Normally Unseen Weapons.


The following information is based on my MSN Messenger Chat room RPG Characters. Do mistake any of the following as being reality.


1. Lt. Nagi. STAT Officer's Weapon.
2. Naginatak. Mirkwood Army Commander's Weapons.


1. First Lieutenant Nagi Genki of STAT.:

A modified and hand build to specs ArmaLite AR-10A2, this weapon fires 7.62x51mm ammunition. The heavier round gives more power and longer range. A barrel cage within the forearm ensures no loss of accuracy, as there is nothing directly touching the barrel. Capable of being equipped with a Vertical grip, Vertical grip Laser guider combination, Sound Suppressor, forward extending bipod, fore power day scope and or fore power second-generation night scope. The rifle fires 750 RPMs.

2. Naginatak. Mirkwood Army Commander:

Arato Cala
This is Nagi's personal dagger. He created it for himself and used a simple Elven incantation to make the Amethyst glow purple to when Orcs are in the area. It's also adorned with much silver on the sheath.

Gaya Makla
A weapon from left over from the war against Morgoth. When ancient demons stalked the earth, before the evils of the Ringers of power. In those times, the Black Númenóreans were a united force, engaging in battles 'gainst Gondor, raging with furry the likes of which today's world would quake in fear of. This weapon had several brothers like it self. The most powerful of Black Númenóreans wore it during the Second Age. Adorned with many of the magicks of the rings of power, yet not intended to craft evil but to wage war. These weapons, called Patah gauntlets, were wielded with a terrible blood lust. The weapon itself craves the fire of battle and will guide its users movements to strike down foes. A warrior not worth his salt would be all but controlled by the Patah, whilst a great warrior, would laugh at his enemies as he struck them down wontedly. One, who would wield this weapon, is fierce as any warrior alive; one who would stand on the other end of it is advised to make peace with his maker.

The Elves called this weapon "váquet- morë hyanda" meaning Forbidden Black Sword. The blade itself of the weapon is mostly black, said to have been made of indestructible meteoric metals. All ancient races have been exposed to these weapons. It is believed by a small group of Wizard historians that only two of these Patah gauntlets exist to this day. While one is in safe hands, the other's whereabouts are uncertain. There is no record of it being destroyed - or collected. The one to which is known, was gifted to a Ranger who ventured through Noldorian territories while tracking a fiend he was contracted to kill. After the display of fearlessness, they presented that Ranger with his gift.