"And this years winner of the Brit Awards Best Male Artist is...David Bowie!", the audience in London went wild with applause, then waited, and waited. No David. He'd gone off again, into his cellar all shy-like.

Attempts were made to coax him out with offers such as a role in the upcoming '1984' film alongside John Hurt and Richard Burton, and a role as a villian in the next James Bond movie. But Bowie was proving to be a tough nut to dislodge.

He did crawl out at night, slinking off to the studio, first in Montreux at the Mountain Studios, and then later at Marin Heights near Toronto. Word had it he was working on something speical. Seen nearby were co-producers Derek Bramble (ex Heatwave member) and Hugh Padgham (just some bozo). Iggy Pop was also about the place letting it all hang out. Bowie recalls recording his 19th album :

'I got to the studio, and only then did I realise, I didn't have shit to record. I'd been spending all my time playing in my money and cutting up my lino. So I thought, "What the hell", I put down some covers and made up some crap on the spot. "That'll keep the SOBs happy" I thought. Don't print that last part ok?'

In May Decca couldn't wait any longer, they just had to do it. They released 'Love You Till Tuesday'. Again. Some old tracks were added, others were thrown out. Again. Fans began to picket the Decca offices with signs such as "Enough Already" and "The only one I don't have is Ching-A-Ling, you expect me to pay $12 for Ching-A-Ling??".

All that fuss got Bowie's juices going again. 'What we need is a 22 minute film clip for a three minute song.' He announced and called Julien Temple to direct. The result would be 'Jazzin for Blue Jean' and would be used to promote his forthcoming single recorded earlier in the year.

In 'Jazzin for Blue Jean' Bowie would take on two roles. That of nutcase Screaming Lord Byron, and that of nutcase Vic. A typical study of nutcase finds girl, nutcase loses girl to even bigger nutcase who has lots of money and fame. Stuck in there somewhere was the song 'Blue Jean' for some reason.

The film premiered on September 21st as support to the film, 'The Company of Wolfs'

Werewolf Film Weekly - What the?

Blue Jean Weekly - My favourite part was when he did that thing!

Then came the single, and the album. 'Tonight'.

New Musical Express - I predict ladies and gentlemen, that in 15-20 years from now, people will be complaining bitterly about this album on a network of interconnected computers around the world.

Music Today - When I listened to this album my period started, which I consider to be a bad omen

The album went to number 1 before David could stop it. So he went back to his basement in Switzerland to furiously carve out his frustrations in wood, make some lino cuts and paint.

EMI released the 'Tonight' single in November. Along with 'Tumble and Twirl' as the b-side. 'Tonight' was a song about a demented madman who instead of saving his dying love, decides to torment her with an Iggy Pop cover song.

On December 28th Terry decided to attempt suicide. He lay down across the railway track near Coulsdon South station but changed his mind at the last minute. He was injured in this attempt. It was life number 8 for poor Terry, who was living on borrowed time.

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