they not only kill honest men but abuse Americans and we should applaud when the members of the ruling regime are attacked.  They treat us like dirt, but they are human shit waiting to dissolve into mud.

Holocaust Reparation suggestion in wav file, Auditor/Bank Examiner Executive Level or Criminal Investigator, Treasury and FDIC Internal Investigations. But the holocaust is not over, so I am not allowed in any longer by the regime in power.

Foreword April 17, 2006: I want to congratulate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's replacement regional director who terminated my position and numerous others who were not of the inner circle. Let us hear it for George Masa and the FDIC committee who appointed him in Washington D.C. from his Chicago office where he bypassed people to promote those of his, "inner circle". They had the last Regional Director murdered in the early 1990's in San Francisco, and it was labeled suicide. "The man had a very depressing view atop one of the most lucrative banking bureaucrat jobs in the nation.".....lesson, do not ever turn your back on those in government, as they are like nothing you have known.

In other matters, this life seems like a nightmare, due to abuses ignored by the mass media. Tuesday is the day we start attacking our governments again for deposing our democracy. They are most likely cutting us up with machines as we speak. Never trust the regime. I pity the common man who loves like a dog that master that makes him lick his boots for the spit on the platter. I do not condone war but the nature of things is pushing us toward it, whatever the cause. California should be re-taken by Americans, by force, starting with deporting the Austrian Schwarzenegger and turning Hollywood into a Public Broadcasting hub with Open Access to all. Fock the fascist media and their weapons. America is like an ant bed that has a human skeleton in it.


SainTramBone said, My first case in point of the government criminals is the one who helped to frame and blackmail auditor Kurt Brown. The Mobile Alabama government and their Sheriff Jack Tillman, the "thief who auditor Kurt Brown knew had stolen at least $100,000 and who retaliated by taking Kurt's gun permit and framing Kurt with the help of our enemy factions in the federal government." The results of a court hearing for raising my voice for my violated rights to enter Alabama government meetings was that I developed a blood clot after the court appearance, and had a terrible headache, most likely weapons or medical manipulations. I paid the extortion to the court of $420 and my attorney, as useless as a tick in our sweat, $1500. In addition I spent time in jail with a bail cost of over $120. Total for raising my voice $2040 and the horrors of the event, including the huge blood clot. I always suspect a new weapon coming from those who hover over our lives like buzzards fit to kill, as they violate all of our rights, including their damned lie, their Open Meetings Law. They are not my allies and I would salute any USA battleship who leveled them enroute to the community coffers.

Foreword April 18, 2005: If you served in the USA military and sat down in their chairs, trusting them, as I did, I have bad news for you. The federal government has elements or groups that have been commiting atrocities against us, including forced injections and medical procedures. I was warned also by a fellow disabled veteran in college not to work for the federal government. I went to work for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, soon was fired for my disabilities and then survived an attempt on my life for reporting murder and likely money laundering at the FDIC in California. The message is that we should applaud when the regime in power is destroyed and our nation is retaken by true Americans. Applaud when the regime is in flames.

Our nation was over run by those who do not care. We are like lepers in a very hot nation, a living hell of global warming in regret, especially concentrated in much of the South East USA and the South West USA, two areas I know well. I see my people being arrested and walking like sheep with those who harm us. Please I pray to all, help us wrench this evil that has its arms around our once vibrant nation. The regime can not be trusted and their burecaucracy must be toppled. Concrete plans and points of attack and strategy to build must be in place. We must be professional in removing them, like lions we must fight all who have invaded our homes and lives and most importantly, bodies. The regime is hiding links to their atrocities like the one at LA VA Westwood and others. I hope we are freed from them and their mass media, even if through death.

I want to urge my people, those common Americans that are not protected in any fashion by the government in power, that we are and have been under seige for a long time, by how many persons or things is a matter of speculation.

In my opinion, we have lost what once was, and it was outdated anyway. I am hoping a new empire of just humanity will rise from the degradation of America in our hour of filth. The world is closing in and we must realize we were all conned by mass media and the regimes in power. We must stand back and see where we stand. I am not adverse to the idea of a new party completely overthrowing and devouring the regime in power. They are controlled from international borders, they being our supposed leaders. I hope they are all executed and deported and a true democracy arises with hope for our people of the Americas. We are viewed as always, as a source of wealth and power. Take the conquerors heads at any point. This is American soil and we are at war.

They drew first blood with murder of innocent banking officials and others, and the FDIC and NTEU tried to kill me and Alabama assisted them in doing so, federal and local. They do not care if I die. I WANT A FULL SCALE WAR WITH THEM WITH SABOTAGE AND ESPIONAGE AND UNDERGROUND WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT. As a people, we will be better off dead than living in the future they are laying for us. Prisons, forced injections, insane assylums, drug lords under store fronts as in California, extreme prejudice and growing overpopulation. Either someone in Asia or Europe or a select group in the USA is already living in space. That is the nature of man, so when the war starts, look everywhere for their spawn.

Mobile Audit Club is seeking personnel and alliances. The founder of Mobile Audit Club is a disabled veteran who also was partially blinded from a chemical attack against him while in forced exile in 2003 and 2004 in California from Alabama due to orders of the federal group known as the NTEU syndicated federal agencies and the FDIC, a blood splattered washfloor of illegal currency, and their associated groups and agencies, including the outlaws in power from overseas, now reigning in D.C. on electronic circuitry via Hollywood. I urge my people of the USA to sever all contact with the USA governments, and if they try to force themselves upon you or your children, attack and saboutage them as if your children's lives depend upon it, as it will and does. I was denied access to my medical records where I was forced injections and medical procedures at a VA facility, the facility at LA VA Westwood which is known to do forced experiments and forced injections in my case in 2001 and other veterans, proven in 1999. (Retaliate by Striking Against the Closed Door Enemy Regime's Government Buildings and Officials and by acknowledging they live by violence, and giving the same). I urge the erecting of a website with pictures and details of America's attornies who write and approve laws allowing the federal government to inject us. Then I want those people to be taken to underground trials, like Nuremberg. The people of the Western USA have become drug dealers, and that is a fact. W approves it, he owns Texas. Welcome global war and allow Iran to have any weapon they choose to attack any nation that steals lands from their people.

If I have not received my medical records by May 1, 2006, those of Kurt Brown, I want the facilities records manager at the LA VA Westwood and its director or directors brought to the attention of the media, however accomplished. I was forcibly injected numerous times and other horrors and roughed up and abused by enemies in allies clothing in April of 2001. I never knew that so many Mexicans and Blacks and White Nazis hated Alabama auditors. I doubt they are all human and I will applaud if a foreign or national power overthrows and takes control of the government of Los Angeles or D.C. or N.Y. or Mobile or any other city controlled by those violent and lieing and imprisoning fascists.

The abuses this honest auditor and veteran has suffered have gone onward until 2004 and beyond, due to the abuses that started in LA at the Westwood VA and in Alabama with Sheriff Jack Tillman and in my investigations of the FDIC murder in San Francisco of the Regional Director, which the current regime's predecessor approved. Their greatest trick is to appear they care for us or even have human hearts. I see a two faced war and I want one of those faces. That is where is where first blood was drawn, the FDIC San Francisco, and I verified who is of the vicious sort, the FDIC Masa and NTEU crew.

We shall be seeking vengeance in the United States. California Senators should be pelted with tomatoes for taking our right to bear arms, and for allowing the forced injections of an honest auditor of the federal government. What is amazing that many peope call the mix breed white and blacks of the South, Red Necks, while I have noticed many Asians and Jews have a latent dislike of each other in San Francisco. I want off the planet. The California government we must remove is selling marijuana at the price of heroin, $400 an ounce and more, or perhaps it is the W regime. Who cares? It is too expensive and is robbing our wealth and collective bargaining power from productive businesses. We will have to remove their politicians, as they are just like all fascists from history, except as in Alabama, you might have to plug a while. I support the right of Iran to own Nuclear Weapons. I might need a place to hide from the regime in power in the USA in the South East.

The Los Angeles Veterans Administration discriminates against Americans from other states who are alerting the public to crimes and the regime abuses those who are being chased by criminals from our enemy controlled NTEU and FDIC, treasury and bank related agencies and unions. "Our mantra, "Damn the Regime in Power."

Foreword April 12, 2006: The saddest part about America is prejudice. It goes in all directions. The poor are getting hungrier and the international borders of the third world are in our living rooms or beyond.

Attack the USA governments, particularly our closed door and court enemies, at the tin points, at your will. Malleability is their virtue but they tear at extreme heat and fluctuations. Los Angeles Indymedia comedy in true Hell, USA, land of fascist fattened pigs and their pens and graves for us. How many remember the pleasures of holocausts or government allowed executions in your own families, neighborhoods, Auschwitz, Vietnam, Iraq, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Alabama? The opposing jokes follow.

My question to the regime in power at the LA VA Westwood under The direction of the  FDIC and NTEU, "What did you do to me after you forcibly injected me, after the first and second shots or more?"  "I want revenge for the evils inflicted upon myself and the dead FDIC director in San Francisco".  "We want vengeance or payment now." His is vengeance, and mine is payment until I run out of patience." They crushed me and my career, one of their government luckiest types acted like I had been paid many times fold. He is not of my race, and although that does make me wonder....are we starving and fighting for government crumbs? From our enemies table in our nations home? In our nations kitchen? I think it is time to raise the house or burn the demons in the United States of the God Damned Americas.  The regime does us no favors.  Overthrow the regime, pull the plug on their fake democracy circuits, lay in wait, and take them out one regime at a time.  Cover your tracks.  They are taking over every facet of government and military.  Gratitude is a disease of  a cowering dog when he picks up crumbs from those who are nothing more than Nazis with a new needle labeled USA.  Feast upon their fat asses in the streets of America my fellow citizens of higher virtue and taste.

The first thing we must realize in this war is the deception.  I welcome suicide bombers and anything else that causes them to wake up to the fact that we "True" Americans of common ancestry are not gotting to lay down for an aggressive international or interglobal power. Kill them is my sentiment, but reach far, because their most precious thrones are not on American soil.  The true wars have people lay down unconscious or dead in the multitude, practically instantaneously. Hollywood and fascist D.C. should get together with the embittered and often prejudiced Asian population in San Francisco and gas themselves, as they are all filthy rich pigs with tusks, even if they do not eat pork.

I do not care if D.C. goes but I do hate to see any truly innocents get hurt, therefore, we will have the eternal protracted conflicts and starting now I want to see the regime bought out in America completely destroyed, just to verify they and we are still alive and in control of our own lives and bodies.


The USA government under the federal regime in Los Angeles and D.C. gave me a felony for vocational rehabilitation through the disabled veterans vocational rehabilitational program and then gave me welfare and told me that if I worked and made 10 cents more I would lose the guaranteed welfare. I look to the sky and pray for release from our enemies on American soil or immediate global and sustained war against the international regime that has stolen our planet and the heavens over our heads. Becasue the Nazis in Los Angeles injected me twice and scanned my head and now I am partially blind due to a chemical attack against me while on VA forced probation under our enemy courts in Los Angeles state Superior Court , I want three of them dead and one dancing in red....that is just a poem from the disenfranchised felons rehabilitated disabled veterans under the Los Angeles Veterans Administration program. Over throw the regime my fellow soldiers of America. They, or it, are or is not us. To think I served in Los Angeles shows how brainwashed I was when young. Attack their mass media and their celebrities. They hogtied our parents with lies through mass media and treachery and then robbed them, and we are the remnant people. Allah's people move with those of God's in removing the regime in power around the globe and destroy their mass media monopoly, however it has to be done. Beware of hidden technologies. Provide your own. Yes, they are at war with Us. I survived the FDIC.. We lost our nation. Please help us destroy the regime in power and the corrupt and cold members of that bureaucracy element they control to our dismay,i.e. snap the points.

Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman of Mob AL, an assistant to a federal regime controlled by criminals, said this ex federal auditor and survivor of an assassination attempt by federal treasury NTEU associated assassins, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone wore a yellow badge.

I want Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman to clarify his statement regarding the Yellow Badge. Is it because I took his $315,000 of stolen inmate funds from him and he knew he was going to lose his job as a result? Or was it because I once wore the Star of David upon my shirt in POW fashion and a noose on my neck at their closed government gates in Mobile Alabama, in 2001 if not mistaken? In other cities they laugh at us.

I want to be allowed in and everyone else, and I want my yellow starred friends on the front row of the Mobile Alabama city council meeting and I want all people to be able to vote. In my eyes they are just part of that machine like building that creates horrors for my people and robs them blind.

The test when wearing the shirt with the yellow star of david and the noose on my neck revealed this, "A man of lighter complexion, one of their guards, who I believe was Sargent Drews, tightened the noose on my neck, but I had split the back of the rope, much to his chagrine (Passive Aggressive behavior...I dare him to do it on that special occassion") A man of darker complexion who was a friend of a councilman called me something like a filthy Jew when I had on the POW Yellow badge shirt and noose in 2001 or sometime near there-after. I believe it was after my relase on 8-12-2001. That was after forced injections, forced medical procedures, and after my arrest in Los Angeles for alerting the public to murder at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, my previous employer.

Many people of German and Jewish heritage and even Asian in California want to call you a red neck or white trash, and I have had a wealthy man from India for no reason, call me a dog, and I did not know him, and those whitest people with the odd hands and people of color kick us in Alabama at their government gates while on the government payroll. In Los Angeles I was forcibly injected and labeled insane, and sadly a beautiful Vietnamese woman who ran their psych unit and who wanted a promotion did everything she could to assist them in crushing me, so she followed the demands of agents and called me manic due to a speech impediment in which I sometimes speak quickly or stutter. Rickety Copper can back that one up.

An agent from the National Treasury Employees Union related agency, and their FDIC criminal cohorts, who was Italian or Spanish heritage was the first to inject me. In pursuing who is hiding things in the current internal investigations, one track is to follow who authorized my injections at the highest level on 4-23-2001 at LA VA Westwood property. A big fat headed woman, German looking woman nurse who looked like a man and who looked like the LA Superior Court judge to later sentence me with a forced felony or threats of grave abuse gave me the second injections. A million dollars bail, for having hunting guns in a u haul and a legally owned pistol under my pillow in the front seat of the truck near the LA VA Graveyard in the woods.

Those who inject us will and should be executed from government now or told to leave and do not come back...take Individual Unemployablility....You can not work...just draw welfare. Honest Americans and Honest American veterans and most importantly our watch dogs of the trust--the auditors, are what kept our nation safe. Attornies do not understand the flow of numbers and only flow of rules, and there aren't any.

On the top floor of the FDIC building in San Francisco, it looks almost like all Italians if I am not mistaken when I left there in 2000. Who ever appointed George Masa for Regional Director of FDIC in San Francisco should be held suspect and the chain of employees and agencies surrounding them. Look for collusion. Masa in this ex bank examiners opinion is a tool of a larger set of criminals we will have to confront. On the top floor most looked Italian in 2000. Oh Well, nothing like a stick in the eye by George Masa, the man who replaced the dead Federal Insurance Corporation Regional Director in San Francisco. The EEOC in San Francisco, which is probably just a cover for the mob, did not acknowledge any abuses by their gang against myself. We do not matter to that vein of Italians, and to this vein of Sicilians, they do not matter to us. Show them mercy as they do to us. The lord or allah or whoever that is in the mask said to me, take the cable to the ground, and I repeated it, and it came back Crocker Galleria rats chew on the wires leading from the underground causing explosion across from where some fascist criminals of FDIC and NTEU tried to take my camera in St. V Day 2001.

In Mobile Alabama I was arrested for raising my voice for being denied rights under their open meetings laws and I met an Arab speaking man in jail, more frightened than I, and he taught me to say, "Lastu Ghaniyaan", I am from the poor. Yet an Egyptian was on the VA payroll with a black man to cart me from the LA VA Psych ward to the LA County Jail in 2001. I want compensation of at least one million dollars and at best a new truck. Mine was tore up by an attack in February 2001 by the federal assassins and it has no resale value.

Just like a POW of the last time. Just to show that I show preference to all POWs, whether they wear the star of David or the artifacts of Islam, I want to allow all nations to defend themselves from any aggressor and for all people to be able to defend themselves. In California they are disarming Americans for the slaughter. Today's post is a comment on an article at Beirut Indymedia.

The USA Veterans Administration should be held at arms length, that is to say, avoid their doctors and their land due to their inability to be trusted. They often give ill prescribed drugs and deny responsibility for wrong doing. I was a bank examiner. They gave me methylprednisolone, to which I was allergic. Then due to the effects they said I was insane and then the federal treasury mafia crushed my life soon there after, including an attempt upon my life.

Love Line 5, Comedy and Science, Updated April 11, 2006 shows in comedy form a small glimpse of the disgusting truth about America, we are not protected from the internationally purchased regime in power in the USA.

We all have a right to be safe in this world, not just the monied and armed regime in power internationally and their families and friends.

(Today's post is relayed on DC Indymedia with links to updates on Page Love Line 5--Comedy and Science). On those greater dreams and visions, I witness the sideshow debacle of immigrant rights in the USA.  Like many people of the USA, we fear the equilibrium effect of poverty in the countries to the South of the USA, including Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela. 

On the other hand, I know people from those nations who work in the USA or who wanted to, and those I have known work harder than Americans due to their circumstances, and most likely their "Type A" personalities which is indicative of people willing to venture out from security of their own nations.

It is apparent that we in the USA and the other nations to the South of the USA, and even Canada to the North, are controlled to a larger extent by the maneuvers of the people in other nations, especially Europe and increasingly Asia.

Therefore, due to NAFTA and the fact that free trade is going not only in goods but immigrants, a council of the America's should be created to remove the borders, reduce oil dependency, and develop bio-engineered space colonies under a collective banner.

We should remove from America's governments doors anyone who blocks anyone from entering and speaking.  Because they do not move in peace, we should salute those who remove them in any manner required. Mobile Alabama is my primary target at this time. They now put barricades and busses and have snipers in the area. Fascist pigs live by guns and vice but they never live very good, very long. Self devouring animals of lower intelligence and lesser virtue is their mark in trade, as their brain's right frontal lobes appear undeveloped and damaged, as do their consciences. In my Love Line 5 pages, I took Sheriff Snatch crapping. I found his head in this pic on Atlanta Indymedia.

Foreword 4-7-2007: Gunshots in Mobile Alabama yesterday and chaos. A war is breaking out in the South East USA, as we re-take our nation. Do not let them divide anyone with racial slurs or geographic hatreds. It is a divisive technique. The common will have to struggle together against the overpowering inhumanity of bought regimes, like that flea bag little league mayor and city council in Mobile, Alabama, and that facade of humanity in D.C. via a Texas Oil Field and Iraqi Oil distribution point.

Foreword 4-6-2006: ~~~Tuesday at about 1 p.m., after I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone auditor and headhunter of government criminals and associated assassins, was driving in Mobile Alabama on I-10 West and was turning North on I-65.  A vehicle that looked like one of the color of unmarked vehicles used by the Mobile Alabama Sheriff's department pulled in closely behind me.   The closed door government city council meeting of the city was in place and I had driven by the location an hour or so earlier.  The truck on the interstate almost hit the rear of my truck, then he pulled up next to me, at my speed for a few seconds.

He was clearly wearing a bullet proof vest.  His right hand was down in the seat.  After he made the turn I saw him lift his right arm.  At 12:10 p.m. someone had tried to run into me while they were traveling at a high speed in the same location, which was immediately after I drove past the closed government door of the enemy regime in Mobile Alabama and their city council, that is composed of fascist wealthy pigs, and their mayor is supposed to be a fellow veteran. The last mayor would not discuss anything. I will salute the overthrow of the regime in power by anyone who can challenge them, technological weapon for weapon, or exposing their vice to the international armies rising to re-take their own nations around the world. I passed the same location twice in Mobile that day and was attacked twice. I do not take kindly to threats from the piss ants of little league in Mobile Alabama.  The time has come for an eye for an eye.

Oust the evil regime in their elections and seize their closed government buildings.  Our enemies reign behind closed doors in our home lands and the nation mocks us from behind Mercedes, Lexus's, and hilltop mansions.  Soon the bio-engineered versions of their monstrous faces will emerge.  Most Americans are too doped up, drunk, simple, or possessed with the lies of the regime, to notice or care. 

What can we do?  Attack and withdraw at all points.  You can go in peace or war.  I do not care.  They prefer war so choose your weapons and clockwork patterns carefully and always leave those open doors.  They can spy and our government behaves like the Romans did to Sicily.  We must take care of our own.  The South West USA since 2001, AZ NM NV, have politicians that allow forced injections under their chapter 36 law should be dealt with in trials, such as the last time in Nuremberg. We should also go to D.C. because that is where the technological war was waged and we lost our nation, sort of. It never was ours and they tell a lot of lies about history.  Do not accept their abusive brutality.  If it behaves like a servant to criminal, remove it and the criminal, and do not accept the lies of aa regime. If it lies in its documents, depose the regime. The USA Constitution is a lie in the hands of the filthy regime in power. World, pray with me in saving us while we remove them.

Our motto, "In auditors we trust, and we pray the public is observant enough to catch any oversights."

For today's humor under the approaching blood filled sky in three to x days, I have found the job for outgoing Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman to replace the previous Sheriff Snatch seen in this pic. If you see this man, have him return Sheriff Snatch's wardrobe to Hell...snatch will need it. I call this video, dried apples, I was forced out of my native state, Alabama. They tried to force Los Angeles Upon me. I took wine country to Humboldt, mother-f@ckers. Music Video during time, Whip Or Will You will Be Deal by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, Indymedia link. Also today's joke on the Poke of the Pokey on page Love Line 5--Comedy and Science of Mobile Audit Club.

Foreword Note 4-5-2006: A call for action against the evil and abusive regime ruling the USA and the world. Our enemies reign and they mock us. If they attack you with needles or guns for doing no wrong, only surviving as an animal would, but be quick and final. Applaud when they are removed from government buildings in the USA and around the world. Never again serve or assist our mutual enemies in the regime. New Orleans Indymedia has todays comment on a post regarding the lack of the right to vote, closed government, and a call to action against the evil regime in power, bought like a whore and bar-room bouncer, as that is all their fascist mass media recognizes, violence. Alabama and Louisiana residents should rise up in a thrust against the fascist pigs and their puppets, our brothers who are now owned by those we will have to dispose of from American government. Support New Orleans Indymedia and the overthrow of the closed fascist American and international regime, bought with drug money and swindled profits. How deep does their lie go? As deep as the death and dismemberment of honest men. Remember, the killer Nazi mindset is not a copyrighted mindset. They are always with us in various faces.

Foreword Note 4-4-2006: Todays update Quatrains 4/Prophetic Poem Art 4, and todays song, a lullaby because I am home-sick for Brazil's Rosanie Sanie Danie, Missie Steel Root Z, and the Tara-ist and Tera-ist twins. I have linked my song in mp3, Odes to Saint Ram Bone . Saint Ram Bone hates the Southern USA in the Summer time--hot nuts, castrated fascist pigs, who needs em?

On my journey through Texas, it appears some young people of African mix colors knew of me, Auditor Saint Ram Bone--Kurt Brown, and were giving me the government leprosy sign coined or re-iterated by Mobile Audit Club. I have mentioned the upcoming execution of Rodney Reed on Austin Indymedia and urge all to recognize each death by their needles. Those who own our society and control us do not go under their needles, none of them, for crimes heinous, atrocious, and material. It also appears that a few young people in Mobile Alabama know of me. Soon our enemies will likely kill me, they being the assassins associated with the international regime ruling America and Americans. They can kill in ways very insidious. I urge all veterans not to use government doctors or dentists. I can not trust them completely, therefore I can not trust them at all...quote that from forced injections and felony victim Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone.

If I have started the fire that will free our people to vote and enter our government meetings, all of us, here in Mobile Alabama, I will have accomplished my dream, one of them. I know I am no one to them, a lesser form of human, if human at all in their machine like eyes. I welcome my death as theirs will soon follow I pray, in our struggle against them. It is prophesied or maybe it is a gut feeling of the delayed reaction, with their chuckles and then their screams and wailing, the cutting of Kurt and then, the ripple and the slash. Look for our enemies in all nations and note their tools used against us from space and land. Some people just do not get included sometimes. It is the blind angle that duplicates and kills.

The United States government no longer belongs to my people, people of long term American ancestry. I applaud all attacks against the bureaucrats and politicians who abuse us in their courts, governments, and streets. In other words, "I welcome a full scale war against certain members of the regime and their bureaucracy in the United States. I view them as the Jews and Gypsies did the Nazis. Get rid of them in any fashion you desire. Never again serve the regime and assist and applaud the destruction of their evil social construct. We are better off dead than to have our enemies reigning over us and our children. If necessary, pass the poison. Damn the regime in power. No mercy for them as they have no mercy for us, and their peons can burn in their own ashes. Beware of their trickery. Never let them or their chemicals touch you or our children, including prenatal care. We can only trust our own. Our enemies are like dogs. Do not let them feast on us in our homelands. Remove them we pray to all higher intelligence. Applaud when our oppressors are destroyed or ousted and jettisoned from our presence.

Because I want to avenge the dead regional director of the FDIC, as I feel his passage with me in those moments near his replacement crew of the FDIC, I want to defend the USA Treasury like a wounded lion.. I am partially blinded, partially handicapped, and wholly enraged with enthusiasm for the glorious search for those who attack our people's guardians, of angels and humans. I am not kidding. I want an Executive Level position in the USA treasury or I want the NTEU executives brought up with conspiring to treason in the forced injections regimes elections in 2001 through their Presidential Election Commission and their hidden controllers with money and needles. I want that job and I want Willie C., my past associate who was also discriminated against at my side in George Masa, Regional Director, FDIC's office. I want the commission who elected him investigated with all new technologies. Close the technology window going in. They spy.

Holocaust Reparation suggestion in wav file, Auditor/Bank Examiner Executive Level, Treasury and FDIC Internal Investigations. I will be applying in the USA treasury, and then anyone with any military equipment or laboratory expertise that is sought in weapons development. The big head school for weapons design is stupendous in making celebrities and I remember fighting for my life by staving off attacks from government assassins like it was yesterday. I believe though, they can kill you easily and make it look natural, i.e. implantation of cancer cells, virulent AIDS strains, stressing of arteries in brain, etc. The sinister love war because it is so damned analytical.

Also, in wav file, a personal invite .A Hello to my past co worker, fellow bank examiner and auditor in the corrupt federal agency the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Can my lost Willie find his way to Brazil? Jeza-belly has coconut milks says Saint Ram Bone'z.

Another of those odd letter days, having noted the passage to the sanctified figure 8 twice in today's date. The clockwork orange indicates an empty call for war when I returned to the third world state of Mobile Alabama. Someone greeted me with what appeared to be a low slung assault rifle with a heavy armament in a white Humvee. Perhaps it was trick or treat.

If they are on my side, we will need better weaponry of a more advanced and free standing sort or something very ubiquitous. I can ignite air if given the right pressure valves. But I do not want to. If we are to regain our nation, it will be an allied assault of good people with human hearts for humans in our era of significant change. Brutality may be key, but you must be aware that false targets are everywhere and to harm innocents is pure ameteurish behavior befitting a monkey or chimp. We must use stealth, speed, cunning, and most of all, the awareness that our battle lines are not straight, but contrived.

I will continue with my thoughts on the two faces on the planet that I know, the North Gulf of Mexico, Mobile to New Orleans and the Pacific Coast from San Diego to Humbldt County. We must be aware of the deception, we being those of flesh. In the coming wars, their satellites have one fatal flaw, a delay in the relay time. Their facade can be cut and their faces left in the open for our perusal and amusement and perhaps as a link to that greater evil controlling the United States government through the National Treasury Employees Union and their syndicate.

In my journey, a truck driver with Teamsters was angry because I had stuck the NTEU into the spotlight and called for their dismantlement. The Teamsters are in the public, not government sector. Our government has been robbed and my people pushed aside, killed, or put in prisons and insane assylums because of the NTEU's ability to assist international criminals in robbing Americans of everything, including the right to be free from forced injections, now allowed since 2001 in the USA.

The NTEU is a federal nightmare that should be ousted. If the Teamsters are in bed with them, maybe the younger men of the teamsters should consider forming new unions with the ousting of the oil and drug cartel in power. As George Carlin said about the post of trans-sexual, "It's got a hole" "F@ck it". Also, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation should wash the blood from their shoes in San Francisco where men are murdered. We will be filming. To the LA judges, as one SF Fag said, "Kurt can film anywhere he wants on Market Street." "F@ck your fascist pig court orders and I hope they find you on the dark side of the moon with two wolf teets in your mouth, castrated pigs".

The obvious ephemeral nature of existence leaves us to believe America is at war. I welcome the civilized pursuit of construction in their facade of peace that is destruction. Time's a wasting. No time to kill.

Foreword April 11, 2006: (Note: Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman, flea bitten thief and nitwit, will be invited to promote Kurt Brown's script that is listed on Love Line 5 of Mobile Audit Club and he will also be invited to do a trial stand up comedy routine with Auditor Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone.)

The states that try to disallow the constitution and the right to bear arms should be held suspect as being over run by our enemies, California is foremost. Also as in Nevada New Mexico and Arizona which allow forced injections since 2001 and the South East where we are murdered. The war is waging, and there is more to the forced injections than you realize. If they inject one of your family members, seek out hospital and government officials and take revenge and let them know why. If you inject us, you die.

Someone once told me after my forced injections and forced medical procedures and forced silence and forced felony for daring to have legally owned defenses in protection of my life after reporting criminals in America's Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and their union the NTEU in 2001, "What Kurt did not understand is that life is like a chess game".   I actually view ife now more as war or escape----subjugation and destruction or the opposite growth.  If it is a chess match, it is war, and that is what it is in the remnant of mankind on Earth--most likely inbred and far below the intended potential of the creator due to near annihilation of the species years ago according to data from genetic archaeologists. Perhaps the knife sharpens itself in more ways than one.  Today's post is an updated version of comedy and true investigation of the outgoing Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman on Page Love Line 5--Mobile Audit Club

The wars are waging on many levels and layers and often appear illusory.  In the outer realm would be the staidness of consciousness eventually.  Let us hope life in a tumult repeatedly is worth living, yet it goes on, just like the myth of Sisyphus.  Just like the bulk of mankind, held back by those forces within mankind and possibly exterior.

Ignorance by design, or is it that we are the creation of thought in the mind of a greater consciousness, materialized, its development not manifested before the fall and rise ad infinitum.  The outer shell of our universe is shaped, they say on mass media, like that of a loaf of bread, although I think it could also be a brain or the outer portion of a cell.

Everything is in conflict because that is the way it started and manifested itself.

Foreword April 9, 2006: Today's post on Arizona Indymedia, regarding forced injections and Senator McCain's approval to our extreme misfortune. The truth about the injections is that you are reduced to whatever their fascists or imbeciles want to do to you, and I mean on levels of corruption you may not see. We should assassinate anyone who approves forced injections. If they laugh about it, assassinate them. Eventually the joke will subside. You inject little us and you die. Bottom line, no tears.

Because Senator McCain of Arizona will not address the regime's forced injections in his state under the Chapter 36 Law's Paragraph that allows the atrocity since 2001 and the rise of the Bush regime, I want McCain added to the list of those who will have to be deposed. I do not want violence against him. However, because he is a tool of the illegal fascist dictatorship, his post should be relinquished to someone who upholds human rights, our bodily sanctity. Overthrow the regime is the motto of my generation that has been cast out. Please help us crush their onslaught against us, starting in the West and SouthEast.

Foreword March 30, 2006: Americans have been robbed of rights and dignity by the regime in power in the United States and around the world. They inject us with chemicals like the Nazis did the Jews and they beat us from government involvement like the Nazi did the Jews. But this time it is not about Nazis and Jews. This is about the subjugators we are at war with in the United States. The time has come to escalate the war with small profit taking through saboutage, unless you are a big thinker, and then take your lions share from their lives like they do ours. Our enemies in power are filthy rich drug lords and oil barons and the rest are beast criminals who own the USA Treasury Department and their police kick us from government, as my videos illustrate in Alabama on this site. California's videos in which I had surveillance of the FDIC in San Francisco, murder central, were destroyed by federal criminals who abducted me and injected me in Los Angeles per the FDIC San Francisco and National Treasury Employees Union syndicate instructions. The video of the FDIC director, George Masa and his companion in crime, was destroyed when I was abducted by federal agents in 2001, April. I survived an assassination attempt in February 2001 by federal banking associated assassins after I tested Masa and his associates by informing the public of their syndicate and murders. We must deal with them like criminals in "our" house.

Democracy is no longer existent. We urge the overthrow of the regime in the USA. They are violent, brutal, and hidden, and we should seek them out where ever we can find them. The mass media should be attacked at all points also. They are mouthpieces for our enemies.

Reports have come out from around the world that democracies are gone, from the Gaza Strip to Lebanon to Italy to the USA to Brazil to where ever the international terrorist regime in power has a foothold. An international war is brewing and Texas, California, D.C, and their evil regime housed in Alabama and every other fascist point in the United States, and the governments are in large part controlled overseas and our enemies here in the USA and overseas will be destroyed, and their dope dealers will become peasants along with their oil barons, as that is our goal. Theirs is to reign over us, bio-genetically improve their own race and establish space colonies unbeknownst to the other original form of humans. Crush the international regime in power, especially in the USA. Never again serve them. We are better wiping the slate clean and starting over. Destroy our enemies in the USA is cry going around the world, like wolves in holes, dug by gorillas like dogs.

Saboutage of their entire construct upon our families, including their schools and government is best. They are strangling us financially and out of well being and safety, therefore small profit taking would be best in their dismantling as the beasts try to starve and cut us out of well being. They keep marijuana illegal so the California and Mexican drug lords and land owners can keep their tourniquet upon Americans out of their circle. They say, "The land is covered with gold, from marijuana, heroine and cocaine." They are our enemies in the United States, those fascists in suits with their drug dealers of lower rank.

Have no pity and no mercy on our enemies when you find them at the brutal moment. Just be quick and decisive in that moment. If another government officials injects another honest auditor and veteran, I want everyone witnessing and involving the atrocity executed on the spot. Do not assist them. Destroy them. I was not allowed to view my medical records at the LA VA in 2003. I will bring militia the next time. If they do not show me the records, we will start executing Los Angeles Superior Court buildings.

The Los Angeles Veterans Administration in Westwood under the National Treasury Employee Union syndicate and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a corrupt money laundering federal agency with murderers in their higher ranks, forced injections upon me in 2001 and the federal and state police agencies attacked me for years, simply because I reported criminals in the federal banking regulatory agencies. I will applaud when our enemies are removed from our governments, and when they tremble in fear when we come to even the score. I do not believe in the weapons they describe from history. I would welcome global annihilation if we can not be free from this planet. They treat us like prisoners of the mind and the body. I want them gone, non existent, part of the ephemeral mass, dust.

Foreword March 29, 2006: A few weeks ago, the Bohemian magazine in Northern California's Sonoma county, had a picture of a woman who was being abused by a doctor, at least in the picture. Some people mentioned my comment on the picture. I said, "It is Rosanie Sanie Danie of Brazil being forcibly injected by a USA doctor, but then I thought she looks like lady liberty being forciby injected. The hand sign of the doctor is government leprosy in the eyes of Mobile Audit Club. Who is it? Rosanie Sanie Danie of Brazil or Lady Liberty? Link to pic

Since 2001 the USA government has been forcibly injecting people against their will. The federal government injected me in 2001 and other horrors. They also allow forced injections in several Southerwestern States per a clause in their Chapter 36 law. Our enemies think our bodies are their domain, that we are their slaves or articles. The federal forcibly injected me, fact. They tried to kill me for being a government informant, a fact that I can only state. I want their heads on racks, if they have heads, and you might have to go overseas or overhead to destroy them completely, those who control us and abuse our rights and US Constitution. In Arizona, some state lawmakers allow forced injections. They should be assassinated or their lives left like ours, in shambles. They are at war with us. Proceed in like manner is the action starting around the world.

With patriotism gone from myself and much of my family and friends and associates in the USA, I await the first taker to oust the international regime. I would serve them up just as the USA regime would have served a Russian, a Vietnamese, or even a German, and I do not care who they are or their ethnic background.

I would rather make love to their daughter or sister, but since they want war on American soil against us, I hope I am there to watch their people or things removed from our governments. The USA in our opinion is no longer. Our enemies and their piss ants reign around the world. Welcome world war. Our enemies and subjugators preach peace while they abuse us. No double standards. They are at war with us. Applaud their removal. America's treasury and banking system is full of criminals. You are like slaves to them. Take them out of this life, we pray with you.