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Brief History

     The year 1577 marked the foundation of the town of Lucban. Lucban derived its name from Lucban or Pomelo tree. Three hunters from Majayjay, Laguna, namely: Luis Gamba, Marcos Tigla and Lucas Manawe, came upon a plain at the northeastern foot of Mountain Banahaw after they had lost their way following the trail of some wild animals. While resting under a tree, they saw a balck bird name "uwak" or crow up on the tree top. Believing this to be a bad omen, they immediately transferred to another place and rested once more. This time, under the shades of a bad omen, they immediately transferred to another place and rested once more. This time, under the shades of a large, leafy pomelo or lucban tree. The trio were attracted by a couple of kingfishers singing at the top of the tree. Fascinated by the rhythmic chirps of the multi-colored birds, the three superstitious hunters took the incident as a sign of good fortune and decided finally to settle in the place naming it LUCBAN.

     The people of Lucban accepted the story as true. Marcos Tigla was the first governadorsillo of the town in the year 1596. Luis Gumba succeeded him the next year and Lucas Manawe later took the responsibility for four years. Apolinario de la Cruz (1815-1841), a national hero, who is more popularity known as Hermano Pule and founder of the Cofradia de San Jose, was born in Sitio Pandak, Brgy. Nalunao, Lucban.


              Lucban is one of the richest agricultural municipalities in the province              of Quezon. It is above 26 kilometers from Lucena, the Provincial
            Capitol of the city and is located 163  kilometers southwest of Metro              Manila. The municipality is at the foot of the active Mt. Banahaw. It is              bounded on the north by Luisiana, Laguna, on the east by
            Sampaloc, Quezon and in the southwest by Tayabas, Quezon. It has a              population of about 25,826 and an area of 6,930