David started '68 with lots and lots of mime. He mimed on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of January at Rose Hill. He may have mimed at other times in between. He most certainly mimed after. He mimed for breakfast, he mimed for tea, he mimed on a bus, he mimed with guys called Gus, he mimed right up the hill, he mimed on Pitt's window sill.

Then he fell in love, while miming. Her name was Hermoine Farthingale, and she must have been one hell of a mime fan.

They appeared together in a BBC2 TV costume drama called 'The Pistol Shot', dancing a minuet. They moved in to moderately sized tea chest with an overgrown garden. Then it was back to miming. Lots and lots of miming.

He appeared at the Mercury Theatre in March, and mimed his little heart out. Never before in the field of human miming has so much mime been done by one mime.

He came up with a wacky idea, why not support Marc Bolan with 20 minutes of mime? On June the 3rd he found out the reasons why not, and barely escaped with his life.

David's mother - 'He was obsessed with mime, he was no longer a man, he had become completely mime, he no longer ate or slept, just mime. Mime all the time. All the time mime.'

Things were going downhill. He formed a mime troupe of his own with other mime addicts. If that wasn't bad enough, he called it Feathers. He forced Hermoine into it, along with bass player John Hutchinson.

To feed his mime habit, David would often frequent The Arts Lab in Drury Lane. The lab featured experimental music, drama, films, had an art gallery, and most important to David, a steady supply of precious mime.

Feathers never became the world famous, earth changing force to be reckoned with David hoped for, but he sure liked The Arts Lab. Much to the concern of the police, Arts Labs had been popping up all across the country, pushing mime on unsuspecting schoolchildren. David had decided to start one of his own.

Ken Pitt had an idea for a documentary, "Death by Mime". He grabbed a copy of 'Love You Till Tuesday' out of the trash and actually invested 7000 pounds in the project. It would consist of David and Feathers miming to songs from the album. He also persuaded David to write some new material for it.

David stopped miming long enough to watch 2001 : A Space Odyssey. The same afternoon he wrote Space Oddity. A song about a man so far gone on mime that he loses contact with all around him. A song that would surely hit a nerve among all the mimes out there.

Pitt recognized that David had actually written a good song, he put the film together, and called it 'Love You Till Tuesday' to cloud the whole mime issue.

BBC TV Weekly - Left a bitter arty aftertaste.

David kept on miming furiously, he did the Country Club in Hampstead on November 17th with Feathers. The last straw for Hermoine came on December 6th when David overdosed on mime. She left him, scarred for life by the darker side of human existence.

David moved back in with Ken Pitt. But he still eyes opening up one of those Arts Labs in Bromley. He was still hooked on mime.

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