Name: Matthew Fox
Nickname: Foxy
Born on: July 14, 1966
Born in:: Philadelphia
Home-town: Crowheart, Wyoming, USA
Currently Resides: Oahu, Hawaii
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'2" (1.88 m)
Sports: basketball, surfing, running, cycling
Favorite Team: Philadelphia Eagles
Hobbies: Photography, fly fishing, flying glider planes, horseback riding, rebuilding cars, horse racing, snorkels, mountain climbing
Music: Green Day, Modest Mouse, Decemberists, The Ponys, Juleitte and the Licks, Wolf Parade. "I like finding music that's not in the mainstream."
Vehicles: "I'm a classic-car nut. I didn't have to do a lot to my 1967 Mustang but I've spent five years restoring a 1950 Mercury coupe."
Favorite Accent: Italian
Cowboy boots or flip-flops? "Cowboys boots. I have three or four pairs and wear them often. Even in Hawaii. There's nothing worse than getting into a fight with no shoes on."
Favorite Casino Game "I love craps. I always stay at the Hard Rock in Vegas. I play cards too, but only to rest from standing at the craps table."
Photography: "It started as a hobby when I was shooting Party of Five. I have a tendency to get really wrapped up in the acting so taking pictures is a nice little breather. And then I started having children, and they're the greatest subjects ever. I love taking pictures of my kids".
Bombshell or Brain: "Brain, That's what's going to challenge you, make you grow, expand your view on the world, and keep you on your toes."
Sexiest Material: "Flannel pajamas on a woman"
Dressed to Thrill: "I have a thing for tennis outfits. My wife plays in those one-piece short things, and its a turn-on every time"
First thing in the morning or last thing at night: "Both, though first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day. Sex is an energizing event for me, not a depleting one. I feel like getting up and running around"
Favorite Shirt:
→ Matthew was a year old when his family moved to west (Wyoming).
→ He was raised on a 120-arce ranch where his parents raised longhorn cattle and horses and grew barley for Coors beer.
→ He has been horseback riding since he was six yers old. 
→ Fox and his two brothers spent their summer irrigating fields, collecting eggs from the chicken coop and milking the cows.
→ "I was a big-time farm boy. It was great. I'm really close to my brothers because of it. We didn't live close enough to anybody (else, so) I hung out with my brothers." -- Matthew Fox
→ "I've been a Green Day fan since they released [1994's] Dookie. I saw some of their videos on MTV and was totally blown away. A few years later, I met [frontman] Billie Joe Armstrong's wife when she visited the set of Party of Five, a TV show I was on. It was then that I started going to some Green Day shows, and they're just unbelieveable -- you can always find me in the mosh pit! Billie Joe and I are good friends now, so I've gone on tour with them and seen at least 20 of their shows. They come out and deliver a mind-blowing show every single night. They were doing that even when some people had written them off. They made some amazing albums that people missed, like [2000's] Warning, but they stayed true to themselves when the public lost a bit of interest in them. They're still staying true to themselves now that they're the biggest band in the world. They completely deserve this success, and I'm incredibly proud of them." -- Matthew Fox, 2005

→ Matthew owned a pet iguana named Stevie, after the late guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan.
→ He can play the guitar.
→ As often as he can, Matthew starts his day with a six-mile run along the water from his house in Kailua to Kaneohe. On other days, he hops on this Trek road bike and cruises up the Kamehameha Highway to Kualoa Ranch.
→ Fox bought 95 acres of ranch-land not far from Crowheart that has a river and small landing strip.
→ On his fame today: "Last night, four of us -- Jorge, Dom, Evie, and I -- went bowling. We had a great time. People kept wanting to take pictures of us, nonstop. [Such attention] would have freaked me out years ago." -- Matthew Fox, 2004
“There are sort of invasion-of-privacy things that first catch you off guard and that is tricky. When it starts happening, you’re like, ‘Wow, I can’t believe people are paying attention to me buying a cup of coffee’. That’s really amazing. But, then, you know what? This (attention) is the product of the fact that I’m working on the coolest show on the planet right now and it’s great and you sort of accept that,” he observes.
Does it get to be a bit too much at times?
"It does get a little disappointing – more in the way people behave," he admits.
“You know, I love people and I love people that are watching something that I believe in and put so much of my energy and passion into – (but when) somebody sort of, like, wakes you up in first class and doesn’t say anything to you and sticks a pen and a piece of paper in your face and expects you to sign an autograph, I wish they would approach that a little differently.”
-Excerpt from an article
→ “After Party of Five, I got involved in a theatre company and I was doing plays in front of, sometimes, eight-person audiences for a year-and-a-half. It was a tremendous experience and I worked with and collaborated with some incredibly talented people.” -- Matthew Fox
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