Secrets of Naginatak


The following information is based on my MSN Messenger Chat room RPG Characters. Do mistake any of the following as being reality.

Also, a Typist/mun should only view this information if given permission. Characters without propor storyline who contain any of the information seen here - will be ignored. This information is OOC until given propor storyline or reason that a character should be privy to it.


These are the secrets of Naginatak. Born on January 22, 3227 of the second age. He is now 3,231 years old. Born of a Noldorian man and Numenorean Mother he lived in Pelargir to the age of 35. After Sauron took control, most of the Numenoreans began following Saurons and became corrupted. Not being affected by Saurons treachery, Nagi resisted. For his resistance, Sauron had his mother and Father slain. A curse was put on Nagi, to be some kind of Wraith. When angered the curse burns bright red across and down his backside. Glowing with an aerie illumination. Written upon his flesh in Quenya. There is no precise word in Quenya that describes exactly what Nagi is.

He is very similar to the wring wraiths that Sauron had also crafted, neither living nor dead. Yet Nagi is not simply a dark ghost in black robes. He is whole in form and, accept for what he has gone through the many years, sound of mind. The wizard who took Nagi in and essentially helped him cope with the world translated the Curse as best as could be done. The closest translation from Quenya to describe the creature Nagi is, would be a Westron word. "Demon." Nagi spent many years wondering in hopelessness. Denied the gift of Mortality, cursed with immortality beyond that of Elves. He has only his pain, Intelligence, Philosophy and Logic to guide him. His heart died long ago with the slaying of all he loved.

It's due to his ponderous existence that he has chosen to disguise and obfuscate himself. Claiming that he was half Dwarf and half Elf. The combination would make for a Human appearance, and would account for his stature. So this conclusion is unquestioned. His life story is also mostly a masquerade, designed to make it more easily for Nagi to go where he need go, with as little contestation as possible. It's true, his parents were killed, and he was taken in by a wizard - but not raised by him. He did spend many many years as a Ranger - but was never in the service of Mordor. He did however, dwell in Mordor attempting to gain information that could lead him to his goal.

Nagi has one hope to cling to, one last chance for freedom. If Nagi is able to bring about the true end of Saurons power, the curse may be lifted - and then Nagi may die. Eternal rest is what he craves more than anything. Until the day Sauron is ultimately without power in this world, or until the world ends. Nagi will have no peace, no rest. He will know only the pain of living.

Curse of Naginatak:
i tië sina ohtatyaro vanta ná paca mi i loico o cotumo. sina ohtatyaro vá harya-; serin. sina ná minë man *selma lala- ar qualmë, afv tirin i cuilë falqua or. sina ohtatyaro *selma harya-; i úr neuro mas lá nólë. lúmë *selma falqua, lië *selma fir-, afv sina minë *selma nyérë sina minë ohtatyaro *selma urya- ve i rauko!