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Here are two sets of links.

Reciprocal Links

GateWay S-F: One of the brightest new stars on the ezine horizon
Preditors & Editors
Links to works of Michael Jasper
Splattered Ink
Michael LaRocca's Books Online Directory
Ackley Books and Collectibles
The SF Site
Anotherealm: A paragon among ezines
Funds For Writers: An extremely useful resource
Writer's Bazaar at Bella Online
Lazette's Web Page
Lazette's Journal
Ralan's Webstravaganza - Writers' Market Listing
Paul Emond's Info Page
Tim Cooper's Page
Paula's Picks
Apryl Duncan's FictionAddiction.NET
Emerald City: A lively site dedicated to SF and fantasy
Absurdism - A non-paying ezine
Frank Wu's webpage: One of the best spec fic artists around
Lynne Pembroke: Analyst & Reader of Scripts/Screen Plays
Meet kids from the future
Ansible - The most entertaining fanzine there is
Writer and Artist A.R. Yngve's webpage

Comparative Religion
