LET'S MAKE A DISCO BALL 1. Make your disco glass tile (350 x 350). Learn how to HERE OR... 2 Open a new canvas, size 700 x 600 Dont worry we, will be cutting this down dramatically in just a few moments. 3. Flood fill your canvas with your disco glass fill. 4. Go up to the top of the screen now on click on EFFECTS > GEOMETRIC EFFECTS > WARP Use these settings as your guideline, but feel free to play and experiment too. Your image should look something like this now: OPTIONAL STEP ~ DO THIS ONLY IF NECESSARY 5. Go up to the top of your screen and this time, click on EFFECTS > SHARPEN > SHARPEN and repeat again.... if needed. Now your glass tiles sould be standing out a bit more. Be careful here, sharpening too much is as bad as not sharpening enough. If you are using one of my tiles, they are already sharpened, and you can probably skip this step. Use your own judgement :o) 6. Now we are going to make our ball. Click on your selection tool on your tool bar, In your tool palette, make your settings: 7. Now position your mouse in the center of your warp ball, and make a circle around it. Your image should look like this now. (It's hard to see, but I do have marching ants around my circle). 8. Go up again to the top of your screen again, leaving the marching ants in tact And, Click on LAYERS > New Raster Layer. 9. Now go up to EFFECTS > 3D EFFECTS > and click on CUTOUT, using the settings below. 10. WITH ANTS STILL MARCHING, Go up to LAYERS now, and click on MERGE > MERGE VISIBLE. 11. Next, go up again to the top of your screen, still leaving the marching ants in tact And, click on EDIT > COPY 12. Again, click on EDIT only this time choose > PASTE AS A NEW IMAGE. Now you should have your disco ball. At this point, you can brighten your colors a bit, by going to COLORS > ADJUST > BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST, sharpen again if needed, Add decoration, or continue to experiment with other plugin settings. The possibilities are endless. | Home Page | Backgrounds | Tubes | PSP 101 | | Gradients | Gallery | Frames | Meta Tag Generator | | Friends Tutorials | Masks | Please do not reproduce my tutorial in any way, PSP Groups are however, welcomed to share this tutorial with their membership by providing THE LINK BELOW (https://www.angelfire.com/zine2/designsbylaela/PSP101/TEXTURE/DISCOGLASS/discoball.html) Copyright © 2003-Designs by Laela. All rights reserved. |