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Foreword Notes of The Day Archive 7-27-2006 to 12-21-2006

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Daily Foreword Note December 21, 2006: When I see President Bush, I see one of two things: Either a man manipulated by powerful people or beings and that man is strung out on drugs and alcohol. Or I see a technological apparition of a man or a shell of a man operated by technology. I have put todays post in a letter to Jesse Jackson Jr. on Illinois Indymedia.

Today I would like to send out my sympathy to a large group of men terminated from a railroad company by the Department of Homeland Security, which is or was under the National Treasury Employees Union, a corrupted group that most likely has connections in all government agencies that are wreaking havoc on our lives, either directly or indirectly. The men, even though employed for up to 7 years, were terminated due to prior felonies. Americans are often given felonies for non felonious offenses. The Germans give their workers more protections, which is ironic. I lost my job in 2000 for not dropping an EEOC complaint at the FDIC and for talking about a criminal syndicate that murders and money launders in the federal government. The Department of Homeland Security should check their bloodied badges along with the other tyrants of the regime. Never again serve the regime. They deny us our right to vote and they inject us and they deny us our right to feel safe and secure. They are the terrorists, not the railroad workers, not myself, and definitely not the Lebanese. They are or "IT" is at war with us. It is a technological deception. I feel unsafe with the regime and their federal protectorate in place which is out of control. Perhaps we need smaller nations if a nuclear blast or pandemic rips the nation to pieces.

Daily Foreword Note December 20, 2006: Todays post is a call to beware of the USA governments. They cover up their war criminal atrocities. Let us hope they are toppled. The National Treasury Employees Union 120 or more agencies are suspect. Collusion and murder. Never again serve the regime and heed the warning and a call to test for radiation in Oklahoma in the paragraphs below, posted in News groups. Indymedia in Oklahoma posted the report.

Geiger Counters needed in Oklahoma North of Braman, about 15 minute drive north of Braman on Intersate 35, near the Kansas line.

As we know, we can not trust the USA government, federal, state or local.  They are in many cases our terrorists, doing forced injections, forced experiments, and extortion through fines and taxes on those who are not in their or "IT's" protected group. They also cover up chemical and nuclear spills and their injections and forced medical procedures used against us.

On December 7, 2004 at around midnight, I, Kurt Brown -- alias Saint Ram Bone, was driving on Interstate 35 going North near Braman Oklahoma just short of the Kansas line and a large, and I mean a really large explosion occurred above the tree line to the West Side of the interstate and my  vehicle was showered with debris about the size of sand a few seconds after the blast. 

I am saying this because I am thinking of buying property in the area but I do not want to buy into radioactive waste.  I do not think any radio activity would have diminished if it was some sort of dirty bomb. It could have just been a meteorite, but I doubt it.

Earlier in the year there had been an explosion in a Texas Oil Refinery in the desert.  I was driving West on I-40 and drove past some haz-mat crews in New Mexico on the highway a week or so afterward.  I have been fighting with the federal government after being an informant on government corruption and money laundering at the FDIC and National Treasury Employees Union in California.& 2000 amp;nbsp;  

I made a mistake in reporting the hazmat crews in Flagstaff when I stopped due to what appeared to be burns on my neck.  The Flagstaff Medical Center checked my truck and it tested positive for radiation.  I was held and forcibly injected, knocked unconscious and extorted of $2000 for being detained for three days.

Do not expect the federal government to give you any support for being honest.  If you find radio-activity in Oklahoma, report it on the web and to as many sources as you can.   I repeat, do not report it to anyone related to government, neither in hospitals or our enemies in the government seats. You can report it to me at As a matter of fact, please report it to me and the mile marker so I can verify if you do find high levels of radiation.

On second-thought, I will likely not buy retirement property in the USA, but where is the question?  Are there any nations government not controlled by our enemies, the "IT" factor as  I call it.  Mass media is a pistol whipped whore to the government.  Over throw the regime.  Drug smuggling and money laundering war mongers is what they are, or what "IT" is.

Late Update 12-20-2006: In contrast to the completely true events above and For those following the Love Line 5 page and the true character Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman's abduction by the Saint and the capturing of the White Night Owl, a money launderer and possible whore at the FDIC, I elaborate on the next true to life Hemingway style saga--- Due to money being stolen by Snatch from Dr. Hells purse in forged checks when she is lounging poolside, and due to high rents of Mill Valley and Dr. Hells intolerance of feces on the Fairy Possum trail beside her pool, Saint Ram Bone moves to the country to a yet to be determined location. There Snatch and the White Night Owl "Sueet", will be allowed in the Winter to sleep in the chicken coop. Unfortunately "Snatch" in usual behavior will steal and this time he will eat the eggs against Saint Ram Bone's orders and he will be caught when Snatch is inspecting the feces of Snatch and Sueet, as the egg shells will be in the Fairy Possum tirds but he will blame it on Sueet.

In the final scene, Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman the Fairy Possum and Saint Ram Bone take on the Devil himself dressed in drag queen clothes and they all are sipping Sueet's home-made lemonade by the fiery dragon sea. Personal note, "Snatch, are you ready?!" Snatch with the stolen load of clothing from the Devil's closet, hiding in the Bone's clothes hamper, raises his fingers in the government leprosy sign and replies "Whip or Will You Will Be Deal!"

Daily Foreword Note December 20, 2006: A poetic moment of reflections -- Like a child who emerges from a fight not of his own, I try not to whimper, I try not to howl, I turn to this little music box I found, I tune into the etheral conscience, and I let it spin, while I smile, in a pool of blood, not all of it my own, crystal and clear, all that I hold dear destroyed, I smile a while and crank the little box and ask to the dog, the god, take me out of this pile. I turn loose of mothers teet and find that I am drowning in the blood of the ilk. I like to crank this little music box I found again tonight. Nothing consequential, just the sound of the eternal war. A song with a train of death Circle of Lebanon, mp3 by an artist whose name I have forgotten. Silence and mute like me, another Anon. The countdown is always, ON

In this life, I will not forget the cruelty of several groups of people--The FDIC management in San Francisco, who push you out the door with out even thinking of your consequences (minor). The LA VA and federal government and state courts, who inject you and put you in jail, ignoring the attempts on your life, stealing your belongings (major), the Flagstaff medical center who hold you down and knock you unconscious with injections for reporting a burn on your neck and hazmat clean up crews on the highway and then they lose your keys and charge you money for time held and possibly even raped in their jail (major), and then the government of my native city beating me and holding me down and jailing me for standing up for starving inmates and dead inmates eaten by bacteria (major and most inexcusable as it reaches beyond myself. Welcome the global war on my death. Sometimes he gets it wrong, sometimes he get it right. Nothing is what it seems. I encourage man to wash his skin with peptic acid after a sunshine scrub of coarse sand paper, perhaps to wake him before the insane fight). Poetry from the dark side of light.

In a recent attempt to recall the exact date and time a meteor or weapon exploded over my vehicle near Braman Oklahoma, which was at the start of the birth year I was supposed to die according to a young girl named Kelly who predicted her own death, I stammered about in memory trying to recall the year, 2003 or 2004 December. Someone said she was my female counterpart. I feel now I had the ability to stop her death, but I did not know how. Now I do. We can control more than you may think. I was in forced exile in December 2003 (major) and in December 2004 I was traveling to meet my death date or to fly like an albatross, fleeing those unpleasant things. Part of me lives, obviously here. I have only recently opened my eyes. Kelly calculated right, so it was, December 2004. When I look on my own digital calculations, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulam Galaxy were almost directly in line with the path of the meteorite. They are substrates of each other like our moon to our Earth. I wonder if the 1 to 400 ratio holds as the moon is 1/400 the size of the sun and the moon is 1/400 the distance to the earth as the earth is to the sun, therefore if Triangulum is 2,300,000 light years from Earth and Andromeda is 2,200,000 light years from Earth, the distance difference is 100,000 light years from Earth. The ratio of difference is .035. If I calculate this out, I was missed by at least that much in miles as I drove through the dust of the explosion.

It could have been a weapon, I am not sure. It did create dust and my truck tested positive for radioactivity several months earlier at my abduction and injections at the Flagstaff Medical Center. But there were hazmat crews on the road near Flagstaff, actually in New Mexico on I-40, at that point in time several months earlier and a burn on my neck. An oil refinery had blown up in Texas in the desert prior to the abducttion and injections in Flagstaff. I trust the regime less than I would an unfamiliar tin goitered cobra in my pocket. This will be moved to quatrains for further review and recall. I guess the point is, I want out of here but I do not want to leave my children and family behind to suffer under beasts like those ruling Mobile Alabama and Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.

I made a mistake earlier reporting the radiation on my truck. A hospital staff official, a joker with a badge, said it was radiation. That was "Before" the meteor had hit. I have severe post traumatic stress afte working as a bank examiner and battling for our rights in government. I often feel sick and sometimes my memory slips. I have been tortured and injected and subjected to medical procedures against my will. I want $30 Million in compensation to fund a shelter for those that I choose or I want Bush and the entire government removed, post haste.. I hope the regime is toppled, and if necessary, new nations with reinstatem 2000 ent of rights for at least some nations.

Daily Foreword Note December 19, 2006: I have put a post on Houston Indymedia and Newsgroups. Art and Warning.Today's post from Mobile Audit Club is below. I have links to proof of the horrors we are enduring in the United States. They or it trivializes the American Holocaust. Let us have mercy only in quickly severing their power over us, in other words, act in haste and do not waste time. In the event of global war We may be better off dead now rather than later. We are one but those we oppose in the USA are not one of us, as technology confuses the battlefield.

(Today's War Machines Insight is on page Love Line II of Mobile Audit Club) A war is waging in the United States, and it is not the war with terrorists overseas, but a war with a dictatorship with police forces who are tied to the whims of a drug dealing and murdering and money laundering group of fascists who have injected me so many times and jailed me so many times and who have even attacked and harassed my family including my wife at her place of employment, that I want to see the regime toppled, with no mercy in the event of armed conflict.

They or IT has done so many atrocities and they are so criminal that they are worse than the German Nazis historical abuses. For my trying to enter an open government meeting in Mobile Alabama the Secret Service which is part of that union we will have to dismember, the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), went to my wife's employment and harassed there. They were trying to silence an attempt made on my life for reporting money laundering and murder at the FDIC in California where I was a federal bank examiner.

Since my horrors began in 2001 I was made sick through injections and torture and exile and poisoning and attacks on my damned American life. We are dealing with something that can not be shown mercy.

Daily Foreword Note December 18, 2006:

I would write a song about a young girl named Kelly who predicted her own death and mine. She was right about hers in a small town I was passing through for a brief time in Monroeville Alabama in the 1970's. She predicted mine around 30 years later but I was missed but a meteor that exploded over my vehicle while traveling near Braman Oklahoma toward Kansas enroute to California while in forced exile. I am considering opening a facility in the Braman OK area. Perhaps a new militia wing with training in the latest weapons theories and also a shelter for our people, or perhaps a teaching facility and a birthing facility for the young, children protected from the environs of the beasts ruling the USA. Never again serve the regime and applaud when the "IT" factor is attacked. They also do forced injections and experiments on innocent and compliant people and children.

They or "IT" downplays and ignores the severity of their atrocities against us. The next time you see someone forcefully inject an innocent compliant person, I hope you follow those involved and kill them or "IT", each and every one of them. We did it Nuremberg, we can do it in the USA.

Daily Foreword Note December 15, 2006: It is sad to say but the regime in power has declared war on the USA. .

Daily Foreword Note December 12, 2006: It saddens me to not be able to invest in my native city of Mobile Alabama and surrounding areas. .

Unfortunately, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada allow forced injections on compliant citizens under a paragraph of their chapter 36 law.

Life is a nightmare in many American states and cities.

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former federal bank examiner turned informant and chaser of government criminals have been abused repeatedly, tortured, by those in power in the United States like those in Mobile Alabama and those I found in Los Angeles and San Francisco and D.C.. They have no sympathy or mercy. I want compensation, $30 Million for charitable causes for me to operate.

Daily Foreword Note December 13, 2006: Avoid the USA governments and their states that allow forced injections. They are doing things to us. .

To distract from the war like state I have been feeling, I turn to my True Comedy on Love Line 5 and I have included a new song with lyrics and Karaoke at the bottom of the story, that is titled, Snatch The Fairy Possum and the Hoe Down.

Daily Foreword Note December 11, 2006: (I howl at the moon on the 12th and I have outline it here on Love Line 2 in a math diddle, I am in infinite pain. I have been cut once again.) I have proof of severe war atrocities in this site against Americans of long term heritage. They or it in the federal and state and local governments have tortured me and damaged me irreparably and they have killed innocent men such as the regional director of the FDIC early 1990's in San Francisco. It appears that many are indifferent to other thinking humans suffering. Many murders and abuses are covered up as the ruling regime claimed the death of the FDIC director was suicide and they or IT completely ignored reports of attacks on myself and then they or it attacked me more.

Daily Foreword December 11, 2006: I have put a piece of poetic scripture in art from the vocabulary of a likely genetic mutant experiment, myself, Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone on the web.  They blind us to the truth.  I reveal it in symbolic form for the enlightened and humane mind.  Today's post is on Lebanon Craigslist  and it is on Beirut Indymedia with less symbolic art.  As always, the symbol is fleeting and is most profound. 

"In the symbol is the light, in the light is the symbol, all is symbol, all is might" Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone.

Daily Foreword Note December 10, 2006:

Here is the post

Chapter 36 Injections, Forced Injections, Compliant American Holocaust

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: Date: 2006-12-09, 11:58PM MST

The Flagstaff Medical Center forcefully injects compliant men. I, a former bank examiner, have been terrorized by the federal government and state government in Alabama and California. I stopped in Flagstaff once while I was traveling and in exile. I was forcefully injected. I am a veteran.

It is my hope the practice of forceful injections under the chapter 36 law is stopped. Because they do it on compliant and obedient Americans, and since the law was passed in 2001, I want Flagstaff Medical Center Monitored for this activity.

Mobile Audit Club Mail Link at

I was forcefully injected because I paniced. I had recently been attacked after working as a bank examiner. .

Daily Foreword Note 12-7-2006: Lesson One: When viewing mass media reports of incidents between two neighboring Islamic Nations, we should never believe anything on the mass media in the United States by the mass media of the regime in powe 2000 r. I sincerely doubt muslims blow each other up on seeing each other. I heard on the radio today that we should move to have the lie removed from USA currency, "In God We Trust". I agree with that sentiment as we are supposed to be a non-denominational nation, i.e. freedom of religion, or even lack thereof. The regime is not our ally or the ally of innocent Jews and Christians. They are what I would term, abominations with their forced injections in lies. A move is underway to overthrow the regime even if it means less central control of government. Who wants to be under one union, the NTEU, and have a state sell dope at the price of gold, addictive dope, like California. Overthrow the closed door regime. We can not enter or vote, therefore they or "IT" should not exist.

(Today's Science Post is on Quatrains II Forbidden on Craigslist Science Forums.)

It appears that our enemies in power in the USA, those who forcefully inject us and beat us from USA government involvement, are now deleting conversations from Craigslists political forums. In particular, I have reason to believe that once again Mobile Alabama's government has a city council member, Reggie Copeland, who has allegedly made his sons who are attornies a small fortune by helping them rip off the city of Mobile on construction contracts in the huge RSA building. They are doing it through second and third party transactions and it appears the most recent mayor, Dow, was in on the act also.

Daily Foreword Note 12-5-2006: I would like to preface today's post with a congrats to Houston Indymedia for teaching people how to post their own news on the web. I will offer the same service in Mobile, but we need PC and internet access for the poor. I also reveal that I have wings on my spine or fins on X rays. I must have been dropped off here to snatch the enemies of mankind like an eagle eats a snake.

Foreword Daily Note 12-4-2006: In viewing the hopelessness and misguidance given to the lower caste of the United States of America, and watching as the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar has fallen to foreign currencies, I know we have been led astray by the self proclaimed masters of this damned place, the United States.

I am considering starting a new political party known as the Humane Revolutionary party, and inclusive with that will be education centers for hte young of the working class, the poor, and the upper class if they chose to particapate.

Foreword Daily Note 12-1-2006: Yesterday I saw where a young man who believed in the lies of a just and sane leadership in America was killed in Iraq. He was from my native city of Mobile Alabama. He was involved in rodeo before joining the USA military. He was conned. He was undereducated. He would be looked upon as a redneck and unable to find decent work if he had survived. The mass media heralds our particapation in the conflicts and repeats or lies about our happiness in fighting for the enemies of humane and innocent people. The mass media is a liar and our enemy and is a tool of the illegal regime in power. The Mobile native was a rodeo clown (mass media news article link), and the illegal regime has turned him into a dead clown who served the American enemy who reigns on American soil. I would like to check the regime for a pulse and for human hearts, I see neither.

To honor a fellow Indymedia reporter assassinated in Mexico, I was just beaten and arrested and jailed and forcibly injected and exiled in the USA, I would like make note of Brad Will on this LA Indymedia article. Americans should move to overthrow the regime in power. We need to be sober, to organize, to not hesitate to use new technological weapons to combat their or "IT's" warfare against us. Brad Will believed in Peace to solve disputes with beasts. Brad Will was shot dead. LA Indymedia.

I urge young men and women to seek educations for themselves and their families instead of warfare on behalf of the ruling regime, our enemies in power. .

I am speaking in particular of what happened in Mobile Alabama as is illustrated in their closed door government and the videos on this site, in which I was beaten and arrested and had money extorted from myself. And also I am referring to what happened to myself and other veterans at the Los Angeles Veterans Administration in Westwood in which I was forcibly injected and forced silent and tortured. And I am also speaking about the atrocities that are occurring in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, which is allowed under a paragraph in their Chapter 36 law, which allows forced injections and extortion of money from innocent people.

Foreword Daily Note 12-3-2006: Today, I have a poetic reflection on those things eating me linked here on the Quatrains II page. Out of revenge for the tears I lost for a ridiculous job I was terminated from, I want Sueet Carol to lose her job. I want her to feel it as I did.

As the links and proof in this site illustrate, we the common Americans of long term ancestry and those of who served the USA military are on our own in defending our own.

Our nation has been torn to pieces, even as children we could see the horrors our parents and uncles endured. A war will likely erupt with a few survivors. I urge you to prepare. Weapons, food reserves, hiding places, and anything else you can imagine.

Foreword Daily Note 12-2-2006: Not only is the regime in power in the USA forcing injections and experiments and extorting money from innocent Americans, but those who have pursued criminals in the regime are finding their friends and family and themselves harassed by officials with badges and bureaucratic power 2000 s. The regime will have to be toppled and if a nuclear bomb or other explosion occurs in the USA, I encourage militia groups to form and to tear any remnants of the regime from the seats of power, including hunting them as they have done us. Proof of their atrocities are in this site and throughout the web. The mass media should also be toppled in the event the government is gutted by a nuclear blast or other weapon or weapons.

Foreword November 28, 2006: (Today's post is a 45 day listing on Craigslist asking that Mobile Alabama government be opened to all, including myself, to enter their meetings. If not, let us topple the federal protectorate and the local enemy of the people by jabbing the metaphorical stick in their eyes, particularly if we flee to a holy nation and they try to attack us.)

Foreword November 27, 2006: Tonight, I am being harassed in Mobile Alabama by friends and associates of the local war criminal police forces who lost their leader, Sheriff Jack Tillman due to my reporting his thievery and starving inmates. One officer told me when I had stopped shopping at a Department Store, "You do not know who you are messing with". My reply to that officer is, "Fascist, we have fought before". "Your regime drew first blood this time, the time for war is now, take off your mask and let the light shine in".

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, Veteran and former Federal Bank examiner and now an American Holocaust Victim, urge all families to not trust the USA governments in any manner. Do not let them touch your children in any form, including birth and prenatal care and education and mass media.

Today's post is on newsgroups is related to FDIC government criminal activity and I have named some possible names. Collusion covers the trail.

Foreword 11-25-2006: Once again I am in my native city in Mobile Alabama where the regime in power denies my entrance into their government meetings, where they allow me to be jailed for daring to paricipate, where they extort money from me, where the federal government is like a cruel dictator from Russia or China and who allowed me to flee to Los Angeles where there they injected me against my will, and where the mass media ignores the atrocities against us. I want this city examined on an operating table and I want its cancers torn out of the community's flesh. I want a full scale attack against the regime and their mass media. They are not human or humane like us. Today's post is on Quatrains 4/Prophetic Poem Art 4 page on this site.

Foreword 11-24-2006: Recently someone from the FDIC said they thought I had pinpointed a man in criminal miscconduct. Considering the number of times I was forcefully injected and the lies by federal government, I think it is time . Never again serve the regime.

I warn my people to consider cutting their losses and leaving enemy controlled territory. Allied territory is a matter of opinion.

Foreword 11-16-2006: Bush has allegedly fled to Asia according to the mass media, but if he is who he claims, he is likely elsewhere. He is in hiding. He is not what he appears. I made a post to newsgroups recently regarding the honorable group known as Falun Gong, a group of Buddhists who believe in Truthfulness and Compassion and they have been labeled insane by the ruling Chinese regime and many Falun Gong members are forcefully injected and knocked unconscious. The USA government has done the same to me, an honest ex-federal bank examiner turned informant against money laundering and murder at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

I have friends who are both Jewish and Muslim.

Foreword 11-13-2006: (It appears New Orleans Indymedia is down. Help support New Orleans Indymedia because the South East is silenced like a slave. in San Francisco used to be the most open media and now it is censored by modern Nazis, most likely some pretend to be kosher.)

Because the Secret Service is under the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), and because the NTEU has mathematically at least 14,400 chances of collusion due to their being over almost all of the entire federal government, George Bush or any other President can be marched around by the Secret Service, and he can be an imposter or manipulated.

Foreword 11-9-2006: To lighten the dark mood of these horrific days, I have made a comedy of one victory, that of the terminated food funds thief Sheriff in Alabama who crossed me, and it is on LA Indymedia and listed on today's Love Live 5 post. I have been told that the Alabama probation officer who came to my home for my trying to enter a city council meeting in Mobile has been put under investigation and that a syndicate boss who was the Regional Director of FDIC San Francisco has been pinpointed in some financial shannigans in Greece. Stay tuned, the war wages and I laugh as I dance on dem bones.

Also, be forewarned, that USA Border Patrol and their NTEU associates in the Department of Homeland Security are ripping cars and trucks to pieces leaving them unsafe when returning from Canada and most likely Mexico. The Chinese who label the Falun Gong members insane and forcefully inject the innocent, for simply being Truthful, just as many abused and assassinated Americans have been, including myself.

Foreword 11-8-2006: I warn all Americans not to come to California, unless they come with a battle regiment and high tech weaponry to exact an eye for an eye and to profit from the filthy rich drug lord controlled state by taking the ill-gotten wealth of the wealthy. Not only are the California police there beating people like they are nothing but animals, as illustrated in this web page and its video link, but I had an encounter with a Marin County Sheriff in 2006 where he first encountered me on the street and let me leave and then followed me into an alley way to act as if he was going to shoot me and started becoming extremely aggressive. I noticed where another Marin County Deputy Sheriff was acting like he was going to pull a gun on a woman who I believe was offering money to the officer in the same Shopping Center, the Strawberry Village Shopping Center in Mill Valley. They are eager to kill and imprison in the land of the filthy rich and their servant population.

I was forcibly injected not only in Los Angeles (LA VA Westwood 4-23-2001 by federal Agents associated with corrupt federal regulators and the LA VA Westwood Veterans Administration) but also in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004 by the flagstaff medical center. A hazmat crew was on the roadside and I had a burned area of flesh, like a cinder burn on my neck. My truck had radiation on it according to a hospital official who had a geiger counter. I was ashamed at the time, as if I was a rape victim. It is ironic that organized crime families such as the Bonano's were part of the social fabric there at the time. I want the regime in power to pay for what they are doing to us, and I want their mass media billionaires dealt with through iron fists, just as their government does to us.

Foreword 11-6-2006: It looks like another red letter day, almost. I see 12-6-2006 on my predict-a-ment calendar. Tomorrow is the alleged election day in th USA, the day of the ruse, another attempt by the cricket minded locusts to tell us we have a democracy. It makes my blood boil. Some have said I am responsible for the fires in Los Angeles. San Francisco Indymedia is down and out, silenced by the millionaire descendants of fascist pigs, or the subways would be blazing with the oil from the tankers above ground. I have had nothing to do with the fires in Los Angeles, because if I did, those political crickets, termites, and mole frogs known as locusts, would be burning in the flames for the prison state they have created in the USA and the dope dens they grow fat upon. Damn the regime in power, take your share of mayhem, but make a profit on the way out the sliding glass door. Never again serve the regime in power. They have turned against the veterans, just like yesteryear. America went down hill long ago, exactly when I am not certain, but there it is, and it is time for war against the elitists closed door ruling regime. Let us hoope for global war against them or "IT" if we can not resurface from the muck and mire, or let us hope for all of our deaths. Damn the elitists and fascist dictatorship and their mass media magnates. Know the time, know the clues, feel their ass, and and know whose who's.

Today's post is reiterated on LA Indymedia, a city I once loved until I was forcibly injected by federal officials and forced to remain silent on murder and corruption at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. I once worked at FDIC San Francisco. .

Foreword 11-5-2006

I encourage you to view the Daily foreword notes archive from 11-4-2006 and see my report on the Fulan Gong, a group that in China is being forcibly injected and labeled insane by the ruling regime there just as in the same method that the regime in power in the USA is abusing us, including myself, a former federal bank examiner turned informant. Note how detailed their information is on those who abuse them. Those who injected me remained anonymous for the most part. Those who pass laws allowing injections in the USA remain anonymous. We will just have to destroy the entire system and rebuild with our own people. America's treasury and banking system and its political system are corrupted. It will take a war against them or "IT" to remove them. Peace is not an option with a brutal savage.

Segment 11-4-2006...HERMITcrabSHELLgovernmentHERMITcrabSHELLgovernmentHERMITcrabSHELLgovernmentHERMITcrabSHELLgovernment

I Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was knocked unconscious after forced injections at the Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center when I was traveling across country due to being in forced exile.  The year was 2004.  I do not think the USA government is ours in the USA any longer.

That was not the first time I had been forcibly injected.  I was also injected in 2001 at the Los Angeles federal facility near Westwood California.  Federal agents took me to their Veterans Administration hospital and injected me there.  I had papers and film describing criminals at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco and the National Treasury Employees Union and I had film of a now terminated food funds thief Sheriff, Jack Tillman of Alabama.

It is my belief that like a Hermit Crab uses the shell of another crab to disguise itself and to protect itself, so does another entity use the shell of our alleged benevolent government officials to protect itself.   The mass media with their billionaires are suspect also.  Always look for the money trail, big money, and you will find your criminals.  That is the nature of warlike mankind.  I believe there are more subspecies of man than we know.  Perhaps, we are a subset who have been at war with another subset of man or maybe something else.

Foreword November 1, 2006: The Red Alert on the Bank of America's acquisition of MBNA credit card accounts and the foreign currency valuation problem is being called off. B of A should make the online statements more readily available though, as we can not and do not trust the USA banking system or the USA federal banking regulators, as the federal governments have proven themselves to be contemptible and criminally syndicated.)

We can not afford educations without borrowing money unless we kill for the regime in power.  We are told that we have job protections and we do not have any protection from anyone.   We can not enter our government buildings without being arrested in many cases.  We can not trust the government to not forcibly inject us. 

It is my hope  that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is held down and forcibly injected and labeled insane for allowing marijuana to be legally sold at the price of gold in California to addicts and the infirmed.  If this can not happen, it is my hope that we remove one eye daily from the American government until they are as blind as we.  Starting with the highest apples on the tree that you can reach.

Never again serve or trust the regime and protect your children, and praise all that is mighty when our enemies are removed from our presence, dead or alive.  We are not allies in the USA.  The filthy rich of the international powers control us.  Protect your children and tear the regime apart.  Remember, "They drew first blood". America is a living Hell, "LET IT BURN", and erect a new humane revolutionary party, with food and housing and healthcare and education and protection for all, or let us all die in a war against the filthy rich insect like humans controlling the USA and the Earth.

Foreword October 28, 2006: Today's thoughts are on the Quatrains 4 page on todays post to answer the slanderous lies of slanderous people who want to jab out both eyes, of the You, the Me, the I, the We. Mobile Alabama government and the ruling federal dictatorship do not allow me in because they are televised and do not want me to stand up in front of my audience, our people. I will, do or die. Read between the lines and pinpoint the truth in what I say and recite, motherf-er. Sailor slang.

Foreword October 27, 2006: Banking Red Alert--Bank of America has taken over AAA Credit Cards which is held by MBNA, in another banking merger and it appears Bank Of America is in on the rip off of its customers like Citibank and Washington Mutual of recent history. Currency exchange rates are being ignored on AAA Visa transactions in Canada.

Spread the word, Bank Of America's newly acquired MBNA Visa account holders accounts are suspected of overstated amounts due to the understated currency exchange of the USA dollar to foreign nations currencies.

When the bank merger laws were changed, the criminals had taken over America's Banking System and some bank examiners were being killed in their offices (See FDIC regional director of early 1990's erroneously labeled suicide by Secret Service NTEU bribed and owned investigation officials.)

Demand that the Treasury Department's OCC in San Francisco hire this former FDIC bank examiner, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone who survived an assassination attempt in 2001 by criminals associated with America's bank regulators, including the FDIC and NTEU related agencies. I was terminated by the then acting regional Director Sue Carol who told me to drop an EEOC complaint or be terminated. George Masa who I believe is part of a syndicate of money launderers was the replacement regional director in San Francisco at the time for the murdered regional director.

Foreword October 24, 2006: Today's post is a song on Indymedia by an angel in the backdrop with some sound clips of where the illegal regime in power in the USA abuses me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, auditor of corrupt government and watchdog for the common and humane people. It is on Houston Indymedia on an article linked here and it is in mp3 format. It is also on Marseille Indymedia and it is on LA Indymedia. in San Francisco deletes my posts, but New Orleans Indymedia does not. May the house of the rising sun be built on stilts next time. The woman's Arabic voice is beautiful in the background and the words barked at me as an honest auditor in the foreground are outlined in the articles.

As on the Love Line Pages of this site, I urge all to beware of technologies used against us, the common humane humans. I do not trust government buildings as you are in a measured grid, a prison, of their design. Notice the sound of the door in the audio on the post from today. The audio was taken from a video at the Mobile Alabama government building, the popping sound. Only the camera picks it up. It is not an enhancement. Protect your own and pull away from government in all manners possible. As usual, children are most vunerable and susceptible to attack. I have been horribly abused and I want an eye for an eye against the illegal dictatorship in power in the United States.

Protect your children. The universe is a cesspool and we are at war from the time we are born.

Foreword October 23, 2006: Early post. Today I am working on a new reality horror rap song of my own genre showing the voices of my friends and my foes in my recorded sessions. Alabama's closed door government will be aired telling me to go away and I will play a song recently recorded from an Arabic woman who sang to a group I was with in Canada. I want the illegal regime in the USA gutted at the next election. They are a closed door group of fascist warmongerers hiding behind and under many masks. I encourage a technological war agains them at all points. They inject us like the Nazis. They do 2000 forced experiments on us like the Nazis. They sterilize us like the Nazis. They are worse than Nazis, because we can not see them hiding behind the lies of technology. God Damn the regime in power or give us all our deaths I pray to the many faces of the creator. There will no longer be peace in the USA until we or they are dead for eternity. There is not enough room in a space for a pig and a butterfly for both to survive.

Foreword October 22, 2006: Today I look toward Mexico. It appears the war is now waging in Oaxaca. America has become a nightmare. The Humane Revolutionary Party should exist in its namesake, that of Humane Revolution with military avarice and technological magnification of intensification of armaments. We are no longer allies in the USA, we being the poor commoners and the wealthy warlords and their international contacts. We can not believe our eyes. Humane conscience dictates who is friend, and who is foe. The illegal regime will soon be blinded and their head severed, in an "Eye for an eye", or give us all death I pray. Mexico Indymedia has today's post.

Foreword October 21, 2006: Today I turn my attention back to New Orleans and the lower Mississippi Valley to Lower Alabama.  In my recent ride through New Orleans, I noticed some racial hostility in the French Quarter.  I have detailed my experience there and my warnings in this post on New Orleans Indymedia.  The comment on the article by myself, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone on New Orleans Indymedia, speaks of the racial tension I witnessed, while the article itself speaks of hope by toppling the regime in our communities and raising up self reliance in the community through the Humane Revolutionary Party's ideals and values, in other words protect your children.  The racial tension against darker skin people has been highlighted in another article on New Orleans Indymedia, but I, a primarily pale skin with American Indian blood and of no wealth and from the lower caste of the Mississippi Delta have been subjected to the same abuses in Marin County California as the darker skinned people in the article in New Orleans, with one Sheriff Deputy threatening to shoot me in an alley near my home, which is a garage in a house.   The deputy and the wealthy ruling sect are as heartless as beasts and the deputy was threatening to shoot me for no reason other than not being one of the wealthy locals.  I was simply walking to the store at night.  Most recently  I despise California's wealthy and their dope.  Do not be used by these drug dealers. Say No Way to  their dope.  Say crush the regime and remember to protect your family and loved ones, and always remember that humane humans have no particular skin tone or size or shape.  Avoid federal government involvement, as even the EEOC has no use for us and the govenment agencies discriminate, having even told me to drop an EEOC complaint or be terminated, and I was terminated and the illegal fascists regime's EEOC would not hear my case.  Applaud when the regime is toppled and the wealthy cut down to size.  Welcome war in their two-sided faces.

Foreword Octover 20, 2006: We have been deceived in the USA. The enemies of mankind have us kill men and we are left as their slaves. It is my hope that all international powers capable of sustaining war against them or "IT" do so in harmony. We as a species are better off extinct. Never trust the USA governments and applaud those who assist those who try to destroy it and those filthy rich pigs or the "IT" factor insects in control. I went on a search who proposes the military draft. The true proponents stay hidden. I can not find the proponents of forced injections in the federal and state governments. Therefore slash and burn works in thick forest. The regime is a fat juicy pork chop, so dig in and eat "IT" alive is the sentiment of many. No mercy, no qualms, just like they or "IT" has done for us. An eye for an eye. What do you think? Here I find the proponents of the draft, but where are the billionaires? In the thicket? Slash and burn. It works. Nowhere to hide. They have taken to the skies. Houston Indymedia. has gotten so Kosher that we can not speak.

Foreword October 19, 2006: In anticipation of the upcoming election, that false and fake Democracy where the wealthy of the "IT" factor line up in the United States to pretend we have a choice, I urge our people, my people, the poor and common of the true humans to look back on history and our present situation. To paraphrase a quote I heard recently, "The rich will take everything they can from the poor, and when there is no more money, they will take their freedom and their hopes". (Today's post and warning is expanded on LA Indymedia)

The rich may not even be us, I am not sure. We need technological tools to anticapate their motions and test their consistency. We are a nation of prisons, we are forcibly injected (see links for proof on this site and my own case), and we are used in forced medical experiments, and we are often not allowed out of the USA into other nations due to labels given to us by the wealthy "IT" factor.

I believe that many Americans are not allowed out of the USA to Canada due to the number of Muslims residing in Canada. I have noticed a self righteousness and mutual loathing among my Jewish and Muslim friends. I believe they are often manipulated, although I do not believe in the stealing of long held lands in modern times. Many of my Jewish friends look a bit German, and many of my Muslim friends look a bit Italian. Perhaps, we American Indians should retake Manhattan from the Jews, and Toronto from the Muslims. I like to fight also, if it stops a fight. America has gone to pot. Free your children from mass media and the lies of their public schools, their indoctrinations. America the decrepid. Overthrow the illegal regime.

I encourage that we do unto them as they have done unto us. They hold us for ransoms in the form of bails for no crimes committed. I was forcibly injected and given a one million dollar bail or ransom for legal gun ownership and told to remain silent by my enemies in the federal government who took orders from the FDIC and NTEU. Others have suffered similar and worse atrocities, with some honest bankers and bank examiners assassinated.

They or "IT" forcibly injects us and does medical experiments on us. See links in this website for proof. Therefore, it is to your judgment if you do the same to them. You must realize though that the "IT" factor may not be as touchable as you think.

They or it forms packs to chase us, through their paid police networks and their syndicates such as the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) syndicates including the Secret Service, Border Patrol, Homeland Security, and a host of other federal marauders who are more like terrorists to us than those they beat to death around the globe, including those protecting their homelands in the mid-East and at one time Vietnam.

Today I am denied employment in a justifiable position due to a felony given to me and also due to my being terminated while working as a federal bank exa 2000 miner for the FDIC, an agency under the NTEU. I, a disabled veteran, was told in 2000 by the Assistant Regional Director at FDIC San Francisco, Sue Carol, who was working for the Regional Director George Masa at the time, "Drop the EEOC complaint or lose your job." I did not drop the complaint, was terminated, and the EEOC, refused to hear the case. Later I was set up to be assassinated for reporting money laundering and murder at the agency. To quote the Iraqi child who escaped Bush and that evil regime, "I live, I live".

Therefore I urge my fellow citizens and soldiers to look at our enemy and make your own judgment on the adage of, "An eye for an eye", and "Do unto others as they do unto you". Remember, the NTEU also has the patent office and all of the latest weapons. If we are to be slaves to this thing, I pray we are all killed. Never again serve the illegal regime. An African American woman at Safeway Grocery store said she agreed with my sentiment, and a white woman there told me I was a traitor to my race. Race is not just skin deep, it is in the heart. I am a humane humane, they or "IT" in wealthy Marin County California and the wealthy ruling sect of the state are not Humane Humans. We have the same color skin, perhaps, but we are arch enemies, as they are like insects who burrow into human flesh, and eat us alive, taking everything including hope and freedom. Most of my friends do not speak native English, and if they do, they are labeled rednecks or unwanted negroes. It is amazing how stupid the wealthy behave. They are often truly like insects, and I welcome them under our rising leaders boots. Their regime has injected and jailed me for the last time for doing nothing, as the next time, I hope we have a monumental fight to their deaths. I live in fear in Marin County due to a Marin County Sheriff who was threatening to shoot me in an alley. Now I carry my camera. Always record the beasts among us. Always record the angels.

I will have a recording of a Muslim woman singing a song in Palestine, somewhere near Vancouver, and it will mix with my own art and music and the recordings of beasts who beat me in my native state of Alabama. Never again serve the regime is the word on the street. Open the back door to the dogs of war. We have a fight to enlighten our enemies with.

Today I saw military hardware, military transport vehicles being moved from North Oregon and Southward toward California. California is extreme enemy territory. I was given a speeding ticket. I did not argue. I expect no sympathy or mercy from the enemy. I will be merciful like a soldier, exacting in judgment and execution of the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as they do unto you."

Foreword October 17, 2006: This morning the USA government regime in power behind the federal government reared its ugly head through the National Treasury Employees Union syndicate which includes not only money launderers in the federal banking system, but also the US Border Patrol  at the Vancouver checkpoint.    This time they stopped my passenger from entering the USA, a rideshare, an up and coming actress who wanted to attend her debut as an actress at a film fair festival in Utah to see her premier film (Strange Culture--Documentary, Information Linked on LA Indymedia, aspiring actress is Larissa Clayton of Toronto now in Vancouver..."I will send a Coyote, American"...Best of luck dear.)  The great terrorist threat, the 25 year old bombshell with long legs and blond hair had "overstayed over welcome" according to the NTEU border patrol under the illegal regime in power.  The guard insisted I tell him what branch of military I was in at one time.  He must have access to that stolen Veterans Administration data and wants to verify my identity.  They rummaged my belongings and had the poor girl in tears. 

The illegal regime in the USA has overstayed their welcome and I hope they get their asses pummeled.  It will take force to overthrow the hostile illegal regime.  I believe there should be no borders restraining movement of citizens in the Americas.

I think the next time I return with a rideshare from Canada to the USA I will return with my post op tran-sexual sluts from San Francisco.  Unlike Larissa, they would invite a thorough body cavity search and I believe we will forget that medical Rx recommendations were used to pack a  joint up their Penis Snatch pockets, and one will have spicey fish, and the other will have something brown, according to the American Border Patrolman chewing his cud.

Oh Canada.  Today, I decided to stay in Canada after dropping off Larissa, and soon I will hear a French person sing for me.  Oh I likes that says Saint Ram Bone.    Live like Hemingway, die like Crazy Horse.

Foreword October 16, 2006: After years of an ordeal I awaken nightly from nightmares related to abuses I suffered under the hand of the war criminals within the USA government. When I mention one of the caught men who was my enemy and who helped to have me prosecuted when he took my gun permit after an attempt on my life by federal government related assassins, Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, his protectors say he retired. He retired under threats of imprisonment for his abuses of the citizenry. But our enemies blocked the snakes escape, the snake Jack Tillman, so he and his other war criminals remain hidden in the USA government.

My native city's government illegally denies my entry into their city council meetings in Mobile Alabama and the federal government protects them. They are the "IT" factor and it is time to destroy it. The Mobile Alabama City Council meetings closed to myself are televised and perhaps the federal regime there fears my speaking out against them. I am a native and I might call for the local governments to be audited if not executed. I view the world as ready to go to war, and I support our end or our victory, either way. I awakened in childhood to the Vietnam War and heard of World War Two. I do not fear global death. I welcome the end of the nightmare and hope it never returns.

The government in California would not give me a trial by jury in 2004 for a forced signature with injections and threats of silence in an insane asylum in 2001 for reporting criminals and murderers at the FDIC. The federal government injected me. The California and federal government abused me. The federal government assist and direct them. Their dictatorship will be the end of mankind, of our kind.

There is hatred everywhere, and I sense we have been conned, we being the humans. We are led to kill each other. Or perhaps, we are savage warlike beasts, like insects.

Foreword October 15, 2006: ( Today's post is relayed on Hamilton Canada Indymedia, as in San Francisco now deletes all my posts. Evacuate the USA cities that are silenced and remember to lock and load on censorship.) San Francisco, wake up, we are under attack.

Today, I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone am in Vancouver Canada.   The USA government has labeled me a criminal for life for my reporting murderers and money launderers in their banking regulatory and treasury ranks.  My life has been a hell since the day I was born in America.  I look around and many suffer here in Canada also.  I wonder how deep and pervasive the corruption truly is.  I sometimes say things that make people hate me.  I used to support the Jewish Defense League's top members when they were hunted by USA government officials and set up for arrests.  Then I supported the Hamas and Hezbollah when they were hunted by USA government official members for defending their land.   I suspect I will never be weatlhy because I never side with anyone for long if I think they are wrong.  Humane conscience leaves one with the disposition of being caught in the middle, between a rock and a hard place.

It took a lot of expense to get here to Vancouver and a lot of legal hassles because the USA government is corrupt and rabid.  I am a traveler by nature.  I will not stay the Winter.  I noticed a few stupid people in Vancouver in front of some of the clubs.  They are the criminal types like we have in the USA.  They think they are intelligent because they have some cash in their pockets, or maybe they are just pretending to have cash or have that eternal delusion of material wealth.

I urge the Youth of the USA to beware of lies and false propaganda.  The biggest lie I can remember is the old indoctrination mantra in the USA known as the Pledge of Allegiance, "With liberty and justice for all".   It is as absurd as the USA Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's claim to having diversity and equal opportunity in employment.  For instance, I am not given a trial by jury and was forced to sign papers with forced injections by the USA government saying I was a criminal for owning a legal firearm and I was forced to remain silent on corruption at the FDIC and an attempt on my life as a former federal bank examiner, which is an auditor of banks.  The people who told me these things do not appear to be human to me now and I would like to see they and their controllers are executed like war criminals from Nuremberg's Nazi trials.  Also the FDIC and the federal government do not believe in equal opportunity.  The FDIC told me, a disabled veteran, to drop an EEOC complaint and I was terminated when I did not do so.  Ask Sue Carol, regional director of the FDIC, San Francisco April 2000.  She will remain silent as she told me to promise not to mention it. An attorney or legal EEOC representative from the FDIC was in the conference.  "I remember a holocaust in my life, from the time I was a child until I was an adult".

I want the formation of the Humane Revolutionary party.  I want the illegal regime toppled in the USA.  I want space colonies for international residents, commoners.  I want  humane empathy.  I want my enemies executed and their crimes and faces distributed like the Nuremberg Nazi war criminals.  We are not allies in the USA or the world.  The humane are humane and those who are not are not.  I believe in the merciful execution of the enemies of humane mankind.

We are at war in the USA and likely the world.  Protect your own from the time of birth.  No one else will.  If we are to live nightmare after nightmare in our lives, we are better off dead and should at least try in one large and final thrust in a full scale conflict with no end and no sacrifice of our own talents against our enemies, the enemies of humane mankind, the enemies of the Humane Revolutionary Party.  Crush the illegal regime and set their practitioners into their graves when they try to persecute us. Never trust the USA governments and do not hesitate to distrust those around the world and into space if they are abusive.

On a lighter note, I send out my SOS on Craigslist, to last a few days, till the temps drop. And to the comedian who is Benjamin's brother in Vancouver, "Tell your brother Ben he still owes me $30". Here is my SOS on Craigslist. I will see Ben back in the city of the holiest of Holies, at the bay by the gay San Francisco. I have a lease and the $30 smackers is due and payable. A post-op transexual whore/slut will pick up the $30 smackers or kick his ass on behalf of, "The Bone".

Foreword October 11, 2006 18:32 hours.: A man is is in front of my rental home in a truck, a white truck, and he appears to be hostile. I am in Marin County. I can not trust the police. Update, his White Truck has moved. The title on the Truck was Vali Cooper & Associates Inc. Construction Management Consultants,, tag number California 8A23810. I will have a picture up soon. (Update: The truck was likely investigating or looking for a rentor in the area who had written some fraudulent checks from his landlord. Alarm called off)

Foreword October 10, 2006: Todays post is a reiteration of todays post on Quatrains 4 of this site. I have posted in on LA Indymedia, as San Francisco Indymedia now deletes my post. It is a dope dealers city of closed doors and hatred. I leave here soon, permanently, and will slam the door and watch the earth crack.

p>Foreword October 7,2006: (Today's post was updated and corrected after posting to Indymedia) In a Post- Mortem tribute to the regional director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) killed in his office in the early 90's and labeled suicide in San Francisco, I want to state that I do not believe he was insane or a suicide. He was murdered. I, a former FDIC bank examiner survived a close attempt on my life in 2001 and many other horrors were inflicted upon me by the regime in power in the USA. Now I am targeted by police and criminal politicians across the USA. I pray to all that is mighty that we can destroy our enemies, the enemies of common men, ruining and ruling America in many if not all areas today. The regime tried to label me insane. To quote the Palestinian child under the Bush regimes boots, "I Live, I Live".

Today, I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, informant of federal government and state government corruption, was stopped at 4:50 a.m. while walking to the store near my home, a rental room in a garage in a discriminatory and elitist fascist neighborhood I moved into after not being allowed out of the USA on May 3, 2006. I believe in keeping my enemies close while I am held prisoner in an enemy controlled state, the USA. The Marin County Sheriff Deputy was itching to shoot me, as he reached for his gun when I had pulled my wallet from my pocket and later told him I had no gun in the same pocket. His claim was that they were looking for a domestic violence case, but after I left the grocer, he was making comedy of my disability from serving the US Armed Forces. It is my hope that some people of the elitist and fascist regime are executed in the USA or detained, just as they do us.. Or perhaps we can have the Sheriff of Marin County audited as I did Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, who was stealing inmate food funds and who took my gun permit. Marin County is a dope dealers paradise of prejudiced upper caste primarily white, inbred white, and some obnoxious self serving self-proclaimed Jews who are really most likely Romanian or some other nationality, and then the few scattered drug lords of South and Central American descent. I will be leaving the USA and urge my people to support Hamas, Hezbollah, the American Militia and the overthrow and execution of the fascist regime in power, any regime in power that steal lands or abuses the common who are innocent. They are not humane, if even human. I may be wrong about the race factor in claims above. I often wonder who is human or a technological manifestation of human in a low life form.


In this instance, the deputy stopped me a half block from the alley and asked where I was going. Then he waited for me to get to the alley to come charging in to stop me. He made me squat down and would not let me walk out of the alley to be in view of the public. I have noticed what appears to be a skin mark or needle mark on my fore-head, similar to a subcutaneous injection. My wrists smelled also afterward. We were alone several minutes before others arrived and I now feel sick. It could be post traumatic stress from the abuses I have suffered under the enemy "IT" factor regime in the USA. Or it could be that I was injected with something once again. It is always possible the enemy element, the "IT" factor is doing things to us we are not aware. We live in a technological nightmare and I pray for global war if we are not released from our enemies in this time and space. I encourage the complete destruction of the regime in power in the USA, and likely internationally. We need smaller nations and Deputy's who attack us in that manner checked out with technological tools when they abduct us. He was looking down the alley to see if anyone was watching. I will try to get his name and number, but I doubt the enemy regime will assist. After all, they are in the dope business.

The Sheriff's deputy did not give me his name. HE was caucasian (of course), and abducted me in an alley out of view at 4:50 a.m in front of Ram Communications. Just yesterday, a film group of elitist fascists had an event in front of the location and blocked the street. I want our militia to view Marin County and San Francisco as hostile territory. On the North side of the grocery after I left, a man in an unmarked vehicle of Asian decent was in his sport utlity. We have lost this nation, between the elitist fascists and murderers. I was a bank examiner, now I am labeled many things by a regime that treat us "True" Americans as the enemy. I hope some California politicians are executed for this in addition to some D.C. bureaucrats. The Marin County Sheriff's department is a dope dealer and their top Sheriff is likely just another Nazi like Jack Tillman, and I hope he too is jailed or executed in the coming war.

If you are a veteran, remember that the Veterans Administration can not be trusted. I was forced to sign papers by their top ranked members with forced injections in 2001 and I was forced silent on an attempt on my life after reporting a murder labeled suicide at the FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, of a regional director in the early 90's and an attempt on my life, a former FDIC bank examiner, for reporting money launderers in California. California and the Veterans Administration are enemy territory and our people of the Americas should regain this state and have our enemies executed. That is my prayer. ( Continuing Problems section) ">see "Continuing Problems" section of this link and remember to never trust the Veterans Administation or any American government entity under the current regime.) I wish the Deputy would have shot me. Let the creator be my witness and cripple the wealthy of the corrupt state of California and the USA. I will leave California at years end, and I wish my family and friends well, in this American Hell. The question is, "How much dope does the Sheriff sell at the Marin County Cannabis club?. Quit the shit my brothers. Our enemies want us on dope and alcohol"

Foreword October 6, 2006: In another atrocity by the illegal regime in power, I have been barred from attending law school due to a sentence I was given with no chance of trial by jury in Los Angeles, after informing on criminals at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco, where a man was found dead, labeled suicide, and where I survived an attack on my life and labeled insane.

I stand with God as my witness and the shadow of the de 2000 ad FDIC regional director of the early 1990's. The Los Angeles Superior Court gave me a felony under forced duress with forced injections in 2001 for owning a firearm after being attacked on a highway for reporting criminals at the FDIC and NTEU. It was dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor in 2004, but I can not get a law degree due to the felony.

I am banned from federal bank examiner employment also due to lies and abuse by the criminal regime in power.

Because I am not allowed a trial by jury to clear my name, and because I am not allowed to attend Law School as a result, I urge my people to wage all out war with the latest weaponry against the regime in power, starting with the criminals of the courts and the political system, in particular the FDIC, the NTEU, the Los Angeles Superior Court, and the courts of Mobile Alabama, and last but not least, all California politicians who force felonies on men for legal gun ownership when they are not threatening anyone.

Best of luck in waging war on the enemies of mankind in the USA. I am not allowed to earn a law degree due to no trial by jury. Therefore the law of the universe dictates an eye for an eye. And with all creators names as my witness, and with the eyes of the dead regional director of the FDIC as my guide, I want to escort our enemies into deep and shallow graves here in the USA, the world, and into space.

Foreword October 5, 2006: Another journalist jailed by the regime in power. We, the common media, should take those of the mass media of the regime hostage and abuse them as they do us. War is declared in the USA (scroll to top of Indymedia article . will not allow my video of Alabama's illegal regimes abuse of me, titled Mess With Kurt Mess With Dirt, to be put in as a comment on the article above. Here is the Video Link that shows how government abuses us. Never serve the regime and applaud when their corrupt politicians are attacked. Let us hope and pray their international closed door regime and media is toppled. Let us hope the regime and its key "IT" factor members or their or it's controllers are remoed peaceably, and if not, then let's move to remove them by force. They are as criminal and corrupt and abusive as anything human history has seen.

Foreword September 28, 2006: Todays external post is a warning on a veterans newsgroup to Veterans and Bank Examiners with signs on the body to look for in the event of medical tampering by the enemey in power.

Today as I visited the wealthy community of Tiburon and Belvedere in California, one of the wealthiest areas of those frothing filthy rich human dogs in California, someone said my Humane Revolutionary political party was like the Nazis. The person saying it was one of those benefactors of the warmongering regime terrorizing the world, the Republican and Democratic party and their hidded, "IT Factor". They inject us, spy on us, monopolize mass media, and teach our children to use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco through their media. I will be leaving the USA permanently except for occassional battle foray to combat our enemies propaganda, the Republican and Democrat regime and the "IT factor". Never again serve the regime and applaud when they are attacked and destroyed. I as a former bank examiner for the FDIC was attacked and abused by the regime in power for reporting corruption and then they called me insane. The regional director of the FDIC in San Francisco was killed in his office and it was labeled suicide, as if he too was insane. This is war, make no mistake about it. We should attack the regime for daring to attack the American people and their rights in their alleged war on terror. The true Nazis of our era is the "IT factor". We can see their echelons or tag-alongs in the Republican Democrat regime. Do not fear death as time is infinite. Do not support any nation who steals another nations land, including Israels it factor stealing Arab lands. We are at war. Crush the regime in power. They or it is likely not human is not humane in their hearts. Support the rise of the Humane Revolutionary Party. The name speaks for itself. Know when to stop killing in the war, just as one cuts off cancerous flesh from the body's healthy tissues. (Today's post is expanded on, unless the It factor and their wealthy army edit it off. Nothing is open in San Francisco any longer except the regime's dope dens to enslave the poor and ill. Protect your children. You are on your own.

Foreword September 25, 2006: A call for war, an eye for an eye, the regime wages war on us, we wage war on it. One million dollars per head, or they are dead is my wish. Wishes come true. is editing stories. Swallowed by the regime. I was held for one millions dollars ransom by the federal regime in the U.S.A. in 2001, April through 2006, I a disabled veteran and former federal bank examiner turned informant. They also drew blood. I believe in an eye for an eye and consider their or its act, an act of war. DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY DO UNTO YOU....where have I heard that silloquoy to an upaid and dead ransom. Never again serve. The federal Assistant Regional Director of FDIC told me while George Masa was regional director in SF of FDIC, "You drop the EEOC case and you keep your job" I did not and I was terminated with no EEOC hearing. I will applaud when we have toppled the regime and regained control of this planet, this galaxy. The universe is a cesspool and the nature of it is warfare. Get used to it. Protect your humane brothers and kill those or it that you can not change. It is the directive of universal course. Since Indybay is a fascist pig media with a flower in its hair, I return to the state of warfare, Los Angeles, where it cycled to its beginning and end. The Mobile Triangle is complete. LA Indymedia...peace for vets is a contradictory statement in a time of change of war, war eternal. Proof is on this site of my claims. The regime is not insane and neither are their controllers, they are just not humane, therefore they must die because they drew first blood, one too many times, or we should hope we all die trying to stop them from harming us and our kind further.

Obayashiusa should not be hired further in the USA. Americans for American government work. If they do not back off, Do Unto Others As They Do us, Remove them from our contracts.

A wise woman once told me, "How do you make a buzzard puke?" "You jab it with a stick!". My stick is ex-Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Mobile Alabama and his lack of confession of proven guilt is on Home Page II of this site. When the VA in Los Angeles took me captive in April 23, 2001, I had to make a video for an officer there, a confession of sorts. I confessed to being in fear for my life after an attempt on it by FDIC related assassins in February of 2001. I also confessed that the reason I carried a gun was that I lived in fear after the attack. I also confessed that Sheriff Jack Tillman was stealing inmate food funds and that he had taken my gun permit on April third of 2001 at high noon when I was going to report his thievery at the Mobile Alabama city council meeting. The federal government destroyed my videos and took some of them and that video is missing. The Sheriff' 2000 s department was videoing the event also. I was turned away and police came to my home later after I raised my voice against our enemies in power. I was delirious from stress and lingering effects of ill-advised drugs given to me by the Veterans Administration for pain, steroids that they likely knew I was allergic. The inmates were emaciated and some were dieing due to neglect. See James Carpenter's gruesome death. See Jack Tillman who could not admit guilt or afford to keep his jail running due to his thievery. See the light I provide to the darkness. My stick is ex Sheriff Jack Tillman and I hold him in the door like a ten cent cigar made of wood and our enemies in power also refuse to admit their guilt, instead calling me insane and killing the innocent and the humane for a few billionaires wealth or for an animal in power. Please crush the regime's evil inhumane factions or give this universe its death roll. Never again serve the beasts. Jab it and then kill it if it does not puke us out and back off. It would be like killing that which cleans up death before it is dead. A premature harvester of light. I hold the door for Jack to confess and for the regime to eat my Shee-it. We are no longer friends for the inhumane. They will die or release us and back off. They, or some, may die anyway due to the premature harvest.

Foreword September 24, 2006: Of particular concern to me on this day is the forced injections being allowed in some states and by the federal government in all states and the forced medical procedures allowing by our conquering enemies in the USA governments. In particular in my own experience, the federal government in Los Angeles allows forced experiments of innocent and compliant men on their federal facilities. In Arizona, under their a chapter of their Chapter 36 law, facilities like the Flagstaff Medical Center allow forced injections of innocent men who report suspected wrong doing by our enemy factions in the USA. In Flagstaff they knock men unconscious, totally unconscious, violently attacking them, and then send them a bill. They say we are insane, I say the regime is insane. An eye for an eye. The time is always now to strike back. Give them no peace. We are in the trenches of Hell. I want all state and federal officials and all individuals who do these things evaluated in a like manner. DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY DO UNTO YOU. Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center, and the Los Angeles Federal Facility at the Veterans Administration Westwood are two key flash points. I applaud anyone who overthrows and goes after those who allow these atrocities. They are not us and they have ulterior motives, always. Protect your children at birth. See the Love Line And Quatrains pages for my latest scientific speculations. We are better off dead if we have to live in this nightmare they or it allows. Do not fret if they are under a nuclear cloud or blast and lay in the streets. Protect your own, as our enemies, often in masks we can not discern, are leading us to our eternal enslavement. Time is eternal, never ending, and space is infinite for us, as our outer shell of our universe is shaped like a loaf of bread, a bucket, and we are the cesspool floating within. Give them Hell, give them feces in their mouths on their dieing days. has todays post reiterated and other thoughts.

Foreword September 23, 2006: In this site are links to horrors and atrocities I and many others have endured in the USA since the Bush regimes took power, and before. Do not believe the mask the leaders wear, we are in a technological dark ages while they are near the forefront. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, informant on government corruption after working as a federal bank examiner for the corrupted Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), have endured a holocaust and medical procedures after being forcibly injected under the federal and state regimes in power in the USA, as numerous times I was forcibly injected, by the federal government and then the state governments with federal approval, forced medical procedures by the federal government, incarceration, murder attempts, forced silence on the FDIC corruption by the Secret Service war criminals of the National Treasury Employees Union, exile, and I have been partially blinded while I was in forced exile by the federal regime in Los Angeles and Alabama, and now I am not hired neither in the federal government or in state governments or by the civil sector in my favored occupation, auditing. If I was not raped horribly while knocked unconscious, I was raped of my livelihood. I want revenge. I want the regime to suffer what I suffered and then I want their power structure toppled and their wealth redistributed to the poor. Therefore I will do what I was sent here to do, my manifest destiny, to destroy our enemies as they have tried to destroy myself and have succeeded in destroying others. Their technological mask will require their removal and it will be as difficult and as possible as removing an oyster from a rock bed. I was denied exit out of the USA by the regime in 2006 and then I forced them to let me out by paying exorbitant amounts for paperwork proving my innocence for daring to defend my own life. Our enemies may not be human as we know and could be technological manifestations or something else, or perhaps just inhumane humans. We must strike back now against the regime. An eye for an eye, a spilled blood for a spilled blood, until there is no more of our enemy on American soil is my wish. The horrors I have endured are only partially listed and linked on this site. They or it is at war with me, with us. I have linked the rest of todays article on the alt.politics newsgroup. Those children of the filthy rich war criminals are like their parents and forebears, therefore we will have to view them as such in intense struggles, from now on. Never drop your guard and never ever trust them or "IT". I will be releasing the name of a member of the corrupt syndicate of the FDIC while I was employed in San Francisco under George Masa at the FDIC. That portion of the syndicate had more of a Spanish flavor, but the Nazis and the fake Jews are running the state and the USA, so let them all eat dirt from sunrise to sundown daily. Crush the regime in power and their wealthy who devour us.

Foreword September 13, 2006: I want a a break from our enemies or I want their and my own deaths, if that is possible. Find the Mobile Audit Club's government leprosy handsign picture and you may also find my comment at the bottom of the comments as of today, lamenting whether or not I will be given a relief from enemy controlled territory in the USA. A link to Lebanon Indymedia. Our government is hamstrung, we have a gun to our heads and watch fellow humane humans being murdered and robbed around the world. The gauntlet is down. In Alabama, in Baldwin County, a Treasurer corrupt and appointed by the corrupt County Commission said, "I am proud to be an Alabamian" and then his chin sucked back and he snorted. A pig snake. See the details on Home Page II of this site. I do not have video of the treasurer up yet.

Foreword 9-7-2006: MLK had a dream. I present my dream and my nightmare, that of Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone on the Quatrains 4 Page

Foreword September 11, 2006: Today I could have sworn that I heard some people at the 911 pathos ceremonies on mass media screaming out American Holocaust Victims names since the beginning of the year of 2001, and post 9-11-2001, and one of them was my o 2000 wn, Kurt Brown (Saint Ram Bone) of Mobile Audit Club. We are surrounded by those who have turned against us and the government allows it. Our financial system is being reduced to that of a third world nation. The FDIC dead regional director from San Francisco from the early 90's and my own survival of an attempt on my life in 2001 are small examples of the larger picture. Who is in control who allows us to be butchered and imprisoned and kicked out of government and forcibly injected?. It is time for a new enlightened leadership--Enter the humane revolution, the Humane Revolutionary Party. I have been told that some bombs are going off in the USA and not being reported by mass media. It sounded like one went off near downtown San Rafael California on Saturday night. I do not like undirected anonymous violence, but if a mass media truck burns while it is empty and while the camera crew is video-taping the ceremonies, and meanwhile ignoring our suffering, I say pass the patriot a stick of dynamite. If one of the censoring FCC or federal American-War Criminal types is there, put him inside, roll video, and Let him or them light the matches. I do not condone violence. Warfare is the nature of those who rule now, they are the lessers of the universe. They beat us down, therefore we fust fight back using technology. WE mus be humane in judgment and know when to stop and where to stop turning live flesh into dead. That is the nature and the way of the humane people engaged in primitive combat. I would prefer to see all people getting along. But there are those who will sell us to those alien to ourselves. History proves it. May those with humane judgment and enlighted views crush those who wave that American swastika popsicle red white and blue in our tortured faces. Technology is their forte. We will have to develop defense systems in the underground and keep them to ourselves. Use multiple sealed chambers for entry and exit for extra security with test utilizing physics tools and barriers to stop the unknown. There may not be any secrets frm this enemy on our damned soil of the USA.

My song and video I promised from the 8-15 encounter at Baldwin County Alabama and their endentured servitude state is going to be delayed. The video or part of it, is on the Home Page II link below. I, Kurt Brown, former bank examiner and currently auditor of corrupt USA governments, am going to attempt to enter Canada once again. The last time, there were lies on the documents placed there by our wealthy corrupt enemies in Los Angeles and their federal heirarchy of war criminals, which we will likely have to crush like cockroaches. I need refuge from the NTEU and FDIC and mass media and corrupt government officials of the USA. Too much prolonged post traumatic stress. But I have begun to focus under the pressure.

Foreword September 8, 2006: We are being led astray, we being the humane humans of the world. Our world is dieing in many ways. The wealthy snarl like wolves in places like Marin County California and the corrupt judges of Los Angeles deserve to be severed like snakes, cut into pieces for denying us our rights, but they are untouchable, if even human. In places like impoverished suburbs of the cities of the South East, they whimper. War has been the nature of man since the beginning. Protect your children. Read of the horrors proven on this site and you will see that the USA governments have become the beasts of the earth, but they are not us and we are not they. I am calling for a violent upheaval against the ruling regime, Republican/Democrat and their paradigms and mass media lies. I declare official the Humane Revolutionary party. Because the mass media villainizes the internet, we should move to make laws allowing all communities access to broadcast their own programs through cable companies. Do not allow your children to watch the war regimes mass media, Fox News, CNN, etc. and move to have them barred from broadcast, they and their propaganda, built by wealthy warlords to brainwash humane humans. The tearing apart of their dangerous mass media is a request of the Humane Revolutionary Party. The name explains it all. Do not trust the regime and strike them when you can, those members who injects us and pass laws to do so. Theirs is a hidden agenda and they rape us in their daylight, taking everything. Do not let them take you captive and do not trust the VA if you are a veteran. See the proof of forced experiments and injections linked on this site. Most importantly, read my warnings to protect your children. Break the cycle, the paradigm. Prepare for the technological break up and the war. It will be different. Take from the Drug Dealers of Marin County and Los Angeles everything they have taken from us, and take the oil barons from our nations capital and replace them with visionaries who prepare us for their future, off of this damned planet. When those wealthy fascists and those emulations attack you and use you, take from them everything they take from us, their safety, their belongings, their lives if necessary. Be humane in judgment but be the warriors of the creators greater sphere.

Foreword 9-5-2006: I dare the federal war criminals to inject compliant veterans or citizens in front of TV cameras and the "armed" American militia. Veteran and Mobile Audit Club resounds worldwide. LA Indymedia has link to todays comment on Beirut Lebanon Indymedia.

Foreword 8-30-2006: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, visionary and free-lance auditor on behalf of the poor and those honest auditors and bank examiners killed in government office, was denied exit to Canada on 5-3-2006 due to lies by the evil regime in power in the United States who had placed lies on documents given to the Canadians. Since that time I was told someone had a boat to donate to me to go to international waters. I want out of the grip of those criminals controlling the federal government and state and local governments, including the National Treasury Employees Union. You can send an email to or call 415 694 8176. If I am denied exit again due to lies, I want the USA governments destroyed, top down, bottom up. They are not our allies, they are injecting people, innocent people, forcing medical procedures and murdering. Their lies are in their deceptions and their deceptions are everywhere. We lost the United States, we being those of humane conscience. The United Nations is a whore to the wealthy warlord. Their puppet said we need a nation of one gun. Who is going to hold that gun?. I recommend we point it to his head and pull the trigger and see if he changes his mind. That is the nature of a one sided stand off. The nature of man is warfare since the beginning of recorded history in the Chang dynasty, the humane need guns too. Los Angeles government and Alabama government should be our targets for change and their corrupt courts opened up, inside out. I would rather be lined up with enemies and assassinated than to share soil with them, so let the wars to escape the prison known as the USA continue. A driver in San Francisco came by Yesterday, he had some bumper trouble, but who was it that he hit that I knew in San Francisco. It was as if I saw him hit someone or glance them. I have a few in mind for our rising army on these damned American shores if he should get his right to drive. But the true enemies are not even touchable, as the deception is the lie and it is everywhere. We can start by taking back the USA governments in a military coup and removing that fascist dictatorship mass media and kicking the United Nations off of our doorstep. They are defunct and void.

8-28-2006 Kurt Brown--Saint Ram BoneIn posts earlier than this one are video tapes showing how corrupt and closed our government is. The true nature of our enemy in power is not filmed, not those where they 2000 are injecting us against our will and doing unknown horrors to our people. The time is now. We must organize and strike to regain the Americas for true humane Americans. Indymedia post in Italy of closed door government proof and horrors linked below. They or it closes the government door, enter the Revolutionary Humane party, initiated by yours truly on this date. They wage a war on us, we wage a war on it.

Do not believe the lies that there is assistance for us or that the government cares for Americans or veterans. We are like guinea pigs and slaves and we will soon be fixed so that we can not reproduce. We are nothing to them or it and their mass media divides us. They are not us. I welcome a military coup against the regime in power, not only in the courts but in their closed governments. I view the courts in California and Alabama as guilty of treason. If another innocent individual who is compliant is injected, in NM or NV or AZ or CA or any other state I want all involved taken for a tribunal after we have re-gained control of the United States Government and the Americas. Do not fear death. Grapes and cherries, remember that, grapes and cherries, that is the true taste of death. Some may taste chicken feces, that is what I have heard some say, but it is not my experience. Perhaps they are different species, not humane enough to deserve the fruit from the tree of life. We ar no longer a nation in the USA. Clean out the treasury and FDIC and the ranks of government. Feed them to the chickens, the ground has to be fertilized. The nature of man is war, ever since the Chang dynasty per historical accounts. It goes much further.

Foreword August 17, 2006: We present the Uncut version of a meeting at the Baldwin County Alabama Commission meeting from August 15, 2006, in his effort to stop indentured servitude of inmates and the poor. Other horrors and proofs are linked at the site regarding their neighbor Mobile Alabama and the criminal sheriff I touched upon there, now terminated, and their continuing abuse of us and their closed door government. Mike Dow, former Mobile mayor, and some members of the Mobile Alabama City Council likely have embezzled millions and have helped themselves at the expense of the working poor, simply because the regime there has blocked an honest auditors entrance into their game-play. Terminated Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama was ignorant enough to leave an audit trail, and he is not an accountant like myself or the former Mayor Mike Dow. Soon an artistic version with a song will be presented of the video linked here. "Sometimes it takes a fox to catch a fox, and it often takes a badger or mongoose to eat the largest snake." I expect release of the finished video and song in 30 days. The uncut and unedited link is on a New Orleans Indymedia article Support New Orleans Indymedia. ( We give the green light on the corrupt judges in the United States. They treat us like their enemies therefore we are their enemies and they are ours. Something is not right about them, e.g. I had to see a Judge McMaken in Mobile Alabama when I raised my voice in a government building for protesting my rights being violated under the Open Meetings Law in 2004. McMaken, the block headed one in which I had a blood clot come from my sinuses after his court in June or July of 2004, and he said I could enter the lobby and film and yet the Mobile Alabama Government and City Councilman Copeland, the proverbial One With The Little Horn, denied me entry into the lobby. Beware of him. I am illegally barred from entering the Mobile Alabama city council meeting. (Mess With Kurt Mess With Dirt video Link). Our entire government is gone in my opinion, all the way to D.C. He who serves them in modern times serves the enemy of mankind. I see their act as a declaration of war and I want our people to respond. Beware of their buildings inside. The McMaken pic found on link at Google was Peavey, a former commissioner, and McMaken stays hidden. The McMaken hides and his head is block shaped in the huge frontal lobe. I developed a blood clot that night from my sinuses or head or a unexplained cut found in my mouth by an oral surgeon I saw later, nothing done before or since. My attorney, "Skip" Brutkiewicz, told me not to go inside to speak with McMaken. That was in mid 2004. I want to see the block head McMaken, and the Mobile Alabama city council member Copeland and Johnson in our courts of Patriots when we have regained control of Mobile Alabama government. Mob AL Council Copeland, who has a huge knot on his head, and his crew and the federal fascists are our natural enemies, just like the VA that forces injections, experiments and injections in Los Angeles. They hide like snakes. Things are not what they seem. They may be able to knock us out unaware. This is a technological war. Find them fellow patriots and fight them like mongooses and badgers fighting snakes.) We are no longer allies in the USA. Support the overthrow of the illegal faction of the regime around the world, even if it kills us all. We are better off dead than to live as if silenced slaves in their damned debtors prison nation, a nation of drugs, alcohol, and prisons, and forced injections and forced medical experiments, where our children are lead to dead ends by the state, and indentured ignorance and servitude in the USA. The people of Mobile Alabama of the outcast say a silk video screen is up at the Mobile Alabama City Council and government and that Nazis are behind it. I say, only some are, and those will have to be dealt with in a new manner. Go ahead, try to make us into your outcast slaves.

In this paragraph, I reflect on where we stand. Where we were led astray as children of the 60's was believing in the peaceful nature of man. It does not exist. Man has been at war since the beginning. Our distasteful and involuntary goal therefore is to maintain that war like mentality and to form groups for war, but our over riding goal is to preserve those who are humane and ethical toward the defenseless human. Our job is to protect them and to protect ourselves. Sun Tzu said, "The war never ends." I at first was repulsed by the idea, but that is just the way mankind behaves. So let the wars wage on, and it is our turn at bat. Damn the W regime, the war regime and damn their corrupt judges across the USA that have created prisons, robbing us of everything, and creating indentured servitude and a return to slavery. Both Africans and the poor of the Europeans were slaves in the Americas. The poor American Indians died for the most part.. The regime in power, whatever and whomever they are, do not abide by laws of the land, e.g. their open meetings laws, etc., therefore we will use the laws of nature to help us in war and to thwart their abuses of us and our kind, and I urge all to pursue the ends of the humane and empathetic and divine conscience of the creator. He is empathetic, he is a builder, he is bold and he is grand, he is ugly, he us beautiful, he rules both us and the land, he gives us strength in this war, as he wrings his hands. Having deduced and analyzed the logic of this from the creators standpoint, I can only glimpse the surface, but it is thus: In the beginning the first ripple of life created conflict, opposing static forces against the moving force. Therefore to feel the creator has conflict of sorts. To add to this, the war like mentality is greatest in those with the greatest minds. The greatest minds are builders and empathetic to other living thinking beings. Therefore the sum of intelligence, both in empathy and in logical deduct 2000 ion and in creation of war defenses and offenses, will always go to those who first understand the first ripples, empathy. It is a no holds banned contest, from the start, just like the sentinel value 1 (link defines term) in its absolute form, two seats. (Masa Hoss and Snatch can sit on it, twice and thrice, see Home Page II--thats a joke there, the only one.)

On a related symapthetic note to fellow veterans of the USA, all USA veterans were violated on May 3, 2006, and I was denied a break from being under the regime's evil henchman on that day. On that day I was denied entry into Canada via Vancouver due to lies on American documents in Canadian officials hands at the border. The lies were put there by the federal and state governments of the United States. I wanted a relief from the post traumatic stress of the regime of the USA, especially the assassins and criminals of the federal agencies associated with and comprised of the National Treasury Employees Union and their associated criminal syndicates. I was simply an honest bank examiner, turned informant and criminal investigator. I did not get relief from the post traumatic stress, so I am back in the foray and fight until the end or my death. The other veterans were violated on May 3, 2006 when the social security numbers of USA veterans and other information was stolen including spousal information (Remember to host one of those veterans with empathy who paid the highest price, give them dinner and a warm welcome and a warm depature). I, Kurt Brown, sensed something was going to happen that day, and I crawled to the fence like a wounded and partially blinded soldier of the creator looking for a hole in the cage of battle, the USA. Now I have a bed in a cage called the USA. If I am treated like a lion again and denied exit from the cage, I and the creator will feast upon men. Now, I tell you again, wait until 2007, 10 months from May 3, 2006. I might be off a few years but I doubt it, don't wet your pants. If any veterans, disabled veterans, criminal investigators, auditors, or anyone else who has empathy for the poor and innocent in the seductive game of the wars is jettisoned wrongfully from employment in any industry, or if they are forcefully injected or used in a medical experiment at any time, please contact and use an alias. We will investigate your issue. The FDIC abused me and one man was killed in his office and it was labeled suicide and the Treasury of the NTEU ignores my pleas for employment at the OCC, which was a test of sorts, now I change uniforms. Also, I would like to make a motion that the Governors, Senators, and Congressmen of the states allowing forced injections on honest and compliant citizens be contacted and told to remove the law that allows forced injections of innocent people. The Chapter 36 law was put in place in or around 2001. The numbers themselves tell of their origin--36 or 3 6's. I would like to make a motion that if those governors, congressmen and senators do not repeal those laws or act, that those surrounding them and those governors, congressmen and senators themselves be taken out of office, however necessary, and with a vengeance, like badgers eating snakes. Chapter 36 laws in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, allow those forced injections, and that has not been allowed since the Holocaust of World War II, by law. This is the law of the jungle. This is war. You should not have to endure those things by yourself. This is war eternal and there is no escape. We are our brothers keeper. Use divine conscience and empathy for those who are at the mercy of those in power. Our goal is to build and to grow from planet earth. We may have to resort to the law of the jungle before we can get started. Remember, never estimate your opponent, they have technologies we may not have. If we start to lose, remember to use divine empathy and conscience. There is a dark side, and only some have the light, so do not fret my fellow soldiers. The creator does not whimper, not as I have seen.

Atlanta Indymedia w 2000 as run out of business by the fascists of the CNN propaganda network and those others associated with the regime of premature death and unnecessary suffering. Mass Media TV in the USA reminds me of death. We are unable to speak. On a side note, I spoke with a young woman with a biotechnology background who was more horrified of genetic engineering of plants than she was with my concern about genetic manipulaltion of the human genome. CNN seems to advocate genetic engineering of plants on this planet. It should be saved for outer space. Earth is not a laboratory and human beings are not guinea pigssee Continuing Problems section) . see Home Page II of Mobile Audit Club for a discussion about that young woman.

To lighten today's mood I have put a little divine comedy and reality revelations into the latter part of the first section on the Home Page II - Mob Al related page, Updated 8-18-2006:

Foreword August 15, 2006: (Here is a link to an email with proof of some of my claims today. I attended a Baldwin County Alabama County Commission as of today's post and it was supposed to be broadcast on Mediacom's local cable television in Baldwin County Alabama. I would wager that the fascists of the regime do not want to have open public discussion on their movement of the area back to indentured servitude and then slavery. I would wager that Auditor Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone's comments were edited out for public viewing. I will try to confirm if any or all of the honest auditors comments were removed by our war criminals controlling much of USA government.

I was threatened with violence today after leaving a Baldwin County Alabama government meeting in an effort to stop indentured servitude, also known as debtors prison or modern slavery. A man who was sitting on the center rows, on the left side of the center row, if facing the stage, and had a knife in a holster. As I, Kurt Brown, auditor Sauvant Saint Ram Bone was leaving the meeting he left with me. When I got outside the meeting room and was in the lobby area and had packed my camera, he was waiting. I do not have video of him unfortunately, although the county commission might know who he is. After all, he came inside with a knife in his holster and a armed guard, I believe, had been sitting on the right side of the conference room in the rear also. I started to walk through the building instead of going directly out the door after I had made it to the lobby. When the man with the knife in a holster started walking in front of me, I turned and started out the outside doors. I do not like to get cut or cornered by imbeciles of the illegal regime. He mumbled, "Yeah, go out that way, that way we can get a bead on you". What a bead means is a gun. I am an honest auditor. We have criminals in our government moving us toward eternal war and eventual full fledged slavery. That will not happen again, because the next time, I will call in armed guards to protect me. I have survived when other auditors and bank examiners have died. The creator fulfills my destiny. I fear no one.

A video of auditor Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone attending a Baldwin County Commission Meeting from today is upcoming in which I discuss modern slavery, indentured servitude and debtors prison at the Baldwin County Jail through fees imposed for time incarcerated. I discussed the fact that murderers are at the FDIC most likely and the fact that Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama was stealing due to no controls on the accounts. The Baldwin County Alabama Treasurer is not elected but appointed by the County Commission and this leads to collusion. "Where there is collusion, the audit trail is not reliable or relevant." I or someone else will have to mention that at the next Baldwin County Commissioners Meeting.

The incoming Sheriff, Mr. Mack, obviously does not like me anymore than the terminated Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama. I also asked that all monies of the Sheriff's department be controlled through the accounting department. After the incoming Sheriff made his appearance, he sorted of stared at me as if asking me to make eye contact. I have learned that when dealing with gorillas or chimpanzees you do not look them in the eye if they are not in a cage. Right Jack?. My personal message to America's Nazi types in Uniform, and only to the Nazi types, is "Eat Shee-it. We ain't scared of no Jim crow laws, or Big Mac."

At least Baldwin County Alabama abides by their Open Meetings Law. Mobile County Alabama does not and beats me at their gates, and the federal nazis of the NTEU and FDIC syndicates or their brothers in KKK hoods reminded me on the way out of the Baldwin County Courthouse area that I was allegedly not to mention the FDIC. Why? Because there are dead men in their offices and I survived? Once again, "Eat Shee-it. I ain't scared of no Jim crow laws or mafia kingpin in Los Angeles Superior Court either...dope dealing fascist pig state can rot, I have the right to free speech. Never again serve the regime. They were afraid to give me a trial by jury in Los Angeles in 2004, forcefully injecting me in 2001, beating me, and making me sign papers saying I was guilty for having a legal firearm after the regime did not assist in protecting me after an attack upon myself for reporting obvious criminals in the federal banking regulatory industry. Do not trust the USA governments. Eat the warmongers like snakes fellow mongooses and patriots, and at a price to tag and release.". Here is a copy of an email sent to Alabama State Auditors...they area likely corrupted also, or just ignorant or timid.

Foreword 8-31-2006: Proof with links to horrors ignored by the enemy regime in power in the USA and the world in present day follows today's post. A call has been put out to have a group form in San Francisco for ousted American professionals. I make the motion to start that all government contracts be given to American Veteran owned companies and that all veterans never be terminated from the government that our fathers fought for. Germans protect their own, and so shall we, starting in our coming reign. I and other veterans interviewed at Obayashiusa, a multi-trillion dollar Japanese construction conglamerate, and were denied employment in the USA for their billion dollar contracts. I doubt that humane Japanese have significant stockholder standing just as I doubt that humane Americans run American government. They are at war with us. We are a prison state and their biggest industry is illegal drugs and alcohol and casinos, all detrimental to our health. We will target them for compensations in our reign. There is something peculiar about one person in the Obayashi meeting I went to, and I would wager it is that way almost always. They make trillions from our American families. They and the fake human behind W and regime are soon to be scuttled, mates. Craiglist financial services has todays call for employees. Do not fear death, in the higher order, the humane feast upon grapes and cherries, the lower orders tastes the roots chicken feces from what I am told.

Foreword September 22, 2006: I have linked many atrocities against the American and worlds people on this site. The biggest mistake my parents and I ever made was trusting the weal 2000 thy aristocrats system. Their media preaches peace while they wage war on us from birth, commiting atrocities from the time we are born. I welcome a global war, a breach of the breach and our release in a bloodletting unknown henceforth to the beasts of this universe. Never again serve. Crush the illegal regime in power, but beware, they might not be human, but machine in some sort in form and function. I consider projections from space and land bases systems. .

Foreword September 21, 2006: Today, Argentina's President cried to the mass media for the American poor to rise up, but the poor can not rise. Someone even suggested in San Francisco that I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone go to Mobile Alabama and take a seat on the Judge's bench. That will not happen without brutal force, not without a technological dismemberment of the ruling "IT" factor first. The judges' seats are a set arrangement of the "IT" factor ruling over us coast to coast and often abusing us coast to coast. America is a living hell for many.

Foreword September 17, 2006: Today's post is most recently updated and corrected on St. Louis Indymedia and earlier placed on LA Indymedia and also on New Orleans Indymedia, and I have made a prediction of disaster in the USA in 2007. I correct the date of the prediction, it was not 2001 but 5-3-2006 that I felt its approach, and the park named is not Lake Park, it is Stanley Park. America is soon to become a battlefield. Prepare. Help support New Orleans Indymedia as it is the only voice on the Gulf Coast in that region for the poor, silenced by war criminals of the wealthy war criminal sect we will have to battle someday, of that I am certain. Perhaps it is something else we will have to battle and I have outlined it in again in the latest updated segment of the Quatrains 4 page .

Someone said we lost the USA in the Spanish Civil War. The Germans and Italians basically backed the fascists with crosses. The war was in 1936 to 1939. The National Treasury Employees Union got its start in that period as a Union for the IRS Tax collectors. We should move to have ALL federal unions dismantled or start elimination of all opposition. They are government workers, not factory labor. Collusion and corruption has allowed them to gain on foothold. So remove their heads and the feet will follow. Austrian Schwarzenegger and others like him will be plowed under, if they are human and touchable. Beware of the detach and attach method. When you think you have removed them, they come back. They or it will have to be sought out and destroyed. Never again serve their regime. Serve the Humane Revolutionary's party revolution. We are men of war and Humane Conscience. We do not lie to you or it.

Foreword September 16, 2006: Today, I was allowed out of the USA to Canada. Tomorrow I Kurt Brown will enter Mobile Alabama government, my native government, by peaceful means, and then force if necessary. The ruling factions are not ours in the USA. Some scoff at me in Canada, some greet me. I only see humane and inhumane, therefore right and wrong follow the lead of the person I will mimmick in friendship or battle. I feel nothing for my enemy, the inhumane. I dropped off an angel, may she fly in peace in the dreaded nation, US, in this dreaded world of borders and lies. Addicts roll in the streets of Canada just like the USA and the children behave as idiots, trained by the enemy, just as in the USA. Next stop? I have been cut from government employment and political involvement in the USA. " War is the nature of man." "I am an admirer of nature, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone". My enemies say I get what I deserve when forcibly injected and ejected in the USA. Bring on the dancing men of the end. The war is now my fellow soldiers. Technology will be our virtue, in essence of time spent.

Foreword August 24, 2006: Today, I revealed many things to myself. First of which is that nothing in California or Alabama in the most trusted sectors is true, and it appears that everywhere I go in the South East and in California, it is the same--a dangerous and treacherous lie. For instance, the Alabama government does not have a government for and by the people, most can not vote anyway. In California, there is no justice and the people do not care for each other in many sectors or across sectors and their biggest contributors are criminal syndicates and the prison industry. The Safeway grocery chain is not safe, as when you buy things on sale, they are not at the sales price and you often pay 2 to 4 times the quoted price, therefore things are not safe at the Mill Valley Safeway I tested, and just like the murderous FDIC and NTEU and federal government, nothing is done about them either. Their women workers are very attractive though and some knew who I was. Perhaps I should say, I want out of these Damned United States and I would like to be safe and take a few with me. I tried to leave in May of 2006. Next time, if I am denied, I hope we take a fleet of yachts, and if their wealthy corrupt and indifferent owners are onboard, they will know the meaning of "Shanghai Escape". We American were told in our generation that peace is the answer, the children at the tail end of the baby boomer generation, circa 1960 and onward. War is the nature of man. I elaborate on the ethical design of conscience and how the true warriors will be best at that game also. The time for war is now against the corrupt of the regime. Use technology and never, I repeat never, underestimate your opponent. I feel that in Alabama things are done to children in ways we can not see, horrible things, to thwart development.

In reflection of my time in exile in 2003 and 2004 by the California and Alabama governments in hand with criminal federal syndicate animals or apparitions of men, I was awakened in a dream to look up Archimedes Principle in relation to what was happening to us. The USA governments were taken over in much the same method that a drop of water is removed or displaced from a span of water. I consider it a hand in the USA government foreign to us, and it was done one person at a time. If a disabled veteran is terminated from a federal police or treasury agency, those who terminated him should be terminated as well, one way or another. That is Archimedes Principle in inverse. For the dullards, I explain, "One pushes another aside". For us, those with ethics and a notion of the interior design of life and happiness of the divine consciousness, we can not tolerate those from the outside of that group controlling us. We would be better off dead, whatever that is. Those pushed aside are put back and one of the foreign body are placed outside. No qualms. War is good if done under the ethical design. We let them take it all or maybe they used warfare techniques. Their trick is to have a hidden party while you chase lures. Who is they? The enemy of mankind, those who enslave us, put us in indentured servitude, debtors prisons, shorten our lives for their profits, and take away our ability to function at the optimum. Humans had better start viewing each other differently, with humane cognizance and at the same time with the cold calculative mind of Archimedes in warfare. It is the natural way to a fulfilling life and fulfilling the creators destiny. I believe children are tampered with, newborns or sooner. I would like to do an experiment, because we have lost the space race and the world is surrounded. Have children born and or conceived from beginning to end or at the birth moment in buildings encased in materials that can not be penetrated with various wavelengths and energy forms. Lead walls or some other material that is encased and the mother is not exposed.

Foreword August 23, 2006: Having arrived back in the Bay Area of San Francisco, I am hopeful that what I see and hear is an acknowledgement of my and our struggles outlined over the last week and also the last 5 years. Whoopi Goldberg on her radio show aired on KKSF-FM, San Francisco (Smooth Jazz) said, "Masa, the cotton done gone", and I heard a San Francisco Giants player point out Randy ( I hope he was implying San Quentin prison resident and Serial Killer Randy Kraft who I survived) doing San Quentin Pushups, and a news anchor pointing out we are the same caste, holding his hands of caramel color together. Yes, it is good to be home, but I weep for my other homes on the Gulf Coast, from New Orleans to Biloxi Mississippi to Mobile and Baldwin Counties of Alabama. We the outcast are going to lay siege to the closed government of Mobile Alabama. My Gulf Coast home cities are being wrongfully manipulated and our people downcast. Their syndicate will go the way of their convicted food funds Sheriff Jack Tillman. "If you mess Kurt, you mess with Dirt"-- Kurt Brown, Auditor Sauvant--Saint Ram Bone. Another delivery of another wonderful soul, a woman who struggles with the remains of her home in New Orleans and the manipulations of big money and government to cast the common aside, and then the wealthy manipulators who buy for nothing and then cash in, with a new larger levee in New Orleans after all of the common are out. Let us hope the swindlers are removed and quit robbing the treasury and the American people. Note that poor of British descent worked in indentured servitude with Africans on the first American colonies. Eventually outright slavery was all the rage. Remember John Brown abolitionist and later Harriet Tubman. I would like to work again, but I am denied traditional employment as a federal bank examiner again due to their internal criminal syndicate fearing me, and I am ignored like many in the traditional sector due to my being labeled and outcast, therefore I will go to my first vocation, hunter and defender of my people--That does not remain serving the USA federal war machine or their Nazi banking system. Never again serve the government that destroys our people..

A Special Offer By Mobile Audit Club's Saint Ram Bone -- Kurt Brown in Beirut Lebanon on Craigslist Beirut...

I want to remind people to stay tuned for my audit report after I attend the Baldwin County Alabama County Commission meeting on August 14, 2006 regarding indentured servitude or modern slavery and extortion of inmates. They are robbing America blind, the regime in power (Hamilton Canada Indymedia article) Click link twice, it had some glitches and repeats. I went to a meeting recently of upstanding professionals and a African American woman showed me a scar on her ankle. I have one of the same. Are we slaves here? Am I dead? Can I die? Aristotle ponders with me.

Here is an example of USA fascism in a video of it with a song about people like us, and Kurt treated like dirt. A book is coming up soon about Mobile Audit Club. I also want to commend these Jewish Women in San Francisco, my second home, for trying to stop the carnage in the mid-East. Not all ever agree on war. I encourage people not to let their children serve the USA military and I also encourage home-births of their children away from anything the government is involved in, including pre-natal drugs. A traitorous and lieing sect is among us and our children are at risk. In all fairness to the creator and to put the devil at risk, the illegal regimes, I want to crush those evil forces in our society who kidnap us and hold us for ransom. For instance, myself as a former federal bank examiner turned informant on obvious money launderers and murderers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in California, a federal banking regulatory agency, and because I was given a One Million Dollar Bail by Los Angeles Superior Court under FDIC and NTEU whims for owning a legal firearm after an attack on my life and afterward being forcefully injected for no reason by federal agents in Los Angeles on 4-23-2001, I want to commend those who take war criminal billionaires into their possession for set bails to their cronies of $250 Million Dollars U.S. each. Turn about is fair play. Of course they will not want to pay, so we must ask them to donate to the sausage and for the extra soap from their fat wealthy warmongering asses. If they ask for war, give it to them is my thought on the matter, but only if you can make money from it, like they do. It is akin to a mongoose eating a snake. Soon the snake population dwindles and the mongooses starting digging burrows again. Never again serve the evil regime in power. Remember Vietnam, defend your own. The U.S. government regime in power are not what they seem and they are robbing us of everything, including freedom and safety and treasury. Today's big news on American fascist propaganda menda, "Kobe, W's old dog? Adopted out, was shot with a .22 rifle. Was it the .22 rifle gift from my father, also a USA veteran, that came up missing after all of my legally owned guns were stolen from my U-Haul in 2001 by federal agents in Los Angeles when Fleeing the now o 2000 usted Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama and the federal assassins of the FDIC and NTEU who tried to kill me in February 2001 in Louisiana? Who gives a damn CNN? Propaganda spinners need a twist also, to the tune of $250 Million is my suggestion. Should their owner be targeted, billionaire fascist liars at Time Warner? Or perhaps EADS, the German managed European Weapons manufacturer on American soil that is the remnant of the skeleton of American owner Chrysler Corporation? You tell me." We are no longer a viable nation in the USA. We need a new leadership with a new vision and more opportunities for the common or we are better off dead. The treasury is filled with weed in California and the cash is gone. I once supported pot legalization, now I believe in methadone type clinics for the addicts.

Foreword August 9, 2006: Yesterdays Post on Indentured Servitude and Theft by Government in Alabama is updated here on LA Indymedia..A video with music is forthcoming. I also duplicated the post overseas muy many times due to censorship in the damned USA prison and slave state. To our armies around the world, you can not fight our enemies in conventional warfare any longer. I recommend finding fellow humane humans on the other side and working peace out and finding the provaceteurs of war among humane beings and rooting them out until they or it is gone. I feel that way about the USA fighting factions and those of Israel and Lebanon. I fear for the "True" Lebanese people as much as I do the "True" Israelis. We are manipulated and lied to from the time we are born. I want the Democratic party destroyed in the USA if it can not be made available to the poor. They do not protect us, only the rich, whatever they or it is. If you have to, do what you have to, but guns and such are useless against them, or it. What are you shooting at? Layered deceptions are their forte. Technology and stoppage of usage of drugs and alcohol and tobacco is an imperative for our people. We must be cognizant of everything. The mass media taught us to use hallucinogens under the regime's guidance. They do not want us to see their slight of hand. This is warfare, this is enough. If they try to draft your children, attack the politicians that initiate it outside of the government buildings with analytical tools. The inside of government buildings give them the technological advantage in deceptions and such.

Foreword August 8, 2006: Today's post will de duplicated on Home Page II since it applies to Alabama and the South East USA. Todays Post on Indentured Servitude and Theft by Government in Alabama is updated here on LA Indymeda..A video with music is forthcoming It is duplicated overseas muy many times also.(I will be putting together a page of companies, organizations, and entities that I want checked or fed upon. Like Mongooses and Badgers, we will remedy the snakes surrounding our young. Let's get started. Beware of those who feed upon us, larger predators.)

Today I went to the Baldwin County Alabama Commission Work session to discuss an atrocity that was supposed to have ended in 1859, debtors prisons. The most outstanding flaw I see is that the Treasurer is appointed by the county commission and that fat fascist chairman Lipscomb, therefore there are no true controls on the accounts due to collusion, just like I discovered about Sheriff Jack Tillman in Mobile Alabama who was stealing inmate food funds (Link to videos and news of his theft). Monies would be available if there were controls on the accounts and if the treasurer was conservative in judgment and did not allow pork barrel politicis, i.e. rip offs of government funds. We are better off dead than to have a government controlled by those types. Let them have just desserts.

Foreword August 7, 2006: Late Update: I will attend a meeting of the Baldwin County Alabama Government on Tuesday August 8, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. to discuss debtors prisons and Baldwin County's policy of charging inmates monies while in their jail for housing. They are re-arrested for the fines not paid, and they are often of the poorest of the poor and do not even have homes. Our enemies rule in America and I want them deposed, however it has to be done, or give us all death.

Is it just me, or do some people have a machine like quality to their voice? I spoke to someone at the Baldwin County Jail, a white man, on the phone today and he sounded like a machine quality. I noticed the same voice at a Wells Fargo Bank Executive in Mill Valley California recently. That is not to say they are machines, just suspect at the moment.

Mobile Alabama government is a corrupt entity of heartless beasts. Alabama is like a Hell for the poor. Heartless bastards run the United States from afar in many ways regardless. Many inmates await prison or long jury proceeedings while there. They have brought back Debtors Prisons and Enduntured Servitude in Alabama and the USA. The same thing is done in California in some counties according to my sources in 2001, Ventura County Jail in particular.

We are no longer allies in the USA. The federal government is no longer controlled by honest Americans, if Americans at all, and our jobs and our forefathers pensions were robbed. Economic and prison warfare is waged upon us daily and our brothers are conned by the mass media. The Democrats and Republicans are owned by the Negative Capitalists, those of predatory endeavor which includes casinos, drug syndicates, and prison and federal government unions and their syndicates and the oil barons who keep us in their tourniquet like that oil baron Bush family who steals the elections, if they are even human or alive. In other words, they are worse than the German Nazis were. When I tried to stop this man, Sheriff Jack Tillman from stealing I was beaten from government. All I had was a guitar on that day and a camera, 4-3-2001. Note the dates and the meaning when attacking them. This will be "Our Finest Hour". Jack took my gun permit because I had been carrying it months earlier when I had found out a murder labeled suicide of the FDIC regional director in San Francisco was not a suicide but a murder. I know because I taunted the suspected assassins group and they attacked me. The men I taunted after informing on their corruption were the FDIC director at the time George Masa and another man, likely NTEU. One bank examiner in Roseville California FDIC who issued the only bank charter I was invo 2000 lved with and who also was in charge of bank examinations of an obvious sweating and money laundering bank president and millionaire was one of Masa's colleagues in that syndicate, I would wager heavily. The video was destroyed by the federal government on 4-23-2001 or when I was incarcerated for owning a gun in a UHaul. Those bastards give us the right to bear arms and then give us a felony. They are two faced liars so eat them alive is my sentiment. I have the BBQ sauce for you. I learned and the creator watches. Big changes are afoot for those war criminals. Read of the horrors in the link on today's post. The syndicate is still in place. I want to work in the federal banking industry but the OCC of the Treasury will not return my calls. I want to be at the top so I can bite their heads off, those heads who are criminal. I am known by some as the mongoose, and I known by others as the hound, and I prefer, Auditor Sauvant, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone.

I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, was supposed to lay down and die for their murderers who kill honest bank examiners. The OCC never returned my call to be a bank examiner when I gave all documents necessary. In a second attempt to be a bank examiner at another agency The Federal Housing Board sent me a letter stating I needed to send more documents so I was out of luck. I do not feel safe working in the lower levels as a bank examiner in the federal government anyway and I would rather be a soldier in the creators army. Our enemies in regional government kill regional banking regulatory directors, they being the regime in power, and an attempt was made on my life in 2001, 2004, and I was exiled for a year by the dope dealing courts of Los Angeles and I was isolated and partially blinded by poisons at the time...a proven fact. I do not feel safe with them. I would feel safer with Hamas or Hezbollah or the Jewish Defense League. As a matter of fact, I would like to have us all sit down and talk with both sides daughters and children present. The regime calls me insane while they kill everyones dauhters and children and forcefully inject myself, kill honest banking regulators, and rob us of everything. Ignorance is not humane and may not be human. A dividing group or force is among humans. I urge the use of divine humane empathy and conscience, otherwise the human species is dead. We may have to go to war with them but we will need technological weaponry.

I survived the attack on my life the Saturday after St. Valentines Day 2001, initiated by the FDIC and NTEU syndicates due to my being an honest informant on criminal activity within the agency, the FDIC, including murder sanctioned by our enemies within the federal government. I am calling for a new affront against the enemies of the world, starting in the USA. It is better to die fighting them than to be an American slave of mind and body in this Damned Century.

I lost a few posts on the home page but will have most of the data posted again soon. One important piece of data is for veterans to beware that their Social Security numbers are available to criminal syndicates due to theivery of a hard drive and criminals within government. Proof linked here on many newssites linked on Webcrawler. In another instance, my past employers employee data was stolen at the FDIC, and I am not sure who is on who's side in this conflict. Many criminals are in place at the FDIC, including higher rank war criminals. To quote one criminal investigator, "Watch your back and cover your tracks". No one is safe in the USA. They love to call me crazy and to treat us like criminals. The VA overdosed me with steroids and then said, "Look, he is insane", then Alabama's Government Nazi elements said the same thing. Our enemies are in the USA government and they have access to information and phone companies such as Cingular Wireless make it easy to obtain phone records. All they need is your phone number, your social security number and your zip code, and everyone you speak with is revealed. Let us pray and move to have the regime of Democrats and Republicans and their associated groups and legions attacked in the manners they attack us, the common who are excluded from voting or entering government buildings.

In addition, the wealthy are becoming more criminal, which brings up the point, are they us. Citibank and the Federal Reserve are criminally infested. Divest our nation of their presence is my sentiment. Citibank owes me $12.63 from their Universal AT&T cash rewards account, just like others they have ripped off and who were swindled. They lose payments also, so beware in paying those criminals in control of anything associated with Citi bank. I want it returned to me in the form of the release of all of their executives stock holdings to American workers who were robbed by the reigning regime. The American dream for the American worker is a lie. Pensions from American are robbed from the workers who earned them. Now they put the oil tourniquet on us and restrict supply and stop other energy sources from the market. Our forefathers were robbed through stock devaluation, or the picking apart of the company. International Paper, United Airlines, and General Motors are the best examples. Daimler Chrysler pays us back by building weapons to kill on American soil under their slave wage state through EADS, a german managed Daimler Chrysler owned weapons manufacturer. In another matter the IAC corporation has companies that are stealing from people. I encourage collect our due from them. IAC is on the table. Eat them alive. When companies steal from us, we steal from them. Beware of the Federal Reserve as they were taken over also. Our bankers are corrupted. IAC cancels memberships and policies and keeps disproportionate amounts.

Also due to my informing on a casino operative and likely money launderer from Reno Nevada getting a bank charter by an obvious member of the FDIC's criminal syndicate approving it at the Roseville California FDIC, I am harassed when I go into Casinos. I was followed and harassed at a Casino in Lake Tahoe in 2004 when in exile by the federal and state government. I was in a casino known as the Aztar in Evansville Indiana in August of 2006 (Ass Tar is pronunciation) recently and someone at the gate walked in front of me and clicked a silver device. Possibly a counter, or possibly a camera control or possibly a weapon. We have enemies in the casino industry. Since we have criminal syndicates controlling the USA government we should go after the wealth holders of the casinos, those who control and own them, and the same goes for the drug and alcohol and tobacco industry. Think of yourself as a mongoose eating snakes. To kill is wrong, but to protect your own is the law of nature, and why not make some money in the process. After all, you have to be rewarded for your efforts and like the mongoose, you have to eat or be eaten. They and their corrupt courts like Judge McMakens in Mobile Alabama and the LA Superior Court judges steal from us. If the regime sets off a nuclear device in the USA, know it was not terrorists but those who control the USA. They are our enemies, those closed door fascists who may not even be human or on this planet. Those poor negros and poor mullatos and poor white folks in Alabama might as well move to the Favelas or slums of Brazil. We 2000 do not stand a chance as we can not win at their game. Make your own game. Those frothing millionaires do not care for us but they call us to fight their wars and they play hymnals from Hell for us to persuade us. Remote control warfare can put instigators of war among you. You can be made to kill yourselves, controlled like shrimp.

Myself and Daniel Kopp are shut out for what we know. I want to meet Daniel Kopp mentioned in Newsweek. He was shut out for what he knew, just as myself, a former informant on corrupt bank examiners. The war has just begun, they only wish I was dead. I want to die, to go home, if there is one beyond this life, but I survived, therefore the creator has more work for me even though I am in pain. He does not whine, like me, but I am trying not to howl bloody murder. Daniel Kopp, please contact Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone at (415) 694-8176. Call beforehand, our security has a trigger finger. I think I saw Daniel on 7-7-06..maybe, in San Francisco. A woman on a city bus in San Francisco on 7-7-06 showed me the article on Citibank and how they are stealing Cash Rewards at AT&T Universal, a Citibank owned entity. It was ironic because Newsweek pulled the article on Citibanks AT&T Universal Cash Rewards ripoff from the magazine obviously after the first publishing and it was late arriving to the news stand where I bought the magazine on Chestnut in San Francisco to verify the information. The lady on the bus might have put the article inside the magazine, but I doubt it. Citibank is powerful and has a lot to hide and they may have control over the media such as Newsweek, either through force or coercion or complicity among the millionaires of the USA who are foreign to us like space aliens. I am an honest bank examiner. I want an executive level position in the USA treasury or I want some NTEU heads to role in addition to some at the Treasury and FDIC's top ranks. Contact me, Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone at (415) 694-8176, to give me updates either way. We are all bleeding at the mouth and eye to hear the valid news.

Capitalone credit card company put an infinite loop in their site to make it difficult to apply for the cash rewards. Washington Mutual Bank was charging business for checks paid to them twice in addition to other crimes. The bottom line is that the Federal Banking Regulators and those who set the laws in the Treasury have become criminally infested. I encourage the ousting of the current regime and the placing of one with ethical guidelines that are true to all Americans and people of the world. I want a space program with international space colonies. First, I want a voice in the USA government or I want it toppled and their head officials who have barred us from government extradited or executed or found in space or on or in the planet Earth and permamently done away with.

In addition, many banks are behaving as criminals and they get assistance due to murder and ousting of honest members of the Treasury and FDIC. Some of the criminals included Citibank, Washington Mutual Bank, and to a lesser extent CapitalOne, and I urge all to beware of the easy availability of their phone usage data as is indicated by Cingular Wireless who can have their data on you released when any computer user has your social security number, zip code, and telephone number.

The muslims of the USA should beware. We are one, both Muslims, Jews, and all others. We are being torn apart by a dividing force. Never believe your eyes and use humane divine conscience in the coming war. Look to the future but do not accept their corrupt instruction. Muslims look at Alabama, our war is here. Allah is in the first name. It was meant to be that way. The english language has many clues when torn apart front and back and assembled in piecemeal. It is the hidden semantic that reveals Allah's and God's, aka the Creator's divine instruction in this struggle against ignorant lower animals. The simple lower beings always call visionaries insane or criminals. What else can they do, as they are about to be eaten alive. I urge my people not to use any drugs or alcohol. We were taught to use drugs, remember the Hollywood dope show Cheech and Chong and CC Rider and others, and alcohol and tobacco is used to weaken us and kill us and rob us, and to take our resolve to go to war with them and their ignorance and win. The true enemy is likely not human. They or it has deceptive practices. They fear us when we are sober and directed as we once controlled the cosmos, but not any longer. The war is always. Never drop your guard and always remember to use divine and humane conscience, otherwise we have slavery and murder, as in modern economic warfare and the killing in the mid East and at one time Vietnam, etc. This war is old and is nothing new.

Veterans Preference in federal employment means nothing. I therefore offer my services to any foreign military or intelligence agency outside of the USA and their allies who are corrupt and abusing the poor, such as those who close government doors on us in violation of their own laws to protect us. I support both North Korea and Iran to attack the USA our mutual enemies at those highest points of the internal criminal syndicates in the USA or where ever they reign and feast like slovenly pigs. We should convert their homes into schools for the poor and shelters for the homeless at the end of the next world war or war of the cosmos. Support the overthrow of the closed door regime in power and support the overtaking of those corporations who have turned the USA into a living hell, and that is especially true of the Casinos and the drug cartels, the government unions the NTEU, the Treasury's corrupt members and let us not forget those fascists in league with them. You choose your abusers among them. We are not allies in the USA. Do what you wish with your new masters, but make them pay with their gold stolen from us is the wish of Americans soldiers used in forced experiments and forced injections in our true to life American holocaust. In other words, G-- Damn the regime in power. Make them pay for what they have done to us.

Start in your home town or come to Alabama or California. Mobile is a stake waiting to happen and I am taking on the debtors prisons of Baldwin County across the bay starting this week in their government meetings. I urge union organizers to bust up federal unions that cover more than one agency in government, and that includes the NTEU and AFL-CIO. The meetings of our mutual enemies should be disrupted and their leaders subjected to the terrors we suffer when trying to enter. This is no game, this is the beginning of the Holy War of the world and especially America.

Have no mercy on them if a battle erupts. Remember though you have been manipulated, they may be part machine or emulations of humans at times and some people may be mind controlled and voice patterns can be altered and mind control is an everpresent threat. Our opponents have no mercy upon us and they are violent as some of my videos demonstrate. You will need new defense and analysis systems. Stop your children from going to their indoctrinations, their public schools. Do not trust their injections or public hospitals birthing areas, as they may attack your young when you are not even aware, and that is not meant the hospital staff that is just like us. The VA even wanted to do experiments on Veterans children claiming it was the to test the after effects on fathers from Desert Storm. They are liars and cold manipulators, some of them, and that faction in control should pay, if they are even on this planet. We do not have a space program. Technology is used by them to delude us, so beware of their buildings and their 2000 packs of men like animals. Sometimes you are better off dead than to be taken into their courts.

We are factionalized in the USA. Obtain and sell weaponry around the world to those who battle our mutual enemies in the governemnts criminal syndicates is my wish, because with equal weapons, stalemates are called. We are not winning this thing even when we win, because our leaders are not our people or our kind. Kill me if I am ever taken prisoner by the enemy in power in the USA. Never again shall they inject me or abuse me as the LA VA and Federal government FDIC and NTEU did in LA in 2001 and as the Mobile Alabama closed door government jailed me in 2004 for raising my voice in demand of my rights under their open meetings law. See Continuing Problems section of this link. I mean it. If you have to fire a rocket at a squad car or blow up a building, do not let me go through another holocaust when I take them on in Baldwin County Alabama for their debtors prisons, where they house innocent men and take their money for being incarcerated. Beware of their trickery as their delusions are rampant. Mobile Alabama will not allow me into their government meetings. The federal government lied and had the Canadians bar me from fleeing the USA in May of 2006. I came back, to analyze and if necessary, go to war and to even the score. Because that is what they want, me dead, to even their scores as they see fit, as they are pigs for feast on our day of reckoning. Today I saw power lines explode in Mobile. I relish the though of our enemies in my electric chair at full power. It is my prayer that the muslims will take notice there and raise my name to the foreground. That way our people will look to the mid east and see we have brothers there also, not just among the Israelis. They are brothers and are divided by the dividing force, the stupid inhumane force, and they want war, so let us find them and extinquish there essence and bring them back in vials of constituent elements to feed the space colony lillies. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and the essentials.

I was told the United Nations is breaking up. We are better off with global war than to suffer. I was told 10 Veterans Adminstration officers were killed. If they were responsible for the abuses I and others suffered, I applaud their heads removals if they were not under mind control, but do not stop there, take out those who have robbed the treasury and our highest seats from us is my wish, or give us all mutual death, as that is better than being subjugates of beings equivalent to unthinking devils. Their controllers could be elsewhere.

In the USA negative capitalism reigns, and positive capitalism is dead. Casinos are the hallmark of money laundering, and their owners are our enemies and they have spread like a virus across the land. Take the casinos down and their owners and clean theirs and their corporate families pockets of everything. Have no mercy on the dope dealing regime and their cigarette and alcohol economy. We were conned as children. We are soldiers and their history presented to us is another damned lie. If we must live in Hell, spread it around. They deserve a slice of that burning American apple pie.

"I run through the battlefields of history with the creator" "He has a stick in his eye and I in mine". "I am hideous, but not as beautifully hideous as he" "I lift him up when he is down in the battlefied and he does the same for me when I am behaving in an enlightened fashion." To the corrupt faction ruining America, we say, "Batter Up". If we should die in any coming battles, let us remember we are the sacrificed flesh to repair the creators eye, we are the watchmen. Beware of the voice that sounds like a machine. Look for it and look for any delays or anomalies in the surroundings. Use humane and divine conscience when you see thinking beings. Hindus put that red dot there for a reason. We can not emulate Ganesh with man and elephant. It is an image of one facet of the creator, not a creature of the flesh like us. We are the putty, not the mold. Some of us travel in two parts, or more, like harmonious battle or musical instruments. We are going to find our rulers and correct them. We are dieing. We are dead. We are sovereign and fearless. Do not trust the USA federal governements police agencies. They are infiltrated and our true allies are silenced or dead.

End of Today's Post 8-7-2006

Foreword July 28, 2006: It appears that the last honest and outspoken federal USA bank examiner tortured by the federal and state governments of the USA is going to be allowed into a South American nation. Canada is still uncertain and I will report back. If they do not allow Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, all Canadian blue chip companies in the USA wil be put on the platter to be devoured. The USA governments corrupt entities are like Nazis but they bear crosses and stars of David. The CUPE wants to boycott Israel for apartheid. I want peace there, but I will gladly sell weapons to anyone who is being wrongfully beaten, just as I see those who are having their lands stolen in this century. If a dog wants to fight, give the underdog the same size teeth is my sentiment. Cash in, our enemies do, and it appears that many who claim to be of divine cloth are warmongerers and oilbarons and syndicate drug dealers and prison builders in the USA. Crush the regime in power and follow and dissect the FDIC Board of Directors and the Federal Reserve Bank board of Directors, and especially the NTEU. They give us war, let us give them back crates, full and empty. Some of their fattened and spoiled youth say we, "Preach hate" or say we "desere to be forcefully injected". They wage economic warfare on us and our lives are hell, so who cares any longer, the gloves and blinders are off. Mass media under the regime deserves to be burned to the ground. We are no longer allies in the USA. Positive Capitalism is dead. I give the green light on Citibank, Washington Mutual, Capitalone in low degree, and especially FDIC, NTEU and the Federal Reserve Bank Board of Directors. Take a look at those people and decide which are the filthy pigs helping the drug and money laundering syndicates murder and imprison, or tell us who or what is really there. Who cares if they die? They allow injections and murder and imprisonment of honest bank examiners.

Even California is on the melee with their huge prison state and their drug cartels. I survived but would welcome a nuclear blast over my head if my enemies are in proximity in one of their wealthier neighborhoods. My holocaust is in the USA. The time for war is now. Invent new defense systems and never trust the regime. Now they can fill my grave, the grave an honest bank examiner tortured by the regime in power in the USA. My tomb is vacant also. I will be leaving these damned United States soon. Evidently we are not "All white" in Canada under their leadership, or perhaps we are just not Kosher enough? I can not tell the difference between the discriminating parties. They may be one.

Do not allow big government to terrorize you. We approve of the email contact listed in the fire zones, our associates . The rose colored glasses are off in the USA and blood is on government floors and approved by the Federal Reserve and FDIC criminal syndicates. I will putting up the faces here on the web of those who are heading our federal banking regulatory agencies. They are the faces presented 2000 but not necessarily those who are ruining and robbing our people of the working class

Foreword July 25, 2006: In yet another discovery on the corruptness that now pervades America's banking system, I will discuss Capitalone, a credit card who offers cash back rewards as an incentive, but whose cash back rewards is not found on their site after you log in to view them. You have to call them to find out how much you have earned and their website sends you through an infinite loop and their 1800 number given to me over the phone for cash rewards was the wrong number. I had to go online to be given the correct number. Dump Capital One as your credit card company due to lies by their deceptive business practices of hiding the amounts due from their cash rewards. You can sign in to your account online, but then to view the rewards, you appear to have to sign in again. In the end, you have to go through another more tedious process to access the cash rewards amount, and it had to be $25 to be given to you, which is $5 more than the ripoff AT&T Universal card which is now lost money, thanks to Citibanks deceptive practics. On Capitalone, on their regular account online you have to sign in again. Then again and again and again. They have created what we in programming call an "infinite loop" and you have to contact them to see what the cash rewards are at that time. When I called on 7-25-2006 they gave me a cash rewards 1800 number to redeem my rewards and when I called it, they said it was a holiday, and it turned out to be the wrong number given to me. It must be the, "Government and banks screw us doggie style holiday". It is not worth the trouble. Dump Capital One as your credit card. Discover card links there rewards up front. More on that later, to be tested. Capital One is more crooked business allowed by the Federal Reserve who will not hire this disabled veteran and former bank examiner. I and others outcast like myself are true American patriots. The federal government's financial system is throwing veterans out, especially astute criminal chasers.

So now on the blacklist of credit card companies and banks, we have Citibank who basically steals cash rewards and loses payments through their Universal AT&T card, and Washington Mutual Bank which double bills customers on check payments, and now, Capital One with their elusive Cash Rewards amounts that appear to be difficult if not impossible to redeem. It appears that the federal agencies regulating these banks and credit card companies have become corrupt, as I have seen where men are murdered in the fedreal agencies and labeled suicide, and I have seen syndicate bosses running banks and given bank charters by the FDIC, and I have seen syndicate operators as senior bank examiners for the FDIC, my past employer, where I was ordered by a court not to investigate their criminals any longer and to stay away from their properties. I was almost killed for reporting their corruption as a federal bank examiner and then I was forcibly injected and labeled insane and criminal by police agencies associated with the National Treasury Employees Union. That is a union we are going to severe from our American throats even if it kills us. I do not mind a war, but we must be careful in who we select to remove. Our enemies might not even be in the USA. Where is America's space program? It is not functional, and that is the first clue that we have lost the outer circle and is why our banks now have run amuck along with our thieving governments and corporations that are being robbed and sinking like a ramsacked flotilla. It is time to flush the government of the USA, even if it means the destruction of the United States. Prepare to be ripped off, prepare for war. Economic warfare is being waged against us.

I would love to go back to work as a federal bank examiner but I have been blacklisted and labeled insane and or criminal by the corrupt syndicates in power. As a passing comedy in the spirit of George Carlen, I do not have the qualifications (Craigslist Sweet Carolin ARD F-sized-DIC Masta joke of week. Erotic hood-time comedy. Spot the average American and watch the true fed hide their snouts in the pic.) One person said to me at a shopping center in Mill Valley, "Cash rewards thieves, We are knot!". Monty Python, I would love to him in an attack squadron on the way in for the kill. Here is Capitalones Financial Overview, thieves and conmen are ruining the United States. Withdraw your cash rewards from Capitalone. Take your profits back.

Foreword July 27, 2006:

Mobile Audit Club For Hire in Financial Districts, listed on Craigslist..Hunting Criminals With A CAM... Today ( Also note our enemies in power can bust vessels in your head, see Alabama Senator Michael Figures and Ralph Nader activist, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone just got a nose bleed and a headache). The Canadian union CUPE wants to boycott Israel for apartheid. I want to overthrow the regime in power in the Americas, in particular those closed door fascists in the USA, those who have built a prison state for the innocent, where we are forcibly injected and labeled criminal and insane when we point out likely murders labeled suicides of honest federal auditors, and when we point out obvious corruption. I was denied a trial by jury. I was put throught a holocaust in the USA. I would rather be killed than kept inside the borders of this wretched nation, the USA, the nation of negative capitalism, where dope dealers and casino money launderers are kings. I am an honest auditor and former federal bank examiner. The lieing criminal syndicates of the banking regulators and the corrupt dope dealing state of California had lies on Canadian documents and I, a former bank examiner who survived assassins for reporting what I had uncovered, murder and corrupt bank charter issuances, could not ease the post traumatic stress of the USA governments abuses. They would not let flee to Canada due to lies on the documents at the Canadian border. It is as if they are not human and they have lesser minds abuse us. The time has come to strike the throat. I Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, an honest ex bank examiner barred from federal employment and given a bad name by the criminal syndicates in power in the governments of the USA will be attempting to leave the USA once again, to what nation I am not going to mention, but if I am denied departure due to lies by the Federal and State officials in California or Federal government, I will want revenge in Sicilian form by going after the corrupt banks and agency heads mentioned on this site, and I encourage you to avoid government and corporate buildings when you are doing your bidding. If you know of others of their syndicates, then feast, feast my fellow soldiers of the true divine cloth. If we can not have positive capitalism, capitalism will become a full scale battlefied. If those criminal syndicates think the USA is a prison, let us have a full scale prison fight, with them. Hold me my brothers as I hold you. We are one and we are invincible if we help each other and if we should die, we will die American patriots. Damn the regime in power. They are not us. Do not trust any government agencies. Do not trust the constitution. If you even own a gun and if the federal and state syndicates like those in Alabama government are after you, you will be labeled a criiminal. Invest out of their control if you have anything left. They are robbing us of everything. See the Love Line 4 page for a start.&l 1749 t;/p>