At the very start of the new decade David was wondering if it might be time to release more stuff he'd already done before and make more cash. Such a thing is called a 'Retrospective Collection'. He shook his magic eight ball furiously and it came up "Cannot tell at this time" so he cursed the ball and did it anyway.

It would have been called 'Silence and Nothing' if Melissa hadn't stepped in and given him a good slap. After a few such slaps he changed his opinion to 'Sound and Vision'. It included 18 previous LP's (in record, cassette and CD form). Included with box sets was a certificate spat on by Bowie. Some people wondered if maybe he should pay more respect to his fans.

At the Rainbow Theatre in London on January 23rd a press conference was held to announce a six month world tour. 110 concerts in 15 countries. The press interjected, 'But You're An Old Man!', to which Bowie replied 'Cram it! Shitheads!'. The conference went quite well.

On February 21st Sound and Vision wins a Grammy Award. David leaps out of his chair in joy. When he enquired as to which award it was, he was told "Best Repackaging Concept". Bowie expressed confusion as to what the hell type of award this was, had they invented it because they felt sorry for him? He ran out of the building in tears.

The 'Sound and Vision' tour opened in Quebec on March 4th. 'These are what I consider to be my greatest songs", he announced to the crowd, 'and after tonight I'll never play them again'. The crowd booed their approval.

David was also in the act of promoting 'Changesbowie', which included a remixed version of Fame, imaginatively titled Fame '90. So now everyone would buy 'Changesbowie' because they just had to have 'Fame '90' or else they would simply die without knowing how it felt to own it. Many did. Many many did.

David played much larger arenas during his Sound and Vision tour, some stadiums holding up to 60,000 people. So it can only be assumed there was not as much feeling or groping going on as there was during his Tin Machine concerts.

By May Angie was back in the news, claiming that she caught Bowie and Mick Jagger in bed together checking each others cavities. They both denied this, but they were winking and crossing their fingers while denying. Angie then told the press that Bowie had murdered her.

Milton Keynes Bowl on August 4th and 5th marked Bowie's return to Britain in concert mode. Which is much better than kill mode, or attack mode. Many people returned and gave him the money they had saved since they last saw him.

On August 27th Stevie Ray Vaughan was killed in a helicopter crash along with Eric Clapton's agent, bodyguard and tour manager. Bowie survived the crash however, being nowhere near where it all took place. When asked for comment Bowie was reported to have said 'Stevie who?'. Apparently when David said he would forget about the Eighties he was talking about a drug-related medical condition and not being metaphorical.

The concert wound down to South America in September. In an historical occasion Bowie performed in Buenos Aires, in front of an audience of 100,000 people. The first British artist to do so (visit Argentina) since the Falklands War. Bowie also became the first artist to maim Argentinians since the Falklands War when he attacked some fans for 'looking at me funny'.

It was only at the end of September that Bowie decided his relationship with Melissa Hurley had to end. She had refused to change her name to Changeshurley and that hurt David deeply. He still cared enough though, to call a taxi, lend her $10 and pop into the toilets for a quickie. 'Ours was a love born once every million years', he would relate later.

Two weeks later Bowie met Iman. He was between ending the Sound and Vision tour and starting a new film project. Bowie says of Iman, 'Ours is a love born once every million years'. Iman talks about meeting Bowie :

'This jerk comes to eat at our table, it was a private dinner party, he says to me, "You've got bigguns, show me your bigguns", I says to him, "What??", he says to me, "I like black girls, show me your bigguns", I says to him "Are you rich?", he says to me, "You see that mountain out the window? That's my pile", so I shows him my bigguns.'

Iman, then 34, was born in Somalia. Her family name is Abdulmajid, so she might be a terrorist. She married first at 16, studied economics and political science at Nairobi University, married at 19, posed for Philip Beard who noticed her on the street, married at 23, became a model in TV commercials and magazines, married at 25 to basketball star Spencer Heywood, got a flat in New York, started earning $700,000 a year, got married at 27, had a daughter, then met Bowie, who was immediately attracted by her "bigguns".

Says Bowie, 'It was love at first sight, two nicely rounded, luscious, ripe, melons'.

Bowie had to forget about melons for a little while though. From November to December he would be filming 'The Linguini Incident' with Rosanna Arquette. Bowie would play an immigrant bartender who gets mixed up in stuff and does some things. 'Bigger than Star Wars', was one of the quotes being thrown around the place.

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